Vol. No. 1 No. 44 SEYMOUR JOHNSON HELD, N. C. October 16,1943 Brownie... “Brovnte”. muoot of ttw AAF Band, died iMt that abnple amteoc^fSS* eU mootha of derotlfiD-iS^a boxtdi of fellows, smA as few do^ ever |lTe, Brownie, who studc with Band as thejr aored from SFM to area, didn't live to see the latest move, as the sn» tire outfit eras attsAed to the Bq and Hq ^uadroo. with Captain RmukI Beabury as OoPMnandlnc Officer. After two weeks Illness, nursed night and day by loyal men In the squad ron Brownie passed away. Open Non-Com’s Club On Field! l^ng-owoited tines Ssymofir Johnson Field Jirst smsrgsd from ths cottMi and tobacco-iielda bf North Carolina, the Post Non-Com's Club is now a working realitr- Opening one wing this week, the Club got under way to o fast stoTt, with lounging facilities, and gomes already installed for members' conrenience. nte building situated at SUi Street between O o streets, is the work of the Post Engineers and several aquqdron mechanics. When the Club reaches its peak of operation, officials states ail wings of the building will be oper. On tap within a few weeks wlU be a tunteen selling soft drinks, cudy and cigarettes. Also avail able at that time will be manv games, reading material, radios, and comfortable furniture. Big at- tracUons in weeks to come are the dinners, dances, and shows pui on for the benefit of members. With the coming of a Post Non- com 8 club, rules and regulations we.e, w 'c Pitsioent M. Sgt Charle.- bers and guests. Wives, it was su. ed. may be brought in at any time. But mends may not. Soldiers from other fields, whether they *u-e non- coins or not, may be brought in by a member-friend, however. A $3.50 initiation fee with $i oC per month dues are standard rate*. m membership, and the privilege; •M ■ « oP®o fof all non-coms from Cov- When good wllows g«t togethei at the Non-Coms Club, poral to Master Sergeant, inclusive neineiiiwei oeuuy uwui(»i> wui oponod, the old con flies thick and fast in the bright, con- cards may be obtained Sr^BobSS,''’aSd“uii"«^S?lpi FrldK. the jfiKl, Mil runs throush fivial eurroundinge. Here’s (left to right) Cpl. Howard Da- 8crBeah?^o?*Uiri!Sh “Sn'ei^^tlve resoecUvely Now ibew ^on t Saturday and Sunday. Two shows vis, Hq & Hq. listening while Cpl. John Thompson of the member of the club living in tn« be “^re Uite Onie.' tM Unds some outfit spins a tale for the president of the Non-Com's "“““Kb msny men . arc *Schlepperman’ In USO Show Here Next Week! You dig us reel, Jackson! itoured Army camps and Navy bae «... U» ion. parade of USO Campshow presen- belly laughs. It was good tattons hits Seymour Johnson Field enough to merit their appearing tn nest week^anl for s threedsy stop- mo^ nictures wlUi Joe E. Brwn. over. It s s belty. lw.id.-p.cked ” ‘"“f Show .be iwl. and lamles of thel of • sto-dsrt JoraUM USO see bringing with them tlus set, Raymond Pike, Jr. rounds out time — “Step Lively” is the title the USO presentation with b i e and that's Just what It does. applause-grabbing stunts with the Remember •'Sohlepp- clubs, balls, etc. Tsugbt by hla er: from the Jeck Benny dsd, the youngster Is now reci*- 8^w7 He’s here under his regular gjje of w best In me name of Sam Hearn, bringing you a passle of guffaws straight from ***^1**^*^, °° j leading ^u- the lights of old Broadway. Dig this Joker if you don't mind get- "Otels in the U. S. ting your OD’s dusty from rolling Rereading the lineup, it does In the aisles. ^ though we’ve got a J^elj Remember Benny Goodman and | tiite Onie.' but Undo * '**5' s™® a *°'e *01 ••'e president of the Non-Com's "“tough msny 1 eve ftllbiB cuLie who everythbig straight? „ c-. rt- r- .. |h®''o alreaiW Joined, openings Ice at^mf aty'sIUto: y™ there. Club, M. Sgt. George Craft. 1^“ M wUl^Ss. Yank Troops Gain In SUily; 60 Flying Forts Lost Over Germany used to dance at Radio City' bow Room to the mualc of these solid senders will be in the cast of "Step Lively,” to tltUate your eye muscles and set those mets- tsr*'**'? :s»'ping. Remember “Hellsapoppln,” ” 11 Happened On Ice.” and “Streets of Paris?" No. you won’t get Ol sen and JohoMn or Sonja Henle, but you will get the Read Sisters, FlOV ATUl ajfmwfhm thofl^ SUli* bronzed daughters of the Lone Star The U. B and British troops are,tain backbone of Italy Stata They’ve J^i coS»e^a c k ^ Allied Rolling up the enemy's coastal from overseas and what's Algiers reports as|ancbor, an amphibious force of enough for the lads in Bite’-te is forces of the Allied Fifth i British Infantry and tanks that go ( Ugh for