,SS l-T.Ol.'ENCE COX P : -Iration Agent j. M. Edwards nt Homo Dem. Agent bme hUK'li '‘"'day Weldon 1-11 < labs .! i mday Ser on with the past gregation of the -t Church. Thirty part in the Ser -hers or sat in a were dressed in church decorated crs carrying out green and white, parts in the ser liows: A Country .■n hy \ irginia Oi The Open i j re group. > o the service woi in i he u at nian and coi.iircV-l g as ushers were tijjc, Betty Ann .. Raynor, Frances an Chappell. Home Sphere (Jirls to 1)1- at Smith Chapel! ( hurch : i . , i girls of the V\ >’.i. i . will hold a Church at Smith Chapel Sunday, June 4th, at j : c [• i - die is invit"d ... parents ut club ndny Uivli :Ut) Itvia Sere; lll'H-i a M anting - The 1' tui •• min cens is hit ffi.'K out take ent the Department o: Agri-! that the War hood a estimates that the ? tanned tomatoes adn;,' year will he d*> ran last year. ■ ;,e v i. e should be is ■ ■. lit i1 me to olar.a. and to can ■.ply lor home use. ...1 e it ills' equip m aboil iuTiee i t to tem:..f>es are one , 1 prodliets that and may be used ;. mor ■ expen . next vinter. rim i,i . fruit juices tor a: 1 l'oe in-between .ent.. A a tie. fruit. . : in. .vanning' to ripen ; the Halifax County j ,.i,l include ju.cc:> in , : udpets. So i fruits i ripe make g ■ d jute e I ally ripe the fru.t , , eilie s and l'alvor the jus . |.... 1; ,ei of 1 iiimaii X'.tintimi sup..-. that fruits should be cr..!. . arated to simmering pni. . a ,i aim'd through a [i-l,,; Add sugar if desire I. I 11 m i point, fill lide ami process in. 1.. . or !,.»• 5 minutes. i'he . I coloi is retained by tc ad of b liling in all h ■ . xcept l lie last pro c( \\ rking with a sin ill quam o! fruit at the time also In . "'aln color and ilavor. ):. U Lllii ■ VC a. k ... ■ t I !: . I ' t Dii f mi Sew If want the latest informa i.hii ... i'.1, order Uie new hul-j . U >• :i Dress at Home v ... . • Smith-Address your can! a, l . a. Department of Agn uiluiiv Washington '-a, L). t.. 'luldii.; Die "Limp" out o! Uayoiis \\. n tv> oil dresses do not star ch -i tall hut you may use yvla: r ;n the place of starch, hoi one ih. . use about two table i>uin."tul of gelatin. Soak in foal watci. dissolve in hot water, then cool with cold water. 1 lie total amount of water should be sul licient to cover the freshly wash nl div:.-. Spueeze out gently and roll in a towel until ready i01 ironing. Watermelon Ceilings Set Raleigh, May 30—Maximum pric for watermelons, which will 'man a sharp reduction at retail 11 a in last years inflated watermel mi prices will be established short ly at country shipper and whole sale levels by the Of ice of 1’riee A'iimnistration, Theodore S. John ■a, Baleigh District Director, an nounced. The prices f.o.b. shipping point ini' all areas, will be $33 tier ton from the effective date of the reg ulation to July 4, and $2(1 per ton f r the period front July 5 to the end of the season. Mrs, H. B. Harrell of Washing ton ,s visiting here. Miss Sarah W. Davis of I’ine hurst is die guest of her parents Ml'- and Mrs. W. 0. Davis. THE ROANOKE NEWS 1 Buy War Bonds . —-TOOA V ■For Future Needs oc:»^m.y-iLigntn rear Published Every Thursday — VVeidon, North Carolina THURSDAY, JI NK 1st., 1911 Looking Oyer Our District’s Health BY DR. \V. K. MclIOWKI.L. Health Officer •lu-'t a lew days ago there wa. a “mad” dog in our health dis trict. The dog was killed in Tar boro, and his head was sent to the Mate I/ahnratory of Hygiene and ■ ’ led with Rabies. . i i keep theii imeci un fifteen days. Kabies, or hydrophobia is .aus ed by a disease agent called a “virus". Tins \iius attacks the brain and spinal cord. It is spread mainly by the bite of infeeteo dog.