Ko. 1 Vol. 40 SEYMOUR JOHNSON HELD, N. C. September 18, 1943 ■60,000 -STO.OOD • -40,000 -'50,000 p ^ . 20000' -10,00J1‘'I';?&15 With the Third W»r Bond Drive already rippioc ttirmigTi the ranks sd servlcemcB and dvlMans of jobn* eon Field, the pies slda of ^Ihls scale la rfalar te help enrtiyir par HlUer’a Axle. Bond Dance Tonight At USOGym OUmaxed.by a gala Bond Bally r moe at tbe U80 Oym in Oolds- boro tonl^t. a hefty program of bMUl-promoUon Is in full awing on and around the field these past days. Sparked by units tnmcwtho band and other talent, parades, dances, and speeches have blank* eted the fleld and nels^nboring com* munltles. Tonight’s ■btnsig features the Tech Commandos, sharp swing outfit in an evening of dancing at the U80 William Street Oym. A parade by Air cadets will start the festlvittes In the morning and two other dances, one In Smltnfleld and one exchislvely tor Cadets wlU b-) held at the same time. Admit* slon to all affairs Is free. ‘TravsllDg to Ral^h last week, units if the 28th A^ Band pUyed for a number of rallies and parades and Sgt. Howard Brey’s dance or* chestra played for a Bond Dance last Wednesday at the Officers’ Club. MOVXE CHANGE . . , Effective Bfonday, 20. S^tem- ber. IMS, the time for the first evening show at nieatre No. 2 wlU be set forward 16 tnlnutes. This aho« win start at 17S0 In* stead of 1746. Brother’s lofeg-awalted motion picture production of the sut^ess* nil stage revue, features a galaxy of Hollywood stars Including Joan LesUs. Irving BsrUm oeorgs I'UTjrtiy, plus many star8*ln'khakl from tiM original play. It has all tbs song hits you’ve been singing these psst months sad also soma flashy, snappy danoe and skit rou tines. ’There’s a plot in It, too, and $75, OOOMark Passed In War Bond Drive! Higher and higher it goee . . . upward to the $100,000 quota and that's not the end of it. In the first eighteen days itc War Loan Drive, the field hos olready hit the three* quarter mark in the drive to the top. This week's soles, ending ot the sensational figure of $76,000, bring the start of the home stretch. They were marked by large individual purchases and many organixa* tions more than exceeding their ovm quotas. Captain William C. Shorpsteen, Field Operations Officer, hit the bell with a $3,000 purchase of War Savings Bonds. A civilian employee ot the Sub-Depot, Mrs. Lenora W. Younkins, bought $1,000 worth. Two Pfc's in the Medical Detachment. Irvin Miller and Moris Heifitx, dug down for close to $2,000 apiece. Tbs Air Cadet sdwol oo the field has premised to finish the drive ^ 1th one bond bought for each man In their organisation. With a quota of $16,000, civilian employ ers on the field have far exccMM thehr goal and are still buying mors bonds above and beyond their igular 10 per cent pay deductloos. To date, tbs following orgsnlxs* tions have gone over the top in their Indivldua] drives: The 666th Signal Coras. The 76th Training Wing, the Bq. and Bq. Sduadron. the Medical Detachment, the Fi nance Department. The llth Aca* demUc Squadron, the tttd Air Baas Qroup, both Band organisa tions, the WAO Detachment, and the 806tb Quartermasters. WeQ satisfied with tbs progress of tbq drive, Majtf X. W. Muller, Rnance Officer, bsd thts to esy: ’’Aslds from the fsot that Mveot- ment In these bonds Is vesentts! for the successful prosecution and conchulon of the war. represented by, all the vast qualities at ma terial that are so use ess ary at this crucial time, It represents a provision for ttie future, m short, they are shares in America.” A smashing number of turchasee are being plannsd to posh the eiM of the bond drive forward when next payd^ rolls armihd. It was discloosd. Vnth Finance oontnr. tag Its policy of prompt Issuance m hoods to owners, tbs effort proeeod at Its prsssnt r s p i d pace. Boods are ddhrered tato their owner’s hsnds within M hours of the purdtass ttms and no delay has been encountered so far. Post Band Featured in Coast-to-Coast Show Flashing over 200 radio stations of the Mutual Network this aftnr* the 28th Air Force Band's Radio Orchestra will spotlight a llfteen>mlnute program from Theater Number One. Scheduled from 1746 to 1800, the program wilt be part of the M\i* tual Network’s National Bond Day. It will feature the orchestra In a series of symphonic dance arruigemente ot pcgiular melodies. Warrant Officer 6(az StUenfeU, Premiere