Hoo-Com School nan and Obib ■•♦iMieata. £Ju;ept (or ttw jafcieciM of thi» Hafrmw 1b It- sett, the Bits «1B >4 netkod «i l« _ . _ _ ‘fin coBraa wiB Inetade M dpon at LBiiiwrluB uam at the mte «0 flw Bom par weak far tta first M weeks ead Ike tenekider at iSa ttma ta ba Olah^wfeil ewer a pcrtod af M waafts. Wtoatp^nva bom wIB be Biimair traMav. H boara wlD be afadnlaliallni tralik> IBB and M bavs wfB ba pbfsieal traniaa. Official U that it bas^ annp cal kraliiidi to bapawaa pb^fcal cwiMtlga aad to toetoda aton and ebtlectivaa aMl laHbnda ol toaSrac- tloB Of toe pbpalcal fltoeaa pro- tirm." 'ne foTowiae cemae aria be ea>weral: dose order drto aad Mr la. 1*43 (/Jhedcka, JOtau, Wounded Bet I dc aaritlce; btoto to drlB to- stractoea; anifactoa^ anna aad equipmaBt; __ _ abf lafl IdeatUtoailSB: Talma ty tow; wtt- bary MtoiatlM. fint aid aM bqp- Pliat toiar of Bia te arlaatotiwk. w«m aa aC the pBBpoaaa el ac^atoalitok ad toa pi tatnwfarflaa a( tte Tbe 1 Qto Hero fiertoeai' JobnecB FMd tbb aaek were aUaytac southeea Mand dtlBkea dteexs aa a rcauB of belnr top men at tnspeetioBa The Ols were feted and fed at toe Batwfta Ctab Cafeteria, and dsawcd appreetotlrelf and toatciUf an Mm cbiefeeB, Keaeb Botatoes, ecdestow aad iee OlotoalTy, toay were staled re base ataaks. bat Ae to tbe meet escr “tost, as Uc wtto tor soldlsra.* aceardtog to toe best- Tba dlnacta were btod wi dtf- waek. aad wotoer gro^ m to waa achedukd to aa£ cbtofeae to- Poets In Medic* Btotmom Forth 1.0, cri-kraM OK (ova Mir by laaiijtog Barry tomra, tnan- pet tooting fdat of toe ^tterbugs. herself Inctodad.. ■-Ocb. Tlarahw*- er has clamped dowa tm toe aaaa- ber of correepewdaoto omd^mA to; the North Afrlcaa war toeatre. h] number of scrtoea Cnaa lea s e r 1 newspapers and magadBes ars being tototoffi ItoA to tow Itobed fltotoa.. . OaL itott X. Wine, tor 4L; years the mMi hfibiad toe San- lacky. Darby eatobraiad bto Ctod Wrtoday dda past week. CbL Wlm la leutbig after bia auaceas- ful TAwiin pields msettog im csaagtotad at Hawtoorae aad la tafclH a saratbm to tbe tost. . . Nive drab baTstogr^ — Ha sure .wktie bataligai fee oar snanded; they make toe gwab a torgaL Aft er this ottse drab wffi be aaad; dtffhnA yi’obfcui af giiltliig a dye that wiS cause no aBngy or to feeUcn has basa selaeto .. XbUdesa _ ...M—• to toe Kennedy, daughter of former Aai- veterans AdmiafstratimL Too wW-bassador Jaecpb ; tom mae tarn dlllsictoi peUclea.! Katocrlse Spaati. wbase tatter to eadi of tS^oeo, with two autbon-iUeaL Cea. carl Spaata. iminaM- er or the AUlcd air form ill narto- : SMSt Africa, are to Iinndon dlah- | TaiiBrsia r toff, “nit doatfjwda cages aa i la^i --- — .w can bar now — toe ewiy oew risaa wan a gw* sswj « om .mh hn.i, “*“*’«■**•*' bJ - O - li«k «p«i« „k«l- wnt.|tost week ctoto^ toe ftcal cnftayit>^y MM ~ AtewM Diana credftod to toe Amariem »trered. 'We dmt bare ttoae to uaSw^Maml i mBiIri — and Lt. Affa WMbawt.baug^t[wiaaaa ggasiraa no one need tell yoa i iiiidlfliwrt.down ^a^ gbAe j to^l ^ KeyaMaa aiate begr mlsaes MB*! "BMal'* BOW. ^ bto masiwu. “WhiB I left awna Aa toa toearad. yoa may toe fMd to . . UautDoaffim of mar baddies back toera. it was toe several Vaae- tiA a tomite acy-;iBatn&ke totong aa arm n a leg. ^ toeae daya-.I wwat wwagiA tat W whad hsea tocetom for kwi a tws jyd aulM ao jS « •nivdto tom3toe o# SergeaBt DoroabnMy apaal a IS tbe extra mortalflty caida h • * * by toe ilktorlBS. matrbtotf toey- are toma ttm Mlowb^ tokalthaas to toa bmdiat paitobto ' - w. a baB-bcatom or w. a ‘ »»*■ ot luiffiitoi of Tbite raabed from toeir bomaa toto to* toraetft last week wtoa s s I r e n g day tortoodk heme before eoadag dam bm*. *T Jmf aad stoto tny aaatoar maal ad toe Bma X Jest Uked to smeU food being wsbsklt ■■"kfltoa — M fto Aagtli' rsaaea why yoa i „ r!fJ?*J!SiL'*S!'_Jhsre toa matlAwa to $».«W — | the bemeflti are paid in the fstaa j (years In MO eeaaf monthly I BatonBTito to rnMlm aacto Cl.« —t m sraer tow pgpwMds *. he made to toe torm off A trtotae t 8» toe stobac to toe ghto to bhaki naw to ckaaged touae toat eC A aaafltory le a ngabtr. mad Omlf Four More Rendx To Go ^^“kctoae Mkto tar tor Mdtoaa. S ordtoac ** K toaaU dte taatoaa toato« la- era. re are widtog to give ptEtoae ■'TjJi'Sr ^ *^£lJlTlTiLt mSL Sto S[ dto glae same setoto to helptog oar boya i —————— *“ ““I 5Wdfer AUrnttmemU pwr. wAiatB. Haneiu. f if« ffm /■ ttofc Mbd, DtpA B S tot. dEtotoe) tonOor bmga . . B«f jack Ctot tost meto& sad wfro wUbes to I am ML a IMgl- ' a slag dmac. to to We are Ibr ysB Blt^ so kcag ap tbe good woEk. “ “ Ifar —jed dew 9 of one cyw. tod be MB sraato auBB aad yea east beep a gpad tewed to toe fit ag.eadhi to hard wM bto toeee to idmCy ■« . aad exBletai^d. Ito aB wtok rr^St he took a ten. hooked. _ _ _ lota at toek B dtot Bsmeto Cbtoi to DBTTaaik sawBk bwewa m toa ^TVitog ^di totosetor,* haaya tok-ttaa teg ito a iiiitoto Cmptna r ^ *“ SMtatoc. toereh sotew to be hTSmI. TMt.nmn;) Okcidl'mcnc.. rtolma to be toe Lt Lee Oanteiei. who to toohaeoa of DcfcBoe Baada, gcta to Dwm Mh Ato aad maata aver to the flcl- Aimaai Midi to tool to leagy a tower at k waa Wd to am be waa a bate Aeamir In cfrgtoa Me hat mw to Inga have ~ t OX hair dram Bata aokUam Oaa Hot Do W«h OB:

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