Mmmi T%M. Ml Cl JUB-O-MECH Strange Things, ---Pr^otions sot. iUUVS TEUJm No tellias what a promotion can do to a fuy. Take Oilman Swlof* en, who reecBtljr made Pfc. Al ready ne'e biicklBf for llaster. Says he expecta to reach that pin- naele in a abort time. . . the aer* enth DOBth after the daration. By the bye, about that hmk of feBBlnlal^ you're been seen wllli in town. Been holdloc back on usf PCe. Harold Jones (no rattan to the "Tbit Is The Army, Mr. Jenea'O has beu makinc up for lost ttme this Week past. Wife Iflltfred baa been rtsUiiif her bus- ‘ *t seen In Tbe eou> . macam Phils, N. r., M reminder of sweet mem- to aasny a warrted *'OI-Wo.’‘ » f tm BBa to you liiquiaittrc OI’s: “"Hnbelle with the __teni accent seen with Pfe. Wetter Daivbdrffl M none other than his wife, abo' mft. Wife and aocent hall from Oadsden, Alabamy. AdrertbWBsnt: Are you looUnt for a food artumsnty aood« sbonk arfoments guaraoleed en any and an aobjects. It you bare the.Tolee and the oourace, oome down. Ho bnkm bones allowed. Bverythliic on tbs up and up. Sample sub* leets: Ann life, 4>rs. faoorfte pht up sirla. Oabrtel HOetter, etc. oWre at BairaekB SM. On D. B. nriuiir that the TITtb aaaeot, BkIpPT, bss found himself better sill niTUiiUnia at Tliuatm No. 1. So It's now Detached Service for Skippy.^Sktppy's greatest thrill la lidtoc the theater motorcycle. Oh, J es. oe enjoys the mdvles (for ree). too. His favorite star, he de clares, Is Phito, the Dog. Whlcfa Is only nstursl. By the way, Sklp- py made "Cpl” last week, and Is a dally attender of Non-Com That lock guy. . . Bgt. Kermit DIetricb la away on furkm^ spendk^ It In Pennsylvania. And S ou Can bet that idf one and only I receiving his beet attention. Have a go^ time (we know you will), old boy. but, fbeavens sake, dcn*t forget to come back. OMebratca Aanhrenaiw It was Hanv Anniversary to Pfe. atropss and his wife Msxine who celebrated their see- oos year of bllssfnl life lart Mon day. And to do it up pn^rly Max ine eame aS the way down from IndlsnepoUa to be with Ruesell. Which was good cause for a real celebratlcm lor ttie couple. The boys hi Barracks XTt are taking odds as to whether Pfc. James Mitchell is gonna get hitched to his sweetie. You see, Grace, came down to vWt Jim. and you kxww how the men are. Immedl^ly thev atari So give us the mwdoi Jim. We’re not one to eQueel. but Just between ourselves, have you seen what aeveral of our men have been reading of late? Of an things, true eonfemlan magaxlnes. o h. dear me! Ws*d divulge their names, but ihai might lead to btoodriMd. and beeklea we don't relish broken bones. INTRODUCING- nrntOOOClMO— Sgt. prands T. Pbeney. irtio writes ths eohnnii for the SWd Air Base Squsdron. Pbeney didilsys efterveeeent scenes of ainwity uhldi his column Intervstlng and well Ukod by his msiiy readers. losRv will ya. 333^C(»grab S-SgiRdnieii By PHANCB T. FBENXY Oongratulatkms to SSgt Relnert on the recent addltlan to hie fam ily. It'a a hoy. PUtSB — OpL Gunner Nye Is preparing for Ids furlougb. It looks as though the hotel manager In Boston win have a steady custom er. Don’t let the same event bap- pas OpI. that occurred tte last time. S-Sgt. Russl seems to have t o mother all these Non • oom’s down at Opawtktts and we do mean you Cpls. Nye Wing, Hall and Harm on. It’s bad enough he has to get you every morning but you could all at least go to chow by yourselves. We beard Cram a good source that 8-8gt. Pierce has married. We knew all aloM that he wouldn’t lei SBgt. McPMden put anything over on him. he wasn’t going to make a bed and mop a floor If be had ans^thlDg to eay about it CongrahilationB. Sarg. Psmiue Saying Famous saying in Barracks 119 *T Bhouldn’t play this one" quoted by Lovelorn Piri. Locke. Brt be son does and walks away finan- cial> happier. However, rumor has it ttet be has been bUckballed by a eertaln Sgt. who tips the scales at around 195 and still going