Vol. 1 No. 39 SEYMOUR JOHNSON HELD, N. C. September 11, 1943 Bring Air Cadets Here For School Ibe avlAtloo cmdet pre-technle&l ■ctwol Itt which futuiw Army Air Forces technlcsl otUcers receive bulo treliUnc hu been moved from Boca Batoo Fla., and la now part 0^ Seymour Johnson Field. The school Is made up of selected enlisted and qualified men drawn directly from clvUtan life, and hi* •truetton covers a ia*week period. Upon completion of their course here, the cadets will be assigned to Yaie University for technical training In armament, engineering, communications, ^Mtography related subjects. Upon graduation from the Yale school they are com* missioned as second lieutenants. Commanding Officer of the eadeta *is Lt. Col. John S. Wise, one of the first officers to arrive tor duty at Seymour Johnson rield. and one of the oHIcers who assisted In the tnstallatioo of the a* TierHarir*? school nsre. Be was the founder of the non* flying aviation cadet basic train* I ing school at Boca Raton, which ls«oow the school at Sevmour John* son Field. Although not identical with Of* fleer Candidate School, aviation I cadet training covers most of the subjects Included m Officer Can- dldate Schools,g>lus a concentrated^ course In specialized subjects^ Here at Seymour Johnstm Field, the cadets will study admlnlstra* tion. military law. IdentlUeaUoo of aircraft, camouflage, guard duty supply, maintenance, ceremonka. ^ ““l.rstreats, mUitary oooii^ and ^miliar topics ss ^ven in sQ Of- floor Candidate Schools. Bond Drive Sweeps Past Halfway Spot in 2nd Week Two Seta Of Twina Make Sure It Gets There For the beneftt of the men and ^men of Seymour Johnson FldW’ who have friends and relatives i overseas the SUttoo Poet office offers the following Instrudions. ' parcels going overseas, for, Christmas must be plainly marked XMAS parceIj and mailed be tween September Uth am^ Octo* ber 15th. The parcels must not exceed 6 pounds In weight or U Inches in length. Only «pe parcel ^ may be mailed in any one week to the same person. . .PUrriNG COURSE The nine-hole putting course between the Sports Arena and the Quest House is now complet ed and putters may begin to putt. Ihere Is no charge and clubs and balls may be obtained In the office of the Sports Arena. Rules are posted and It Is re quested that all men who make use Of the course abide by them. Wacs Get Same Benefits As Service Men Quotas Made by 8 Outfits,' Civilians at $10M0 Mark' Like an ovolonche, gaming momentum with eoch in* creasing hour, Seymour Johnson Field's share of the Third War Loon Drive swept on past the midway point in the drive for a $100,000 quota this week, os bond soles totaled over $52.0p0 by the week’s end. With four organizations making their assigned quotas olready, and an equal number more thdn doubling their limit, the drive snowballed into its second and final phase urged on by generous individual purchases and a concerted effort by all to make the drive a smashing success. Most spectacular purchase to dote wos that of Pfc. Dol* las Palmer, an AM student in the 793rd T. S. S. Polmer dug deep in his khaki pockets and bought the astounding amount of $2,000 in war bonds. Jumping the gun by ten days, the field began selling on August 31st. Since then, bond sales have averaged $5,000 a day through this week when the rest of the nation began its drive. Top oigsnisationB on the fleld^ \ L'".' were those that, with a scant two**npleB htoh hope was held that weeks of the drive gone by. badieU organizations would not merely doubled their quotas. They were: set limits, but would 7«th Trsininq Wing. SlOth WAC De- ibt celling to make aehment SSSth Signal CmiM De- fhe field's quota swell its bounds tachment and the BOStti Quarteiv' Soaring above a^ beyond their master DeUchment With such ez- ^ P" ^mt psy deduction . .for bppdA the oMUan employees OB the field reached the $0,775 mark m their race towards s gosi lof $15,000 • ' Blgnpalnters readied themselves to flu In eight stars on the blue field of our Post War Bond Flag j situated in front of Post Headquar ters — eight stars that dgi^led ! eight organizations making their Rome, the capital city of Italy capitulated to German forces led ouotas. by Field Marshal Von Kesserllng Friday aftomoon. I What promised to be a long-re* The fears of armed forces in Italy that the Germans would attempt meniber^ evral^ was the mam* to seize Italy and eetabllah a pupp^ Fascist regime were reaUz^. 