faly 31. IMS Am-O-MBCH S^fmottf y»hiwi FfekL It: Ct Ttila oempaper Is publUbed weekly b; eod tor the personnel ci Seymour Joimson Field. If C., under the direction of tbe Specie] Service Officer. FuO c.>yerece of tbe Cemp Newspaper Service Is received. All materiel is pansfi! by the Public Relettons Office. AS pbotoffraphs, tmlees otherwise credited, ere Army Air Forces pbot»- graphs. News appearing In this paper is for gcne^ release provided proper credit is gtven. OOL. DONALD B. 8KITB. Commanding Officer J. B. MtTBIt, Special Servloe Officer U. P. Droege CpL Jne Btttera P^. James Beams M/Bgt Richard B. Tail CpL Porter Ward O^. Oeorge Deoee, arfiet. Post note Becttoe Whoi Will Hie W^jr End? Now that Benito Mussolini Is no longer singing his har> mony part in the Axis trio, on every side this week has been the queston How Long Will The War Lost? beboted la barroeks. argued in PXi, tolked about at the USO ond ot bus stops, the question burst out with the first news of II Duce's ok^ooHon and. will not be stilled for some time. • How long will the wor lost? And soldiers osk officers as if the letter were sure to poesess some eonfidential In formation of which they were net oware. How long will the war last? And wives ask husbonds, as if beoouse they wear uniforms their onswers bear weight beyond contest ing. And men ask one another—^not l^couse they expect an answer-—but because they want to edr their own views or hear them substantiated. There is certointy in nothing. This is the Army, this is o war, and the history of wors should teach tu that com ing events often cast their shodows before—but it takes a smart man to reod the shadows. It would take more them the world's best astrologer to predict tbe time when this one will end. History teaches us one other thing: wars ore not alvgoys decided by tbe weight of cannon. Sometimes the element ■of chance enters into the outcome. Sometimes men with spirit, the will-to-win, have shattered forces much stronger to score a decisive victory. There was a sunken road at Woterloo. There was a pass at Thermopylae. - We am not afraid of our spirit. It has been demonstrated to the worlA everywhem your Brothers-At-Anns hove fought. But we need to worry obout the sunken roads and the unknown or forgotten posses. In this day and age, they are most unlikely to be geogrophicol. and could well be peydkologioal. ^ Let us mmember that the answer to when the war ^ll be over will be. yes—when it eifds. Not before. Until we'll go on fighting and working to that every victory will moke us fight a liHle harder and work a little h^er. We'll talk about it when we get to‘Berlin and Tokio. TheUlarlUillMIUhen ir/«s (j^hodteha, JOww, ^oa Ah Editor Leaves The switch U thrown- The cylinders rumble—and the 32nd issue of the Aix-O-Mech begins flipping from the ptMS. The Editor's eyes are slightly misty os they watch Ue paper run between the platee, speed over the gmM and cutlers to the final folding. The Editor swaUow^ard os she picks up the first copy to check it for errors teforo siflnolllng to Iho pmesmon to "let 'er roll." for she hno^ aL is the last Air-O-Mech that she will worry over, gpim over and thrill to as sho watchos its emotion . . . The Editoi^Miss Domthy Droege—is leovi^. In a way, of couree. Miss Dorothy Droege wUl i»l leav^ for the Air-O-MeA hod her as founder md editor. ^ 1.1, it. ci«itio. pou«d Ih. ...rgy o« —» ckoKicI,!. ThMf moik.. that «».» of h«i,lf. wlU ""aoctlr^.