e r ES TABLISHKl) IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$2.0G Per Annum VOL. LVIV. WELDON, N. C., THURSDAY, AI’lilL !>, l‘)2r,. NO. 47 THE WOMAN'S CLUB. Very Interesting and tin thusiastic Meetinglield In The School Audito rium. Tni Woman's Club of Weldon held a very interesting and cmhu siasiic quarterly meeiing in iheau dilorium of die graded school on Wednesday, April 1st, the presi dent, Mrs John 1’ Holoinan, pre siding, with about sixty ladies pres ent. Fine reports were given of work done in the different depart ments and plans outlined for in creased activities. The club re ports a membership of one huu dred and twelve with its finances in good condition. Mrs. James Brodie, of Fienderson, was intro duced by Mrs. George C. Green, and as district president, spoke very attractively in the interest o: club work in general and offered some practical suggestions for de partmental work. The incumbent officers were re elected for another year and are as follows: President—Mrs. J. P. Holoman. Vice-President—Mrs. J. S. Tur ner. Secretary—Mrs. O. W. Pierce. Treasurer—Mrs. N. S. Barnes. Mrs. Mary E. Bounds and Mrs C. K. Emry were elected delegates to the State Federation which meets at Pinehurst on May 4th next. ,A,t the conclusion of the business nn ’ attractive program was an nounced by Mrs. Green, the sub ject of which was “Flowers." “Beautiful Garden of Poses," by Miss Barbour. Recitation: “Old-Fashioned Gar dens of America,” Mrs. Pierce Johnson. “The Message of the Violets, ' Miss Brewer. The soloists are both much ap preciated members of the faculty of the school and they were ac companicd by Mrs. Anne Woodall, |cacher of music and expression. At the conclusion of Mrs. John son’s reading Mrs. Brodie gave tiume interesting facts in regard to the Middleton Gardens near Charleston, S. C., which remain in outline as they were planted 250 years ago and in which many colored azaleas and other old-fash ioned flowers grow luxuriantly as they did in the past. The program was given by the Civics Depart ment which also served cream, tdke and old fashioned bouton nieres of sweet violets to each one present. The stage was elaborate ly decorated with evergreens and baskets of spring flowers. The Club is planning for a May Day Festival with the hope of es tablishing this old custom. Much jriteiest in the cultivation of flow #rs and the annual show will be held in the fall. Plans for “a curb market" tor Weldon are also being developed and it is hoped that these will ma ture at an early day. Shelton-Russell. Gf interest to friends in North Carolina and Virginia, is the mar riage of Miss Nellie Russell to Farrar Vitas Shelton, which oc curred on March 18, at the winter home of the bride's parents in Jacksonville, Fla. The ceremony |ygs performed at high noon by Qr. Robert H. McCaslin, pas tor of the Riverside Presbyterian Church, in the presence of the im mediate families and a few friends. Mrs. Shelton is the only daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Russell, formerly of Weldon. She received her education at Peace Institute, Raleigh, and the Uni versityof Virginia. Mr. Shelton is from Burkeville, Va.. and is Field Agent for the Tobacco Growers Cooperative As sociation in the state of Virginia. He is a graduate of Virginia Mili tary Institute. 4fter a trip to Miami, St. Augus tine and Palm Reach, Florida, Mr. and Mrs. Shelton will be at home in Rurkville, Va. Meld Services. Judge G. E. Midyette filled the pulpit at the M. E. Church, in this place last Sunday morning in the absence of the pastor. He made a most excellent talk to a good con gregation. His theme was the v "‘Home Rife.” The Judge said In his opinion, the automobile and and the moving picture show was responsible for a great deal of the crime. A Weldon man isn’t old until he starts in to tell what a whirlwind h« was in his younger days. QUERY AND ANSWER CDLUMN. ? All Our Readers Invited To Send in Questions of Any Nature. A. M., Rosemary When pc - pie s.iy “money talks" why i! they In iii ilk? Ans. They can’t. It goes m fast it gets out of breath, we r e sume. F. S., Halifax; Can you tell me how long the Panama ( mal is? Also its width and its cost to build it? Ans The Panama Canal is 5' . miles long, is TOO feel wide (aver age) and cost $375,000,000. Student, Thelma: I would like to ask in the question column win was secretary of stale under Geo. Washington ? Ans. In his eight years as pres ident, George Washington had three secretaries of state—Jelfer son, Randolph and Pickering. J. B., Weldon: I overheard a divine say that everybody should be thankful. What should I he