u^. ' Army poured across the Voltumo landed from British vtasels on the Doing the honors as Master of River into the newly won bridge- north side of the Volumo’s mouth Ceremonies will be gUb Joe Lane heads Friday and dispatches from early Wednesday, dug In positions and ^ will also hold up another I^t. Oen. Mark W. Clark's battle along a canal while British naval part of the show when m does a headquarters said the British and guns belched steel Into the strong comedy, singing and quip act wuc Americans were throwing the ene- German defensive positions be- bls female foil Pear Harbor. The my back along the entire front hind the coastal railroad line on timely and topical act which has from the west coast to the moun- the river- U. 8. Fortresses Lest . , - — — continue ?o as long as the club is In opera- ,tion President M. Sgt. George Craft I announced the list of staff mem- jWrs who began planning the duo back In October of 1841. Thev I were, Vice-President M. Bgt Charl- Harold O. iPbutoer M. Clem OanUne ana Joe Suter. Boanl of Oovernoi, ? i?®, ®'“'’ >”u'udes u. SRte John IjjL Plebls. Roger E. Wood (Acting lycamrer), T. Sgt. Oeorge ' Students Hear ‘All-Guns’ Brown, Pacific Air Vet out of three Nazi roller and ball bearing plants at Schwelnfurt The Fortresses, with their fight er escorts downed at least 104 en emy planes as probably the great est ever fought over the oontlneni high ground four miles north of raged for two hours all the way from the European coast to the Sixty American Plying Portress-(Wrjght. and IstSgts. George Camo es were shot down Ihursday in a®** Alma L. Davies (WAC* heavy force that made a shambles E*«cuUve members from whom In- targets In Centra] Germany back again and ^rmation and memberships mav be obtained ere: • M. Sgt. John T. Lynam, «vi B Hq AB Sq: M. Sgt. John A Fields, Bq and Hq Bq; 1st Sgt. PiMil t. Sampsem, 36th T. 8 8 - Svf Ro-er E. Wood, 11th Aca' demlc Sq: T. Sgt. George V. Wrighi Medical Det T. Sgt. WUliam Kus- nltsof 7th AAF Band: T. Sgt. Cur- V Prem’ev a«»th Mess l^.- T Sgt Bennet B. Benson 906th QM 8«. Victor C. Wolfe 40th Mess Sq.: T. Bgt. Vernon E. BaU. 3061st Ord Det: 8. B^. Raymond L. Krueger, 797th T. 8. 6.; 8. Sgt. Wprvev P Haddad. 794th T. 8. S.: 8. Sgt Adrian L. Bull. 713th Tng. Gp: 8. Sgt.' Robert B. Corrigan. 7nd T 6. 8.; Cpl. Norman C Suthenr'nd. 85Stb Slg C Det: Ci4 Ho®-.* « Newkirk. 715th Tng. op. With Major J. B. Murr as Cus todian and Captain David Saper* (Continued oa Page Three) Dam Wrecked The waters of the great Dnieper dam—the largest in Europe—were sent rolling over the Russian countryside once more by German the Berlin radio reported A veteran of World War n at Friday in acknowledging their the age of 23. Snd Lt. Russell D. ’ night from Zaporozhe, their long- (AU Guns) Brown, of Galesburg, beld southern key base and guar- ZU.. was heard bi an informal talk'dian fortress of the Crimea on bis experiences In the Bouth-I News that the $110,000000'Dne- west Pacific where he served fli-jpoetroy dam had been blown io teen ironths on thirty-eight mis- by.the enemy, indicated that they sions as combat crewman In a| (Continued on Page Three) Flying Fortress. An avid audience of A. M. students crowded thel floor of Hangar No. 4 as Lt.{ Brown addressed them from an elevated runway. | Brown enlisted at Chanute Field In 1939 while he was a freshman at Knox College. Galesburg. He went from there to Scott Field and ^ taence to Lowry Field, Denver. He, . P* Seymour Johnson Field’s golfing talent will com- thus attended three major posts of P*Ia players from Goldsboro in a special tournament the Training Command and is a Sunday. October 17. at the Goldsboro Country Club near bombsighi marn'enance expert as^ ^1*^- j ^ well as an armament graduate. Be , ,^fAwn from commissioned and enlisted ranks soldier-golfers will saUed for 31ark Field, Manila, players as Col. Donald B. Smith. Oommandiu Officer October 19« and was on that field IMajor Baylis McKee. Major cSwlS LaiLon’ when most of the American air;S®Pil.A- “* Kn»PP. Capt. E.A C. __***"**™' L. Porter, k friendly get-together in answer SJF and G’boio Golfers to Play power was destroyed on the around IP’ Tniett, Capt. oy the first Japanese raid. I^P^- 8. H. Gordon, Lt. E. ‘ssss to the competition of some weeks back when Goldsboro players took our team 10-5. the ^ay will be oy foursomea using the "beat ball” plan of scoring. "~waSl *oTjmnM^ mvitatiOTs are T^gt. Charles Teeing off from Boles 1 fn«t 19 (Continued on P^e Three) Pvt. Wiltlam Wright. Plao^ as (Continued on Page- Three)