ESTABLISHED IN I860. A NhWSPAPEK FOR THE PEOPLE. Perms of SubseriDtion--$2 OC Per Annum VOL. LVIV. WELDON, N.<\, THURSDAY, DE< ’EM I’.Eli ii. i:?21. NO. 30 DOTS AND DASHES About Folks You Know, Will Know, or Ought To Know. Mr. A C. Sledge visited Norfolk (his week. Mrs. Ci.<'. Sunder-, visiied Rich mond Iasi week. Mrs I. E. Green spent Iasi Fri day in Richmond. Mrs. Lee Johnson spent last Saturday in Richmond Mr. W. B. Josephson spent the week-end in Richmond. Miss Massenberg, of Warrenton, is visiting Mrs. S. E Dawson. Mrs. A. M. luge has returned from a visit to Baltimore. Mrs. Troy Myatt, of Wilson, is visiting relatives in Weldon. Mrs. F. A. Cole has returned from a visit to Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrs. E. G. Utley, of Norfolk, was a week-end visitor in Weldon. Mrs. S. B. Pierce and little daughter, visited Richmond last week. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Murphrey, of Rocky Mount, spent Sunday in Weldon. Mrs. W. B. Josephson who has been visiting relatives in Rich mond, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Lewis, of Morehead City, have moved to Weldon. We welcome them as residents of this town. Mr. R. S. Travis who has spent the past several months at the Johnston-Willis Hospital, in Rich mond, has returned home. His many friends rejoice to welcome him back again. Mrs. P. A. Lewis who has been spending the past several months in Baltimore, under care of a physician, has returned home. Her health has very much im proved and her many friends are delighted to know it. OLD FOLKS’ CONCERT. A most enjoyable enieriainnieni was given at the High School Au Jiio.ium on Friday evening, Dec. 5th, under the direction of the Music Club and staged by the com mittee composed of the following ladies: Mrs. W. A. Pierce, Mrs. W. T. Shaw, Mrs. K. T. Daniel and Miss Kate Garrett. This was an “Old Folks’ Concert," with an "all star cast’’ of local talent in which every number was a success and received hearty applause from the large crowd present. The pro gram consisted of singing the stand ard old songs by the ladies and gentlemen of Weldon, vocal and instrumental solos, quartettes, cho puses, etc., using as en cores such old time jaz songs as “Polly wolly doodle, ” "Wait for the wagon” and others. Little Miss Mary Belle Draper very quaintly told the story of the stately “Minuet” which was beautifully danced by eight young girls of the High School in Colonial costume, four as ladies and four as gentlemen, who under the careful training of Miss Chandler, went through elaborate changes without a pause or mistake. The costumes of all the ladies were antique rep resentations of a past style and illus trations of hoopskirts, bustles, light basques, long skirts and elaborate millinery, while the gentlemen wore "Prince Alberts" and other dress suits of former years. After repeated calls the entertainment closed with a chorus of Dixie, sung by the entire cast, ending with the "Ole Virginia Reel" by a selected number. Quite a nice sum was realized which will be used for the piano fund of the school and the ladies are to be congratulated on the success of the undertaking. AFTERNOON CLUB. The Thursday Afternoon Club held jts regular meeting on Dec. 4, at 3-^0 o’clock with Mrs. Geo. P»|ash at the home of Mrs. T. C. Harrison on Washington avenue. Mrs. Elliott Clark, the President, presided. After the business ses sion the program was rendered as follows: A paper—Valdese, a for eign town in western N. C., has not found necessity of use for jail, Miss Florence Allen. A paper— Tar Heel Coast Village lives with out law, but school house keeps civic fires burning—Mrs. Elliott Clark. Vocal solo—Mrs. R. T. Daniel. Piano solo—Miss Kate Garrett. After the program a delicious salad course was served by the hostess, assisted by Miss Garrett and Mrs. Harrison. The guests of the club were Mrs. W. O. Davis, Mrs. Robert Mus grove and Mrs. T. H. Holmes. Help You Avoid Suffering. For those distressing gassy pains that crowd the heart take Chamberlain's .Stomach and Liver Tablets. Why con tinue to sutler when this good medicine may be so easily had and at so small a cost? Only 25c. NOTICE TO PYTHIANS. All members of Weldon Lodge No. 227 K. of F., are requested to be present at the regular meeting of the Lodge,Thurs day evening, Dec. 11, 1924, as the Su preme Lodge representative, R. 8. Mc Coin will be with us and deliver an ad dress. F. H. CLARK, Chancellor Commander. « II. I). c. According to program ilie Junius I Daniel Cdhapier L’. 