IN A ROSE CARDEN. A hundred years from now, dear heart, We will not care at all; It will not matter then a whit, The honey or the gall , The summer days that we have known Will all forgotten be and flown; The garden w ill be overgrown Where now the rose', hill, A hundred years from now, dear heart. We will not mind the pain; The throbbing, crimson tide of life NX ill not hu\e left a stain, The song we sing n gethei, dear, The dream we dream together here, \X ill mean no more than means a tear Amid a Sumttiet rain A hundred years ft. m now, dejr heart. The grief will all be o'er, The sea of care w ill surge in vain Wpon a careless shore. These glasses we turn dow n t day. Here at the parting of the wav, We shall be wineless then as thev, And will not mind it more. A hundred years from now, dear heart, We'll neither know nor care What came of all life's bitterness, Or followed love's despair; Then fill the glasses up again And kiss me through the rose-leaf rain. We'll build one castle more in Spain And dream one more dream there NELLIE GRAY. There’s a low, green valley on the , Id Kentucky sli. re There I’ve whiled many happy hours away A-sitting and singing by the little cottage door. Where lived my darling Nellie Gra, CHORf’S: O, my poor Nellie Gray, they have taken ;>■ u away, And I'll never see my darling any more. ’m sitting by the river and I’m weeping all the day. For you're gone from the old Kentucky sh re. When the moon had dim'ed the mountain and the stars were s.:;; g. mo, Then I’d take my darling Nellie Gray, And we’d float down the river in my li re red cj toe, While my banjo sweetly 1 would play. One night I went to see her, but she'd gone the c.ghh >rs .j> Ttie white man bound her with chains. They have taken her to Georgia for to wear her lee away, As she toils in the cotton and the cane. My canoe is und.r water and my banjo is unstrung — I’m tired of living any more. My eyes shall look downward and my song shall he unsung, While I stay on the old Kentucky shore. My eyes are getting blinded, and I cannot see my way Hark! There's somebody knocking at the door, O' I hear the angels calling, and I see my Nellie Gray— Farewell to the old Kentucky shore. CHORUS. O, my darling Nellie Gray, up to heaven there they say That they'll never take you from me any more; I’m coming, coming, coming, as the angelsclear the way, Farewell to the old Kentucky shore. A MAN OF POLISH. Jones lay outstretched in the barber's chair, the bootblack at Ills feet, the manicurist at Ins hand, the barber at his face and me check book at his command. “Pardon me, sir, spoke the tonsorial artist, turning on the juice for the electrical massage dingus, “hut did you u.isli that blackhead removed?" “By all means, ' answered Jones, glancing due south, "just js soon as he’s through shining my shoes I MF St I ICASf: “Say, will you tninJ ihis suitcase for me for a few minutes?" asked a joung man in a rjilrojd station of a fellow voyager. "Sir!" replied the other, draw ing himself up "Do you know who 1 am? I am a 1 sired States Senator!” “Well, in that case," said ihe other doubtfully, "in that case and seeing ! v : gut everything I own in there, maybe I bener take it along myself." INSULT SWALLOWED Billings, ex doughboy, had a noble war record and a tine dispo sition, but nevertheless his face was not one to make a woman go into ectasies. However, he mar ried and raised a son, “Dad," said the bright young hopeful, "one of the boys at school today said I looked like you." “1 think you do too," replied the proud father. “What did you say?" "Nothing.' He was bigger than I am.” Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S CASTO R I A INCiENIOUS. Private Blimp was a modest and sensitive man wh > dreaded a re buff He had fallen desperately in love witn the prettiest girl within a ml t if the camp, but hesitated proposing foi fear she would turn him down. At last, when he could stand the suspense no longer, he was struck by an inspiration. Hastily seizing a pen, he wrote her an annonymouc letter asking her to marry him. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA AQUATIC MOCKING BIRDS A fU-.-tor ami In- Irish coh>1 1 an were <ii iv11ipast a dark pi-nd w1.- u the lua-lunan Mini: “Oi hate tlmu birds, sorr.’’ “V. !.\ *h.*ii!d y<\\ hatr th.- po<>r iV'. I'.it?” ask.*11 the duott.r. "I in 'lire : « i.■ n do \ou any harm" S.,r, sort*. d.>ii t. you hear limn in*•. .-vinif y.>u? V.-u never pass th m j but they call ‘quack, quack, I quack !’ ” HE CAUGHT IT “Y»»u lu*.k flustered. «*id man.” j “I’\e been chasing a hat.’ “Did your hat blow ».fT?” “It wasn’t mv hat . it belonged i to a pretty girl.” “Did you catch it?” "it--, my wife saw me chasing | it."—B. .-ton Transcript. BETTER NEVER THAN LATE "Dave you played the piano very long ?” “Oh. yes, ever since 1 was abi to walk.” Perhaps you slaitud to walk raiher late.” FOR OYER 40 YEARS : HALT.. A CATARRH MEDICINB r ia been used successfully in the treatment of Catarrh. HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE •u.sts of an Ointment which Quickly Relieves by local application, and th. Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which a-ts through the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces, thus reducing the Inflammation. Hold by all druggists F J. Cheney & Co . Toledo. Ohio Notice of Sale. Coder the power and authority con ferred by a certain Deed of t rust exe cuted by Walter Carter and Ins wife. ! Neil Carter, to the undersigned Trustee default having been made in the pay j ment of the indebtedness therein set out and thereby secured, and having been hereto duly requested by the legal holder thereof. I will, on Saturday, February 9th 1924. in front of the bank of Littleton, Little- ! ton. N. C., Halifax county, at 11 o’clock ' A. M., expose to public auction for sale ; to the highest bidder the following de scribed real estate, lying and being in the county of Halifax, N. <’.. and more minutely described as follows “On the north by that tract of land allotted to Tom Stansbury by .1 R. Patterson and others, commissioners; on the east by the lands of Andrew Car ter, on the south by lands of C. R. lies and on the west by lands of John Pat terson; it being that identical tract of laud allotted said Walter Carter by the commissioners appointed to divide the estate of the late M. Tucker, said tract of land showing on said commissioners report as Lot No. 4 a plat of which di vision being recorded in office of Regis ter of Deeds for Halifax county and is hereby referred to for more perfect de scription. This land is situated in Pat terwood Township, Halifax county and contains *23 acres more or less. Terms of Sale—CASH. JW. r- HARVEY, Trustee. Furnishings for the Home! -A ^ , l c.. . t . . * . l ^ ‘ I_ „1..‘ __ Weldon Furniture Co., \X I LDON, N. C. I? I jf %**$?< - f '* 'I’Hl )M We cater to those who insist on a | high standard of living. This is the Safest Store to buy your Fresh Meats and Coun fi } Prcduc. John Dudash, 2nd Street, Weldon, N. C. E. H. SMITH, coal wood and Transfer Lump Coal $9.00 a Ton New River R.O.M. $8.00 a Ton Cotton hauled to Roanoke Rapids on truck for 60c. bale. Phone 90. OT I 0 E. Buggies, Harness And Wagons. V \ T E carry a full line of the well known, botn VV Hackney and Chase City Wagons at Rich Square, N C., and the Oxford and knight Buggies each of which are noted lor comfort and durability at Weldon, N C Also a lull line oi Horses and Mules at both places, during the winter and spring season. Thanks for past favors. Rich Square N.C HOLOM&N BROS, Weldo N. 6 3 14: Our 'Phone is 3 14 snd we will esteem it a great favor should you have visitors, to call us up and tell us about it Just remember, you w do not, unless you tell Flore's nothing like it to put you in shape for the day’s duties or pleasures. Here's nothing like Dr. Miles’ Nervine to bring refreshing, restful clumber. Buy a bottle. If it does not help you, we ll give your ntouey back. Your druggist sells it at pre war pitces—$1.00 prr bottle. POK SALh—Imported German male Canaries for sale Guar anieed singers. Also cages Gold fish and globes. Chas. Jones, Phone 2-16. 11-8 tf Certificate of Dissolution. To All to Whom Those Presents May Come—» ireetinp: NN lu-it-us. It appears to my »at is fac tion, by duly authenticated record of tin* proceeding fui llu* voluntary disso lution thereof by the unanimous con sent of all the stockholders, deposited in my oflice, that the Yinceut-Hounds Company, a corporation of this State, a hose principal ollice is situated in the town of Weldon, County of Halifax, vtate of North Carolina, 1.1 i V. Hounds being the agent therein and iu charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has complied with the require ments of ( hapter 21, Revisal of I'*)* eutitled “Corporations, prehmiuaiy to the issuing of this Certificate of iMsso Notv. Therefore. J. W . N Everett. Secretary of State of the Slate of North < arolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the :’.rd day of Ian. 1924, file in my ottice a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, execu ted by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on tile in my said otlice as provided by law In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto set ms hand and affixed my oflicialseal at Raleigh,this :ird day of January, 19'J4 W N. I \ ERE IT,* Secretary of state. 