-, t’als, cows, horses, coyotes goats, hogs, sheep, skunks, wolv es, squirrels, and other warm blooded animals are also suscepti ble to the disease. Rabies virus is present in the saliva o! a rabid animal. If a per son is bitten by the animal, the saliva, loaded with virus, enter, his body through the bite. Or sali va from a rabid animal may enter tiie body through any wound in the skin that is exposed to it. The virus reaches the brain by travel ing along the nerves. The length of time it takes after infection for the virus to reach the brain and produce the symptoms of rabies is called the “incubation period.” The averag period of incubation in man is rom fifty to sixty days and in dogs from fifteen to thirty days, but in either the disease may de velop in less than ton days af.ir a bite, or it may not develop fi r a year or more. The closer the wound is to the brain, the mne quickly the virus will n ull the brain. For example, rabies devel op: earlier alter bites on the head and face than a. ter bites on the hand and arm. XiT every one develops ra u - after a rabid animal lute or alter wound contact with the saliva of a rabid animal. But no one who has once shown symptoms of ra bies has ever recovered. The di sease is One hundred per cent I i li.il, both for man and beast. The fact that it usually takes a comparatively long time for ra bies to develop makes posisble the prevention of the disease ailei the virus has entered th body. The protective measure used is a scries of inoculations with weak ened rabies virus. This treatment, which is called the Pastour Treat ment, prevents the development r the disease in the great major ity of cass if it is started soon enough after infection and ii con tinued long enough to give ade quate protection. The treatment is of no value after the symptom.-, oi rabies appear. Jn all cases of animal bite, wasn the wound under running wutei to remove the animal’s saliva Then send for a physician as (juickly as posible to laNc , wound thoroughly cleaned out and other needed treatment given. Al ter the wound has been cared loi the next step is to determine, whether the person bitten should be given the l'astour 1 raatnn m for the prevention of rabies. 1 hi. depends primarily on whethei thi biting animal is rabid, shut i «V securely and watch it lor s> n P toms of rabies. U the hog appcar, normal and remains so f '» 10 to 1-1 days, the posed. ht> o rabies may be discussed. It t clearly evident that the bitin animal is rabid, or if it can not be'caught and observed, the vt tin. Should' receive the Payout anti rabic treatment as piompt > jssible. You are being asked to cooper ,e with > our health department , controlling rabies. These > re for the protection of ets and farm animals, bu , wha , nu-re important, they aie ^ ie protection of your family a> « eiglibors. No one need die ot to ies, but unless animal owner* co perate with the authorities, it - lmost certain that some death, -ill occur. _— F. O. Browne Vaughan—F. O. Browne, JOHN DAVIS WIN IN ONLY I WO COT-NTY RACKS. By the smallest total votf in any date primary since P,t20 ---| first year of woman suffrage ---1 tlu> Democrats of North Carolina Saturday nominated a governor by as tig- majority as was ever ac corded any .candidate for jha.t office. Gregor Cherry won over Ralph McDonald in the race for govern or by a wide maj >rity while iirm er governor Clyde R. Hoey gained a landslide vote over Cameron Morrison of Charlotte in the Sen ate race. Halifax County voters gave ma jorities to all if the candidates who won in tli State-wide races. Judge John II. Kerr defeated Cameron Wee ,s in Saturday's Primary for the office of Member of the U. S. Hr.ise of Representa-1 lives. L. Y. Ballon: ine was nomi-! inated Lieutenant Gnvcr •: ■ cn his two oponenis. In the only tv.o races for coun-j ty offices Meade II. Mitchell d*:-1 feated Allen i .ewe for County | Commissioner f 'om the Weldon-; Faucetts