ESTABLISH!:!) IN I860. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. i'erms of Subscription—$2 00 Per Annum V . LVIV. \V KIJ )(>N, N. Tilt: AMHkflCAN LKOION W. T. Shaw Post No. dti Pe ()r jf.ii ize and l:lect Officers. 'X', T. Shaw Post No. AS Amer ican I gi in held a meeting Monday night, May 20, 19?), for [tie pur pose of re-organizing There was a very interesting meeting held and the following officers were elected: Post Commander I) \\ Set! it Vic ■ Commander W.U Davis Adiutant l . H. Daniel. Hi ‘ nee Officer M ke .1 ph son. I lisiorijn—NX'. (i Suiter t hi. plain — (). P. Mohorn. Publicity Officer (j M. Nash. Set, eant-at-Arms -•( ius Pappas. It i the purpose of the Post not o dy i" be an organization for ex seme men but to help the com mu i u is well. A great work is bei ie done by the American I.e g hi nd this Post is taking an ac ti .■_■ ri All ex service men are cor tin ly invited to i an and become a pin ot this greai movement. In ■ he near tuiure this Post will have i tie of die most interesting m ivii g piciures this community has >er seen Your attendance in s ij post of the W. T. Shaw Post will be appreciated. I'm regular meeting night of the X . T. Shaw Post No. As is the h st Monday night of every in i iih at 8 P. M., Clumber of ti mm erce room, Emry building. J im he American Legion -it costs little nd the pleasure derived from this otaanizaiion lar surpass the cost The benetii you will receive by y. ur support by way of helping me ci mmunity will he a bonus 1.1 T’S GO ! i hi: hook ci.i h. Ur . R. S Travis ».is It s te . > ■■ i I lie Book t lub .11 n> la egular rteeiing Fite home wu. -(tractive with beau til u I spring flowers. I e program scheduled in I lie leir Book was dispensed wiiliand ihe reports from The North Caro lina Federation Wo.lien's Clubs were heard. Mrs. Geo. C Green gave the report for the president's appointee. This report reviewed in particular the literary features ut the convert lion. The club's delegate, Mrs \V. I.. Scott, gave an interesting detailed account of the Federation proceedings. A t enioyable musical piogram was rendered by the following ladies: Mesdames Vinson, Crof (011, Misses (jjrrett and Annie Rowe House. A delicious ice cour-e was served and the social it tui was one of the most delight ful ol the club year. Many guests other than club members enjoyed Mrs. Travis’ hospitality. The next meeting of the club « ill be with Mrs. W. G. Suiter. At a recent called meeting of the Book Club, the following officers lor 1924-’25 were elected: Mrs. ic. D. Poe, President. Mrs. Geo. C. Green, Recording Secretary. Mrs. Ovid Pierce, Correspond ing Secretary. Mrs. Luther Draper, Treasurer. Mrs. Wm. L. Knight, Censor. Tt.e subject of study for next year is, "Present Day Literature SPRING CRRRMONI \l A large delegation of both ladies and gentlemen from Weldon at-1 tended the Sudan Ceremonial at 1 Rocky Mount last Thursday I (tree thousand Slirmers and then friends took charge ot the city. All those who attended from here expressed themselves as having .1 i most delightful time. Not only were the nobles of! Sudan Temple were in full force, but Potentate Hugh O. Foster and j his uniformed bodies from Acca I emple at Richmond, several p v 1 potenatess of various temples -and large delegation of special repre sentatives from Oa , : Temple at Charlotte, Omar Temple at Charleston, Khedive Temple aj Norfolk, Almas Temple at Wash mgion, and Kazim Temple at Roa rioke were in attendance. The day closed in a final blaze of glory and brilliancy, in keeping with gorgeous array of colors and Arabic splendor wltich character ized the day's program. 6 66 Is u Presciption for Colds,Grippe, Dengue Fe ver, Constipation, Bilious Headaches and Malarial Fever. OIJ) WHI.DON Tilings l hat Happened .id Years Ago in Town and Vicinity. May 21, Ittifl,—Today ai the Methodist church in Fnficld, iti Rev W M Pike was united in matrimony lo Miss N. 1: Clark, daughter of the late Col. David Clark, the Rev. \V I. Grissom, officiating. there »ill he a lug dinner .it Garyshurg next Saturday and id dresses will be made hy Send!"