liTHM hhasan FMI. M. C An-O-MECH raig* I ItacMiiW 4, 1941 CMit’d frtm Page I... AiT-O-Mech Increases Size, Soldiers On Field Donate $1,400 For Children’s Xmas enten^. l - mSm ^**!2Sf“ihSir*«Sr.? , “*6 ^er- than worthy cause. itoUl of $1,400 in change to this 2^L^St^%“V*21'£^"®***iMd^tllPSanife ISSS ®®‘ “P « «»c*» P*y *We was alcause. thus doubling Md tripling to hundreds of casee smal^ conUtoer Into which soldiers;the ewectations of Se Special Ser- - .... j ujgyjyjeg S^tlon, whlcL sponsored the go to drive. ,1th th, U. 8. O. "Sd P““ .POrtln*>o^h.~. cS;„;toS,;Tp?.S s^l Service Club In one page of Infor- ^e POsL A page devoted war-tom terrltoriM and treats the wem p^. The monev was to m^. We plan, to have a '^todnes. and court-,fo. Bi hire In the near future,- too. aJH*®. ?*”■ too. All that remains un page devoted to short stories, poems I Jtotoh^ ls^for representatives of cartoons, --.. .. lays, and letters^m'2?*^»AT® to begin turning yeu and yoor buddies. Whai may wcU preve Is be a very pepalar part ef the new Air- O-Mecb Is the classified ad seo- Ma. spea to all perasaael ea the field far their ase. We’ll SMt year ad if y« call up the Tac^y heferc we came sat. la that way. I lu their copy. I There has been no increase Air-O-Mech’s staff to accompany ,thla increase In else. We stlU have I three men putting out all of It. It’s up to all of you, as readers aM members of Seymour Johnson Field, to see to It that your news [gets in the paper- Tell us and we’U do the rest. But tell us. Aimy Gains Since World War! fl^ealed In Official Figures France. The Unltod SCatee Army, com pleting Its second year of global mrfsre. gtaiKls today at one of the mightiest fighting organlss- Moci« the world has ever seen. A recapltolation of the Army's manpower and equipment figures recently made available by the War Department shows that the Army today Is rapidly nearing Its ■ - • 7.700,000 offlc Our enemiee today are Germany v)d Japan, the latter a minor ally in 1916. Our primary alllee are Britain. China and the dovlet Union. Our fighting fronts are spreac throughout the world. Despite the huge scale of the war and despite the fact that we have been fighting 3S months al- Ohrlstmas party for ttol Originally the idea of Brigadier - . .... „ .children of enlisted men mi the,General FTancls M. Brady. Com- right l»re w Seymour John- field, and for the children of needy mandlng General, the fund swelled SOT » to. that fMt was proved families In Goldsboro. to enormous proportions as aol- *vr®“5, • doubt past week aal The response was terrific. As fi- dlers contributed. Many men, paid mm all over the field shelled out nal tallies were counts, men In ever amounts with nn change their pay-day dough for a more of Seymour Johnson Field gave a I Involved, walk^ down to the Spe- clal Service office daya after the drive ended, and donated their money t o this cauae. The 793d T. S. 8. led aU contribu tions with a total of 693.47 collected The 13th Mesa Group took second place with 691.89. In rapid aucees- sion, some of the leaders were: 711th Tng. Gp.. $63.58 ; 794th TSS, $80.64; Medical T ' ' ■ 10th byline seal of 7.70d.4m offfcerBlready as compared to the 10 ^***,-Ei ®- todua^ Is months o/ combat we had In the prMuclng the tools of war at a {last war our casualties are fewer wte unajiproacbed in the history j today than they were in 1916. World War of man. Getting marrM in Wayne coun-services are