1). < met im I Wednesday, Dec. 2nd, with Mrs. R. H. Merchant, Mrs. J. T. Dtw I sun, Mrs. C. I*, and R. R. R >d , well as hostesses. In spite of the extremely cold weather a go-id number were present to enjoy these ladies' hospitality. After the usual preliminaries communications o| appreciation were read by the Sec retary, who also read a letter from the new Division President, asking specially that the dear old ladies in the Confederate Woman’s Home I at Fayetteville and the veterans in ! Raleigh be remembered 11 ihe | Chrisitnas season. A committee i was appointed and the secretary was asked to tiiid out the special needs of these. Mrs. W. H Dan iel, Mrs. R. I . Daniel and Mrs. Ida Wilkins were appointed a com inittee to confer with the National Committee on the preservation of the home of Thomas Jefferson at Monticello. It was reported that one aged veteran had been enter tained for a night and given a tick et to Richmond, Vu , so that he could be cared for there. A revised copy of the by-laws of the chapter were read and adopted. Mrs. T. C. Harrison read a very interesting editorial from the News and Observer in regard to the Con federate Memorial on Stone Moun tain. Mrs. Woodall highly entertained the Daughters with a reading from "The Leopard’s Spots,” 'Nelse’s’ experience with The Freedman’s Bureau." Several of the ladies joineJ in singing several Christmas songs and the Chapter adjourned with their motto. The hostess then served cream and cake in Confederate colors with decora tions of holly. The guests of the Chapter were Miss Massenberg, of Littleton, Mrs. A. S. Alien, Mrs. Woodall, Misses Cheatham, Green, Shore and Cline, of Weldon. THE BOOK CLUB. The fifth study of the "Univer sity Series" hy the Book Club was held on Tuesday, Dec. 2nd, at the home of Mrs. Ida Wilkins with the President, Mrs. If D Poe in the chair. Answers to roll call were given with names of promi nent men of North Carolina and the study for the day was "Life and Letters of Walter ft les Page, ” who easily stands among the first of the splendid men the State has produced At the close of the business session, Mrs. Wil kins by assignment read a most in teresting paper which while treat ing especially of the relationship of Mr. Page and President Wilson, touched on his love and devotion to his native State and also on his wise and successful conduct of in ternational relations between the United States and Great Britain at the crucial time of the years just previous to and during the world war. It was found impossible in the given time to give more than a glance at these most interesting events but even this showed very fully the mistake North Carolina has made in the past in not keep ing her talented sons at home and awaking only too late to the high ideals advocated by Page, Aycocs and others for them to see the re alization of their dreams, for the development and uplift of "The Forgotten Man." Mrs. O. W. Pierce read an extract giving the sad end of Mr. Page's fine life which was followed by several beautiful piano selections by Mrs. W. A. Pierce. Mrs. J. W. Sledge, Miss Laura Powers and Miss Harris served a salad course with coffee, home made candy and mints. A (food Thing —Don't Miss It. Seud your name ami address plainly written together with a cents and this slip) to Chamberlain Medicine Co., lies Moines, Iowa, and receive in return a trial package, containing (Uiamberlaiu’w Cough Remedy tor coughs,colds, croup, bronchial, "llu" and whooping coughs, and tickling throat; Chamberlain's Stomach and Livei Tablets lor stomach troubles, indigestion, gassy