! Ransom and C tpt R li. I’eeFI - A musical entertainment was given at 1 ittleton Friday night One ot the features of the occasu.n was the voting of a handsome sil ver pitcher to the handsomest and most popular young I tdv. The pitcher was awarded n Miss Mamie, the d tughter of Sheriff R J. l.euis, and was presented to het in a graceful and appn pi i ue speech by i I m \Y W I. mg A protracted meeting u.ts c m menced at the Methodist church Sunday by Rev. J A. Fee, pastor, who is assisted by Rev. Mr. I utile, ol Tarboro. Rev. W P>. Morion preached Sunday morning. Mr. I W. Mason returned to Raleigh Tuesday. Miss l.ucy Davis, of Petersburg, Va., is visiting relatives in town. Mr'. \V S Wilkins, of N"t ! ilk, is visiting her husband's relatives in this place. Mrs ,i 1) Arnold, of Asheville, who has been visiting her brother, F. T Clark, Iisq , left for home Monday Among the marshals it the -1 Oth anniversary of the Franklin Society ot Oxford, ire Messrs J. N llill a mi F C t iregory We were pained to learn of the death of Mrs. O. I Powers, wife of Mr. Jesse Powers, of this place, which occurred m hci i : I. uce yest'. rday. Mi s 1' iwers w i j daughter ol Mrs Amyiillus S.nn nterell, ol this county she was a consistent and devoted member of the Methodist church and was .n examplary wile and mother MAV JO IS I’OI’ID I) \S Across ihe ocean in a strange land our boys, who are sleeping bene nth the sod —send 10 us on ihi~. day- i little red blossom and ; ask that in their homes and for the sake of their disabled buddies, we will wear it ( an we turn a deal ear to this silent messenger from our hoys who made the supreme sacrifice r The American Legion Auxiliary of the William Shaw 1‘nst will offer for sale on May 30th "The Pop py." l ire money derived from sale id tires ' poppies v. .11 be used i to bring some little bit of cheer and sunshine into the lives of our boys who are ill and crippled and una ble to do for themselves. This Auxiliary, together with Warrenton Auxiliary, has adopted a ward of 34 very ill patiems in Veterans' Tubercular Hospital at Otecn, N. C. These boys are confined al most all of the time to tlieir beds— i lust w Hung, many ol them, until , the time to go the iireat beyond. Can we do too mu eh lor these boys, who iiave sacnliced all for us ? The government gives them the i essemial thing-, but unless we can bring them a little hit nt the cheer and sunshine from the outside, they will not have it. I’m ir fami lies in many instances are totally unable to administer to their loved ones, and oftimes have to be help ed themselves. At Christmas tune, this Auxiliary prepared a sumptuous box tor these boys It was tilled brimming lull of Christmas cheer. It was valued at $78.00. V alentine'; Day, the 3 Auxiliarities, Weldon and War renton, gave them a parte with a home-cooked dinner. Paster time w,. gave them another home cooked dinner. 11 was die last some of them ever ate. Mothers' Day we sent them a blossom for each boy to wear to honor his mother, who doubtless means more to them now than ever before. There is a consecrated woman in Asheville who helps in every way in our work with these boys Won’t you help us here in Weldon, with your dimes and dollars ! C li i 1 d r e n C r y FUR FLETCHER S C’A Sj3iO.RH A SRRIGHTl.V SPARKS Gathered Mere anti I here and livery where. Spring fever is about ilie only "lire trouble" some of our Weldon citi/ens ever have. There's this consolation—ihe,re cjii only he as many tax plans as there are members of (Congress. KaJto political speeches will put everybody to sleep, instead of children, js the bedtime st jrits do This thing we call I lope is a wonderful thing It's what keeps si many people working in .1 gir den. Another good way to gel peace is 1 1 ask ill the people to pay the war tax before the first shot is fired. "What we need these days," asserts one of our cm/ ns, "is for Mappers to be kissed less and wives more. '* T.ven if some fellows around Weldon w re angels and had .< mgs ten feet long they'd snli be toola/y to fly It’s fast getting so a dog can’t bury a bone without fear of a scan dal-monger c mimg along and dig King it up. One paper says "Congress is letting the cat out of the bag." Ves, and it smells very much like the p Once upon a lime people judged a Weldon man by the company he kept. Now they judge him by the auto he keeps. It looks as though about all the reformers have done is to abolish wine, woman and song lot grape juice, suffrage and 1 start on the easy road to success usually get towed in t > the poorhouse. Wil l. SI»EAK AT ENFIELD. Hon. Josiali W Hailey will addfi’Ss tllil |.f',,|> Ir at Ell lieltl mi Friday. May JO, at I Jo I' M Kvervbody invit.d to hoar tins gift,..I s11,■ ak, I iiiree i vmohs comi i s com IMti. Three comets, tliose most mys terious of all heavenly wonderers, are due lor a visit to the general vicinity ol the earth and sun this year, the Canted . 