S»y«M |»lniiM n*id. N; C: AW-O-MECR Mr 17. IM3 Tech School Graduates ‘Keep ’Em Flying And Firing At Gunnery Trainning Schools Skilled Craftsmen Found In 70Snd .B7 sgt. kdwin bosenfblo Sermotir jobaaon pleld has broi^t to li^t Ulents vhlch the past ton months have lain dormant. Amoocst our Anted craftsmen, some of the meat promi nent are; Set. Brwln Rand—A No. 1 laandry man. Sgt. Vic Welnswelg'-Cham Dion stripe sewer onner. B-Sgt. Bill Od(laoe~.Best graM transplanter m camp, even If he does come from Mln-nesotah! M-Sgt. Peter Kelly —Most versatile'snorer In the TSUi Training Wing. Ooiam equa^ as well while Vtng on Imefc or stomach. Sgt. BUI Pretind—Best drill tnstnictor la the office. There are no snappier chow formathms than the ones he commands. The 702Dd Tmlning Orotq> Is set ting a fine record for Itself, m tt*s first complete month at this p^, n has won the “K' for Bxcenence ^ner Keep ap the good work, boys' New Stripes Congratulations to the fUlowtng men who have had stripes added m the past month; Promoted to Tech Sergeant: Set George B. Collier. Promoted to Staff Sergeant: Pranklin J. Undsten, Andy w. Bapak. Raphael Buts. Hui^ s. FrOey. Floyd K. Padgett. Promoted to Sergeant: Charles M. PUlmore, Walter J. O’Ooonor, Vioeent J. Sanaooe, Ralph S. Ibr- tin. Peter A. Orlimdo. John W. McClanaban, Oliver P. Kr^ James R. plAer. William 8. Tob. Ralph R. Palladlno. Vfetor Weka- well. Roman J. Piskor, Barold V. Shefta, Alhtn T. Polka. Saamel P. Oarstens. Preston R. Sktnoer. Csrperal Promoted to Cciporal: George Aussant, Oerald L. Zsman J. Uojrd, Franck J. Deko Francis O. liurjiiy. James O'Bara^ Oeorge J. SevlOe, Jesse T. Orteve, Rolsnd M. IFAdarto, Albert Chaine, Norman M. Byron L. Bhnes, WQllain Bsoott, Chartea L. MuDer. Arthur & Jcnea, AkiianSm Xt. nnnrhifitti Dnnald K Sloart, Mra O. Pfe. to Pfc.: Lumkr J. P. Xt wU be news to moat tech* nlcal school students todmow that even U th^’re not physically quaUficd for flexible gunnery train ing, there’s a chazu^ tb^ might be aa»igned to one of the six I^> Ing Training Command gunnery schools. This Is parliculsrly true of armament, airplane mechanics, and radio students. ThoM that got these assignments go as perma nent party maintenance and re pair men —not as gunnery stu dents. SkUied attentlca to sircraft, air craft armament and aircraft com munications equipment la lust ^tnentlsl to the gunnery lining program as It is to ths succestfiu operstlon of combat units in tive theaters. The gunnery schools st Ft. My ers and Panama City Florida- Barllngen and Laredo. Texas; Klynian. Aiisona; and ve. Nevada, operate fleets of AT- single en^e, two-plsce ad vance trainers, and AT-lSs, twin oiglne, Lotkbeed Hudson trsnsi- tloo trainers. These ships are used for the alr-to-air firing, missions each gunnery student gets durlni to, last two weeka of training. AL ships are quipped with two-way radio, and cal. .30 free firing ma chine guns. The twin engine train- era have a pair of cal. .sOs mount ed In a BGirtln electrically pow ered top turret. All this equiiMnent must be kept In perfect condition, “llyto of a gunnery scbocd is - - line” Oeete. Ubur or. DeVito, Prink R. Xngler. oiilDe D Oroohow, WsMer B. Xm. tesward. LkMcMIa. Jamas McOsim. Baymsod L. MerrtCt. Jehn W. Moore, loula S. Parry. RvWn PoWO, Sdiwara, Boy O. Stan, Let.. . _ Xa Venieax, DavU H. Wallaee. XiSDoard J. Weber, Jamee W. Totmg. BERN, Bwttierhind-GP) *— The Swtas Telegraphic Agnnr in a dkqiatcb tron Rome aald VMday that Yatloan drelaa wore mate- tstetng a strict aOence