Vol. 1 No. 37 SEYMOUR JOHNSON HELD, N. C. August 7,1943 : I n 1 Jn Our lime Of Trial Give Us Strength... 9 * Rifle Range Sunday Rites Draw Throng Th« sound ol firing diod owcry on tho rifla rccngo. Th« stooatto benk ol a sorgoont stiilsd. A G1 leaning his la* ligues ogainst a tree put oway a fountain pen used to write a letter and struggled to his feet. Eren the noise in this odptMA ttiUed. It was *‘dburab eerrioe time'* on the tanae. . A Uttie knot.sf mm huddled neer •n eltar under the pines, emUe off through the. trees m omer olesr^ taigs two other groups at men were prepertng for ^Ir hour ot worship. . ererr Sendsr erwlug the socme fa repested. At the IMI hour • hdt fa eeasd to sB scthrUy «■ the mage, sad ehsptelos at the OsMifa. Fmtestsat sad jOTTfah fsHlii eendeet tadeieaal seertoes. sttmd la peeks sad etoer egulpmeal whiA ther amt laj wide. ■ Two months sgo tt wss proposed Oat Sc^iDOttr Johnson cbsplsins aoaduct serrloes tor men bivouac- log on the rifle range, where CscU- ittee oC any lod} WP* were lack- tag. lbs response was immediate. wtU these flundays find Officers and Bilistod Men to regular at- We Don’t Believe It! Sound the buglest Break out the bunting and the flags! Look up a medal—that rarest of all soldiers has been found! It happened . at the Senriee Club where Corporal Joe Santee —U single, by the way—set a record by being the first OX to turn down a certain Job. "Ba was adced by a hostess to tske a truck to ICinwton and pick up a load of glfla for a danoe, thanks,” said' Joe. *l’«w bad amugh troidde wtta women!-” - * “Ibere’s no more sertous group of church goers anywhere than at tbs range,” says Cbaplata Talnter. in charge of tbs Protestant sendc* ss. *'lbsre is. something about the natural'surroundings s^ tnelr beauty, ths fact Ibeae men are tratataf for war fronts, and their etncertiy that make the services like no otaer 1 have ever conduct- ed-” CMdd, Ofaob, McOratb. and MeOonnldk feel the same way. **Ibs sange services,” they ex plain. “is one of the hlgbli^ts of our service here.” U I 4gmt tar flt.N worlh al gnaoMMal kmaan hfj Aiifwt IM rai Wanta Bowl, Bub? Alleys Nearly Set! Those new bowling alleys will open this coming week. That assurance come from the Special . Service Office after oontroctors turned the building, located on the cor ner between Cha^l Ko.. 1 and Pbst bchcmgie Brandh Ner/ .l, Air Forces. A complete sidiedule of bowUn times hss not been announced, but aloctg with' the opening will be annouooed through the Dally Bul letin, and (Ks are Instructed to watm the Bulletin for that infor- matioo. Flaas are to ha' > bewllu I West Coast Net Pro Here Private tkm B. Thompson —rat ed as of the leadins nrofee- skmal tennis playeracntae' West Cosst — is a new arrival at Sey mour Johnson Field, gnd one with a main objective, attmance at a Usiaon pitot's proeedtirs. school. Ihompson, iH)o is alreafy a lia ison pil^ hiu taught siieh pamon- allties as Shirley Temple, Noni^ Shearer, Ctory Cooper, Claudette Colbert, Pat DeCim. Wayne Mor- 'Tls. Robert Taylor, Barbara Stan wyck, Howard. .Hughes, and the family of Donald Douglas, builder of some of Uia world's best a1^ bo bapm -to teach Offtakre and wnuaw lioQ aP this fUad any thing I ean about tennis." Thomin son suld. “'•IhSps5r^*bSn In more t^.two years. He served “21,12^ ef saMtorS ettfsillny cifaiess to aemre that - every Ol gefa a shawm .to bevl. Ona sr twe aDsys