Disivi- and John Davis' ol Enfield won over M. W. Perry o: Halifax for County Commis «V sinner from the Enfield - Halifax' District. REA During the last nine years, the REA through Federal loans has brought electric power to more than dh.OOU rural consumers in the state, D. Is. Weaver of the Agricultural Engineering Depart ment says. cripple fi nd report May 19th., 1944 Report from the Halifax Comi ty Division of the North Carolina League for Crippled Children, ot funds collected during the recent campaign; Weldon _21)7.5(1 Littleton _127.55 Roanoke Rapids _.’175.82 Enfield _ 145.58 Scotland Neck _ 209.07 Halifax _ 17.50 Aurelian Springs _ 12.57 Hobgood _ 17.00 Darlington __ 5.00 Holister __ 7.00 IIardrawee _ 5.00 Ring-wood _ 5.70 County C olored Schools _ - 55.82 Total collections __81221.97 Mailing expense _25.45 Total_ _ $1196.52 50 per cent of the above amount is retained in the County, aid tor inn i goes to the State Lea BERNICE HITCHENS Chairman Halifax County Divis ion N. C. League for Crippled Children. RATION STAMP CHANGE Raleigh, May 30th-B-2 and 0-‘. gasoline ration coupons the old type B and C rations, without st-r ial num*bers~will be invalid (or use by retail buyers on and after •lime 1st, Theodore S. Johnson district director of the Raleigh Office of Price Administration, an nounced. HOW HALIFAX COUNTY VOTED Precincts S', FOR UNITED STATES SENATE CLYDE 1:. UOEY CAMERON MORRISON MARVIN I- KETCH ART!ICR SIMMONS GILES V. NEWTON 63 119 ITS 156, 202 80 263 6 102 MOO .12 931 80 53 0 2 9 0 j 3 1 T 0 ' 2 13 110 0 0 4 G 0 2 2 2. ;4 ; 43 07 370 497:185 243 177 181 9 9 12128 131 128 97 118 37 0| 0 O’ 6| 12 9) 21| ft: 0 0 8' 4 13 j 3 Uj 61 0 0 0 O' 41 2 0 » co u. i 8107 1088 tfo’ (* he very disappointing. a >■ r. 1 i• t<> Dr. W. K. McDowell. Health Officer. Every citizen is urged attend the din: today. I'rldav. dune 2, at 1U:U0 A. M. Thi He ,h!i District, made tip n. H omie and Halifax ( unties ha.. iir. .id., reported one case of typhoi I j’.-v m' tiiis year. Today wv should lie free from this plague, which only n lew years ago look a gi at to!) of lives. ^ ou are urged to cooper,I'.- wiin your Health Department i v ; ■ tending the clinic. If y m we. ■ given three dm. last year. j..,i will need only one this year. If you did not take typhoid iVvn vaccination ia-t year ■ i -■ ,'l > d three doses tiiis year with tine dose as a bonnier each year tie after. Mayor Caswell Show of Halifax reports that the town h:o \ ted to have a rodent control program according to Mr. I). 11. Moody, 1. cal sanitorian. Roanoke Rapid* and IScotland Nock have asked fot a similar program. Red Squill, a rat poison, lie* been ordered. Mr. Hinton, Unitar ian from th« State Board of Health, will assist with the pro gram which will be conducted dur ing the latter part of .June. The rat is a public em my of first importance, a p' real hilly potential menace to public health and a saboteur that in tin- United States, destroys every year the fruits of the labels of 203,OOtl farmers, she whose annual up keep would feed an army of 200, 000 men. Bubonic Plague and Typhu ; Fev er are the mo. t dreaded of rat borne diseases. These rodents are also reesrvoirs of trichinosis, rat bite fever and infectious juudice, and spread tile germs common! found in food poisoning outbreak*. Even though no question of pub lic health was involved, it’ ild still be folly to tolerate mi.. E - OIK .fcftlly, they c iiispmH iy o. the most serious drains up ui a community’s resources. U is esti mated that one rat will eat or de stroy about $22.00 worth of I ml a year. The Kdgecombe-IIali ax D1 > d Health Department will go s air over Station W. ( id ! 1:45 Wednesday, June 7m. is the first, in u serious of programs, the purpose ,1 nhi.-.i according to Dr. W. K. .deli ■ 1. Health Officer, is to a