The Roanoke News Published by— The Roanoke News Co., Inc. | •,-> IINER, Editor Publisher C \’F YEAR By Mail) .SI.50 1 ' - iJUKI . .. ^ 'IX ;..!)Xili' .10 ^ s ; ■ i:r> I'aya' .p lit Advance Post Office, Weldon. N. C., as ecmml-cla-* Mail matter._ ,n I nil. 'it Weeklv Newspaper devoted to i: . i;i i. !. I ttional. economic and Agricnltur a fits . Halifax and Northampton Counties BUY I . s. DEFENSE s.W IMiS BONDS and STAMPS and POST OFFK FS \T o I; s ;S PAN Kir t ! Ti UK'S S 1 AM) \Hl) (>l l.l\ IN<. I ! : 11 it ' tile assert iuil that i.-fl!. ! • a re ng promote inflation, a a - tfu ■ ! • ; .'Villon's < 'o-opel'at ive A"." ■ . 'i irk. ,~aitl: "Tilt critic.-a - at- ha a. nfunderstanding of tlv rmo lt ms 111 ] : in eion as well as the ru-.v.-s! 01 farmers > reiving prices for their prod ucts a eijni.'.i in meet rising costs ana af iem standard of living oommgnsu rate a iih tha of city dwellers.’ 1 i. rata* 1 f increase in earnings of 'lie average consumer has risen more rapidlc ■ . farmer,, as a result of war ..1 ' :*. e^peciall\ in the \ ital dairy fit-id is difficult to obtain at any price. The position of agriculture seems to he ■••rstood our lU'ban ar.-a MAKE 11 A MOTTO Becau-t- ; he security of this nation p"- n- , aMy depends on air supremacy now more' tii.ii. a; ai . tier single agency, th- 1 . . . ee\ ry sui able airp t a As ... . i has t iken many of tl e Hi; a!:' line pku j- i 'or.' ranv r e. nils 1 pui *. however it did no' takt? •i an- iiiii-s. Tliey s' ill operate *• it h pmenl us pri\a entt rprist s for public service. Oi necessity, !hey must give preference! to -. t'Uiiai it*.*. . . rs and cargoes, but ■ ...... mod:-, d sub led to some inevitable priorities ■ oner a ncies. As one air line aptly puts it in . n ad vertisement, it se,.*k.s to maintain on. mu "a mental of operation at all tin1..—p* ! to and efficient service to all — miii: ians alike. That would be a Rood motto Ini’ all in dustries and all Government depart!)} t make a first rule of operation, tor o n r nk without the other aid bo: ■. .i"p absolutely on civilian activity for exl-'mc A REAL JOB War has brought new and vi'ally impor tant jobs to tT,e retailers ot this eour.try The pinch of shortages is only b. ginning to be felt by the bulk of c t . r . Stocks ot certain lends of goo : even in the food field, many items uni d appear In all fields, the consutnei v no longer manufactured are dwindling ta-t A smaller range of choice than hi has b accustomed to. So one uf th.e retailers new t. - help the consuming public make, u tk . little discomfort as possible, th • gre; iustments in living standards n -’nr. ,;■ u war’s enormous demands on our prod rip resurces. And most retailers ot the . niti > ing to the limit of their abilities in dibit; that. They are featuring air |, I ., t > • ably p»i ii i»il funds and • manufai u; They ; re helping the consumer ci uu rnt able and satisfactory substitub - and costly itirons. They are show mg ■ 1. we may avoid waste, and make wl:at .u go farther. (,)n top of that, they are doing oll'-w w rk of great importance to the war of ton. They are. for example, aggressively selling and promoting the sale of War Savings a; War Bonds—at their own expense and without a penny of recompense. '1 hey arc co-' '1, rat ing with the Government in fighting spec ulation. profiteering and hoarding Thc\ have accepted great responsibilit they are discharging tern fully. Enemies are tose you l ate for what they do; allies are those you cu.-s -r what • hey don't do. I “he race problem will be solve, i when everybody is content and proud to < clung to his own race. When a statesman talks like ai expert, l.e is fiv-h from an interview wr .. \ ex pert lobbyist. Drat Je.-.-e Jones. Every time v for one man authority, he uses his to ball up something. Littleton Ml-. Kilt'll Welle: Ma- been thr guest Mr. ami Mrs. Job’ been visiting a; \ Mi.-ses Annie P. . lt-eii Crawley have Savannahs Ga visited Corporal 11. Mi-- .lulia Stcgn vi.-iting her brothi Farmville relatives, ri.have ■ a Bench. ■1 and Kath wiii'ii' they a ar.l Pike. Macon is Wiilaid Ste Joe u , Meltoi til the Firemans 1 Green-boro this week Levy Creech of \\ Mr. and Mrs Si i day. Tommie at . at■ '"uminieil him ; . ■ i. nd ton via* Stegall Creech a vis ile f Kal - f. ,i Mrs. guest M - - Mary Dell il . ■ : \ i-ited M r- 1> the iteek end. Ml-- Bertlm Thi \ Bill .Jones and ehil-n Kitty Hawk. Jack Perkinson Nee. -. Va. spent ti •he guest of his M;-- Tan Alst. ■ I at Duke Hospital l'■ I!. and Mr-. ! j dri ll are visiting r | Mr. and Mrs. K/.r. ehdili'en of Daiiim .alive- :a town on - 1 woods Howe home alter atten t Si'h.