Vol. 1 No. 32 SEYMOUR JOHNSON HELD, N. C. J\ily 24,1943 Crack Band Missing—Man With Shotgun For Review' WaUh-mel-ool Yownh, boy and bowl And If you dcm’t the coaUlner, Just look at these expressloM. Note also the modest _ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ the melon slabs. One fellow looks like be only has a third 16th School Oroup is enjoylnff the ripe and red fniJt in the green of a mekml WarQuiz Given Se ymour J ohn son’sG Is Tests Show Knowledge of War Fronts Seymour Johnson Field soldiers are well toformed on some phases of the war's events but fall slightly below par on others, a survey tak en by the Alr-O-Ueeb revealed this week. TO take the survey, the Air-O- Uech gave a written news quls to a group of the field’s first ser geants, several officers, and en- Uafed taken at random. Four civUisna also took the exam. Altogether 90 persons were fulied. Ihe quls f for the names of three neutral nations: checking air oommanders In a group Including Patton. Idontgomery, Tedder. Els- anbower. Spaats. and Alexander: the batUd In which Hill m figured: naming the sector In In which Munda Is located, and the of three fronts on which American troops are en gaged in large numbeiv. Only eight scored 100 on the test. - Ten scored tt; 14 scored W; six scored '10; three scored 00; four gamereo 90 points: three had 40 only 10 and another scored s sero — s perfect blank. When the test was set up, It was agreed that a grade of M to 100 wnoM be ooosldcred exctilent to •0 to 00 good, and *70 to 80 fair, lbs average was expected to be ■0. however, the average waa on y n. me potats below Uie “par” for the qtda.’ klost oommoaly missed qnestloo wsk that psrtainmg to SU No. 600. Would you 1^ to see Imw you ' eo^ 4st Ybe Wat Is o* IIiIb page, and ae answers on snothsr. Try I Movie Star Gilbert Roland ' Now Lt. Stationed Here I Stenographers In I Wednesday o- this Finance week cave vent to ^'ohsl“ and “ahsl" as they recognized a handsome/ pipe- smoking officer as Oilberi Roli^ —screen star — now a second lieutenant in the Army Air Forces and on duty .at Sejrmour Jc^inson Field. Just back from three months du ty in the Booth Atlantic Lt Bo>, land told Public Relations and Air- O-Mech newsshawks that his wife, Constance Bennett, beauteous stage screen star. Is now doing a stage play In New York ’’but X don't know when I'll get a to see her again." Up from the ranks. Lt. Roland was Inducted 15 months ago and did bis basic training at Camp Crowder, Uo. Later be was trans- .ferred to Bolling Field at Wash- Continued CO Page Three ah^mech news qub I—NAME THREE NEUTRAL NATIONS: 3—CHECK THE MEN WHO ARE AIR COMMANDERS IN THTB FOLLOWINO LlSr: b—Montgomery— c—Tedder d—Etsenhower- —Of WHAT BATTLE DID HHJ. NO. 606 FZOURB7- 4-.N WHICH OF THE FOLLOWINO WAR SECTORS 18 MUNDA LOCATED? d-^Timlsis- e—Sicily— 6—NAME THREE FRONTS ON WHICH UNITED STATES TROOPS ARE AT PRESENT ACTIVELY SNOAOED IN LARGE NtlMBERS; (Answers pa Page •> Hey* Bub! Ya Gotta Sttmp Air-O-Mechs You can’t send your Alr-O-Mecb home free — there’s a mailing charge on It. That word came frcnn the Post Office at Seymour Johnson ttila week as officers and men revealed that more than 400 of the papers hsd been returned to soldiers who tried to send them without postage. The paper may be cUpp^ after It is folded and addressed, or it may be wrapped and addressed, and sent for one and one > half cents postage: or it may be placed in an envelope, the flap not glued but simply stuck Inside the enve lope. for one and one half cents postage. With the warning came addition al advice and renunders from the postoffice. These were: Tree’’ mall aig)Ue8 only to first class matter — ordinary letters and post cards. The word “frM" and the gender’s name and return address must be In handwrltingp not typed. Postage must be fully prepaid at the office of mining for par cels, registered letters, air malls. Special delivery