thankful for, when I can’t even pay my bills. Ans. If you can’t pay, just be thankful that you don't owe your self. Mr. Fditor: I am anxious to know what day of the week I was barn. The date was May 4,1901 ? Ans. You were born on Satur day. Sam, Weldon: What is the fast est time any passenger ship has crossed the Atlantic ocean? Ans. The Mauretania crossed the Atlantic Feb. 13-18, 1909, in 4 days, 17 hours and 6 minutes, covering 2,891 miles. The same ship Sept. 10 15, 1910, crossed the Atlantic from Queenstown n New York in 4 days, 10 hours and 48 minutes, (2,800 miles ) Mr. Fditor: Can you answer in your column who is the chain pion horseshoe piicher of the world? Ans. In a world's tournament at Minneapolis Sept. 17 to 21, 1924, in which O. P. Mossman, of Hldora, Iowa, was winner in the professional class with 152 points, he is recognized as the world's champion. Query: Is there a certain num I ber of square miles a territory must have before being admitted as a State? If so, how many? Ans. No. J. I). S., Rosemary: How many years will it take before the dates will be the same as this year? Ans. In 1931 the calendar throughout the year will be the same as 1925. H. A , Weldon: Do you believe in long engagements or should young couples marry quickly and get started in life? Ans. Both have their drawbacks and advantages. Lung engage nients shortens martied life, wltih with quick marriages, each other's temperament is soon revealed. A. A., Enfield: 1 want to ask you how much per capita is the public debt of the United States? And is the amount increasing or decreasing? Ans. The public debt of the United States at the beginning ol 1925 was $21,178,045,27 1.03— or $188.14 rer capita. The amount is decreasing now about $3 a year per capita. M. S , Garysburg: Can a per son tell the weight of ship’s cargo by the displacement!’ What is meant by displacement? Ans. Displacement is the amount of water displaced by any vessel. If a vessel is floating in equilibrium in still water the weight of the wa ter she displaces is called displace ment and equals the weight of the vessel itsell with everything on board. School Notes. The High School Commence ment will be held the ninth and tenth of June at eight in the even ing, The boys have begun to play base ball and are hoping to have some match games soon. Mrs. Barnhart's two classes in Seventh Grade Science have some real nice tomato p|an|s fop sale. They have been transplanted in small tin cans and are ready for the gardens. The pupils at school are taking an interest in the clean up campaign, and are helping at school and at home. To most people America is a place where the first duty of 3 man is to keep a woman dressed up. SPRIGHTLY SPARKS. (lathered Here and There and Kveryw here. They used to use the mail, hut now our "expert agriculturalists" who can’t tell a -.quash from a gourd ire broadcasting over the radio. 11 begins t look as though some of our American girls have come to ihe conclusion that they’ve eith er got to go without clothes ot without men. There's one time when a NX’el don woman can depend on tier husband staying at home—and that’s when she wants him to take her out Two people wire badly hurt in a Charlotte taxi the other day when the driver thought a girl on the sidewalk looked better than the road. You’ve possibly noticed as you traveled through this world that a smooth tongue is more to be fear ed than a rough neck. It may he hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven, but it’s our opinion that a lazy man has no chance at all. Can’t is a longer word than can and yet it seems that people find it easier to use the longer one. A good life insurance solicitor makes you believe that it would be a pleasure to die if you were in sured in his company. It doesn’t matter how homely a man may be, if he’s good to a woman lie’ll look handsome to her. And just to think only a few weeks more and we'll be slamming screen doors again. The papers refer to Rockefeller as an uplifter. We notice around Weldon that he uplifts the price of oil every now and then. The one difficulty about cutting off the expense of government is that most all of the expense can vote. A Kansas editor admits he is a regular reader of the Congression al Record. Now we know yvhat's the matter w ith Kansas. We overheard a Weldon man say last week that the only differ ence between home cooking at a restaurant and at home is that you don't see the can opened in the restaurant. It looks like the only Indians who are going to be left to live in peace at e those who haven t got anything the white man wants. Another thing, the