ffO 1 24. IS43 JUB-O-MECH Thii newspaper la puUlBbed weekly by and for tbe penoonel of Seymour Jofaaaea Flei^ If O.. wider the dlrecttOD of the Special Servloe OfOoer. Foil ooverac* ^ Caimi New^iaper Bgylce la received. AQ material la paned by tbe PaoUe RelatlOPs Office. AH pbotograpte. wdcaa etberwiae credited, are Army Air Forces pi>qt» crapba. News appeartiif to this paper to for tcoer*! release provided proper credit to given. ^ OOL. XXINALD B. SBOTH. Oommandto( Officer MAJOR J. B. MURR. Special Service Officer ,D. F. Droege CpL Joe Butera Pvt_ Jan “ EDROHAL M/Sgt. Rldiard B. Tail • CpL Porter Ward Opl. George Denes, arttat Post Fbote Section FOlItUp! of us oro lucky enough to hove oats that run. And if we expect the* 46 keep on running we know we have to take core of them. BUT. a posanger or two in that empty back saat won't wear out the upholstering nor will you weor out your tires when you st^ to give someone a lift into town. If any of you soldiers are“starting to say« Ta» the civil* gure are tight/* you oon stt^ right now. If anything you are much more guilty of this than they. Not a day goes ^ thot we don't look out of the window only to see some GI drive by a group of hU fellow soldiers waiting for a bus when he eouJd have easily given a lift to four or five of them. We are always talking about that “Great American Sj^t." in fact we are ftghting a War right now becauM of selfishness and lack of co-operation between nations. How can notions be unselfish If its Individuals don't practice their own sermons, That gas you use going into town or coming out to the field can furnish the transportation for two or three others— So stop wasting gasoline and share a ride. She Says It's RottGO—She's Right you your own wife or sweet heart to be subiected to tboae same whistles and cat-calls. Perhaps It to only for tbe benefit of ttie laughs within tbe group., bin it's pretty tough for tbe poor girt, no matter bow sb* oogward- ly Ignores tbe Insults. If you are one or the OIs that lean out to a barracks window or practically fall out or esn moottog' wfse? cracks — yon must feel pretty proud o( tbe wtt you have achieved or more correctly tbe half vlt you' have adileved. Not only ,1b bustoess un- gentiemanly. it’s childlah. It to a pretty safe bet that at some time or another in yonr life you've seen a woman — wen. why not act Uke “And I always thought soldiers were supposed to be genUemMl” was tbe disgusted remark beard by Alr-O-Moch from several girl employees on tbe Post m be whistled at and have re marks bandied about every time stepa outside of bar office, to disgusting. The glrto on the Post are cot here because they have a job to do — and things have come to a pret^ pass tf they can’t walk op the street to tandi or the bus- stop wltbout havtag to nffi a gant- 1st of Ot street comer boms. Many of these glrto on the Post sad off which have been recelvtag your wbtotlw and wise - craela are the wives and ghd friends of your (enow soldleTS. So^ It. (Ohatcha, J(nnw, $aB to coat' and ti. Ibsn one tr noes. Tbe coat 1, Se braedst U> At'Ois flntob of Uebeat. TaUnlab BUds as tbs Stofs . . Gary Cooper MggMt chock tor (or eos pto is pUys the role la “F— —— Bermto have been tan fighting thus uU, Otoe of ,ney Rose, of boxing fame, was giv en the Silver Star Medal confer red for “coDsplcneus gallantry and Intrepldl^ to action against tbe enem^' at Ouatoalcattal. . . Dortog a track meet at Camp Chafe. Aric., Pvt Bmry Parlnbelt M the Arm ored BattaHan ran the 100 yard dash to t.T seconda, wearing OX shoes. He also won the nmntog broad JiBBp with IS ft 11 1-S taa. . Itis Royal Canadian Ahforee an nounced that a Canadian air squad- no to opsraltog to Slef^ under the command of Oea. Jamea Ooo- Uttto. . . As expected. Bob Ho^ to a rtot to Bigtond. Talking to some lolStort ar a U. 8. base, be said: "t understand our boys are so adapt vttb the toories that all die la Afrkm have 1^ for a neutral countoy." .J