way be eel asWie fer efftoer esa. Aa Offtoer Mfaht fa atoa esoaM- «ed* wMsi eltleers aad thefa wives, aat' anraes> may beerL Hw alleys felt the first trundle of balls this wesk wbn CcL Don ald B. .dmltb, Oommaodtag Officer, demonstrated bfa prow^. Bowling Bgahiat hbh wu..a talvate, Wif Uam McCready, ertiQ nbd b s s n woiki^-en'tbs tUeya. “•^ts ten aUsys are''oow to every detaU, and the oonstnic- tion Is. new throughout. Officers who a year to the infantry. Thompson -received bis start by studying instnicUon technique un der Pat O'Bara, Australian n^ sta^ at the Beach and Temds Club of »>tel Del Coronado, Coronado, Calif. Bis newt sistgnTnent was the Hotel Dm Mar where he served the exclusive clientele of Bing Cros by’s TW Club. Don next was sivointed as head profeastonal at the Desert ton st Palm SprtngB, CahZr; vdlere he ca tered to the greafa of -the movie colony and socialites from all over the world. - - Prior to his taductlou into the armed forces he was st' the historto Annadale Country Club, Pasadena. Calif. At the club hS supefvtoed the building of his own tennis, club in conjunction with the golf 'club. According to Don, bis OMSt inter- csttng astognment' was ' ooe ' to which be w»a employed as a pri vate tennla tastructor to Norma flbearer. Be al«o was a idmpan- Ion for her tww chlldrm. tb^ ***f! ■««*„ • Looker rooms will be avsilsMe for both men snd women. A bat- cony and bleachers will provide for spectators. OXs may be given opportunity to make qiare money-te spare time by eettmg pins at the aUeys. Gas Non-Coms Alt^d School Band Concert Slated Again This Thitrsday Tbe iriace is the bindsisnd be side the-8parts-Arenartbe-tlms is 1900 next Tburadgy eve. and-the event fa'the weekly oql^ door ogn, ge^of..tfae BeitoKint. JefaBSop Field tOeottnoed On Ps^ Open Houae Planned Do you know all about what an aircraft mechanic studies in clsosce at SeynuMir Johnson Pleld? TtoJeae you’re a student, you probably don’t, and so the Office ^ the DirectX of Training hai announced that an Open House for ell Seymour .Jtduason- person nel will be held August 10, be tween the hours of 1000 and 1700 In H»«g»f 4. All phasea of general class work will be demonstrated. Those intrestod In a further itudy of daasss mqy obtain passes and a guide for s tour of the hangars. Officers Get Extra Brass ■Promotion of seven more taihe to inajortties were- reveaim this week -Ihrough orders received from the war departoient. Tbe sev en and their home towns are ss follows’: TniUam L. Oatoss. Jr., Anniston. Ala.: Jeans D. Malone, Orayson, Ky.; 86km B. Coleman, Fredericks burg. Va-. Harold N. Elliott, Oreene H. Y.: John RusseU Mltdidl. Bed ford. tod!: William LTOibson. Buntlagton. ■ W, v.a.: and WlIUam P. Barnes. Jr-. Chiesgo.'HI. First Meutonanlj promoted tocap- tolM wbre: - QMM Pramsted Buseell Z. Baker, nsemont, O.: Jolm A. Me^gaa, ittusvlUe, Pa.: Zdward T. RUey, RusaelviUe. Ky.; Main A. OuilcL Oeveland- O.: Josn D. Tedford, Ft. Wayne. Ind.; Ralph C. Adams, Minneapolis. Minn sad Henry Merritt Zscne, Oiarles- W. Vs. 