1 lo 41 FOOTER’S DYE WORKS, Expert Dyers and Cleaners. ( leaning of Portieis, Curtains, Blan kets, Silks, faces, Velvets, Plush, l adies Cresses and Gentlemen’s Clothing, Carpets, Etc Ah orders will receive prompt at tention if left at THISOEFiCE. -- a. i_ An Appetizing Meal i-\er>body uants it. Every body likes it Everybody’s looking for it. HIM Non i an t get it unless you nave the right kind oi groceries (ict 'em MHttli ! Phone 2an. R M. PURNELL, Weldon, N ,C. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. " K DAM I I. « K DA.NIE1 DANIEL & DANIEL,, WELDON, N c. Practice in the courts of Halifax aut Northampton and in the >upreine au. Federal courts. Collections made in all parts of North ('arolina. branch offio at Halifax open every Monday MRS. JANIE HAYWARD, NOTARY PUBLIC, WELDON, N. C. Oli.ce> oi Daniel Daniel. UEORGE C. GREEN, ATTORNEN -A I .LAW, Office in (been building Weldon. N. C. Wm. L. KNIGHT, AHciney-at-L aw, Daniel building, WKLPoN, N. <\ T. CLARK ATTORNEY AT LAW, VYeldou and Tillery, N. (’. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties and in the Supreme court of tin- State. special attention given to collections and prompt returns £ LLIOTT B CLARK. Attorney-at-Law, wei.Don, N c. Office in Ernry building H B. HARRELL, Jr. Attorney-afLa w, WELDON. - - N. C. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoining countn > Piompt attention to all I'Usiness entrusted to me. Office ovei Pick's Jewelrv store s -jr, 7m Phone Jl. -- DR PAISLEY FIELDS DEN IIS I, Over Weldon Drug Company WELDON, N. C. W. J. WARD, DENTIST, OFFICE IN HAMEL BUILDING WELDON, N. C nepl:! ly DR It. B. HI MPHREY.i OPTOMETRIST. Special aitemion given 10 exam- i inmg eyes and fining glasses. Oltice over J J. Wade's siorc Rosemary. N. (J. 12 28 I y i Write us your needs. We Hay Freight and Uuarantea Sate Arrival THE EOUPER MARBLE WORKS, 294-296 Bank Si., - Norfolk. Va. LOVELY NEW Fall and Winter Hats All new Winter colors— Black, Sand, Copen. Pur. i pie, Almond. Strawberry, Navy and others—Pokes, Mushrooms and Off-the Face-trinimed with flares ribbons, fancies, fruits, ornaments and various silks. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon. N. C. Land Posted. All persons are hereby forbidden 10 hunt with dog or gun on my land near Cedarwood cemetery. W. W. SU.MMEREU, wt «ov'i»iT you* 6>ll„niN. *<AvlNOt! A • *' INT4 61 AIRY fAVORlftO OUR ( USTufltRS 1 t • 'i'»riT w ;h* r*A ft . •• t .«M,ve nr* a i BlTtHtiiT* 1 | 'L-—-JU THE BANK OF HALIFAX ORGANIZED l 906 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS SC5.G00 Conducted under strict Bunking principles and the same efficient management vthich has marked its success in the past. Your bus iness is respectfully solicited, «Inch w ill have our careful attention f Utlrejory Quentin tiregory S. M. Clary, K1TT N li R' S AlAWell-Stocked Shoe Store An Ample Variety ’Most every man and woman have their own idea of the kind of Footwear they prefer. To meet this need, we offer several styles, all well made and neat in appearance. L. KITTflER'S SHOE STORE Next Door to Weldon Drug Co. WELDON. N C 1 INVITATION. Von are invited to open an account with the BA/HK OF ENFOLD, EftFIELD, fl. 0. 8 4l-*er Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart-! ment Compounded Quarterly. i U^p** YOU can bank by mail f White Gold Bracelet Watches, $36.00 to $45. 14 carat gold, 15 jewel, Elgin movement, T II E urn p \j jL I ESTABLISHED 1892 Capital and Surplus, 175,000. WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT. 4< PAiD ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT W, E. DANIEL, PKKNIDBNT. L. i' UKA1KK, CAHHIKK. 3E 30 Envelopes to Match Use envelopes to match the color of your stationery. We can supply you with fine letterhead* printed on Hammermili Bond and furnish envelopes to match in any of the twelve colors or white. Remember we are letterhead specialists. You will find the quality of our printing and the paper we give you very high and our prices very low

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