J . ) J *«• t Xaful 2t, IM3 An-O-MECB Sffmam lohuaB FUM. N. C. i] J J] ** 1) 11] £ £ IJI ^ Rd1ierMfeorTli«m.... not otmtptpn U pubUibed WMkly ^ airf for ibe percocnel of teymour Jnhnoon Field. N o.. iBder the dlrectkio of tbe Speelel Service Officer. Full corerofe of tbe Comp ffew^ieper Service le recetred. AD meterlel le peaeed br tbe PabUo fMaUoae Office. AO pbotocrmpbe. MOleeB otherwise created, are Amy Alt Forces photo- rrapha. News appeartoc tn this paper Is for fcneral release provided proper credit Is given. OOL. DONALD B. 8ICITR, Oominasdli« Officer MAJOR J. B. MURB, Special Servlos Officer KDROBIAL Pfe. Leslie Waller Pvt. James Beans Feet Photo Sectloo M/Sgl Richard B. Tail CpL Oeorge Denes, artist Third War Loan Drive Thund^, SeptemlMr 9tk mark, th* baginning of the Third War Loan Drive. Here at Seymour Johiuon Field, wo are going to beat the gun and .tort September fit. You will be oaked to bock the fighting forceB.to the very limit of your roKiurcen lo meet the national quota every individual at thi. comp. Soldier and Ovilion mu.t inveit Atroiy red cent he possibly con. Scrape up tbe money from every source . . . turn in all tbe loose cash you carry with you ... dig out what you had tucked opway "just in cose." Go withotft pleasures, lux uries, even necessities this September. And give our fight ing men the things they need to fight with^ond win. These men ore throwing everything they hove into this fierce invasion push. They are giving their blood, their lives. Mo one con put a price on such courage, self socrifice, devotion. But you ccm show you're with them to the limit! And the one way to do it is with BONDS * BONDS * BONDS. Tfaers is on American soldier over there, you refer to him as o buddy. Some day, if God is with him, he'll come home. And when he does, you'll get the biggest thrill of yoiu life if you can look him squarely in the eye ond say, "I wasn't ihere lo help you fight but I did everything in my power to help you win. j There's only one way you can say that . . . honestly soy it. And that is to help now by buying bonds with every dam cent you con get your bands on. Three Kinds Of Men No Honor Among Wolves I—TBE ONE WH9 U NOT JIME This is the man who fulfills his obligations poorly. Me Liegal Aid Set Up To Help G. I.S Two dogs were strolling down Center Street discussing the >sul- trlness of tbe weather and tbe More than 0OO legal atiristsnce oCflma have been eetabUsbed In The Chaplain Speako Ibe Indian populatton ia Increas* lag and tbej are net forced to bvs ,on reservattoos but wherever tbcg poor quality of mess hall gar- wish. They are cltliens If bom bage. m the midst of their ^11- ^thln tbe terrltorl^ Bmlts of the osophising, a WAC walked by on tbe other side of the street ‘*Tber«'* said one ^og. “goea a tasty mers^** united States. Tbe 1 ^terlan. BapUst, dirlsOan, and other Protestant (%urelMB aa welt sa the Oattiolls Qmrch, have from the very eMly tfAys bad mlssiooB among, the Xm dians. Here is a true story. &i It&l the Blmiz had sold to tbs umted Btateo. at a few cents per acre, 85,000.000 acres of ' * "ibe more attractive place since they started putting addHtooal sex in ..... .w .MW WMM kULuiiB wu^ukkOBB peony. Jio n»ve oeeu cw»wik(ui«Q ku Unlfonns, said the mokw mUtoke. and forg.t. thing, ramilT. H. btomk. othen ”4^;' "TuSun* 1. the word for l»r. for everything that faappena to him. He is like o lame man program was started several ^ ^ tempt-iMtnneoota, Kaftota and Northern who stumbles os he walks. He understands everything poor- months ago by the American »»r|£io£*uJ! SIS' I^r, ..p^all, hi. o™ lock of copacitr. With Wunrr..'^^” 7?S.‘^‘‘S?iSS.5.‘“riS o,n'irfc ?Ui^,o?‘Sitr‘‘SL^ DU mistakes, and his carelessness, he couses an enormotu'esprlt-d'-corps and efficiency of ' i*** not paid and they were with- mount of di^ilooniro and dUturboneo. Of mon .uch a. thl. -SvIUn. »«.!" , ^S?