strong. What Sgt haa driven azkotber Sgt. from the theatre into the boaptUil with bh wild antics. Alas, poor Anthony, but' be will have peace: and quiet for a change. Sgt. ‘Pic" you may go up and visit hitw any- nme, but hasn't a poor soldier, (even if he is a Sgt.) any place to go where he can get away fr«n you. OpL Oomy la leading a very quiet life thla' month, can it be uom Sw busk of fun^ or what? Bow's it fbel "Dotniy** to be in dm barraeks every night . w aatf looktng faces aroimd the squsdran area belong to two loneeome 797b. namely, Pfc's Harold Davis snd GordM Wssoott Both thstr wives have re turned home following a sCiort stay in Goldsboro. wIScb is reason enough to be ssd. But cheer up. 75th Boasts Talented G.Ls Bq. Det. is a cadre wganised from several Groups. Now that we've bad time to really know each other, we find in our midst: Sgt Elmore B. Blanchard who wan formerly bead and professor of French in the schools of New Orleans, La. The sergeant la now teaching French classes, beginning Slid advanced, to the military per sonnel of this Held, l^ 'men is the 75th Wing, the Professor • is willing to arrange special classes to meet mutual convenienee. If in terested, get In touch with him throu^ your orderly room. The ''Sarge" was also professor of Cbemistry. Biology, EngUsb. tad Hlstery. B-flgt Louis S. Potempa whose entire Army career, untU Us trans fer t# B4. was with the 709th Train- Ing Oroi9. Before entering the Ar my, the "Salve’’ wan a pedagogue agog. He taught EngUsb and Lattn for several years In a Ohtcago td^ i^mlogy to OpL *’Dogs Burke." We aie sorry T-Sgt. Dortien but OpL "Dog Tsgs" Mt^ he hut pnllhig hia rank on you. he doewi’t went to nm the P. O. he Just wants his orders obeyed promptly, but—Bgt. ‘Thtored Sips*' ~ be Is siwsys trying to order hfan around evmi In dW barrnchB s ' it known as tho anay's wu rank pidler hi the vrtiole outfit. And a noted coneert pianist. 8- Sgt. Roland Dfttl ooncsrusodmaln- ly hi the middle west as a soloist but for the last twesity (90) years be appeared most suocemfnlly in a two piano profeaNonal team — Margaret Dlefcnthaeler and DUtl. Ctatcago, Ann Arbor. Madison snd kClwaukee know the "Sarge" weU. Be also made an extensive tour in New York. Among his students, bs has mtagf sucoeasfnl teachers and entmlainera all over Urn worU. WaUdi for a ratev evening when he has been "wasned out" of ten- nfi In town and wlndn up at the piano at the 1780. It's the equiva lent of a 93.90 tickeL Among our sewer-on'rs: to be T-8gi: Alberto. Arthur KUb; To be 8^: Ernest Botti: To be Sgt: AOert Klank. TswnirtM E. Rice; to be Opl; James B. Glancy, Jamee F. Muason. Robert «*»**«. Wil liam P. Douglam, Raymond S. Oulllerault, Pasquale B. Dlcaaio. Jr., Edward W. TDley. Samuel Klein and James Msnos: *10 be Pfc: Jobu 8. EUer, Donald R. Ev erhart, Ihomaa J. Leonard, Frank J. Mtefcens. William M. Sartor, Bar- old Sllventetav deon T. Willis. WO Robert Oonne returned from leave this week with the news that be Is the papa of a baby b^. Lt. Mesw is on leave. Wonder what news be wHl bring back with him. Top^KUsk Myatery In 722nd Grmip »T »-80T. W. ■. MABKOVITS When Ptrat Sergeant August Bsrth arrived at Seymour Johnson he brought with him Uw famed characters of the TSSod Trmlnixw Group. The question arises as to wlmt we have done rinee we have been here. Well. Oie rirqt Friday night here, the top-Uok disappears and from then osi, he has hem every Friday. —Wonder who she Is? tbe gal we have beard so much, about has ttaaUy arrived. Who is ^ — She is tbe wtfe of newW (vomoted BSgL Thomas Xodimaa. We stUl have to help BBgt. Monty Rndolph on aM w the ealestbenles platform. The old boy Is 40 years old. Re’s rcnlly proud of tlKioo new stripes. What counolssev of Hm wines has been promoted to ^ grade of -Sgt Could it be one Wuter Buobolts ’ We also wonder about that para trooper utM> fMl ont of bed and broke his wrist Whe is