tmfmtm MaMMfl FMd, R. C Mr 1*. IMS WrlUng rK»ns and faclUUes are many and varied on Seymour Johnson, but here is one to rank with the best of them—the bnci of the 791st Squadron’s Day room. Mote the adequate qmce and light* mg (acuities. Here And There Around S. J. Field When a OI's folks come to visit him at Seymour Johnson Field It’s a pretty hfl4>py occasion. So was this one, shown in a picture taken at the Quest House. Left to rl^t: Joseph Schwarts, the faher; Leola Sdiwars. the sister; Ffc. Dellmar Schwarts, the OI, and his mother, Mrs. Schwarts. DeUmar k with the 797th T88. nie famUy k from Watertown, Wis. Joe Sdbwarts and his dauShfer, Leota, work for a ooncem whl^ manufactures dioes ofr the Army. We don’t know the name of this OI but if be Is married—well, we could say. ”lf his wife could see him now he'd never get to the office or bis job on Mondays.” However, perbMw be learned that profes* itn in the * aional tooth qlutcfa on the clothespin I ^ Army. Simply sergeants, evsn the WAOs have ' Cklmmbole, really the sivpty Sergeant for I WAO itefsrnmmt, up Hm blshkets to sew on har new set ^ ' „. le QiL Oarmd ■r Johokn FMld'e had Ml kid tinw Mo the Camouflage area of Seymour Jehneon go students of the art of concealment, and ’ through the gate they can march proudly under the sign: "Through This Portal Paso the Finest So • diers in the World.” One way to learn i^ane IdenUfloation is demon strated by the day room of the 791st Squadrlm. TTie boirs, during off duty hours, have put together these plane likenesses on a govenunent pattern. Sitting in a dtalr you can look up and see what it wcpuld be like to visualise a Zero or s Helnkel at 900 feet. The group in the background is polnUng at tbr model of a B-17. Whop Jhe PoBt/Orcheetra term anTuttle oaea, air^ « (Mbw * WtrpwniiW tserwoe ciun are imeg. jra n mgpw m ■aldon. 'and if you donl ihtaA m, dPte i