eooeerateg mlttt^ oparatleos under way In Btelly. n Oaeervatore Ronhno. It waa aakt. Is Umitteg ttaelT ta pwWlia- ttoa eC only tte most Impoftant news developments Mid is frateteg from any active as any advance combat alr- ^me. All day long, every day. the training ships roar away from tbe^e-ofta. circle the field, opeed to the aerial firing range, andra- tana for another load of sUidexa gunners. The guns, the ships the radio equipment, all get constant and hard use. Behind each airplane and each toM of equipm^ stand well- trained teciailrlsns. moat of whom - ,•**5* graduated from a TTC school. Throughout the day and far teto the night these speeislkts tihack and re-check the englnea the eoBtrols, the tnstrumeSi tee gm, ^ tarreta. and the radios, quick to detect tee allabtest sten of strain or stress. Thus, ca^ morning, tee student g“ ttNfr dally *fljtag Itee' confldmt teat the nisn “who sostatn tee wines” have dons teslr Jobs aite teat tee ntenm they tide, the guns they shoot, and 2Si '‘yr opMr»l» ttit daj fQ be In poefoei nutltinn ' Chmoery students, teen, will do to taka a « £ maebanio on tee 'Tqteg Una”. ^ ongteear beside vS pilot, ai Cte armorer who stands by to yto dw a Jammed gun, st tea tar- ^octaUata who correct a faal- W switch. He «M«g*«» be an old class BW^from tteppard. Kaealar or ^^*1 or any ol the adtools ta tee T^s vast nstewids net work which are now fundahiiw so ginmcty sdxNds pennanMtt party man as wan as studaDts. Thm .there vrsa the actor on tour who hM to tee town teres to reeom hia lauBdry. Mess Ball Team Challenges Medics By SGT. NAT KANTOB The Uth Mess Group Basebsil Teem will attempt to contlaue Its wteolog ways tomorrow when it plays the Medics. If Clifford Hold continues belting the pill the way be has, and Herman Kiel chucks them as only be can. then the outcome Is a foregone conclu sion. Lei’s go out and plug for our torers. men. With plenty of support they will even outdo them selves. T-^t. Dcmald W Holmes, went to church with a thud last Sun day. That White Mule certainly har some kick, hasn’t It? New York, here 1 am rlAt back where I started from. C}^ James B. O’Cemnor left tn no uncertain manner to see to wife in Lmg Island. 'What has she got that our beloved GtJdsboro Oals haven’t? ■UmiNG I CONCEALMENT THE BATTLE DRESS Is used Inner tube, or a pi^e of strong for Concealment, Deception, Blend |cord will hold them. They can be Ing and Disguising. placed In the mesh erf a net .. iCoverlng Of s cloth helmet cover , Sgt -8„u, ««gbj.irrg„o., wi.. or SSe toSeSt toe. w42‘.SS 'r”™ mtoleodlngj Trh*. and now getting him to smile Is "toi as to your position, strength, > Even after the outlines have like pulling teeth. Well, Solomon, and Intention: confusing htan so;^° blurred, the enemy observer ottlcee sUU oper.te, that be wastes his blows si«l lallsISSi.”''?' *" “-tl famUlsr So lets get OQ the beam. .....k.. w ; soldier-shapes, like that of the ri- Pvt. Anthony Stabingls Is t h e ambush. fle. Such a shape can often be cut nearest thing to Ned Sparks that' CAMOUFLAGE IS A WAY OF^ ^to smaller sections by cruss- Johnson Field can boast. Hla sense; fiohttnO! — TT is a mode ow contrasting lines. Phr of humor is absolutely nil. Wouldl instance.-stripe of liSt wSS or of you be a carefree young man u ATTACK I! The Indians, thorough ^d color cloth ednta wtTdd^ St you resembled a walking mummy?;students of nature, used this knowl- Irregular Intervals arouihi £* h AAA —....a .a. at - a flA ytlawAW....