pains that crow d the heart, biliousness and consti pation; Cbainbeilain’s Salve, needed m every /amity tor burns, scalds, wounds, piles and sk'iu ali'eetions; these valued family medicines foronlv cents, lion t miss it. THE BIRTH OF CHRIST. On Thursday morning, Dec. 17, it 9 o’clock in the High School Auditorium, the first grade will J ruralize “The Birth of Christ." All parents and friends are invited. Stops Stubborn Bronchial Coughs When changeable weather or expos ure to cold and wet results in bronchitis, start at once taking Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. Standard for over 50 years, aud strongly recommended for bronchial and ‘‘llu’’ coughs, stubborn, weakening coughs, ami troublesome night coughs. Never have Unpleasant After Effects. Constipation must be avoided or tor pid liver, biliousness aud indigestion re sult. I'se Chamberlain’s Tablets for stomach, liver aud bowels. They never disappoint, and give tone aud activity to entire intestinal tiact. Small cost, only 25c. Cbildron Cry FOR FLETCHER’S. C'ASwTaO.R!I a FI.EE I' or AEROPI-ANES The Virginia Railway and Power | in connection with iis power • dc’elupmeiit at Roanoke Rapids under the name of the Roanoke Rapids Power Co , will within the | next few weeks employ the most up-to-date method of transmission j line location A fleet of aeroplanes will start from Suffolk, V'i , and pin digraph a stretch two miles in width to Roa noke Rapids, while the aeroplanes are m this section pictures will hr made of the Roanoke river for thir ty miles as well as complete views of Roan ike Rapids, Rosemary, Weldon and Halifax and other sec tions. As soon as possible a set of these pictures will he shown in the local | j offices of the Roanoke Rapids ; Power Co. WEDDINO ANNOUNCEMENT. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Battle Til lery, of Dixie Plantation, Stevens vtlie. Maryland, announce the en gagement of their daughter, Mary Battle, to Lieutenant Chas. Brands Replinger, United States Marine Corps, Marine Barracks, Philadel phia. Lieutenant Replinger, who is the ; son of Mr and Mrs. John Hdward Replinger, of Chicago, was the 1 star man of the class of 1924 at the Naval Academy. Miss Tillery I is at a finishing school in Virginia. Tlte marriage will take place I early in September in the Chanel in Annapolis. HKiHEST PRODUCER OF 1 INT COTTON Notwithstanding general short cotton crop in the State, North Carolina is holding its usual place as the highest producing State in lint cotton per acre. This season’s growth is estimated at 206 pounds, while Texas is estimated at 177 pounds and other cotton States I 56 to 180 pounds. RIGHT MAN IN THE RIGHT PLACE. Mr. J. T. Chase, general mana ger for ihe Roanoke Rapids Power Company, has been elected chairman of Highway Commis sinners of Halifax county. Mr. Chase has served four years as a member of the Highway Commis ston, and it was in recognition of his splendid counsel that he was given the highest office on the hoard. ENGINE EXPLODED On Wednesday morning of last week, Willie Tillery, colored, who lives between Tillery and Halifax, met with almost instant death by the explosion of a stationary en gine. He was ginning otton and it was supposed lie had too much steam on an old boiler. Tillery was a highly respected colored man and lud accumulated considerable property. SEVERELY HURT On last Sunday Mr. and Mrs W. 1; Hall were on their way to Enfield, when in passing another car, the approaching car skidded, hitting the car driven by Mr. Hall, severely injuring Mrs. Hall. She was brought to Halifax where med ical attention was rendered by Dr. Furgerson. GASKET BALE On Thursday afternoon, Decem ber 1 I. 5:00, there wiil be a dou ble header basket hall game he tween bnvs and girls, on the Wel don court with Aureliun Springs school team. Friday night Dec. 12th. 7:30, there will hr a double header bas ket ball game, boys and girls, with Hollister school team. LOST HIS HAND Mr. John Carpenter, living in Northampton county, had the mis I fortune to have his hand blown off by dynamite last Sunday. He was ; trying to kill fish by using dyrut | mite. The hand was blown away ; and no trace of it has bee > found, as yet. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S R I A Mrs. P. A Lewis has just re ceiyed a line of beauiilul "Imported Highland Mufflers" Also a large assortment of Toys, which can be bought Rim a little cheaper than elsewhere. WANTED, S I UDEN i s Learn at home or school. Tuition on credit Work in office while hi king. Position guaranteed Edwards Business College, High Point, N. C. FOR RHN I —A good small farm ol fifty acres with three room dwelling in Greensville county, Virginia, at Spring Church, for the small sum of fifty dollars for year 1925. Apply to J If Stainback, Alberta, Va. 12 1 I - 41 I OTS FOR SAI F—In the Town L of Weldon, One store and lot on Second street, known as the Mabry store lot, adjoining Freid's store and others. One lot in South Weldon on Elm street, extended, size 50 by 150 feet. The above lots are for immediate sale. Apply to Elliott B. Clark, 12 11 2t Emry Building. —because we permit the brain to become passive. Then the fatigue of the body overcomes it and pro duces unconsciousness. The use of brings peaceful sleep to many trou bled with over-taxed nerves and pain. Absolutely true aspirin, tablets so skillfully made that their bene ficial action begins in I 5 seconds. Highest purity, never irritate or burn. One of 200 Puretest prepara tions. livery item the best that skill and care can produce. WELDON DRUG CO., 4 y;io *t?isrxct££. Drug WELDON, N. C. NOTICE OF SALE. Knder the power and authority con ferral on the undersigned trustee by deoil of trust of C. llazlewood et ux, which is recoided in oflice of Register of'heeds for Halifax county, N. in book :;Mi) at page .>-1, default having been made in certain of the indebted ness therein set out and thereby se cured and being thereby duly requested by the legal holder thereof, the under* signed will, on Thursday, January 15, 1(>25, at II o’clock A M ., in front of the Dost (mice door in t he Town of Weldon, N. (expose to public sale at the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate, towit: A certain parcel [of laud situated iu Weldon'township. Halifax county, N. C.. adjoining the lands of Opal lone Tillman Kmry and K. T. ( lark on the north, \ (J. Sledge and C. K Kmry on the east, Kllis I,. Ilamill on the south, and the V. < . !.. Railroad on the west, and more particularly de.scuhed as Id I beginning at an iron stake on the southern edge of the Halifax-Weldon Road, said stake being a corner between she Hedge lot and tiie herein described property and runs S. IP deg. 10 min. W •17:; feet to an iron stake in K. I. Ham ill’s line, thence along his line N deg •Jo min. W. RkS feet to an iron stake in the east property line of the A (’. L. Railroad, thence along the \ .( .K. Rail road right of way N il deg. In min. K. do feet to an iron stake, thence S. >J deg. K. Mi feet to an iron stake on the I lalilax-Welilou Road, tbenee along the road S. Jo deg. lo mm K 1 12 feet to an iron stake the point of beginning, con taining one and seventy-live one hun dreds (1.7 *1 acres, more or less, the same being that identical parc<*l of land conveyed unto the said (’. C. Ua/.lewood by C. R Kmry et ux This the di d day of December, 11)24. N. S. RARNES, Trustee. NOTICE. Nolice is hereby given that Hon. Cameron Morrison, Governor of North Carolina, has ordered a Special Term ot Halifax County Superior Court for one week be ginning MONDAY, JANUARY 5TH, 1025, For the trial of Civil Cases only. By order of the Board of Com missioners : W. T. CLEMENT, Clerk. i Money back without question 1 if HUNTS GUARANTEED SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES / (Hunt's Salve and Soap), fail in the treatment of Itch, Kciema, Ringworm.Tetter or other itch ing skin Try thie treatment at our risk. I’oppedge-lirant Drug Co., Weldon Notice of Re-Sale. I mler the power ami authority con ferred upon the undersigned com missioner by orders and judg ments of the Superior