'Jiwth Bond Rally to bo Secretary of War Henry L. Stimsoo's prediction of heavy fighting be. nert Batur^ night at the fore the Germans are driven out of Italy were upheld. It wse reported I gy**io^“nj in that Field Marshal Shwln Romel had taken command of Nad troops Ooldsboro. Open te enlisted in North Italy. (Continued on Page Three Ihe capital cl^ capitulated after heavy .hombartoent and sbeU- Ing waa reported midday PViday. On other battlefields In Italy, r^rts are chat British sod Ameri* esn troops sre msUng saltsfactory gains snd taking many Nazi pris oners. Germans Occupy Rome! Report Rommel Heading ^mbers of the Wac become e Iglble for many benefits avail- Tb^ peckagee undergo much able to men In (he servlco as undllng in such distances and it soon as they take the oath of al ls absolutely necemsiy that ar* leglasce ^es be packed In wood, fiber- Every member of the Wac WUl board or double 'corrugated card- be eligible for the National Ser- board • boxes. Cardboard boxes vice life available to I Americans FlgU must be securely wrsn>ed with service men to the free mail priv- American Fifth Army under Lt. Gen. Mark W. Clark had strong paper' and twine. Parcels Uege and other benefits smashed five German counter attacks ak Naples and bad established are subject to censorship end other Army personnel Wac strong bridgeheads, Allied headquarters said. ^uld be wrapped to permit ready members may take out Govern-! American and British troops then pushed inland, it was announced, tnspecUoB of ttie contents This ment Insurance after entering on encountering strmig German forces in the Immediate vicinity of Saler- vluMve much time. active duty. App Icatlon for the I no, 30 miles south of Naples on the gulf of Salerno. They Identified their Perishable matter will not be Insurance may be made as soon oppenents ae the 10tb German Armored Dlvlslan. accepted. Do not ■a^p& food or; as they have taken the oath I Ventotene Island. 25 miles outside the Bay -of Naple^ and only clothing or very fragile articles. ( As in the dase of other mem- 70 miles south of Rome also had been seized. The Italldh intoxleants, Inflamable material, ibers of the Army the pay of Wacs' surrendered, a headquarters communique said, material liable to dam* {who die wWle in service Is pay- lU. 8. Navy la Actieo (Continued on Page Three) able to dependents. Under the guns of an Allied Fleet commanded by Vice-Admiral -—♦Henry K. Hewitt of the United StatM Navy the ABlieS poured a great additional force Into the beachheads with the objective of lopping off all Southern Italy. Frmn Allied headquarters in North Africa Is the report that Naples, Italy's second greatest port and the heart of her southern communl* cations system, iqppeared almost In the grasp of Gen. Dwight D. Elsoi* bower Friday as Allied forces struck resounding blows bv land, air and sea with the aim M ridding the peninsula of the last living Ger man. > garrison Church Hour” Set Aside to Give Gl’s Chance To Attend Services Sepante hours have been deslg* good men with floe associations able the solace teachlne of Dated for the convenlehce of per- drilcate tlea of a fine home; with- the church. • The out God in .our Uves we cannot The new project U aleo Intended, AI|Atinih||tC ^t stATts at (BOO on Sunday and assure ourselves that we will re- to solldUv religious feeling be-i illlVilllvIlM (he second for those who cannot turn home good men >-havtns won tween field r,»rmmn»x mrsA cArHM - attend the firrt beg^ at U15. a good victory we return eon- with it the hearty ladorsemenToliback from' vaMtlS'“**it*^iif*f^ i IS* ** **** riranda of bis Army Gorreaponding times have been quered ourselves.” all Squadron Commanders The liSSw ^7 ^***2 “*• establsh on Saturday for the ab Pick.up boz Pick up box boure for zervteM^SSbTheiid^ld to convalescing Congress May Increase Gl Fred Woli Retoms To Civilian Life Seymour Johnson Field's see 88 man. Sgi. Freddie Wolf. leavea this week for dvl Ian life. And with him memories (rf g lot cd fine entertainment Freddie, a pianist with name bands like Char lie Barnet, returns to Chicago to --- —- — up tendance of persons of the Jewish Hitherto Faith. Post Obapeb win be uU- the field Used for the majority of the ser-,fOr all m vices, but Theatre No. 3 will (services, wany men nave gone w is aoout to begin- a a^» • ww bouw Catholic ceremonies. church however In the face of Chaplain TiSter in a con-* £ssrs.'”isrob.Sc?. “ri “ « Ibe-niid. HSl'-Thira*!,jr. Um« t tte m. S;:;“SioSlrS‘M‘S -job a — of . wSm U.vlt.1 .000.1 «ooU b. freStoWteM Uw. » goi t. i;m go^ to try W worL tove. We xame into the Army vatlon Is a step In making avall-'been made for aU worshipera. | WorSSSad oSmSS Thraa) |uSte montSL^ iSJ?* “