m&L-n&am Old Folks' Ailments “I began taking ftlttk Draught over fifty years ago and my experience with it stretches over a good long time," says Mr. Joe A. Blake more, a Civil War veteran and former Virginian, who is now a prominer . citizen of Floyd, Texas. “It is the best laxative 1 know ot tor ulJ people . . A g jod ii.ar y years ago, in Virginia, I uad to get bilious and I found that Thedfoitfs L.y 1* I* i* t* ffll a* n m 3i*3i t'O pi L* BLACK-DRAUSilT m « m m MS ■ MS «a Ml ms Mil was the best and quickest re lief l could get. Since l < ame to Texas l have these bilious attacks every now and then— a man will get bilious an; where, vou know—and 1 mid that a little Bleck-Draught soon straightens me out. After a *'ew doses, in little or no time I'm all right again." Thedft> rd s Black ■- L> raugh t lu a purely vegetable liver medicine, used in America for over eighty years. It acts on the stomach, liver and bowels in a gentle, natural way, as sisting digestion and reliev ing constipation, bold every where* E 102 . $ Si# ;:*•■« !?:* Lif i# Bi# m £§ Hi# m m m m For Sale Cheap. A second-hand l;ord automobile | in first-class running order for sale , cheap. Apply at This Office. Seaboard Air Line Ry. SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE S« A' 10, l'.kM NORTHBOUND Leaves Weldon No.16 .'): 19 A M. for Suffolk,Portsmouth Norfolk. No.12 3:16P.M. for Suffolk, Portsmouth , Norfolk. SOUTHBOUND Leaves Weldon: No ll 11:53 A M. For Raleigh, Atlan- ( ta, Birmingham, Jacksonville No. 1> II H P. M. For Raleigh, Atlan- : ta, Birmingham,Jacksonville, j For information regarding rates and j schedules apply to JOHN T WEST, Division Passenger Agent, j Raleigh, N. P W. L. \LSTON. Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. (J. Obtained. >eu l mu.lei or -ket«*U and sve will promptly «**ud you a report. Our h >ok on dau nts an 1 Trade-MarivS will be seut to you on request. D. Swift & Co. PATH NT LAWYEI8S 305 7til St., WASH IN', i l'( IN', I). Over ;!4 V.ir. K\ni.riene*\ H. L. HAYWARD. Weldon, N. C SPECIAL SALE! All Millinery and Fancy Goods sold at Greatly re duced prices MRS. P. A. LEWIS. Weldon. N. C. V*f A I 0|l«? J’T QUARTER or MI'.L'ON J \f INVESTMENT IN T U L t i I'L CHRISTMAS b t A S !N I'E YEARS PAYS UIVIOENT'** Or $1jt OuO.ULO. The North i\irol:it:i Tub* ivni *s - j Assoi . : .on in a shiny •••■ •'■ ‘ 1 ! • *ur quota of •! , l million *•• ( the ■ ' • ■ riitai-i eii. iu yearn of life -ad iu do. Ura saved. In the pH-’ eleven ynus the death rate t on tuberculoids l.;- b-e. :i in hi.if. ia North (’i" 1111'• -•eut: ’.is rf'ute alone a s,» .. , 19.41*8 live-, and a money >a • 5131 ei 'j I "0—a r* '•.’.It at • bnted n a > y to ’he earn pa un of education. , ‘ . ts-iu •. and treatment linar. • i la- • iy by tne Christmas Seal i.ia Tire North Carolina Association i tile ;» i organization in preventive t i k in this from tuv- time of us reo iranlzu! u»n . 1913 until this time has shew u . steady growth in the of w • •lone and the support Kiveil >*> '• uT in 1 d '• ’l :' 1 by 19 v, u. . i. • 1913 » total of $-»»5 I•''* ' has b.-.-n mv* me ! •* ta s worm this a uouni, * 1 -s ''v has been r i tie.I by local * b i.rnieu fur u ih« 4* n.mie.it v in wit! h it was n san.i** rlii *,Vie they have b* u •• st r-'d to ft .•! and useful >■ - .ia v e |iro\ bled Hi* '..at a'** m.’erii relief when it vs a- .upo*- f*»" paf.eui to h ave hoim- i h* ; b •• •••ell us -d !./ employ public iusa urses and nurses for the tuber* i iu s.cU. for the orgaiiUtfi tofl a .*'* jiTjIIji of .!;»!> ». tu- U-'alUi »*■ * n thl* schools all.| {• • edUeail* 1 .