allowed to have ex- ty Is not the simple —*•— -• - iMing In love, buying ?"”r-, w would-be-brlde and disappoint-1, toke for a blood ment for the crest-fallen suitor.'to«t to be run sod a report made? In an effort to eliminate the pos-' There are three labora»orles in sibllty of defeat for Dan Cupid and Ocldaboro which are authorised by 1 . Health Department ' 1 Detachment, $73.53 Planning To Marry? Better Read This! ing marrM in Wayne coun- services are allowed to have ^ not the simple process of aminatlons at the Armv camns or ^ ^1-01- Contrl- in love, buying a license and Naval Hospitals ' ^ .button.! taken up In chapels sdl “? -na. the preacher. I CerUtlcate fo^ie lewed bjjhh-i”" a*, P°»t W4fl3. Set New Work to Insure potential husbands and wives - uniting in holy matrimony as per schedule, the register of deeds office and the Health Depart ment have released InformatlOT on how to get hitched without a hitch. Btood Tests When the first World War ended L Wo*’to War 1 oasualUee totaled _ie l>. S. h^ad u Armv ot Including 35,500 kUled In To obtain a marriage license In men of whom S.OOO.OW were aerv.'5S,“25: wounds; [North Carolina It Is necessary for, m ort^ to obtain a marriage -orvi^l* hOTre kig overset T^yit^ wounded; 40 missing li‘e*ch OTrty to have a physical ex-^^cenae both parUes must be 18 Siitr* - ” «‘®«- *r*"y.scUon. and 4.480 prisoners of war.' omffiMlon and a blOod test. This y®«« old or older. If under •“ ^ give certificates on blood tests.' ^ese certificates oan be obtained' m a few hours after tests are coo- * h h The register of deeds, will M ■ — — . provide complete lists' TC of the laboratories In Goldsboro. A JLV^ Ages In Older to obtein ' to uU.lee deylljh. S rsonnel almost doublee the old lire am: 3.500,000 of these high- hiffvT to the preB« Um numter Our enemies in „mA *i „ the Centra] Power' with*. Department has re- ’j leased some Interesting comparl- Oermany the principle Allies were|to***° so^e Interesting comparl- BrlUin, FraimS amfltaly. Mo5 ,P^«ctl» to fh 1 a our fighting was confined to thel?^ war. Here are a front . . Slven by a North, and slgnaturs must be given to'Sit haP ly trained men arVaendOT abroad!^/.® “V^***** including u..;Oaroltoa doctor, although a blood Ws of age the pasents consent min ^ai !Sf4.^tiva to every corner of the^o^ woundedTsi.OM test can be made eut of the State,the Register of De^ at the Unic _ ry r oi «« m^tog *nd 33,693 prisoners. approved by the SUte laboratory the license Is .obtained If S; SSr® um 0 m war II ,p*.. __ laboratory cerUf- ents are .out of the State and^ wiS icate {no 376 which can be obUln- able to^nt,, consent of one Simeffv^rted^STaWr^l ed^at the register of deed, office J^J^before a No- ,K%Sl ?^oioT wSrS These certificates are good fori Offcl^ report that embarrass- i«mw, wui {ww begin ai wsu, wore- ling through till 1730 Instead of 1700. tiwien'the‘u‘**a*^u.riwi WAriH These certificates are good tor| repon mat embarrass-: Going Into effect this past Thurs- War 1 4* v.^.1 «» Tt-?!lto^^._^orjd^gQ days. The marriage license can nnd dlwppolntment Is being day at 0001. the new set of ai-ha. Air Service numtw^ ®®totos b^uselduiU Include 30-mlnute advances By tbe enl of IbTimlr Ittad”?: cd deeds offlee on df''™;-»“ *>10 end win 000 planes and 300,000 mento the °*.8^ P*’obably remain to effect until the Air Service Tbdav the Armv Air ^e blood lest and dhe physical n*^*®**? necMsary lor marriage. spring of next year. PorcM *• “> wniu™ ^ mlJitery enthorlUe. do not ^ y""- . rod "ta”^d to e Sto mtS tol'"?' ISSK* 5. “ ■■“««« thet eU - 0. 