•»«> month, OBO today MIm Diooflo “ ■omIom. tonr-pogo popot to bml on tho prws^rf ^ B^toducthm Doportmoot hor,. WiMd Hlwt a Bomm lor tho IpusdUng. SIoct then. UImm Dmg* ha. nutMd and cond lot th, p^r to it. P»ow*| inwit. that of ah l-pogo tabloid with piomiM of own *”Ralph'waldo EmoTKm Mid that "an lM«tution f* *>“• tho Im^honod riiadow of a mc^" la. .OMO *. could KT that tho A«-0-M«:h i. hot ^ Imprint oi Kta. Dntgt't porKmality on Soymour lohuon ^"'4... i. littU mot. -.hot « ^Id MhUmontoL onoopt. Goodbyo, Do*—and. damn it. woTl oU mi« you. .yjjg Amy Operates Bank For Soldiers A Tank la Tunisia walked up, to his company commander and lakl $300 on bis desk. He bad won it In a crap game. ''WbaCe ttilc tots'’ the OO asked, “tbe company fund?” “No sire.'* aald tbe dogfacft “tbe Soldiers D^MSit VNind.” Tbe CO took tbe money, tamed It over to the Finance ottlcer and got back a deposit book for the OX who Is DOW drawing 4 m cent Interest an hia orlgmal $300 Investment. Zt's money from Marlon Hargrove, antbor of "See ^re. Private Hargrove," now Is a sergeant on the staff of "Tbe Yank" In Gblna...Sum enough, Betty Orable reported to work on the morning after ber wedding to Barry Janies...Louie Annstrong, a credit to bis race, will give mual^ scholarahips to four of the kids at bis Louisiana oridian'B home... 6ft. I^a 8tooe> of Qcigliiat Henry Mdrlch radio fame, has given up the wlneooM Amerlcan-b^ ebar acter for tbe Hurafian. And tbe sol- dlen of Irving Berlin's '“Ms Is tbe Army," of which be Is master sergeant, know It better tban any one elae in tbs country. Esra Is playing tbe role of tbe tough ser geant for keeps... Captain Charlie Vaddoek of the U. 6. Martnee was to tbe Dae of duty when his ^ane crashed near Sitka, Alt ska with MaJ. Ocn. WUllBBi Upehaw. Pad dock was a fabulous flgum of Catholic servlees: Maas on$h 08N, UU. itW Protestant sgtieee ilOR 141S. 3000 DaOy OatheUs Maas OHO A eokUer doen't have to win flQb In a orap.f^e to o^ a Soldiers* Deposit fund account. He can start with as bUle as $6 a month and then add as m^ a, ~hmvi~7r:.:nw h. not. «.ry pay l»y. TOU ri«^tmimS-,;hlAl.moM|Orcl. durlw th. OK-jmmM poy oi m. maoey - do nmtter m* Kmoon wm to nm. nmU hi. dopmn. ISSLdS -5Tg55 to ATrl. ca's tbeatte of war baa received ttw fteneb highest decoration — ttw Qrand Cxeae of the Lruton of >aau was The Soktiers* Deposit Ftmd. wtileb was started m UT3, now has mom than llOPtO aetim counts and It's giuwing every day. Xt'e In particular favor In combat areas whom soldiers have fo^ that tbe best thfog to do with a doL ar la to save It Ite nicest thing about the ^an Is the emise of eecuity it glvw a OL lie knows If ha sfiakm regular depostts be will have a tkb nest S g with which to start cIvIIIbs e again when bo comes mar^ |*”fbe^Slan Insaiea the soldier lagalmt hbi own weaknaaeee. Af ter be has cnee ^wned a savings laocount In tbs fund be 'cant get ible dough out »g**»^ until he to dle- idiarged exc^ In cases of emer- gewy. He must secure tbs okay of hie *^»*«*^ or niftmantal earn- • Tafoter, . llOt ga ■ORIBS AGO TODAY BTMOOA fOBNSOH nOD -RUDAAT. 13. 