he? I rader? Oongratolatkins to tbe king ef hari*wboe threwers. Be M BMly pcemoted BSgt Stwffy Lam bert Squadron Sweetheart Mr IT. 1M3 706 Anssimces Promotioiis By SOTS. A. F. DIETl A J. t/. ou Dally*a better halt from Virginia; Latand Pollock's Thiln from Ignn: Len Sander'a Edith from Pkaiy: Bolgar Tange’s spouse. New Jersey; Maloohn Chsnoey’s Louise from Alabaina. SSL’ lb whkh Willie who’s of'**^^ ^ whaf O. 1 mesns. Irish origta, en igh^ hta on the' Cpl. nank Btaab of Ordimnce jeems to be the most teportant felkw in tbe outfit from tbe sise of bis fan mall. S-dil.. Snlgeton must tbink he to as important as' nmak, cHily be backs a "Jeep” been s ** 1**^ room to get fate one ^'re * letter. pennaiientl_^l- “Baur^y from Otensh Bogil answers, Ne. no not Don’t hke us. Willte? Bow about It? Have you notfeed tbe aparfcle in CpL Chris Hamlttnn’s Die blue eyeo (Tbey are btoe. we hope.) when be gpeske of bis ’D.unLsm.ii cntle? Ah. ahi’t hrve grandJ This week's latest Held-out (rom Hollywood Is the proud oHering of Pfe: Donald Bow, 802d T: S: S; In o fit of unconlr^lable goyety, Don deeacibed tho charms of his girlfriend (Phyl lis is the name, boys) ond od- ded. "Nothing will Barr me from her when next I get furlough:'* We overlook, the pun in view of the picture: The 913th Has Poets r?) Too By 8-SOT. B. W. BAM.. JB. For the edlflcatian of our dear readers we open tbe week with an "oritfoal" poem oompoeed by. and tor, that writ known Pittsburg bondsman Sam Telenfeld, and ptdrllshed at his special request: SAM 8am, Sam to tbe Guards’ maB ■iww He' eats pickled herring as much as be can & loves sataml and Russian rye bread Be wUI see that Tojo and Bttler are dead. In file afternoon be goes looking lor WAC8 The 709th Ttainteg Group to now located in the IIW block. Recent promottons in the organisation are as follows: To Tech Sgt., William Lenox; Tto Sgta. Raymond Rus- adL Robert Strtteb, William Brown OOoTge Wood. To Corporals, Don ald Zoerbof, Hammoud Waugh. Horace Shepherd, Otto Psoll, CUfmd Oatfee, William Kenlston, SteiAena Cempoeto. Howard Ma gee. Frank Brands, TTieinas Blan- kenobip, Williaao Dwyer. Mark Fraaer, Clarenee Coswr. Rudolf Alvedda. Congratulations snd best wisbss to an of tbe above mentioned. Quite a few ef our boys have been home on a furiough tbe past In the momlBg and evening he fixes tbe hoys snacks Bis weight to 979 and be is real- if a wow ! Be to first in Uae when the whistle blows for dxnr. It was reported to us this week tfiat Mike Sksibt, who preetoes at Gate No. 9. to haring to tide herd on semie cows which apparently think the Post Yietory Gai^ai to greener pasttwe. All yon have to do to adve this problA, fa to call for serriem of "Cowboy" Cavey, that famous Nebrseka eow- pundier. Cne memoer of our organisation celebcmted a safe and sane (?) Fourth of Jidy by becoming en gaged as Pfe. aniwxmy Wolf asked tfa^ hiuiortant quesfion of ~~ MartbaWlstmer of Brool incidentally. ICaa Wldmar to extremely attractive girl as can be wltneseed ty the fact that her photo appeared In June 19 Alr-O- Mech as Sweetheart of tbe iOited Squadron. Saounv's fomaer outflL Next week wfl] bring forto the tong awaited Sqnadron Sweetheart. There are plenCy of good pho’os on hand ready tor judging new have bad one is Sgt. Bengston. who took the fatal st^ and to n o w nurried. Good luck and best wlab- s to tbe new bride sod grooes. S-SgL Totoacr says we have boardwalks here en thto poet, but yonsbeuMsee tbe boardwalk ovei; In Atlantie City, now that tbe has- tton season to fa fun swing. We wonder Just shat be means, but we venture to say that tbe 709th permaBsat party would Uke to find out. Sgt. Kennedy recently returned from his IS day furlough also to Attaatle City and iirougfat hto new bride hack bbere wHb him. Tbe housteg project where we under- stand mey are eomfortaWe and happy in their little love nesL Ow newly made TmA. Sgt. Wil- Uam R Lenax Is now