world was a lot better off when people looked on divorce as a disgrace instead of a chance 10 gel their name in the papers. A scientist says the weather has n’t changed in a billion years. That makes some old timers around Weldon look like liars. Every time the State finds a way to save the taxpayer a little some one cumes along and has n de clared uncons, ituiional. Uncle Sam can'i enforce all his laws, bin nobody has yei been able to break old Dame Nature’s laws and not pay the penalty. The average woman will do a lot of sacrificing during Lent, but she won’t sacrifice her lu pe of a n ew Easier hai. The Lecture. There were a go nily number of people from a distance here Sun day 10 hear the Christian Science lecture. 1 here were lour cars front Rocky Mount, two from Richmond, one from 1arboro, one front Palmyra and one from Con way. Play Changed, It has become necessary to change the date of the Chowan College play to be given in Weldon High School. This play will be staged in W'eldon on Thursday night, April Huh, at b o'clock. It will be presented by the faculty of Chowan College. W'. B. Howards. On The Way. In a few weeks rock fish, the finest fish known, will he plentiful. Already a few have been caught. People motor forty miles to Wel don to eat rock muddle on the batiks of the Roanoke. Shoe Repairing. For better shoe repairing and good job with best leather go to South Weldon Shoe Shop, next door to the drug store. All work done in first class iob by an expert shoemaker. Ideal American Shoe Shop. DOTS UNO DASHES About Folks You Know, Will Know, or Ought To Know. Mr. C. R. Daniel visii il Rich in ind ihis week. Mr. J. 1: Suiter, ot Garysburg. paid us a pleasant visit Monday. Capt. R. S, Hall, of Scotland Neck, w as a visitor here Iasi week. Mrs. W. I.. Scon has returned front a visit to relatives in Peters burg. Mr. Alex Johnson is spending a few days at a hospital in Rich inond. Mrs. Ida Wilkins and Mrs. J W. Sledge spent the week-end in Norfolk. Mrs. W. A. Pierce and daugli ter. Miss Martha, visited Rich mond last week. Mrs. J. L. Howell, of Rich inond, is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. H. G. Garlick Misses Mattie Hutson, Blanche Thompson, of Rosemary, spent the week-end with Mrs. Ann Rus sell. Mrs. W. A. Pierce, Mrs. O. W. Pierce and Mrs. R. A. Musgrove attended the alumnae meeting of Greensboro College at Rocky J Mount last Thursday. Afternoon Club. The Thursday Afternoon Club held its regular meeting with Mrs. Pierce Johnson, April 2. The meeting was called to order by the President, Mrs. Hlliott Clark. Af ter the business was disposed with the program was given as follows: First paper—Literary anecdotes, : written by Mrs. Lassiter, but read | by Mrs. Harry Smith. Miss Nar cisa Daniel then gave Book reviews of two very popular novels, "The French Girl" and "The Able Me Laughlins.” The Club was »ery fortunate in having Mrs. Woodall present, w ho read a scene of "Everywoman." teach character was portrayed beautifully and the reading as a whole was exceptionally w ell ren ered. Mrs Woodall has been quite an addition to our contmuni ty this year and we hope that it will be our privilege 10 have her again next year. After which the hostess, assisted by her little daughter, Frances Johnson, Mrs. S. B. Pierce and Mrs. W. L.. Knight served a de licious ice course, candies and cof fee. The spirit of Easter was car ried out in the decorations. The visitors of (he Club were Miss Alleyne Spencer, of Waco, Texas, Miss Burruss, Mesdames Lee Johnson, Wall, N. S. Barnes, Anne Woodall, W. L. Knight, W. W. Barnhart, R. A. Musgrove, S. B. Pierce, W. A. Pierce and O. W. Pierce. Portor-Ritl.dick, The wedding of Miss Madeline Riddick and Mr. Roscoe M. Por tor was solemnized on Thursday evening at the home ol the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julian Rid dick, with Rev. Reuben Meredith officiating. The home at Spring Hill was decorated with beautiful boughs of dogwuod and lovely Spring flow ers. To the strains of the wedding march from Lohengrin, played by Miss Clara Pope, the bride en tered with the groom. Only the family and intimate friends of the popular couple w ere present. She is a lovely brunette who has endeared herself to al, who knew' her. The groom is a popular employee of the Atlantic Coast Line railroad. Mr. and Mrs. Portor will make their home m Weldon. Death of Mrs Dickens We copy the following from the Scotland Neck Commonwealth: "The funeral of Mrs. Corinne Draper Dickens, wife of Truest Dickens, was held Thursday ufter noon, interment being made in the Baptist cemtery. Mrs Diekem; was 3(3 years old, anvf