'Limited' May Get Out Under Ruling Thorw are going to bo no more "limited serviee" men in the Army. Such men will either be discharged or.plooed in gen eral senriee otter re-exon^- atien. That iM Thd amsaemeMnhf br the War Department, which, Indiooted that enlisted men who do hot meet the current phrsioal standards for general military service will emitinue to be accepted in ooBtrqlled numbers. ^ ^ predicated on CSD. .»Wlhy, «>«clAl akIUs, Intel- 35 relation to ***** their physical abiuty. Initially soeo am wm not be juitslgned io com bat mUte or ReMacemsot,-Train- Centers of the Army Ground fSMral esrvtos tssefaiWuwfa wll W M -egamtiisd, lalsbs whs fafl to toes* ths pvsseribcd adalaBM stodgard tor MMttaw wIB bs dto- >^iyd- TxBBfttolto ais peavU- ed hi toe eaae at a man wha fa phTsfeally qsaUOed topertofm Me preeeto Jeh aM wheae eem- mandir dealraa hfa retantfan. Bvery measure win be taken to plaos individuals to posMons where their particular ■mm and ability wifi be of the greatest me. Cam- manders wlU mrrrrrlsfi nnrsisuil sii perviskm to' this end. Sec^ Ueutanants itromoted to,Few Pfaehargea Zxpectad first UeotAsots were: s fiokfiers not mtotosd beoduse of Fsul Bf. Carper. Blacksburg. Va. 'physical disability wm return to Zdward Z. Cox. Hartford City, I we Jurisdiction of Sdeettve Ser- Xnd.: James Z. Cairo, P(wt Chest- trice after their dlsch^e. er. N. Y.* Harlan F. Daniel. Bhaff No great number of dlseharges fa Bcfftogs, hi.: Michael J- Del Oa- «tpected to result from the order, stooTBro^lyn. N.-Y.r WlUlsm M.las Army standards have not.bees Morrow. Altoona, Pa.; Jiton A.|chaaged apiweclaMy stoce tbs be- Kley, Tarrytown, N. Y., jidd Mau- gtoning of Selective Serlce. rice L. Bequlieu. Oldtown. Me. AA Begmour Johnson Plaid gas non - coins have attaded- a gas s^Kxd the ISJrt two. weeks to bet ter qualify them for their duties, sad while to eeestr-' were vfaltod by CoL M. Z. iHpuser, cbemicsl waili^ Officer tor the command. Ttfade who attoixied regularly A waived passing- grades- r*** cqive oerttfloates of pM. signed by the post oomssaodor. Bttojeoto tauAt were chemktal agents, tespetolou and adJutonwK. of tbe —pro cedures. first fw* caaolattes- duties of tbe.aonwom and rsiated stttdl^.. . |ll^tow^^twh Are lastnwtotg Tbe. school was tostruetqd .hy {A. . Ook Bdiaser vnu aiififimpsnlsil by Victor y. Mar&i. chsmieel-Mflcsc (pr lbs ■ first dlyict. • Tito. Qolnnel ■■" 'iSffWs alsroi eygWns.' It was sald-thst tbs purpose for dlsehargiag certain ef the Uihlted service men Is .to.avoid the. pay« ment of costfy pmslona for servlee- eggravated maabllity. Some men, for tostance, have had undetected lung weakness which became re vealed after Inductieo. Otbera have Iprogresstve deatoass which would ied aw who failed to grow worse in the Atony or to «M1- their Avtetton Cadet 8creea-.lan life. If such men were held to senriee the result mlgjBt be tbe ■ payment of veterans' * peiisiens whan military ssrvtos may not have eontrlbutod .to ptuntom dfa- ability. No. i-a After Aug. 1 all nxen accepted tor service will be' clsislfled of ficially aa l-A. Heretofore the prao- pogjijjj to EntUted Men Urged To Retry' Cadet Exama by .lO pdnU.or lem are' ' urgpd to reapply and re-take, tbe examteatton atace rsqolrements have been towered and the tests - are toss right. Tbe walttog period has been aborteoed, 'the AvlatloD -Cadet HoaM. said this wett, and qualified applicants wait an average of three weeks. rAsnff rmsft. sound Lt OoL i-B--Bai]ghif.plyasoalh. Army gfl^, tootoitual dfreo*pr of ths hfiH plaaw dttve at> gm-mOae par boor —faster tban*noand»--tta Cai^ mlfaMpMfaaM. tice hM been tar draft 1 clssslto aeleetosa m toA; angr^ Army to re claaitfyihsmAflsr plT-

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