* ||| That’S the $64 question. |sdge to great and deadly advant- k® »«tonst tee brighUy clad and married this coming week. T b e marriage culminates a one year^^SS' camera**** whirlwind courtship. That’s won- hSy 0?FPM™o^tSS KibS’* “•“• Pfe. Edward A. Asselta who has Ob a new oounterfait |]S UIL unlHen waan a puaM leak. Whereas cb tba gauUDe. Alas last area thbildDg aboat the aspirations of becoming a para chutist” and “Superman” are syn onymous. If to enthusiasm doesn’t abate, we will be pi^teg up the pieces, bis pieces one of these days days. ipersion, concealment _ UoD were their weapons — THEY MUST BE OURSI Back in' t h e days when flint rocks were pop-' ular. it apparenUy was coMhlered eblvairous to present the enemy with a fair tan^e^ The American mdlan, who had not been sebooM in this kind of chivalry, intro- Sicily Invasbn Continued from Page One sKtona were made mote precar- Sous as a reeult of Important na val victories for the U. 8. In Kula Gulf battles- With more tean a week trana- plrtng since tee start of tee Mate offensive oh tee Bnsrian trent. tee Soviets haVe, so far. Hung back all attempta to break teroiMh and fto. The observer, „ sUU see sections of the ‘rifle {USE?®“ “ hM been eectlone together Into SL “hope. ThuB, the; jre like disconnected pieces ol k Jlgoaw puiale. Any U^t colored ^P* popor, burlap, osnaburg or other M toterui ^ se^i tf ptot is avallsble, InegiUar 3ilr1S“e„St.i!f • Canvas . ... . duck equipment dneed all-out warfare on this coo- faded after toent. Ibe biimtly dressed pele- “ “W toes were embusM end ebotl!if*?‘'SIJhJ™«>5r sniper. Of. doto like tone peper dueke to e "““ntto well ehoo^ gallery. They eeldom got he nwed ee e e gUinpee M tbeir eooceeled en- nihlcolored leggina. hey. Begere An Bxample Americana were never stew to ^on. Rogers and his foreat-wtee Bangers -were soon plannlag i boabee of teelr own. dcnevalVasb- tegten waa bnOdlng decoy flree and crotstegtee DelawMelo attatec hte WMOveettag foe ta tee came tee secret wenpeo of Ameri- ateng tee eastern fieni, gatai^ tee talUatlve. The Oennans sofiered tetrihle teaeaa la life and armored •^“t'srissrr.. weaker with each ■nrpBadtng raid; Japanese tastaltetona ta Burma ateo are on tee wreng end of Yan kee bootee. The megnltode of tee avenging at:ackB of tee Xtattod Ma- tteos grows and tee prospectns for 'tee hoyn co tee wrong aide of the toteraattaoal fence te mVtty d- fray. Medics Hone That Fwrtough-Look By C*-. LAPnOTA A P r C. lf-8gt. Bugeoe (ShcHtatatt) De lom Is pretty happy these da^ betpg tealto wife te ta towm We have seen hla wue. and sbeh pret ty- Bow Mie ever marrtod him te beyond oe. “Tou are Vgkf Oene” Now teat some new bnb anlved, the ou ttmera of the Medical De tachment are lo^ttag forward to teelr tong awaited furteigte Are you with w fellows? Fine I thought you wouldl For a tenih, coo Mioald see Private Kdger “Sister” Sdiii- hert work at tee tafonnatten desk “DEAH X>BAH” Say Lt. Ricci. our next party? After all we are an mldieral Or aren’t we? Pfc ^raUed “Bone Crasher” n Surgery te walktag around on hte beto theae days, doe to tee fact that be expe^ a little soldier in tee family- Lots rf tack to yon Belt Prtv^ Jenkto of the taformatton dMk, says: Mie-y * Wounded office 1» a P. O. K. stathm for tee OlvlUan Penonnel. After tee girls are trained, they ere shlfgied to a new department, and are made perm-ment par^. A few WOTds deecr”>big oor B^- erage giver outer In tee ilea Hall: “One Olass a IfUk Jacquta' I wander irtien tee Medical Of- fleers are gotag to play tee : listed men a game of soft ball agatat They were lucky the last time that we were rained oid. I wnnder what their nnsw te going to be DOW? Barracks three got a treat last week, when tee aOenl man of Surgery. Sgt. Moody moved ta. Pvt. Dave (OorlQa) a>rowtts te reeetvtac_pl^ of fan mat. theeo days. The detachment seems ;wY_qtttet these- days, bdng test Sol nntetophaito) DrartEer te not around moch, duo to the fact ttmt i>ta wife te hi toWB.