Vol. 1 No. 50 SEYMOUR JOHNSON HELD, N. C. December 4,1943 Gls Play Saint Nick And Donate $1,400 (Mn PAOB THBEB) Gas Alarm Looks Like Real Thing To Cadets ...Pa|«8 Water Safety Practise In Series Of Pictures ...fagtS Jimmy Jacksom Boxing Champ, In Title Bout ... Page 13 Here's Your Railroad And Bus Schedules For Xmas .. .'Page 6 Classiiied Ads From Field For Your Info ...Pagal4 326th Fighier Gp. Has Mammoth Dance Success ...Pagall Round-Up Oi Week's War And Latest News Story ...Paga2 Mae West Featured In Terrific Come-Back Pic ...Page 16 Air-O-Mech Doubles Size Enlarges News, Features Ifftybe you picked up your copy the Alr-O-SlMh this week end Dearly fell qver from the weight ol it. Xi that was true, then you've noticed hy now that we’ve grown up a little' ‘To be exact we've dou bled our aiae—from 8 to 16 pages. With war4tme reatrletUas an newsprint steok, we aecempUshed ttds enlargement by enttl^ ear Jrcalatlen te balance the new afae. Uk oe many civilian and oamp napers, we've new pegged ear ciradatfen at a new and lewer levd irtdoh allows one oepy of the Alr-O-Rfedi for every two men an the AeM. While seme army pabUcationa on a 1- te«veey-8-men ratio, we’re pern aa the regwlatlena You'll notice the new front page it that one of your buddlee aenda thia week—Juat headllnee, apicture'ua the copy. i*“ *" **“ m MB 'paper. This etreamliiUng uvea you '*ne Wolf,” ”ltaie CaB.” ' time, and gives you an idu of b addltloB. many ethw what yw’re going to r^ before and taformatlvs artleka are yw start paging throui^ 1 belag printed, hi an ^ert te keep ‘S‘ 5.“'” ”'*• «“*■ *>“ i» on Page 3. It won't be any trou- fag te caavaas the art talaat ble now to keep up with the U^t- here on the fleU for gag ear^ nlng-fut turn of events in this glo-4 teens and ef mmllfatf bal war And. best of all. we've scenea. oraaniutiona bi copylSrS*^**' f^ng to try vra contlntte to be^^b^. If ** .want your own outfK or dotm*., ^ tationlng ayatem now met to gat news printed, au to) (Continued on Page Thru) WHAT fl PEflCHYJ Air-O-Mech Salutes... TUg wnnk* «• l^n gr—I plnoiw fai Mdolfaf ■ Non-ewB «■ Ihn finkU Hn's • T-Sft. Aalhnay TioUo. lit SgL ol An 7lh ennd •AMi Air foftoi Boncit A Am dafaMt playor miA ■ togdor lollow. Trollo lo—d iMvirng to poA MMO ol Ug BOB OB Mooo Mn- ■fOBMBl Aotirtli Kol to bo oetdono by bb doni bovB AboIIo look c loob cd Ad O lootor •^.Jli48|M4od OBO BWTO iiowg Tiulbh A. M^biAdboyo. %\ 'f-