*« to the na' if if «: inept. am rfv.ei.tton of tuber* il -- - During the pas: fun years the ?4iaf \-*s... .it.on has r«n **!v* il from No. n . irolina a total of 1 . * 11 1 ■’bis amount $18 . '1.51 has b<o'i ** h* .V::' Tal Tu' ib'sis Ass* ml '.>r i ,1'Velt' v. :m . . the c»..... niiaiust iu..eiculosN. and ihe Stai.' \SM>. -it oh ha. UM'd the bulaoi-e fJi the following purpo* .* • V « 1 State Sanatorium m order »>>♦' m iceur Uhg .. at Li* Str.tf* Sana tor in,;.’ pau{ s; ' no l * Mie treatment *>' ex ready to if:: action Establish* <: tub*rculoss where over iu." pat s "(,r amine.i ^iiaus *i raxed aod spui * eru ileulth < vasade io ih * i h Nor i 4'arol*na Has br'en doitig b • fa *-‘.u » wrorh uno-iig the m ' >’• ; f‘,; !*1 Coudm ts a camp ■ gtt of h* ai.h cation 'hroughout t!i«* t^tat* Established publur health nut • ■ in N -rth Car* Holds *u.. a! '1 11 »n • Organizes t oaf*«.y tuber*. * - clarions and create.- afve inte: consiriu clou of • •- X ' •* '•°r sanatorium - Every dollar invested In C .Teals in North <’.»!** * '■ dividend of f OU **U to CASTOR IA For Infants and Children in Use For Over 30 Years s3*rr \ ()i,od Thing Don't Mis* It f riivi \ mui name aii'i add less j»i; t»l>' written together with h cents ami tin-* sir,' to Chamberlain Mediciue t D« > Mo iK'S, Iowa, and receive in r«t;;.n ;* • trial package, containing (’haiub i Inn Cough l.vno iU for eoafch*.cold*. eump. hi or cl i iu I llu and whmipimr •-->n>'h«. and tick mu;' throat, Chambi r u n - stomach an*t Liver Tablets lor s: . . : live >li s. i:i hi* — gassy pain- that ero \d the heart, biliousness and e »i -: pat ion: ( lam herluiu 's Salve, nem. ! i v laiiiov lor burns, scalds, w«mn *>. oi!i - and skin affection.-; these \ i ■ .• I • amiiv medicines lorotih • cent ■ i' • ■ • Is ;t Preset ption for Colds, (irippe. Dengue. 11 endin'Iks, Constipation. Biliousness. It is ttie im st speedv rente, h now Nolle w of kUBSilll' l. ned * u,. m, -toner meiilS of t ,c'av. county entitled ,H j.aJr de>. 11: | Oldced the I w ill, on e,\ei and author the und> rsurm d supenut » "urt • n a proceeding 1 ) \Ueu ami other. a re sale of the I ubeiMu ned i ommi Monday, January 5, 102$. i i .. el ck 4 M>, in frpnt o |< ui,it IK',.-. >ioor ot Hall lax c ..»!;• . i tu d*ix, N < . t xptisc to pyhiie sale ! li) the -1 Kidder h.r cash lor d>\ ;s- . ,oij an.";, ; 11,,, tenants iu uommou and subject to iI.e eouti rtfjation of t.h ■ t. cult, the fohovviug described teal es tate. town i j hat eeriam tract or parcel ».| land ( ■situate. It iud" and being >» \\eluon ! 1'o.Mislnp iluhlat: county.\ t’.. houi.«i ed on the north by the lands of I. hi j Wiiiev and .1 K Kranch, cm the ej.-i :■> the lands of.I Ii Willey an.1 Iv chux. on tiie south Ky the lands old! K W d ,Vv ami on the west by the lands oi W I i- i hn,i,I. containing acres, mote < i less, o.;:.i being known a- the late M:~ I K K. suuiu.. ;••)! s dower m the miih m ere 11 lands. The burliest bidder w ill lie required t" deposit w itil the underside d Ihiuiili' - oner ten per cent, ot the amount ot j .m the date of sale pending contir \W) 1. K N D . 11 1. t \ m :n i.ssioner COR l.t -Oils upright ptano fg £) usn . " the t homasCook ! «, Son. Also one “Edison plio 1 m.-arapli A bargain in each Ap- j piy !0 Ml<- fttAKV t BOUNINS, , . VCel loo, N < Chas. Jenkins, HOI S1-, SIGN ! INTERIOR decorator Will 1 ■ i 1. j' 11ii ji. ,ri you r j rk ■ 1 - i experience has i.uieln us how. Nil him or t News Offici No .11 NK1NS i PAIN r SHOP, franklin, Va. Reverse charge. •«M fKl — - snRidPua^ We cater to those who insist on a high standard of living. This is the Safest Store to buy your Fresh Meats and Country Produce. John Dudash, 2nd Street, Weldon, N. C, IS Sale! In Order to kaise Cash we arc Of/erinfc Entire Stock of Dry Goods, Ladies & Children’s Dresses, Men, W omen and Children’s