by Warner j role to “Des- . Actroas Janet y GI tost week irgeant Louis CJorps bands.... awe birth to a torn week. Her jote DeQle sta- . . Four hours af- aaid 'T do" wito I to 1-A. . . FILL IT UP! German orders whi^ got loft in fko dust in Tunis Rare shown that Luftwafto fliers were deserting in fairly large numbers, particularly over on the Russion front where the Reds were giving them bell. It all goes to show that even a Nazi rat is smart enough to get off a sinking ship. Noneom Gigs Officer; Gen. Eisenhower Cheers ALGIERS (CNS) — Oen. Dwlgbt D. Btomhcwer'has eoounended an unidentified acto-oommlsslaned of ficer’s protest that *most officers do not salute pre^toly.'* The non- oera. In a letter to the Army news paper, Stars and Stripes complained (bat officers frequently brutoi Mf enlisted men with flabby feqture in which the mbitlnf band lottos lIKs~I bent fdric.*' Gen. Xtoenhower, erpresstog bto apprectotlon for the *tooldter9 ob- servaOons" made by tbe noo-eom said that be hoped tbe tqeldent would result to an Improvement for which be has been ^vlng *in tostructlons, tratotog soanoranda and every other way that has oc curred to BBe.” * Fraternal mioaimby When I ehall quit thto mortal shorn And mosey round tbe earth no more. Don't weep, dtm’t algh. don't sob, X may have atrack a better Job. Dont go and buy a large bou quet. For wtdeh you'll ftod It hard to psyr Don’t bang around as looking blue. I may be bettor off than ynn. Don’t t^l folks that X waa a saint. Or amr old thkiG' (hat If you have dope aprmul, pieaae band It out btoova de^d. If you have rasas, blsas your soul. Just' pin me *tt my buttonhole. Today while I’m altos and well,- Not watt US 1 am safe to R W. T. DAVIS Mostly Corn ftom the Camp Newspaper at Camp Livtogston comes this social note: "OfOcen may now bathe with Nurses 'when chaperoned. DBCHARGIS There's a Section Vm and a CDD For toe ekk and toe mentally poor. Xf I had my way toere’d be one For the guys with a OX snore. Bible manufacturers are being permitted to make steel-jacketed Bibles but tbs metal Is not thick enou^ for protecUco agatost di rect rifle or machine-gun fire. One of toe first Army outfits to land to Guadalcanal was a QH laundry unit. The men fought with the Xmpntry until the Jape were driven into tbe Interior, toen set up their GI laundry. JUST LIKB SEYMOUR JOHNSON FIELD ’ Ls a desert ouhxiet under a rare cloudy sky. a soldier struck up a amversatlon with an old Bedouin fxt hia son. "Looks Mho rain," th* old man auUled skeptlcaUy: T tokik not. but I hope so for my son’s sake. I have seen It rain. To make a big splash with toe ‘Hored to Death" modem girL you have to show her quite a dive. KKMD LUCK’ MfWEY. EAXdU SSCM — CBARXTT GETS IT UNIHEN. N. j. (ONS) —' A Navy wildcat fighter bad Just come off the assembly line at a war plant here whan Leo Zebrolskf. an elec trician, spied a poiny «n toe flow. Be pamed toe coin to toe ain of the ship, explaining to a imld- er nearby that It was a good hick token to tbe pilot The wmder then pasted a quarter next to toe penny. The Idea cauflht on qutcl^. At the end of tbe day the side tbe ships carried ff>3M. It was decided to give It to tbe Navy Relief So ciety. Snymenr |«l*a«i WM. Nt C: Life’s Center Of Gravity A center ot gravity is tost point around which all objMts, unob structed by otoer powers, tend to assemble or cluster. A universe without a center of gravity axnild be a mulUverae of chaotic frag- m nta Order le brought about onhr as each fragment finds its attrac tion In one central power. Every Ufe must have a center gravity. Something around aMch it can move which will bold It together end give K perman ence, force and stability. The na ture ef this center largely de termines tbs character ol a per- sob's life. It Is becoming more and more apparent that Ifie’s true center of gravt^ is not to be found to any- totog material er phsrstca! for hu man exporienee bas taught us how taadeqbele they