spenfog bis furlough at Ms home in Wkicheo- ter. Ihdiana. We selm hiss by tbe news cast over tbe radio each evening and also mtoe hie fine line of rumors. Bawever, we trust hto furlough has becB a pleasant one. Now don't surprise us sarg, by brlngtiig back a wife. Lt. Ghent rercnUy returned from S' 9-day MvouBc. After spending three complete daps to tte mud and rato and three days cleaning and randrtog hto vaiforias, we find him ahnost normal again. AiM be can now force a smile without much eOoit. LL Ghent says "At- iantie Otp’s boardwaB was never like this. However, he states, ' when it gets too rough tor tbe rest of tbe boys, it to Just gettli« right for me." More power to you, Acttag first Set. Meredith Mid- ktff, our group fim Sit. reetosUy returned fesm a lAAay furiough in Indianapolis. S-SgL Joe Bie^ey did a bang up job of taking hto ptnoe at tbe bte. A fine chap is Sfigt Breekey. Just a wee MC rugged, but thatto wbat the boya of ttie 79tlh crave. OapL Morgan, our company com- mandor and the heat one on the post, haa not, as yet. received hia leave but wc are Isoktog torward to tbe day wben he may have a few days of wall deserved Bent wtahes. r * * OsntalB. Itews F. A few da^ aga a stray dog Mo our group belongs, we gave her quaitera and . rations and not havtog as y e t ^istmer of _&ooklyn. N.Y/f found her owner. We touzM her ia Oie coal hto of our ceipenter shop and hod presented ue with a fine Uttte Jr. LL Crtountos has ed CpL Mages as master tf cere monies. CtoL Itegaa wQl give ftfU details andapeetol huBettos to tbs next week’s nem. Telephone Tipe Beymaur Johnson fWd can help bf f**""—*—f : heir long dlstanee eonversaUooe :a sdranoe. and being brief -m all ealto. By heJptng speed op i service tor the other fellow, eoa IA. JsiHoy Druse, hsidbesded md and csptafai of Fordham’s famed Seven Bkirks of Ocaalte team te U97. soon wQl leave toe Iteval Fw PBght Stottan at Alim, On., to Jola bis tocmer Odr. Jhamy Ckwstey to Aocktond. N. Z. Phone Circuits Busy With Honeyed Words subject? Msybe ’ Pvt W. Jmid cso do IL for they ebum around wbo iqag for tbe girt quite a bit to-getber. * bom have been keeping Pvt Pat Ward would like to Jobnepn Field pubfic telephouw know If there to a nice green 'busy with tong dktanee cans ke- spot anywhere on the post where cording to N. B. OifbnaB, Field a man can sit and think of home.' representative for tbe Southern It has to look Uke Ckwnty Slago'BeU Telephone snd Triegrspb to Ireland tfao. ;Compaay. "flwieliliiii MarttalP' . ' With long distance calls rmchibg It's quite clear that Cgt ••Sun-.toeir peak shortly after 1999. toe shine" Marshall is beginning toibcst times to place calls od week- smUo almost every day. 'davs are before 0900, between 19M ABgt. B. 8. MUTj^ of the finest,uto 1400. and between 1700 and' supi^y room on tbe field (so he 1990. Although the rates are sliglit- claims) devtdt^ed. a bad case ofily higher In the daytime, soldiers toe jitters tbe other day when be can place their calls dnHt-g found that a certain young lady was > Ibe su^ested tkours usually find visl'tng tbe beautiful city of Con-'lhat service generally to faiw br- cord, N. H. Also we would like to cause tbe rush is not so heavy, w^^ be i^so much agalz^ ■— — The Germans are now losing at least one prectolon-bullt submaitoe. tor every mass-produced freighter simk. some coming track and field events. He was seen doing a wblri- wlnd sprint through barrsdn 119. Wonder why he was mnniBg so lor sometoM| tin* on turtle. toe boys from Cbaoute J. — Gould it be because toe men coming from -these pohito all ace well trained and certainly not re cruits. Qd. "Athlete" Rowe is doitw some serious thinking lately par- deulaiiy along tbe 11^ of matrl- aaony. Go abead M. , Bgt. "Army Wegtuatloc" Scott to wuo I doteig seme very fine trmlntog. fortokt.^ Iasi nigi# I dM I always wanhsd to daT *

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