stamps are tised with either a three cent stamp or the word “free”. A complete re turn address mxist be shown on an maL. In mailing parcels, do not en close old letten or wrlt^ of any kind. This will subject the parcel to first class postage at three cents per ounce. Sealed parcels Fin not be seoepted unless printed parcel poM labels are used. The labels may be ototalaad at the Mato Post Exebitoga wra^ ptog station. Eanrthagi must not ba loofead. •» \OontfiaedanPag*llawo When the lOO-plece white helmet- ed military band of B. J. Field takes the lead In the special re view this morning on the post drUl field, there will be martial music a-plenty. But the band, under the com mand of Lt. Walter D. Stark, is composed of more than Just mu sicians. Every man is a soldier as well as a specialist to keeping with the highest tradition of the Army Air Forces. For all bandsmen re ceived their basic training before - tlaey entered bands,; azul are even now continuing their full quota of military and physical training. Band Oempoacd of t Cntto The Seymour Johnson field band twice winner of the Post Excel lence Award. Is composed of the 7th AAF Band and the recently arrived 28th AAF Band. Wo Free man L. Russell is bandleader of the 7th. and M-8gt. ^rman F. Leyden, the 28tb. As a marching unit, the com bined bands perform at special re views and parades, and as sep arate tmlts take part alternately In retreat oeremonles and change of classes. The drum majors of the respective outfits are pI.C Carl Hulsey and Pfc. Arnold E. Jordan. Drum And Bugle Corps Outstaad- tog A smaller, but no less distinc tive. martial. unit of the band Is the Post Drum and Bugle Corps, under the leadership of Cpl. Jo se^ Murray. The Bugle Corps Is a Apiece organization which sup plements the perfoiinahee of the marching bantu with colorful field music. The post bugler Is also chosen from this group. Another Important ftmetion o f the bands Is participation to the eztensive stogtog program of the Field. When leamng the troops, the bandsmen vender favorite march- tog songs to addition to the regular marches. Whether the setting is a dance, a radio show, a theatre, a camp shew, or a mess hall, there is a unit M swtogsters cc hand from the Post band to keep the place Jumping. Rot and heavy, sweet and low. It makes no difference to the lead ers of the orchestras -r4hey have it to their bag. and can produce it on demaxMl. Wbra' a radio show Is to the offing, the “Tech Oommandos" of M-Sgt. Norman F. Leyden step to with a handful of tbelr own arrangementa to enUven the proceedings. Sixteen Pleee Daaee Orebeetrm When there is « dance at the USO, or the Servloe Club. Sgt. Oa- ear McCaulay lines up bis iS-piece Oontinoed on Page Three Famous Pianist Entertains 6.I.S Mrs. Marya Soltys, who was here at Seymour Johnson ' Field visiting her husband Sgt. Chris Sol- tr cl the Tilth Tag. last week, performed the rather con spicuous trkk of turning a dam- orotts Service Club into a aUently listening group Pj her stogtocand piano playing, fellsted men en joyed her talents during the two days she entertained atttw Club. Mrs. Soltys, whose husband 8^ Soltys is a P. T. man on the field and an ex-wresUer and welAt lifter, is a statuesque ItiiiSii- Oreek girl who studlM vole# and piano ^ytog In Vlsnna. loanee and Italy and has been doing teuse work to the Irsrttng clubs throughout the country. She recently ftowied an csigagement al Jack Dempsey's Orlll St New York dPg. She lays claim to'betog able tc sing to 16 different Ian guages tochidlng Chinese and Arabic. Our soldiers said that her vocal work and ptanq playtog Was a real treat. Tb^ listened rapCIy from the seats to the balcony down stairs. All available seating was taken and many Uiald^lad »"it fatigue-clothed Oil ttUed the outer receeses of the Servloe . Club, ae' th^^Batened to die.flneoifli Jotansantten ae ad Pad said they had good toete to thalr