death came alter an illness of several months. She is survived by her husband and three children, Laura Dean, Danforth and Hubert. Her father, W. L. Dickens, of Aurelian Springs, and two sisters, Mrs. lfarly Neville and Mrs. L. C. Dickens, also survive h£p puneral services were conducted by Rev. b. L. Hillman, assisted by Rev. R. C. Campbell. Group of perfectly formed artists models with the Musical Revue Land of Joy, People’s Theatre, Roanoke Rapids, Friday, April I Oth. Delegates To highway Convention, There waa a very enthusiastic meeting held in this place last week of the Coastal Highway As sociation. The meeting was held for the purpose of electing dele gates to the meeting to be held in Jacksonville, Fla., on April Hath. The following delegates were elec ted: Dr. S. B. Pierce, Geo. C. Green, C. R. Fmry, C. I-'. Gore, N. J. Shepherd Dr. W. J. Ward and J. P. Holoman. There will be a meeting at the school auditorium at S o'clock on Friday evening, April J4th, and it is earnestly requested that every business man in town attend. Much depends on the action taken at this meeting, so be sure and at tend. Freshmen Debated. The State-wide freshmen inter collegiate trugular debate was held Tuesday night between Carolina, Wake Portal and Davidson, on tiie query, "Resolved, That North Carolina should ratify the Port Terminals and Water Transporta lion Act.” North Carolina’s affirmative team will debate Davidson's negative in Chapel Hill; Davidson's affirmative meets Wake forest’s negative in Davidson; and Wake Forest’s af firmative will encounter Carolina’s negative in Wake Forest. Carolina's affirmative team is composed of J. W. Crew, Jr., H. P. Brandie, and Alvin A. Kartus, while the negative will he upheld by lsadore Black, M. H. Mogulescu, and Beniamin Baton, House Presidents Chosen. Twelve students house preci denis have just been chosen as a result of recent elections at North Carolina College, who will have their part in jhe gov ernment of college dormitory affairs as officers of the Student Government association. Among those elected trom this section, we notice the names of Miss Margaret G. Hudson, of Weldon, and Miss Flsic Mae Crew, of Pleasant Hill. One Week The following are the jurors for the April term of the Superior court—commencing April 27th: Vi'. IT Barkley, J. R. Baird, C. R. Collier, G. H. Myriek, J. L. Allsbrook, J. M. Taylor, B. S. Pender, A. H. Horne, P D Bice, G. W. Buxton, K W. Coles, F. P. Bellamy,,). A. King, C. A. Wyche, B. B. Higgins, l.. A. Patks, A. A. Hedgepeth. District Meeting. District No. 15, United Daugh ters ol the Confederacy will hold their annual meeting in Weldon on Friday, April 17 ill. Mrs. Cleve Stallings, of i inleion, will preside. Mrs. J. Dolph Long, State Presi dent and several other of the State officers will be present and it is hoped a large attendance from the Chapters of the District will attend. Airplaines. There w?r« eight or ten airplanes vircling over and around town last Tuesday morning. ' Some of these monster machines were flying just above the tops of the houses. Hinding of Oil. The well digging force at the Country Club, about a mile and a half from Weldon, back of the old Zollicoffer farm, on Chockyayotte creek, was reported to have dis covered oil. There was some ex citement in town when the report got out. Several containers were filled with this liquid, which appears to be composed of a large percentage of water, and a small portion of oil, and it has odor of kerosene. Much work is being done on the grounds stumps are being blas j ted, nd the ground is being pre pared t r a golf course and a large lake. \ large, rustic log house Will be erected, the material having been placed on the property, and a foundation of rough rock and cement is being laid. The incor P enters are composed of some of the leading citi.tens oi Weldon, Roanoke Rapids and Rosemary. EAT DOWN TOWN I wish to announce unity friends and patron-; that I will open a Tea Room on the Mezzazine of my store. Help eliminate the servant proposition and HA P down town. MRS. P A. LEWIS. A Message for Women who Drive :iml who air not iamihar with the oper ations of an auto Idling station; We want you t» feel assured t^at when you .lnvr up to tlos ttaVion foi gasoline, oil, lubne«,ut, wLv, you will get a square .leal quantity, quality, right price, Bounds Motor Co., Phone 207 VCEl.DON, N. C. 3 .» ly FOR SALF. At'.’o’clock P. M , Saturday, April is, iwo will veil the tallowing de scribed property at public auction to the highest bidder for cash: 1 1924 Chevrolet Touring Car, M.— 1.13913. N.C Title No. 196569A. I 1924 Oldsmobilo Touring Car M.