1*43 rw. Frank A. Btabb reoently otrrSod from AnsttaMa was sueitied the Purple ^ the iMIh. was pcoda^pied me Sul mother St Seymour Johnson sRtil Umo p» iSrty ftm foliated man evw 33 vesn ef sga were hsoersMy XSgsd tokMept M to wsr er In sgrtaanom. flmt ■■eitied si BufUW JehsstA SnTZ m iSd. l$3fo predsttve is^ k^ Fill It Vpl Our soldiers report timt last watt's edltorlid and eartoon en titled FU It Upr euaiueinlng. entliu me of extra tthee tn etts lor OIs knkliig for a ride Is town, certainty did make a ilnttetfaum- wi I MU— wwm offered mors trerty. Om tastanee related was about tte oabfti dad driver who^ bli car with ap- pMkttve lada. kept repeating Tho money a aoldlw depostte in tbe Fund la for blm — and no elae. It can't be attached for debta. It can't be transferred to anyone else. It can’t even be coo- fieceled It tbe soldier gets a dle- booorable dlectaarge. In case o f deatti the money goes to tbe es tate ef the deed soldier ae sou as a valid claim le preeeoted. Tb enm It all up, here am four gmd ruasons for opening a 8d diers* Deposit: , ,, 1. Tbe depostts art convenlenL tin soldier makes hie deposits thrott^ his company commander by payroll deduetton. Be dbemi’t have to worry about checks “ BWbm orders. 3 Tbt dspodts ars a pnfttahls tomatiniTif, They pay 4 per cent Honor. Oeneral Carl ftwM. . _ made commander of ttie Legion of Honor...Of an the things to have to worry about, now tbe Treaeoiy couMs along wttti tbe dtaheertenlng anncumremeot tbat $10,Mt kite are getting scarce. Them am fewer tban 3J00 tt large. enlarging tbat a baby girl had beoa eubsUtuted for tbtt new bom son, a ooimio have started a $000,000 damage soil agatoat a Loe Angeles taototiisL Attsndanto toM tbam sbortly after Itii^ tbat It was a boy — upon arrival borne they disooversd a girl...After tbe last war tbe Oenoans. making a study c€ morsle, cnc.loded thaS Brttitt morsle was due to Jhe teigteh- man's penss of hnnior. Bo tbe Oermsns decided to InattB bmnor fate their soldiers sloe — sod or- dersd the Gennsns to be humor- OttSl The Merry Msee faeve been of fered OaojOOO and niruw for e five week ten ef Latin Amerlcs.. OBBing to B^ttast Btto Burwortti baa an bar buttooa Is s Ug Jtt. Ptito. for s dsnes reutlnB in* Co hmiMsh *T>iver Ofal,’* wssrs s oos tome on whlrti sm sewn most of Bollywood's fsst • dfanfadti' h. of whits pearl but —7.030 of them...Qndar Hagg. tire dtfunp BwadUi nnmer. vwad Oreer Oaison at M.OJC. thS omer dsy. Bvsrythtng wmti all right ,ttl Oimdar Mte he ttJoysdl_- Oarson’s fltai. ‘Huweis fes the Chapel NO. 3 Prototest Bervkes tU5, 1*30 Communion 1900 ByM Barvka 3011 kfsntte, Cliorteln Ouvis Teraiai LutbersB Sarvleso 1100 and 1000 feOsiaOaj Bervlea Men'a OluiatiBP League H Hymn'Berries lliO Bsbbath Services PHdsy (JewlBh) 3000 Ctepal Na. 3 SS&ot Bervtoea $010. lOOO. 3000 “ ■ — * UBS .... OHO. Oathotle Mess: 1730 - AiA MeOermltt. Chsplsln Reavus, camplalB Otoon Gteprt He. 4 3. The money la avaOaMa. The ddlar gets bstt every eent of his tavestsMOt phMfarteraetttbttbo is dlittatfgsd. Depoalti may bt wtBittawm any time In cuss oJ muttgsncy vtth tbs awjfBval of the er tsgtwinafsl eon tt- 4 The moBtt Is^ to Otmt itoally itt B. *Tou —Jtt Tnnsswm to tbe Dutt' * foe auM That*s ttmt Oopdar foeanO... IBsokland Air Bate Tto Hswiiwlvud WAQi -for M Ham f ■sfo day lltfi I SSS2i 0000 lOM i, i OOBR r 0000 V r 300* « . 1000 IMO. r ,-i 1 1700. Orate i . onb > . IMS . ISIS * 4. Stuidag School