My li. IM3 AIt4>-MECH fill—I loliaMa fWU. R. C. j] J niFF, ma J waldr br ftod tor 9» piummel of R C., wiiar tbe dUvodoD ct Ow Special . vena* it ^ Camp Nevapaper Boroioo to All ■■toitol to paaaat tm to* Public TtotoginB OCtlM. AH pbotograptaa. miam utotorvtoe oaMrto. art Aimj Atr Force* |toBto> tw^. Wqw *ppMrtoc to Ihto papor to lor fWM letoM* pia^iIttA OOL. DONALD B. aOTB. MAJOR J. B. M0BIC %MIM falu* OOw D. F. Dr*no CtoL Joe Botom M/Rrt Blehaid B. Ibto OpL Piftor INi*d Q^. OMVie Dw Protett Tmar MOUino PrioSeaeJ Th* Air-O-lfech do«w't Ute tc (or to SeMiw* a S«t- Mir Joknoa "roa'd iMttar Bot dn tU* olNr oH. SoUaa geaiMly taM lAChaied ^otojii Jvy nen-ooMB and oaouBaadiag' clficArs. Ro««to«b is tids wA'ito ptoettoonr tooHpaBtoi lo toy ppMiifcrAg tW abuM ol th« iitoa acdl piiyilaga. A II MTAltog Ins bMto i»uwl tbot Uce of oridTtoiriBg boo si^ lor fritoodi ood rokitioo* to art ■togipod.** thtoa tbo pririlego of tooo totoft totoy bo tobon ow^.; Tbrt'o to portly ■oriato* rtotonatot riiHhaoiiriia II to Art uro OBrttort mi orofl oe»rtcat. Frto rtrtl aoiMa c Irt to |0M uBid to too. IboBofoM furt oa to laatitodot wo thoogirt tl artgtfl bo won to eefi a tow facto to yotor tottontioa. "Ao Poet Olfioo I>o- part—t boo ndod Art tlw boo Mdl pd^itogo to o^UooUo • ooly to poBwaifil tottor mA to its asiicd ood gatoaartly toO> coptod ioroi. ioclaAag loaoagoa eo poat catds« soad by Ao t oi iho onood Idiobo. Tbs petoitogs dess art CRply to cwiai%ioatoucB fm wieoa or oAor tolrtiwao aor to oaiy, mrttar osai to Ao parawioil of Ao aifilary or aoeol iutooa by poasoao wbo obo art ■ambora of Boeb toaoBB.** Boys Ao woodog toanod Ato wsoba- BHooflAor edao Art Ao oomb of Ao soodor. bto goodo or irtSag. Ao dartgoritina of Ao oexoico to wbich bo beloagB^ tmd Ao wood'^ioo.** wart bo to tbo badwftttog ol Ao Bend- BB. AMoag itono oocoptufato bss of poofogo coo: LbHob Art OTO. jioroflud. to cotottooB, biaadt. otc« to- dodiag Y Bail; to oaoDcarttoais, bras, or ooepoarttoaB, to>; ctodtog taaorttnionBo; doboory, pioiddod Ae too tor; patrol duty. artAn Aeotti. defenod marriages, bertrtaoa — aB par* of a world gae beioeck. WhaCB for sure? Ortp what haa alwaya been. Fixed artocto*— based m God’s revealsi toorttoga. Men's aorta are now nre-trled. Orty tbe btmo* daaairvs «h* oeer aim. Win ft be CMsCB er Sataa'at Mere than ever, we n«*t a to the iiaal Mbs rt Stol AgoTodar toasBaYWId A 190 Ibe rtndal camp newspaper was atm without a name as the eontest Judges tore toelr hair trying to slnrte out the most ap- ARMY Sidelights Durbaun, N. C., MSocwell ABderson, piurwitotos rtf « tort to too vGlI to eaa Ms osB. iwxy, a AM atodaot. Tte TMIh T.6.8. presented their variety show. ^BaniNfei Nightmare” which went ower with a bang. The 711st was going jreot aao in the Field hniitotoeft liatwiy. Qartemmster asoouBsed fia. PUots to too Axay ftto VtaoeB flew If art a MMa srtl a xnUea wSOdo the etoBtoortal A ot the AAna Saslea tetog the fitot wtoa mortto e( M . eqal to fT.Mi Irtoo aewai ociU «r V M Twad toto* to Ae ftBNpaaal to i too annad Toiwea or morchaMt ana- rlM a BiInbmBn bcoBS ot $1M altar toe ar for each year to tbe 'se was Introduced recently by Baldwin (Rep.), a veteran of 1 Wot I. It was estimated toe cost to the government -wooU total amiroximately three Tlo WAAO hM wSSb «? M 1— to ****^ ■M^Sr ta3Si!7*S> j»»k mWMi to €»rrr uw €*a4.Ha Mr kMM ai^ Mra «M»y »» —« 4m tat hivr Mk piiMt a toUcoptai Ttator Corn bM «ampleted u.xw.. ~.