“,tei3£>4°°S m Isell on credit, m s conference be- flip-,tween white traders and flop, tbe other dog barked, chiefs, the traders* agent said. there ia the greatest abundance. 2—THE OME WHO IS AME This is the man who fulfills bis obligations. He is 'the right man in the right place.'* He is punctual, obedient, care ful. He is the mon for whom people everywhere are Rooking. He is the strong cornerstone of greot organizations. Never theless be^ attentlcn. ^ diouid toss Approximately 14.0M civilian Atu, aaa memMrs of state bar assocla- ^ ^ ttons have vohmteered their ser- far as I am concerned, if they am hungry, let them eat grass.” There was a dead aUence. than wild shouts as the chiefs rushed out to their hungry tribes and two days later a terrible massacre broke'out In which 7M whites were kUleO. , vlcae to arrange matters ^ ' ranging from drawing up wins to toe fllp-fl^, being a smart dog. * out problems In in- naturally landed on his bead and surance. It's ail free. | thereby won the toss. Zf vour blacksbeen brother-in-law "Now,” said the winning dog ' is try^ to do ^ out of a nest itaggertng slightly. "X'U bite her." egg. the legal w bogs will hold *'X etU think you ought to be You can't ask him to do more than he does There is up %uur ^ of the battle. And if sporting about It.” murmured tht,Three huMh^ Mouz wm icn- oon t toe Tandtord has been threatening losing dog sulkily. "You should atltenced to be han^d^t^krt^ no use expscting anything unusual of him. There is no use,to toes your wife and kiddles out, least growl before you bite ber.”|them were paidcned by Lincoln counting on him in any exceptional situcrtioo. All that can H*® will go to biU for you “Very weU." said the wlnning|aDd liter mo/ed to reeermUons m • 1,?, ®top worrying about dog in high spirits. ‘Til growl.” jSeutb Dakota Through the work ed burden of his problem- llki* this and concentrate And he growls greedily. SsSoTMSesrnSS?? t on tbe Krauts and the Japs. »Louder,” said the l^ing dog.iSme^lstli^ • ^ To get this aid you apply at the “Loud enough so ahe can hear' legal assistance oHlce at your post you. And paw the ground.” LtSLu Indly and lay your problem on tbe ta- The winning dog growled lustily. *•. ?®App^l to ^ ble. anMe smUecurllng his Ups. He 2*^^ •« to* I At each legal assistonre office, mashed tbe ground feverishly , officers snd noncoms of the uis nails, 'iSPv hnns outstretched, hie .Judge Advocate General's De- "o. K.” sighed the losing dog. ♦JS •Wtude of wor- ba expected of him n that he will bear the burden tosk without becoming fatigued. Men of this kind are not easily found. * 3--TBE ONE WHO IS MOIE THAN ABLE This is the man who not only fulfills his obligations but who also makes others perform, their tasks. He is the man who posbetses the qualities of leadership. InstMd of limit-l^rrmenr'a^i^9ol{U^*« l^i ‘'oo^al^d.”^'*” "®“'|ShIp. Let^'us think ^'this bu^iw ing himself to following the course of the routine daily task, prot*!*®*- Mo?t jag personnell But just then a sergeant camc|*®f P®tog common to every he ia ahrova dianoaed to atrike out av«r obw wava H« iaV®*'® lawyers in civilian IMe, ’along and bit the WAG himself.»r®®®'^®f®^«» »« «»r pre- , “ “fPO®®** to *>"*« “•'V jvays. He is service does not in- Tbe dogs turned from the scene anthropologlstt teO always short o! time. He always feels that he has not done'elude military court martial, jn high disdain. As they trotted ^ toat human behigB are inherent- much. He sormoUy travels on the run. The world owes its nor can the military personnel of gloomily down the road, the win- ^ ^^®’ TPere Is ^th^ in tbe progre.. to tho tint... work of tho» fighter, who ore full of .^g dog tlckrt, hlmMtt «vend !>'»«* •«?