(Poor TWey). wars, bote sUea fought from ccst- eeatanent New awans of eheerv- tag had tn be developed as eoun- ter-measures. The ehhf or thseo to aircraft. The balloon, and latar the ranging oboervatton plane, it poeslble to find a target from **“— —could not be oh- carto8e.pcddier ta todny’s wars makes a target from two.ampee.; ■va at hedge-hoping a: tee AKRIAL oimiv^ - .. ■—liiqgiito hav- artictee are iww betas tawed ta a dark oUve drab teS? but much cf tee old fchAM oouIik ment te stiU ta clrculatl5>.^t ,}«®e of Irregular ^lotMiee and Mssto w As« o.£S‘JS ■*> ki.to to«. Muy ^k ttM tta. prtoltto mtawmt to frlfbtoB hi. SBW "-itoto. tuTtoldtertoStoATii^ miMl mf ^ "WV tS^ NtEBB ^ --ttSMte. R te teaned te va- nous ceiora to match vnilatlaw cf Ihe OBSKRVKR e a n --- - —7i, pwaBMOW ■ tadlvWual aoktter on Thte eeUtary tem te.>IUle more tenn a dot, whicb rwoemhlm the grottad In color. Ihte Tfeonn. aortal obeervMS ace trained to look for eertata etnee which give eway tee stddler’B presence. Theee wm^tage irtrid^tee^^^rtene^ being watched frem everlwnd. seL dom tefciM of — tracks and ' The enemy OROUMD dB- saBRVXR sees tee soldier at eloae range. From btan it te not aterays possfUe to Ude. Ri mobile war fare, a szrfdter caimot often tii bldtag place. R e Inoe movement te - . he hmr about InvlUng 'the WACW to wtddi the enenra caanot dte- . .... - ttoguteh as a target Bis first step, then, will be to blot out the target lines. The shapes of teem are tee Unm of the bMmei, the pack, the rifle, and tee ihonldera. libm te tigfate ara^ leafty trees, be will smear theae Unas with leafy twigs. In flat leafed woods, he flat leafed materials, ta Ik ato mtMr to aW* y'TPy to« sUndtod tattle It cto ta bbde Id tta ftold. gfflyr taerlto^ IkItoM ve petatod with teregttlar trtirrtrhfri a dye, w any avallatae type of patat .Btack craidtcaoe drainings or a mixture «f bhmi andi dVP grease will serve the | Xf B te available a m.* brute te reoammended for etoU. A dellll?'!^ ** A 6**^ ®taeo Irregttlartly ta an advantage tee pattern cm be appitod rapld^ and with Bttle attenttoo to detail. This to tee "»At ^edve wor of dotag the Job! the m wMta It te befng p^t^ The leggtas, the bete^ ^ Urn gw mate case con be gl^_ tee same treatenent After peta^, remove tee garments aita tat them dry for Iweu^-foor honra. To tovrovlee . tabnet coyer, ^ » drentor pleoe of atant taco- ty tacb diameter from bmtep, ea- ' nabora. or any other cloth. Sew a ‘ .... .... iu»«>AA»Hi. w nw srooDd tee edge, sy country, te uses tufts of gram, v^tagfa this puU a tape or draw Amcng evergreens, evergreen. tta dote t^ changes iteen be moves ta aitoteer^?.***? Hflpiet. Ctat four or ,five background. Much attenttoo has around tee MM to been 'lveD to tta problem of smearing up the helmet cuOkto. This te the sharpest, the most ea Bily seen of all tta target lines. Twigs can be attached to tta bd met by any one of several ways. A rubber band, a slice of an oM hold leaves and twigi for further oonceatanent Now daub en some mlotcbcb to match ttaee of tee BATTLB DRESS. ' REMEMBER —^*~-ii«egr te a meaoe of attack frocn ambueli and a measure tor security.