Shoes, Men’s Suits, Shirts, Etc. AT & BELOW COST; ^xasEMMin^ F- A. RABiL. Prop. WELDON. N. C* Our Place Is Now i'quipped with an Automatic Air Pressure Guage yol J is - i set dial on the amount wanted and it i automatically cuts off, keeping your tires prop rU inflated and insuring you of more mileage of • res. Make it a habit of keeping the proper imount of air in your tires. We want all our friends to feel free to visit our service station and use our Alk-o-.MI; I Hk. If you lo not trade one penny with us you are welcome. llktiS Akl I'OO HXPPNSIVH to guess at the imount of air needed. You will know the amount >f air you are getting w hen you use our Air.O-Meter. HPAOQlJ.Ak’NikS for (ias. Oils, lires, Inner 1 and Other Accessories. MAY WE SERVE YOU PeoplesFillingStation Av 't T S u. Mo11okN, Manager corner ,trd A. Film Sts , W’Kl.DON, SisaBsssms tisiataiimmjsmmmaat: iKmmmmmmmmmmmmmmp mg •>;/ • ■ li llfef A'-P m ■■( it k <u~ \ r.tu,. tr*t •Ml Monuments AND Tombstones OF Every Description When in need I can save you money. J. C. HENRIES, Agent tor Roberts Marble Cq, WELDON, N.C, t-hM>|tJMt 4,j i Vyj f H JONE3.SOH & ca*a Nuit! i; .-••'1*-1*>H Si r ,;p- .'.MATION FURNISHED Or; REQUEST op CMARSt. e» , ei_r:PHONg- OR T&LES.RAPt, tESPONDENCt. INViTfrII-liOl'at 1 .*vTVIa.|SHtrli tail aitewritirmnim' jflaaariii—rumti uaw. The Cash Seed and Feed Co. Dealers In H 0 1 III HAY. GRAIN Mill Products, Fertilisers, Soda FLOUR, AND COFFEE We solicit your patronage. Tie Cash Seed & Feed Go. Weldon, N. C. NOTICE OF SALE. I'mler the authority conferred upon the uuderNiirned Commissioner by a pertain order of the Superior Court ot Halifax eminty iti a special proceeding therein pctiding entitled l.illiau Paniel pt al** to the Court e\ paite, tin* under h gned i utnnnsMionei will, on Saturday, January J. 1^25, at I l o'clock A M., in front of the Post Ollice iloor of Weldon, N • . expos** to puhhe sale to the highest ludder toi cash, subject to the continuation of the Court, the following described real es tate, tow it: That eeitain lot with improvements thereon situate, lying and being m the town of Weldon. Halifax county. \ flouting lifiy '»•* le**t on the north side of I'lrst street, oi the *1 road iroui Weldon tu Koaimke K.ipi.ls and running back ln-tweeu ••arallcl hue N,xty right < IS.. It* *t to th* llies of the Ponton land, bounded on Ce ,\ nth by the said Ponton lauds, on th ea«t bv the lot of I.uuia Kidley. on the soi.t‘» by the aforesaid street or roa«l. on the wist by the l'outon lands, an 1 being known as the “Old l heck Piojcitv I his tin* *Jnd d iv O! | Icccuher PL‘| \vm i.. k\it.n r, NOTICE OI- MM.I:, l inlcr th * powei an I auti.oritv con f. i r. d oil the iitide111c ned trustee hv deed ol trust ol i 11 a. '.-wood et U x . which is recoith-d iii « Mae .1 Register of heeds foi 11 al i tu x count \ N « in book : :•* at pane •■*!. <i<fault bavin* been made m eeitam ol il ■ indebted n -ss therein set nut and thereby sc Cured and hem • t ... n by duly it tjur-ted by tin* legal holder tlli-le tl, the till ‘er jjigned will, on Thursday, January 15, 1^25, u' 11 o'clock A M in front of the Post Ollice door in the I'own of Weldon, N. C , exp -e to public silt* at the burliest bidder for eash. the following described real estate, tow it. \ certain parcel (of land situated in Weldon downship. Halifax county. N t . adjoining the lands of (>pal lone Tdlipau briny and K 1. ' lark on the uortii, A. <j > I edge aud * K bmry on the oust. Kll;s 1.. Hamili on the south, and the A. C b. Railroad on the west, and more particularly descnbed as fol lows: beginning at an iron stake on the. sonthern edge of the Halifax-Weldon Koad, said stake being a coyner between she