1.1 e: blaval Observatory announce • Astronomers throughout the country are preparing for the urn val of the derelicts from the great open spaces of the universe and expecting new discoveries ot scicn tific value The Iim at 192 i includ ■■ 1 teke and Tempel the First to November and Tuttle in December la 1925 six comets are due. The observatory is yet unable i i determine the brilliancy and visi bility of the visitors. FINE SERMON. Rev. (Carey Montague, of Rich moud tilled the pulpit at (luce I p , opal church Sund nn ening, preaching a line sermon to a large and appreciative audience. BACCALAUREATE SERMON. I IM MUSICAL PKOliK \M The finals of the Weldon (iraded uls began er.y auspiciously with the Junior musical recital on I ridjy evening last w hen “the little folks" acquitted them selves well and in execution, time, Me , showed wonderful and efficient training. I'he patrons cf the music department of the school regret very much that Mrs Smith and Miss Lindsay will not continue tins training lor at Ic.nt another y ■ ir 1 Im little girls in the violin numbers w ere especially good l lie baccalaureate sermon was preached on Sunday at I I o'clock in the school audit, rium by Kev. Carey Montague, of Richmond, ind was hsi-vied to by a large an dience I he turmaiion of ch.uac let and service t i men was the foundation of Ills serin in which was practical and helpful in every way There were no services in the churches of the town and the ministers took part in the exercises at the school. On Monday night the senior music class gave a recital which was much enjoyed by a large and enthusiastic audience. I'he vocal solos by Miss Annie Rowe House were exceptionally fine, in fact, the whole class acquitted them selves in grand style. The violin duet by Misses VCyche and Reaves was exceedingly fine. (il\ I WILSON'S RIC I l kl It has been the custom for the Book Club each year to make some contribution to the Weldon High School in the way of pictures or other furnishings. At chapel services on Thursday morning, Mrs. W. I Knight in behalf of the club presented to the school a handsofne picture of the late Wo wlrow Wils-rn which will be hung in the auditorium of the school. Prof. W B lidwards ac cepted the gilt lor the school, point ing out for emulation by the pupils some of die greai Hrc i iem's chief characteristics and urging them to tctept Mi Wi m's pi cep tnd example for their guide through life. Miss Annie Rowe House, one of the sc: : ir class, sang sweetly, "Carry Me Back l'o Ole Virginia." Rev. Ur. Roe in a forceful prayer called attention to some special features of Mr. Wilson's life and dismissed the audience w hich con sisted of the entire school and la di of the Book (Hub. m \ m ui I-: i). u \ i cm i.ok Mr. 1 D. Batchelor, a we'l known farmer living on die Tufitld Haltfax Highway .ibom four miles north of town passed away at his home on Tuesday morning, Mav 13ill, at nine o'clock. He was 79 years of age. file remains were laid to rest in Lilmwood cemetery Wednesday af ternoon at three o'clock, the Rev. C. r. Rogers conducting the burial services in the presence of a large concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends. Mr. Batchelor had been in de clining health for several months and the end was not unexpected. He is survived by his wife anu one son, Mr. li. D, Batchelor, Jr. Mr. Batchelor was a veteran of the Civil war and served in Gen era! Turly's command. - I nfield Progress. Oi l Kill I III OCCASION Twelve ladies ot Grace ( '.lunch Auxiliary, Weldon, attended the Tdgecombe District Meeting at Grace (Ihurch Lauranee, on Sat urd.ty, May 17th, and spent a most pleasant and profitable day. There ! was a lai ge representation and the attractive little church was filled to overflowing, however, Mr. Nash, m Ins warm w-lcntue. assured us 'here .. u abundance ol room m the hearts ot the members ol his Pari-ti which every one soon felt. I he entire program wa-. most pleasing and instructive, a special feature being a splendid concert by the children that delighted every one present The dinner of bar becue and iced tea, in addition to the box lunch was delicious, and the social hour most enjoyable. Most gratifying to the Weldon delegation was the honor