-i—V. r iw« —— — MM—k rta ta inar —A —1— r—» —'— =[|-‘rii 1 *-"— ■T'k Mi itatatataiimj ptrtata. f . ■—1m ■— f ■ AsUmw h*Tl sny- Ta menj At one station otereeas, 111 man, fonrtag aly as laKadaanrt la^tore; pacionrt wlilaaB. toor-iiQ osiBa, y*« siito at 1miiialYMr«MiB«ive ot orttotad mm In choadiM, and otbor Items thot generally would not oosae are nartnr suw^ rtto MraMjaBB ataflUn. when aahrt, •tebal tbo ^ tetter aoU. ItStomNe^ A oAar woids, SoMtor, Uocle Sgm is giiteg ydu a paiF-tun islanAs by asklas them howl ilogo «d MW you taow protty wen fort wbot you com tmd-toey would Mo to mi to^ tostoUg tont”^ Mm to hear aM ooB't do wiA It Aod ii'a a pwtty ImportMt »d wrtcaBseJ ^ a,rtaa >fter rtmh. The Staaduds IfanaiB Oaoe are toe wtM twenties, the tentoto ttorttos. Behold here a rW — toe ir^tfrt lertles. mA AjAewt Iteo can say? U le. a new eeder la form- tog hamly- dwoeVa to rbaaglnc aiwjahm. caught to the ao^ storm ef total war are etowri- enced oldstem tort raw yemurters i^e. Total taaaWfwi, pata^ ra- adopt as *toat, ditok,aDd be awaiy tomsuBu “■ "■“ '“*■— — todear 4b rtBotatp. tor Bh nrtr yawBB jnet heywrt ton oart traoB awvaBMBA. la war WB aato b* to Oad*a graet cb»> stoarty- **Aiva9B totftf^ flto Brt aabr tdarlafB bst al Ctotottosa da- Relgious Snirice _ Ctotort Na. t Gsttwlie Bardeea: Ifaa rtdO. IMS. ISM MU. shoot their frienda i fOMC la top dweew ^Mya goto ea ton atoito anal Bad toto rt>» * isrtto weed rt a gieeit titoagto. toellmar ahart toe haww toua BOWS ia too heat rt acwo, aec»i4>>tet toe latort goaoto to I tog to tom, totob rt lhavea. iwtot'B 1 *— ilBv# gMv^APrtatw mfs r i 1 'I paadi upoa «r—d oi ta dc.' !!• Im* > Ubaitr ■t«n»l— it Ik lit* hMdb «l «■» ta*®" ” OVm tk» Aimt htoehuf* cri A' " to’B Clu'rttoB Uaaaas to BiaM BawtoB Ul I ftabbath Scrvlaes TtUay fill II Ito. 4 A Good Idea ■kouid coMOBMAid ..nk W tw«B id»o 1h«T ta«ni9nrd*d «ki» pM M«k m iiiictBn I* Good CoMtat IMcdk Or* Mrdica litad Ur» —t rrita> tira atgokikBtiak tluil rrara urroidad lira Good CondhiA Madad ori thM ata a aluat lallBT to wiia m paiardi af Oom It'a kcod oU tha rruy ararmA 1W faUa back jitol Oi lo^ of thed Good Oondacl Madcd oa thar mvM ha oi ta Paqaia Baoit. A arrma that lohaaT i> ia thora pticA- img tod rtoiag hia baot. ond-lfeat'a oU (mi tt gan hntliK tW ttud. paapla •* hi— ' -Mil aa iha toaa'a faaot jUtoihag ar dba Hd with oU tta ir« jdm, wta be —a to . . . good coadoct atwtoL ThaT «»• saias >• M Om ii ia (knag hra pta, thaa thta ia aotaa aa— ia tightoaiag holhi aa tha MU irrwTiarit wonta ol tadioaiag^ toad _ ia lha futoa. WttoTa mora. it luakai Ittam atad to do thair '^So dm Madto a idwt ia prartr good. .P.yr* boort rmd a mohaa tha lotta at h—praad «i total md iha had that ha to do—OK mrta it aador fat tha iolka. A tattot ———iT fad •** GodB Condaet IfcW boa b— omtadtoJta^^Md,^—rfgaodj aS!a^tor'dl I danctaaattti to iaifaw.