— A11002, N. C. Title No. 32130?. 1 1923 Chevrolet Roadster, M.—.132554 N. C. IT tie No. 29213. A. 1 1924 Chevrolet I'ouring Car, M 1311 Si*I N C. Title No. 31113:% 1 1923 Chevrolet Touriug Car— M — l!7(>ltw, N. C. l'ttle No x<»sd; l 19&4 Chevrolet Roadster,M.—-G5163G N. C Title No. 197.7HK. I 1924 Oldsmobile Roadster, M.B4040, N. C. Title No. 3201 UN. 1 4923 Chevrolet Sedan, M.-L687760. 1 1923 Chevrolet louring Car, M — K 1109 N. C. Title No. 297028. MARYLAND CREDIT FINANCE CORPORATION. By U. B. UAURLLL, Jr,, A tty. Flowers! ! Cut Flowers Wedding Flowers Funeral Flowers Easter Lillies Place your orders NOW for Easter Lillies, both cut and pot ted, to insure your receiving just what you want. Call me for prices on Corsages of many styles and prices. I solicit orders for Bridgers, "The Florist," of Henderson, N. C. They GROW the flowers they sell. Train connections with this point are good and you need have no hesitancy in placing your orders with me for anything you want in the flower line. Thanking you for what business you may throw my way, 1 remain. Yours very truly, MRS. GEORGIA C. CAPELL. Pot ted Plants Bedding Plants Tomato and Cabbage Plants Corsages Phone 319 An Act Relating to Public Roads And Bridges In Halifax County. THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH CAROLINA DO ENACT: Section I. The standard right-of-way for all County Highways in Halifax county shall be TWENTY FEET from the center of tne roadi way on either side SECTION 2. No person who owns or cultivates land adjacent m any County Highway shall be allowed to use any part of the right-of-way for cultivation, storage of wood of ANY kind or for any other purpose without the written consent of the Highway Commission of Halifax County. Section 3. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation, to obstruct any lateral road drain, or any relief ditch by plowing into the same, or by piling wood, logs, cross-ties, lumber or any other sub stance. the effect of which is to stop up said ditch. SECTION 4. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corpora tion to load logs, lumber, or any material of kindred nature to any vehicle while said vehicle is standing within the right-of-way of any public road of Halifax County. SECTION 5. No person shall be allowed to leave any vehicle, load ed or unloaded, within the right-of-way, or to leave any wood or logs, or other obstruction aFter dark without placing thereon a red light, showing such obstruction. SECTION 6. It shail be unlawful for any person to dig any hole within the right-of-way of any public road w hich they do not imme diately fill up. SECTION 7. It shall be unlaw ful tor any person to construct any fence on the right-of-way. SECTION 8. It shall be unlawful to dump refuse, trash or any other matter in, or upon any of the high-ways of Halifax County. SECTION 9. The power to cut trees which shade the public roads of Halifax County, by and upon the right-of-way, is hereby granted,' bur, compensation shall be made to the owner of said trees as is pro vided by compensating owners for material, under Chapter 534, Pub lic Laws, I &19, provided said trees are not a part of any grove, sur rounding a person’s house. SECTION 10. The Highway Commission of Halifax County shall cause a copy of this bill to he published once a week for four succes sive weeks in each of the following newspapers, published in Halifax County to-wit: Roanoke News, Roanoke Rapids Herald, Enfield Progress, Commonwealth and the News Reporter. Section II. Any person violating any of ihe provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined not more than $50.00 or imprisoned not more ihan 30 days for his offence. SECTION 12. This act shall he in force from and after its ratification. / ' aJP Double Vision Glasses Just one pair of glasses 10 do the work of two pairs. They are more convenient and more satisfactory in every way. My office is open every day of the week and I will give you expert optical service at reasonable cost. J, P. TAYLOR, Registered Optometrist, EMPORIA, VA. CFRT1LIZERS FOR SALE.—11 I have for sale Fertilizers of all 1 kinds. Also Lime. Write, see or Rhone 93 L T. Garner, Weldon, N C. lOK RENT—Two Hve room flats ' and bath, over South Weldon Drug Store. Will rent to two, three or four parties. Apply to Dixon Lumber and Millwork Co. For Mayor. 1 hereby announce myselfa can didate for Mayor of the Town of Weldon, subject to the action of the next municipal Democratic primary. W. W. Wiggins. POR SALE.—A large size Walnut crib for child. Will be sold as a reasonable price. Good as new. Apply at W. W. Wiggins.