conferred upon Mrs. G. C (Ireen, who was elected President of the District in place of Mrs. 1 N. Nprutll,retiring. Mrs. S. P Johnston, Pub. Chairman. Children Cry fl)H i mum ti s G A S T Q R I A OlSIklCI MUIlNCi N C Cotton Growers of the f irst District Met In Weldon unit Nominated Candidates to tie Noted I'or The District Convention of the North Carolina Cotton Growers Association lor the First District which was held litre several days ago and Mr. V. A. Pierce was unanimously nominated director ■ lor the 1921 1925 season I he i lotion t it ower, in .speaking ui Mr. Pierce, says: I he convention in tile First Dis trict was held at Weldon and t > \X . Massey was elected chairman and F. 1) Dickens, secretary. I'he | convention nominated VC. A.Pierce | for director from the First District. As soon as the nomination was made it appeared I mi the conven tint; was un ruinously in favor of Mr. Pierce, and no other noiniiia • ton w is placed before the convert tion. livery delegate voted for in111 and consequently his name will he the only name printed on the ticket: VC. T. Whitehead, ,M. \\ . Harrison and Geo. S. Powell, w. A. PIERCE. VC. A. Pierce was born sixty-one years ago. Following his prepara tory educational training, he en tered Trinity College and finished the course furnished by that insti tution. During the years follow ing his graduation, his occupation has been that of farming and mer chandising. !ie has been success ful. l ie owns several thousand acres of land and actively cultivates 2,600 acres, lie raises annually on his (amis several hundred bales ol cotton, several thousand of pea nuts and has several hundred acres of corn. Mr. Pierce, recognised for his businers ability, is a direc tor in two banks, a partner in one of the largest wholesale and retail hardware stores in his county, a part owner ol one of the largest furniture stores in the county, owns a peanut factory, and is a stock holder in number of other con cerns, including Colton mills. V. A Pierce ranks as one of the very best business men in that section of the State and stands high, both morally and socially .Mr, Pierce has given liber ally ol his time and ability to the association as a member of the board ol directors, and is heartily in sympathy with the plans and purposes of the association, (iTNCRAI Ml RSHINU Quite a crow d of the admirers of (ieneraljohn J. Pershing, hero of the world war, gathered at the S. A. I., park on Triday afiernoon la-,:, in sec him as he passed throuh Weldon on his way 10 Norfolk. The iram only slops about ten minutes, but two of the over-seas men, Ur. W. G. Suiter and Mr. Charles K. Daniel went on the General's privife car to meet him and he kindly came to the platform and spoke a few words in greeting to the crowd. Gen. Pershing de serves the respect and admiration of the people which he heartily re ceives whenever he visits Noith Carolina. ALL IN AHH.ANOli.VU-N I'. A man was arrested, charged with beating a horse and swear ing, and one ot the witnesses was a pious old negro "Did the defendant use impro per language?" asked (he lawyer. “Well, h did talk mighty loud, "Did he indulge m prolanity The old darky seemed puz zled, so the lawyer put the question in another way. "What I mean, I'ncle Abe, is, did lie use words that would he proper for your minister to use in a sermon ?” "Oh, yes, sub! yes, sub,” re plied the old fellow with a broad grin "but o' co'se dev d have ter be ranged dilt runt BIRTHDAY MARIA Master Madison Armstead and sister, little Miss Nan Armstead celebrated their birthdays last Sat urday afternoon by giving a charm ing party to their little friends at the residence ol their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A, 1.. Stainback. There were 75 guests present to enjoy their hospitality. Among the out-ot-towii guests present, were, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Wall and children and Miss Lillie Siain back, of South 1 (ill, Va. Children U r y NR FLETCHER'S . CA j A I 111: I I.VII: I ABLE In VN hich \ on Will I mil Correctly Scheduled the Arrival and Departure of Your Friends and Acquaintances. Miss Page MoreheaJ has re ; turned From Chowan College Mr. j. J. Stroud, Southern Fines spent the week end in town. Mrs. T. C. Harrison has re turned home from .1 visit to l-'ranl* 1 I in ion. Mrs. S. R Alley, of \X ashing t nt, 1). ll , is v isiung Mrs I L : Williams. Miss Mabel Parker, of Wood land, is vis:ti: g Miss Elizabeth Vaugnan. Miss N ig'ii Rabil who has been visiting 1 •.Ijnves 111 Wilson, Itasre lurned home. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Purnell, of Pinl.idelfhia, „re visiting Mr. and . Mrs. H 1). Alien. Mrs. !-; T. Clark and daughter, | Mrs. Vi'. I-'. Graves, spent Iasi week in Richmond. Miss Wilma Story, of Conway, I spent the week end with Miss I Elizabeth Vaughan. Misses Lucile Allen and Louise Pierce, of Greensboro College, have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Vi'. T. Shaw at tended the graduating exercises of 1 Greensboro College, this week Mr and Mrs. .). A. Johnston at tended the luneral services of the late Mrs. J. L, Johnston at Win stoirSalem, last Monday. Mr. and Mrs Vi'. I.. Alston and daughters, Misses Mabel and Christine, spent 1 he weekend with relatives at Pleasant Hill. Mr I'. R. Owen, of Newton, spent the week-end with his pur enis, Mr and Mrs. C J. Owen. Mr. O wen is aatH.le.eied w ith The J J. Siroud Contracting Compa ny, ol Southern Pines, and we are glad 10 kn w . doing well. Our Weldon buj s make p. ml when* ever iliey go. I Hi: I’X I III \N BUILDING The s. ‘' :rs of the Pythian j liuilding met Fim week and per i fecied an organ.nation by electing ! the following officers. L. T. Garner, President. N. J. Shepherd, vice-President. S 1: Shirley, Secretary. N. iM. Shcarin, Treasurer. As soon as arrangements can be | made they will commence the erec tion on their lot on Washington avenue, of three large up to-date j stores. Fhe building will cost ap | prnxmuiclv, $40,000. till. I .WHY REi-IDf NCK S(ll.l). I The residence known as the I limry residence, on ihe corner of | film anJ Third streets, near the | railroad, has recently been sold 10 ! Mr. N. L. Stedman, of Halifax. : It is reported that Mr. Stedman will erect in the place of this resi ■ dence, an up to-date oil filling sta j non. This is a most excellent lo cation tor this business, being on I the great highway leading from j Weldon to Rosemary and Roanoke | Rapids. SAD DEATH We regret to announce the al most sudden death of Mrs. Daniel. I wife of Mr John Graham Daniel, w hich occurred at her home, near Airlie, Thursday last She was. (he daughter of the late l: J. Tay : lor who lived in the Aurelian Springs section and sister of I Messrs. John and Perkins Taylor, of tins county. She leaves besides a husband, two small children to ' mourn their loss. rHE E\ II SHEPHERD Fhe "Evil Shepherd is the name of a beauliful story which will appear in this paper on the 12th of June. Send in your sub scription in lime for the opening chapters. We will not be able lo supply back numbers, so be in time by sending your name in to day. THE LARGEST BERRY Mr. C. P. Vincent brought to our office last week the largest strawberry ever raised in this sec lion, weighing two ounces. It would lake only a few of these berries to fill a quart measure and about three fo, a saucer. Mr V invent has a latge crop of berries this season and they are all juicy and fine ROANOKE RAPIDS-ROSEMARY. Personals and Other Items of News From the Great Manufacturing Twin-City. Children's Day exercises were held in Roanoke Rapids M. I:. Church on Sunday morning under die direction ot .Miss Clara Hearrie Mrs. Lee Wheeden, Richard Brow n and Norman Harrison mo tored 10 Rocky Mount M • Jay On May eighteenth ai die home of die bride in Roanoke Rapids, Miss Vivian Ldmonds became the bride of Mr. Bynum Johnson. Revival services are being con dueled in Rosemary M. L Church by Rev. G W. Perry, of Weldon. Mr. arid Mrs C. A. Wyche and Mrs f anny Manning are in -spar tanburg, S. C , attending the grad • lege from which Miss Traynham Wyche graduates this term. Miss Charlenu Hurt is spending several days in New York Ciiy. Mr. and Mrs. K L. Nash are occupying the new country home recently purchased by them on Halifax Road. Mesdames T. M. Jenkins, J. M. Griz/.ard and Cliarlena Hart mo tored to Boykins, Va.t Thursday to spend the day with friends. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Raiford are visiting in New York. Mrs. Grace Whitaker, of Wash ington, D. C , is the guest of Mrs. B. P. Cooper. Mrs. J. B. Boyds has returned from visiting relatives in North ampton county. FARM NOTES. By W O. Davis, County Agent, Weldon, N C. The Aurelian Springs Buy'- Pig Club will soon have a number oF extra nice pure bred L)uroc Jersey lor sale. We would like very much ior our farmers in Halifax county tu keep this in mind and when in need of pigs buy from iliese boys. The pigs ate of \ ■ > best breeding and will be reasonable. I Here are twenty-one nays m Halifax county growing cotton in a cotton club contest this summer. Most of these buys are gruwtng pure bred Mexican Big Bull cotton and will have seed for sale next year. W'e have about five hun dred acres of pure bred cotton planted in the upper end of Hali fax that will furnish seed for plant ing next season- Most ot this cot ton is \\ annamaker's Cleveland Big Boll and Mexican Big Boll varieties This will enable us to get our planting seed at home next year instead ol going out of the county for them as we did this time. If you are having to buy leed lor your hogs use the following mixture, it is the cheapest dry lot hog teed you can use. Make a mixture of 100 pounds fish meal, 100 pounds wheat shorts or red dog, and 300 pounds corn meal. For the morning feed give the hogs all this mixture they will clean up in lifteen minutes. (Feed the mix ture in a thick slop.) For the night feed use dry corn giving the hogs all they will clean up in 15 minutes. This system of feeding will pro duce pork at about 7 G cents per pound where it will cost I IT cents per pound if corn alone is ted. t! you do not already ow n a two horse cultivator visit one of your neighbors who is using one and see what a great labor saver it is and see what pretty w ork it does. It not only does good work but it does so much of it. One man with two horses can cultivate S to 9 acres a day and work every mid dle. improved machinery must be used to meet the present labor situation. The farmer who sticks too tight to the methods of “lamp oil" times can’t make ends meet. RESIDENCE SOLO Mr. LT R Anderson has recent ly sold the residence formerly oc cupied by him, on Flm street, to Mr. S NX’. Neal, the price being $5,300. 1 he Easier Is the Better Way. Don’t poison yourself with calo me! every Saturday night, but get a package of Chamberlain's Tab lets. Take one or two on going to bed, and the morning will lind you feeling good. Gentle and persuasive, they never pripe nor sicken. Only 25 cents. Mrs. R J. Wrightmeyer has re itirneJ from visiting friends in Norfolk. 1 lie Junior Order N A. M held their annual social met ting in the lodge room on I uesday night. Mr U 1 Long opened his Campaign f ,r non man m as State ‘senator by puhtieal addresses niaJe in Rosemary I lieatre on Tuesday night and at the People’s Theater in Roanoke Rapids on Thursday tnglit. I he high school parent teacher association held its last meeting this term on Monday mgm. Offi cers tor next session were elected a. follows: President, Mrs. G. p. Ogletree. Vice-president, Mrs. Arch Taylor. Secretary and Treas urer, Mrs. H. N. Harrison. Rosemary band gave a oncer on the lawn of the hospital on Sunday afternoon. 1 lie trial of local policemen ciurged u uh assault with deadly weapon, held before Justice W. T. Council on Wednesday night re sulted in their being bound over to the next term of Superior court under bonds of $500 each. Messrs. L. G. Shell and W. T. Council attended the meeting of the Shrmers in Rocky Mount on T uesday. Miss Ina Allen is in Winston Salem this week to take the exam ination of the Siate Board of Nursing. DEATH Of MR. CRAWLEY. Died at Ins home, near Aure ; lian Springs, of pneumonia, on Vi ednesday of iast week, Mr. i Albert Pins Crawley, aged fifty !ears He leaves a wife and sev eral children to mourn their loss. He was a brother of our towns man, Mr. M l3. Crawley. The jfuneul a burial took place at r church on Thursday. j ATTENTION ! I X-SI:k\ ICE MEN ! Ml Ex-Service Men are asked to meet FRIDAY, MAY 30, Memorial Day, at I 1 Noon, at Am i 1 I ti.r purpose tit short memmiil exercise. Come and pay tribute to the me tins Post is named alter. i i I i CLASS l)AY EXERCISES, h u t forget the (hiss Day j unit (traduction Exercises, also the literary address of Dr. H. M. Potent m the High School Auditorium on Friday night, M .iv , s o'clock sharp. The promotions will be read from the school building Fri day morning at 10 o'clock in stead of the afternoon. Several articles have been left in the school auditorium, consisting of two pairs of gloves, and a hat Please call for them. a— —o ! FOR SALE j One Solid Mahogany j | Dining Room Suit. A I • bargain. See W. li. j 1 EDWARDS at Mrs. I • ! 1 Wilkins’ Residence. J