Perfor/nance. .. AER Gets Proceeds From Army Movie* Tickets Sold The premiere performance of “This IB The Arw/’ ‘Tectolcotor musical hit, arrives st Seymour Johnson Field and Ooldsbore this coming Wednesday evening. September ». Wth proceeds frem this Initial performance will be turned over to the Aimy Emergency Relief. ^ — “This Is -The Army,” Warner It’s one that wUl have you laugh ing nnm start to flnlm. iUtogether, a colorful evening Is scheduled lor tols coming Wsdnss* day. a mlrtb-fest well worth the prtae. Shown at the Paramount Theatre to Ooldsboro. edmlwiton will be by advance tioket only. Tickets, DOW on sale at tte Ser vice Otab. range In price from I..10 to $11.00, tax taeluded. With all proceeds gotag tato AXR’s cof fers, s capacity crowd Is expected. director of the band, has planned s program tnchwllng “In the Blue et Xfenitv,” Rhyme With Everything That’s Besuttful.” ”Pa* rsde of the Wooden Soldiers.” i s .solid Jump rendition of ’The March of the Toys.” Men with free hours st this time ere urged to sttmul the show and demonstrate how the field backs Its members iq» on s nation-wide broadcast. Channeled t h r o u gb WOBR In a4dsboro, the program will be picked up all over the cAmt^, with large olUec like New Ymk, Chicago, and Loa An geles sa outlets. X,et's show the whole country what kind of turn out we can ^ for this ln^portsht Mitertalnmeni. Salerno Battle Won as Clark And Montgomery Merge Forces Tkh im Aasy •! U. G«si. Hoik W. CloTk ad lha Brlt i.a a-—, « -1 ihaivLmade by ADled Headquarters Ish flghth Axvy taaad “•‘^fSiortly after a communique hsd IffanU wfik aatobliskMrt ol eoBtocI batwan pertnb M- a nOXthwCOd watrli «l aaoity 200 mllai oUa t9^ br Gan. Sir Bamcnd L. Ilanigaanarr's OBOvnead Friday. The Btghth Army also made con tact wjto British- forces beating up the Italian east oosst from Thranto. a ocminunlque tr^n Od. Dwl^tt D. Kbenhowerh. headquarters an- Dounjed.' Ad three of the Aided beschheads on the west, south end east thereby were welded Into a stagle front. Cata Nata Bing Of Steel The etmtaet oetween Gton. Moot- gmnery's speocUng warriors and Oen. Clan’s Amwlcan and British troops, who for sight days had fought the greatest engagement of toS'Medlterransan war In order to matnratr. tbelr west oosst fooUmld. was made somewhoxe ta or near the southern end of the Sslamo bridgehead.- tJT^iny of the two armies broke 1$ enemy’s rtag of steel around Oen. CAajA’s Thmmlss sad dough boys and appeared , to have ended tbs erltleal period of tbs ‘ TTtan armored diylelons on the blood stained beaches. AnnouDoement of the contact was shortly after told of Montgomery's capture of Vsllo Dells THwanls, only 18 mfles from AgropoU, st the southern sod of the 27-mile front held by the Fifth Army. Clark’s Men Attaek « At the same time Clark’s army struck out trmn its hard-won shore- line mud recaptured the mountain Village of Albanella, 10 miles Inland, smashed three German oounter-at- tadEs and flattened out several Ger man saUenta that bsd been driven into Allied Dosltions. (An Algiers broadcast by NBO Monteoorvlno, 8V4 miles Inland and 11 mUes east o' Salerno at the sozthdin end of the bridgehead, also was captured In the repulse of one of the Oarmsn attacks (London dlowtehea said selsnrt ot Moatacorvlno would be one of the meet significant Allied vletories as the town Is EUderstood to be the site of oneof the best airfields slang the whole lower stretch of icsUsn west ocMot, mth an airfield to Al lied nands there the scope and ef fectiveness of fighter plane pcotee- tlon tor (ien. CAaik's base of oper ations would be greatly extended. (A British broadcast from Algiara. reoordqd tar CBS. said the Fifth and B^th-AiBF patrota mat ahowt half wj liMsswi Agrepstt and TaDo Della Lueania, or texs-ihah 10 orilss loughs against four or mors Oer- trom the bseohhesrti) Situated oetween tbs Guest Bouas and tbs ^orts Arena, tan field’s new putting course has esu^ the fanc^ of many OTs. Ten can see them any time of day. carefully puttmg ammd tae trtaky. IShole conrsO, having the titan of their Uvea. WRh sdwilstadn atas^ lutely free, this attraction Is a mighty pepolar w^ of dsvstaplng your eye and havtag lots of tun dojlag It. Sssn above, a brace « are **^*M"g the uphill hasard on san m the holas dubs aofi tlma af>tlie day. Each hols has a scraper whl^ the plam

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