are. We have all either tried er seen otoers try to build toeir Uves around every kind flf activiUr. Seme have tried boms. educatSem, work, play, (risads or irtiat have you and found that they were not strong enough to fumlMt toe power ucLSusery to tte alt of Ufe tether. XJfe^ center can either be within one's self or outside one’s self. H tt to within, itfe tetxls to be introspective and toe Indivldaal be comes narrow, selflsb, hau^^ and self Important. If the eentw to out side the tendency to toward the materfaUstic. If we think of things: tounanltartott. If we think of pecH pie; or spbrltual tf we think ot O^. Experiince bas taught us toat toe most adequate center of gravi ty for Ufe to to be found to God. H we can feel toat every thing we do or think makes a differenee to an Eternal Being we find our Uvos rotating to an orbit determin ed by the ml of that Bei^. We fird that every experience « JUe seems to 1m connected. Life takes on new reason. Our work, our play, our Joys, our swrows. our successes, oue disappointments an become Integrated end Ufe begins to have meanlnx. Many of the conflicts that we faos here to tbe Army are doe to the fact that we have not found an adequate eenter ot gravity for our Uves. We would do ourselves, our country and our God a favor b" taking time out and placing ans llvm to toe Slvtoo pattern. Many problems we once bad would disappear and life would be much more worthwhile. toat to I’m Army Insignia RegulatUms ^ The manufacture and sate ol Army Insignia by dvUlan firms has been'prohibited by toe War Department, and such eom- pantos are to have tbetr Uosnses revoked wltfata four nxintos after potuitotlon. Soldtors wUl hereafter buy Army Insignia at peat emhanges or QM stores only. Tbe new rngulaUens wJQ help tbe War Department sa- tetet Its rntoa sFunst olvlltoBt wearing Army insignia and will also save metal needed for es sential war uses. Bervtoe Mte’s Chrlettaa League to Hymn Ogvlce IM Sabbath Services mdiy (Jewtoh) SM Chapel No. 4’ The' metfoB pletnre version of Irvtag Berlin’s an-aoldler abow.i "TUs Is toe Army," wlU be given its world premiere In New York on July ». CUT IT OUT! I, dtocJosed diet I to prodnotng 4 tte Aate. A eem- off toe asBemlily tiBulab every day CalUotnto baa lirii permits •& ar In a pietore . . JAP HDNT- . United Stoles imon Islands Bg tnto a game oris FvL Antito nifladeliihla. Just Ban to given h as tm FhiUtoa UOed eoants as a ■ of ligknnflnt tfartaa Bit. SB MOm AGO TOOAT scniouB lOHifSOii riEUu FMBUAW C. 1343 Cadets and dqiarted tor various cadet osntecB. The Air O-Mech tan a list of helpful bints to be^ toe be fuddled Ol with Us tneome tax. The PX refused to seD to the mmss unto «t was proven that they were members of the armed forces. Imagine that. ■ The Nurses also made a name for thamadves irimn toey beat toe Officers in basket- h^ii, score U to U In favtw of Um “Aagtos ol Mercy." «8eng of toe Ground Crew.*' piprds nraaic by Pvt. Morton-' Kretta. M tto Ttnh was to- tfodttped at a roaslcal toov bald at the Sporta Arena. Protestant Services (Oetored Soldiers) Jewish Weekday Jewteh, sabbath Servloet itotor^y Dk^Monday to Mday .... CM Protestant (Wedpseday) Ool- * ored Soldiers) W Cbaptola GMdbarg, Ohaplato Inadlreep Ghapal Na.^ | Saaday Oathooe t E Servloss: Mess . Protestant 8en4cst Relgious Service Ohapal No. 1 CatooUe services: Mass (ffiS, oaso. ISIS. ISM Protestant Services lliO. 1418, 30M Daflv Oatholle Mass gMO Thursday Protestant Services SOM Ohaplatn Tainter. Chsplatn Landtroop Chspd Me. t Saaday Protestant Services QgM. 1118, IgW Holy Oommunhm ins. 19M Rvmn Service *18 Mantle, ctoaplate Davto tttttacran Servieee IIM end IMS im DaSy We— ITM Chaplain Merrill. Oto^in MoC^atb ‘ Beaae Chapal Preteatant Servtees . OathoUe I Jewlah . Laff ef toe WMk ▲ botob of toetraetore at an Anw wtttowr foraeaeWr'e eetooel detiBed la brid a ylaale ea a Mp> tote day. II ratoaj.

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