8. menulecturooTnon! SnSi™' **'2.'* ’*5^ ■£2£Q'^t* *'’* ”«“?«> " “» •>>»• thaw it did to an antlreve^A^r ^ a. Jurace of the peaoe er.befere they can ctotafn-a license. Ing the last war ' chaplain. Ae license must be usedjln facU they often teU the soldiers ~ • — - 'wlthto 60 days as It.expliws after I that r- -- During World War X the U. 8. DO papers at all are requlr^ New Field Jacket For Service Men Qrvelopment of a new field jack- Ot. aooo to go on the issw list-, is onaoupoed by the War Deprtmem ae.a developmat from experience produewi a total'of il3’ooo''iill|tob* time and the license can be I Goldsboro. This Is a mlst^e, SJSftodSti?^ ^ •ources to ^ in^ mootltoM^!}®?* .2^*“ “*® “^‘5' *“ *tobt, and to^tvoU be toSra as the M-IMI mod ‘tone It produced 150.000'ma-1 “ ** j^tog refused a Ucense to Golds- rt. It Is radlc^v^tor^ m.800 sub- Servlocmen can obtain physical poro. servicemen should Inquire any model to curmt im* S™*- ! certificates and blodd tests at their toto Goldsboro. This Is a mistake, tog to the Ft Woods ^ 1918 It turned out 376,000,000,P»t hospitals, to this ease, tests ft toe Register of Deeds office to described as havlne & iSJ?'-* ammunition a of course have to be on the North toe Court House or- at the Health water reoellent WAt*r i^oato. In 1843 this amount is Carolina military forms wtoch con-|^P^fto\ent as to the certificates tov ojuer shell cottoT iiS2n ®^®^ month. lalst of physical Certificate No. S77. n^ed.” local officials advised. wl»h »i'e ^versed aide out to **ak8 built. Poet. Laboratory Certificate No.l. ^ cost of a marriage license •rwse Its wsert"» oualltlM tanks .are made* to two 379 and oiigtoal laboratc^ report.'I* 35, of which $3 goes to the coun- .**Tr*f ^. • The niODtos. | .These same mllita^ forma also Jy »“d $3 to the State. * wpbl lining it replac^ by a ounce po|Min Untog. lunce Domm nnins ^ to the field the jean be obliged at the renter of 1^ and physic^ examination^ All buttons wm te covered with ^22?^ “^**"^1®® *nod-!deed8 office to Goldsboro, when,Riven by u Goldsboro physician laps to orevOTt CAtchh^^ pvpiutlonised. The old.toey are desired to be sent to wto cost between gS and $5- JPs rf World War 1 camps outside Nonth Caroltoa. For,win tie the knot for different Xmas Packaging Facilities For PX, Service Club For those of us .irtto can’t tile a bundle Into anythtog remotely resembling a neat padcage, both the Service Club and hte Mato PX now having Christmas Pack age wrapping facilities which can whip your valuables Into a mighty presentable looking bundle de lighting the hearts of borne folks in the near future. Located to the dame Room on lec'ts or flush durlw’‘^d? y?®***® War 11 camps outside Nonth Caroltoa. Fbrfwta tie the knot for different the flnt "floor of tbe^Ser^eClulT & iMkto M tta M"! mlrtlSS./'dMBto?' the .^ppiS ."nSS ss'..^“:fu£''sK iEe^ 2 *• v»«r flcAtoa admit thm tA the. hew ^rsA m. hit mAf. sJL eiTT “»«“ The slide fastOTer Is v...,.