Sledge lot and ttie herein described property and runs S. p.l dec hi min. W. -173 feet to an iron stake in K. I. Ham ill's line, thence along bis line N t!l deg •Jt> min. W. 13 k feet to an non stake in the east property Ion* of the A. C. L Railroad, thence along the \.C. b. Kail roftd right of way N. H deg. 10 min. E. do feet to an iron stake, thence S. ,V2 deg. b. Mti fuet to an iron stake on the Hahfax-Weldon Koad, thence along the road s. 3!» deg. -Ill min K 1 Id feet to an iron stake the point of beginning, con taining one and seventydive one hun dreds (1.7‘d acres. more or less, the same being that identical parcel of land conveyed unto the said C t Ha/lewood by C. K bmry et ux. 'Fins the 3rd dav of Pecemln r, 1 Pd4. N. S. KARNES, Trustee. FOR SALH — Residence, corner Washington Avenue and 6th street. J:or information apply in Mrs. J. II. Parsons or Geo. C CjREEN. .T "■■■l.-i. i 'leaning ol PuitieK, Curtain*. blan kets, Silks, Laces, Velvets, Plush, Ladies Presses ami Pentlerueu'* Clothing, Carpets, bty. All orders w ill receive prompt at tention if left at THIS OFFICE. Are you nervous? Do you become iriitated at triHes, start at sudden noises, lie awake nights? Your nerves are put of order. If yt,4 peglgpt then} yoq may have nervous exhaus tion, hysteria, nervous in? digestion or serious organi* troublo Dr. Miles* Nervine will help you, Try just one bottle. We’ll refund your money if it doesn't relieve you. Your druggist sells it at pre-war prices — $1.00 a bottle. A(jHlinisjRt°F’s Notipe. Having t,uah*»ed P-iJ. t:oistfat°r up on the estate of J. Auk t’urne i|tu> id t<> notify all peruou* holding claimsagainst said estate to present them to me, prop erly verified, on or before the 2i>ud dav of September, 19‘J”*, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persona indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This the *J2nd dav of September, 19J4. LuNNJF. (TRRIK, Admr. of J. An* Currie, deceased. Norlina, N. C. •* IN THE BUSINESS J6 YEARS Write us your needs. Wc Pay Freight and Uuarantea Safe Arrival THE COUPER MARBLE I0R1S, 294-296 Bank Su - Norfolk. V*. pirr n • *.«^**-* » "■ r» -Vi VMOMMimrMf; wr ri'v. — * .* uv *•' s' 1 'I • iJi-'i- f.« M>«gas iK- v . K * • v 'N. <«q a\ Ccf'Ta ctor. ■ Ki G'°elB Plans and Specifications Furnished ( > .1.stilling I fguicct: V\ C. Riddick, M. A., C. I*.., Lt-I)., N. C. •.,:c* C.nl »«-. ,-,V ‘ An SkfebZ/sk...3j./"* jfor <J?A/W.7W& THE BANK OF HALIFAX ORli ANIZL-.D IHOti CAPITAL AM) SURPLUS S65.000 C omlucted under strict Kankiny principles .ind the same efficient management which has marked its success in [he past. Your bus mess is respectfullv solicited, which will have our careful attention. Oucntiil Ciretrury S. M liary, F. H.Oregory V5.-*. ('ashier. Kittner’s MONEY-RAISING SALE Now Going On. Come and secure one of the many bargains All Kinds of Shoe Repairing Connected with KITTNER’S SHOE STORE. All work is guaranteed and Quick Service. ■kh «a» tarn Mitutmaiiooa.kk»:bssiwm:SBoaitsna vonaa:; kso»:wo****■<■ I INVITATION. ii You are invited to open an account with the § B^K OF EAFIELD, I , e^/eio, F- 0. a | i 1 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart | —J- ment Compounded Quarterly. | « YOU can bank by mail g -JUiL '»JB T II E Eli I or MOI ESTABLISHED 1892 Capital and Surplus, 180,000. WE INVITE YOUK ACCOUNT. 4% PAID ON SAVINUS DEPARTMENT W; E. DANIEL, PKKHI HKN 1. L. C DRAPER, t’AMUIKH. OE HORSES & MULES, We have on hand at all times a nice line of healthy Horses and Mules. This stock is in first-class condition and we will be glad for our friends to come and look them over. Weldon Live Stock Company, WELDON, N. C

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