Court oi Hal ifax county iu a proceeding therein entitled “ii. D. \ll«‘u and others to the Court ex parte," a re sale of the herein after described premises having been ordered, the undersigned Commissioner will, ou Monday, January 5, IV25, at II o’clock A. M , iu front of the Court House door of Halifax county, 1 lahfax, N. t’., expose to public sale to the highest bidder for cash for divis ion among the tenants iu commou and subject to the confirmation of the Court, the following described real es tate, towit That certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Weldon Township, Halifax county,N.C., bound ed on the north In the lands of .1. .). Willey aud.J. K. branch, ou the east by the lands of J. K. Willey and E. Clark, ou the south by the lands of J. E. Wil ley aud on the west by the lauds of W. II. Carroll, containing o!> acres, more or less, anil be fag knowu as the late Mrs. E. E. Summerell’s dower in the Sum mered lauds The highest bidder will he required to deposit with the undersigued Commis sioner ten per cent, of the amount of bid ou the date of sale pending confir mation This the Sth day day December,Jli)24. W.M. L. KMUHT, Commissioner. POR SALE—Two valuable lois in the Town of Weldon. Apply ai 1241m This Office. The Big Sale is Still Going On! The Sale of Sales. For we must dispose of every item in om $50,000.00 Souk i.i Fine Merchandise ! before we move into our new home down on the corner. If you are planning to buy FURNFI URH, SHOF.s or CI.OTHINCi for yourself | or family NOW is the lime to do it. NOW is the time to save money. Do it NOW. Come to Rosemary, tr ike v ur sc lections trmn our j TRIi.VUiNDOUS STOCK. ALL OUR STOCK NOW AT LOW PRICKS! IT WILL PAY YOU TO SHOP AT SMELL'S The Quality Store. $22.\00 VR1H< .1 WAI.Nl 1 BHD ROOM sum: $139.75 $55.00 -1 pie.-.- Fibre Suit Only .5J>9 75 $63.00 5 Piece Parlor Suit Only.$43 95 $30.00 Bridge Lamp Only.$17.95 Coats, Dresses, Suits and Smart Millinery $32.50 Coals, Black Bolivia .$19.85 $37 50 Poirei Twill (ioai Suits..$22.85 $29.50 PlaiJ Sport Coats..$ 18.98 All Wool .1 is.-v, $3 98 s 1? M) Puirri I M ill I treses 19 85 SI 5 DO |; ix bur Nec-t Piters 9 98 Men’s Suits and Overcoats 1 lot Suits, $25.00 value 17,95 I Lot Suns, 27.50 value $18.95 1 Lot Boy’s 2 Punt Suits I 1.50 value 7.95 I Lot Boys’ Chinchilla Overcoats, ti.5W Men’s All Wool Gaberdine O’Coats.$30.00 $27.50 Over Plaid U'Coais 19.95 .iii THE L. G.SHELL CO., Inc., 1 he Quality btore, ROSEMARY, - N. C. a* TO* 1 \ ' ( M, , , 3* - t£M ) m '0 \Y % J> i-; v. 4 j§ Cars Washed .;|§ And Cleaned i We vvasli ears so that you will he pleased with your car. We grease and oil them everywhere grease and oil should go. You can tell when a car is carefully washed. You know when we have greased your car that it is thoroughly done. that we will send for arid return your cars any. where in the city. JUS I ’PHONE 2MS. Headquarters for Gas and Oils, Tires, Inner Tubes and Other Accessories. MAY WE SERVE YOU PeoplesFillingStation FORGET S. 0. MOHORNE, Manager Corner 3rd & Elm Sts , WELDON, N.C. CHRISTMAS SALE Beginning Dec. $40,000 8 and Closing Dec. 18 WORTH OF ALL KINDS OF Furniture, Rugs, Floor Lamps, Table Lamps, Cut Glass, Silver Ware, Velocipedes, Automobiles, Wagons, Etc. Reduced 10 to 50 p.c. Weldon Furniture Co., 'PHONE 71 Wei dp,n, North Carolina PEOPLE’S THEATRE, FR1 DEC 1 O Roanoke Rapids, 1 Night Only*" r A VIVID PLAY OF THE TROPICS. An Original Cast of Broadway Stars. You will Laugh. Crv, tiasp at the Stark Realism of This Most Unusual Play A Guaranteed Production and Cast. PRICES:—75c. to $2 50. Curtain Sharp at 8 P. M. Seats Now on Sale. Phone 26-4 Only Few Days To Christmas Time to be Getting Those Photos Made Nothing better for a Christmas gift if vou get the kind Brinkley makes. Come any time weather makes no difference. The light is always good at Brinkley’s Studio in Weldon, N. C. Monuments AND Tombstones OF Every Description When in need I can save you money. Agent for Roberts Marble Co WELDON, N. C.

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