- toated and toe sill pockets are re-,i pla^ by lour large flap pockets, This then"is capable ^ carrying a good deal of American the sddiers’ 'e^inmai^r "“^h^ Army ~the,|fica4es, admit them to the b^, and * bit more. (Reprint^ from the name and’olck them im ■iramSud ^rSShuy«‘ihJ^j|;^S T. SSW.hTLS'ryT.d^* to of battle --on the eve of t h e the license and beat a quick path second anniversary of U. 8. en- 'to the parson. trance into the war. (CN8) Only those persons to toe armed pvooent one and is -expected give tocj-eased protection to al ktods of weather. SICKBAY SPUCE.. Open Huge Guest House For Soldiers’ Visitors The resldet^ to Goldsboro at,tained from their Squadron Com .he comer of William and Ash mander. SH2*to;vforaerly known as the, There Is a list of Guest Rouse -PtoJ* ^me. bss now rules posted on the doo- of each pmured for the use of En- room, any infraction of these rules listed Personnel of'this Command will result in the IMMEDIATE •e a Town Guest Bouse. 'EXPULSION of the offendtog A^mmodatlona in the Town i guest. These accommodations Oaest Bouse are limited to the gbing to be a grwtbo^ ^ BnUs^ peSle wi8htog*to visit their bui **^■5*^?*®??* ?5 John-j bonds and sons here at the field fl?“»4r*®i^' m*** flrtt priority going don't louse it up by dteobStog the to the famlUee of thoee personnel * rules. ' * Awaittog ordws for overseas ddty. I To Insure aocommodations. res ervations must be made days to advance and guests are Allowed the maximum limit of three nights (except to emergency caeee). Cbs^ee for Accommo dation are He per person, per Bight. Hour* gf ^wratlon of the Town except for the ani^ and depart ure of cuests having rrarnranmis Beeervatlona may be made at the Elks Memorial The Elks Chib. Goldsboro Lodge No. 139 extends a cordial tovlta- tlon to toe men and personnel of toe field to attend their Memorial Service ut toe Oemmunlty 'Build- Guest Bouae will be 0890 to 2300,'^ to town Sunday, 4 D^ember. AVAitnl fW tK* at-HSkl k«jl 1K«n '* K®-* >. at 1680. The Honorable Jamer R. Nlch- —.olseoo. Chairman of thj Elks War *** C Oommlsalon, will speak* st that •'••to. » at the Town Oueat time. The program also featuree Py®®* •WlUam and Ash. Golds- InteiWunng music and exerclsea. page. Soldiers may stoy- w^ their ^ves ptevlded aeoeauBodAtioos Mve been reserved tsD dan to ad- approval to eb- When to doubt About what to chatter Be sure It’s not ® A military maUeri ' Latecomers Get On Ball Acting with'speed and efficiency ,st ..J were taken to 'check all per- isonal entering the field between 10600 and 0900 one day last week, i Taken to an effort to determine [the number of personnel arriving late for work, toe check revealed that a considerable number were guilty. I Further Investigation, a memo- ,randum to Organtoatton Command ers stated, showed that many per- sons whose normal working hours ended at 1700 were leaving toe field prior to that tone. nte- memorandum, t—nfd by Brigadier General Francis M. Bbt- dy, Commanding General, went on to say that reeponsibUlty fer the enforcement of regular working, hours rested wHb toe Oraatoatloo Commanders and Department Heads. X^uiber checks, toe memo randum warned, mJgbt be taken. D cooctoued vlolatlocto are noted, dtocIpltoAry action wm be tekeo against re^Moslbie persena. , ^ ^ROBM NiwiiE didn't .stop Pfc. George-M. GUmoo, He ■ shown cdbove cn he took the fined step with Rosemarie Grady, him bmt girl, who camo doVra to th* Bold to marry Gibaon b>it found him in a coat. A littla thing liba thod didn't detar tha couple, though, and wb aaa thorn abOTa oi Lt. W. J. Vcm CIoTa tiaa tha knot that binda. Pfc. L. C. johna ia boat man, ond'U. liargarot Mnnaia. AMC, k facidtamaid k this oaramony.

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