•■>> ft •o.lndlrMo.r tlwl Optimism and vision. Men such as these ore scarce every where lor they ore like the April rains and the May sunshine . . . wherever they are they arouse everything lo life about them. (Transloted from a Spanish article in Ejercito (Cuba). Letter To A P.O.W. In Civil courts on behalf of (heir times in the hindquartm. clients. Address Unknown I MORAL; Wolves, unlike dogs ihave DO sporting blood. Fort Dix Post Redmond Tastes Bitter Gall By 8GT. DON SITTHEBLAND &i a titanic struggle for tbe squadrtm tennis crown. Captain Al*. Address unknown. Tbars t b e j reason why more than fiwty thou sand AUotment-ef-Pay and Family Allowance checks are sent back to tbe War Department Office' of De- ipendency Benefits each TnnTkth. tm- How about that buddy of youn in the prison comp,'delivered. ^ • hove vou wriHen him lotelv? ' If you have made an allotment fred on his vas5 nave you wnnen nun loieiyf ... , for a dependeni. ana they ace store of court knowledge to imt When you do ait down to write, toll him why you didn t g^boot to i^e, make certain Uiat down toe sdiallenge of Jack you notify them that their ODB Redmond, the enlisted men’s rep- check wUl follow them to their resentative, 6-3, 44, 6-t. to a state- new by Dotlfjring tbe OOB meat for exclusive Alr-OJAeeb In writing. Tell your department to pubflcatlon, the -vtctor panted, send their new to the Of- "Tsk, tsk, what's the matt^ with Acs of Department Benefits, New-!the younger men of this o^anlm- ark. New Jersey. Repeating that Ition? A harder work-out I abould ~ tbe Office of Dependency Bene- get frmn my young son, yet.” 8gt. fits, Newark. New Jersey. Also, Redmond seemed loath to dtsenss to notify their former postmas-lthe matter, but with bope, ter. {springing eternal tn his b a uy R'a a simple thing to do —but breast, promised sweet revenge In makes him clean for instance, or in another that makes Um dirty; or nothing that makes an i"****" res-rvsc and s Jew sggrMslve. or that makes a Japanese a good farmer and Slovens good miners. Second, such traits come from tbe. ssvlroDmeni. Third, there has nev er y^ been a race toat 1^ not shown tremendous Improvemimt under Christian teaching. buy your share of War Bonds lost pay day. "Dear Joe," you might soy," the old topcoot was getting ki]^ of threodbare, so I.... No, cross it out. Joe might not understand about the top coat. especialy if he's shivering in o damp Jopanese cell. Let's try again. "Doer Joef. I've been working pretty herd and haven't a vocotion in over a year, so ... . Hell, better cross that out. too. They don't ever get a vocation where Joe's staying. Well whot are you waiting for? Go ahead emd finish the letter. Well then If you can't finish the letter you can ot leost do this for Joe. Put a lot of extro money into Wcor Bonds, tnv* keep right on putting money into them. If you do I think your next letter to Joe might not be so hard to write. it means tim dlflerence between getting their check promptly at their new address, or going ^through long weeks of delay. Pvt.' What to home wltbont a mother? OaL I am tonight handsome. Lay That Washboard Down, Son! Don't wash your dirty linen in pubLo. fellas. Why not try ttM Post Laundry's super-servlee. Tbiity pieces of clouting every week and the ctoirge to but dieap. And the job they do to boost plen^ good. Ibe Laundry to now —' e^pped to bandle tbe watoi of every man on tbe fitfd, and n reeonl ttane, toe. 8o give them a try—you went repet It. tbe next meeting of these oom* maadoe of tbe clay court. OoogratoUtions from this corner to Dick Halfaker and Whttey Hard- I en on their promotions from Oor-1 Doral to th* three-strlne classllica- i _ . tion. tllck was on furlong irtmi bM comgpoodhigly widu ww tbe extra chevron was baaaed out, stoct. t the Qeovgla Peach was cn band • to receive tbe good newe In per-