■.H at Davidson < •'!■ . ■. Mis. Durwood Ke. : f 1*. ' t I Hi. \ a., has 1.. .. i leillle ■ aeeo'.mt of the il! - : her fa tier. Hid Hamlet of H i Mr-. Path Ash'. N ■ I lk. Yn. visited relative- : - week end. Jord a chil teville. in and ‘turned amuier Mi - Klia Walk. il ■ uid. V.i i- visiting he: ■ - Mr. Mr.-. H. K. \\;, Pleot 1 assida of \ ; \ a.. vi-ge.l his mother Mi-. .'I. P. i --.da for the we. Mr.-. Rodney Glasg : 1! ,.i u Jr., spent last . ,i. Hen derson. M:-- Bertha Mai X li tniui'il after spei on . . ek in Xi.v York City. Miss Louise King • M-.ndu;. f. ■ Ka*v Bluff. ,\h :: h < a:- Mina Myrtle Beach, S C. She was milled u: Raleigh Mi- Maty I'Vrei.ees of Canid. Rodney. Sr., and Leigh Glas gow visited in Henderson on Sunday. Private Hdward Warren of 1 amp Forest, Teini i- visiting hi ents. M : •' 1' u ■ ren. j[ ind Hal Noithmg ton have returned after visiting 1 Mrs \ K Hi i rison in l'ui'hai i. \{j~ Jane Johnston of Raleigh was a week end guest of her pa ints. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. John ston. Mi-- Virginia Battle Harrison off l*s pent last w< Mrs. Hei-hert Northington. ! Mr and Mr Bill Koone. of H:i leigh spent tie week end v ith Mi. and Mr J. P. Pippen. Mrs. l )oi v W.lli( :. Jr.. weeks H Herbert X Tthingtcri da. i Mis- Liu ':.a Pegram w.n> ha bee) Park View hospital. , IL'Ckv Maiuit is improving at her home. Mr. and Mrs, Roy King of H — det'on spent the week end with relatives here. Mrs. H. 1.. Kerr is spending the week in \Y , nington with Mr. * Kerr. Mrs. Mamie Topping spent I Tuesday in Roanoke Rapids. | Mis. A. Farmer. Mrs. S ' | Bobbitt, Mr- Lee Riggan and ! Mi-s Annie Farmer visited in ' Roarmkc Rapids on Tuesday. Pen t N mliaison left <>n Sun day for Camp Polk. La.. after spending a week with his fath * or. | Miss llatjel Crawley of Seat land Neck i- visiting Mis- Annie Farmer. BIRTHS Mi-, and Mi'. Thomas Out an • * 1 Roanoke Kapils announce ! iu* hirth ol a* son on August -”th at their home. Mrs. Thomas O . tin- former Miss Maltha (Ira.. Mr. ami Mrs. Tyne Callahan *>1‘ | Annapolis. Md., announce the Mr itei >1 Sunday, Au gust SHh. Before her marriage, Mrs. Callahan w: - Miss Bessie j Phelps of Vaughn: ! Mr. and Mrs. Benton Porter o: I Norfolk. Vn.. announce tile irth ' | of a daughter. Blciida tlail on I I \\ 'dnesday, August 5th. Mr . ! 1' rter was Mis- Kathleen Hollo man of Wilson. j Clover Seed Is Available To All County Farmers \ earload of crimson clover seed h: s been received by the Halifax (5 unty A. C. A. announces C. 11. B nks. Jr., Secretary. These seed ai - available to all farmers in II lifax County who are > iopcr a ng in ’the Agricultural eon- i si vation Program and will h. In udled by Shields Company, S o’ land Neck. Parmer' Supply Com pany, Knfield, Anderson Feed and (Jioeery Company. Weldon and Halifax Milling i nipany. Haii lax. | I he seed are available lor 1 be 1 1PJ2 program year and also l’o. i IP Id. The farm must hav" ral - lied out all soil huildinr prnci ice required iu 1942 before i he seed can lie purrehased unde, the IP Id progra m. ■ All orders should be mailed or sent to the County A. C. L. of I fire indicating the farm serial number, the name and auiiie-- of | the person placing the order and the number of pounds of seed needed ill Kit bags of 150 p, as the request der to the mailed and , front any of Calvary - Thelma News Mi. and Mr- | Richmond, Vo with Mr. and Mi cently, Mr. and Mis. \ spending the v . ents Mr. and Mi Mr. Josh Ki: last Sunday wi> here. Mr. Hoh Myrii. ett. Ya„ spent ; his parents here Mr. and Mr- i Roanoke Rapid her people her. . Miss Dora M\ spent Sunday w ■ here. Mrs. Susie ( Rapids lias heel; Kinina King. W. C. Mvriek end with his fa: Martin * oto,: , I'armets are worried about tie l!M:j l,og c lu'” llrouKh> cut torn yields coMsi(i(.*ra Katies, assistan: r"y w°odlief 0j ' a, fe"' days 1 ''ank King te. '• Myritk are ,'t.h his Par. [halas Mylicl[ 0xf«d spent :;ls relatives *' Camp pitk. " (‘ek end with 'Dun Rig.,Jr 0, Sunday with s Ilf her haleigh Id rents uf Roanoke ittiting Mag '• the week ALVKS Avery County r hahly poduee thi sluds of eertified potato seed for - R. Bainl. farm a. dll Midi’ •'ays John 1. ■'I'm assent. ■ri's will pro. a 10.000 bin Sequoia Irish .reports (,. S6 r; oor j':.‘ODE*AT,OFf. JA ^Company# fmm buy m& sayings bonds & stamps T.M. REG. U. S. PAT. OFF. In The Brown Flavor-Guarding Bottle Authorized Bottler: I’KPSI-COL.V BOTTLING CO., Littleton. N. C. BUY WAR SAVINGS BONDS & STAMPS BUY WAR SAYINGS BONDS & STAMPS