3. ,■'» EAGLE •Eiiterad-aft ‘the Ppstofllce at Burns- •/ilirt, N. C., astjecond-class matter, ac- cordvng 'to act of Congress March ''Srd, 1«79. BURtJSVILLE, N. G. bEPT. SUBSCRIPTION SIX MONTHS $1.50 A YEAR 80 CENTS CelK LYOH & LEWIS, Publishers. Flinty. Editor Eagle. Everything Is calm and serene iiere at present. The Carolina Mineral Co, is Snow feau ing from the Hoot Owl Mines from 40 to 60 tons of feld spar per day to Penland for ship ment. This company is also mining feldspar and mica quite extensively on Big Crabtree Creek, near the fails. A box ■supper was enjoyed at ?:he public school house at Estatoe last. Saturday night. The pro- ■ceeds amounted to $60.00 and will be used t-o buy books and school supplies for the students of the school. Messrs. Victor Reynolds, Coy and Lawrence Cox were business visitors in Spruce Pine Saturday afternoon. Mr- and Mrs R. H. McCracken and Mrs. B. M. Owens and daughter, of Umatilla, Fla., were the pleasant visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Cox for se-yeral days recently. Mr. McCracken, and daughter and grand daughter returned home some days, since, but Mrs. McCracken remained and will be here with relatives some time yet. Mr, L. B. Butner returned from Ruthcrfordton hospital last Fri day, after being treated for a month for tuberculosis of the bone. He' is much improved in health and not suffering such great, pain. T'he writer attended the Ma sonic picnic at the John Phillips chestnut gaove at Ingalls Sunday 29th, and enjoyed the exercises very much, which consisted of Songs, prayers and sermons. The introductory speech was deliver ed by L. R. Po'.echero, W. M., of Plumtree Lodge A. F. & A, M., No. 648. The next on program was a sermon delivered by Rev. T. W. Clapp^ of Plumtree, at 11 a, m. , His text was from the 2nd chapter o" itebrevv and the duties of living a Christian life and be ing a true .\iason. At 1:30 a Pountifui, sumptous dinner served cn the grounds by the good v/ives and daughters of brother Masons, which every one seemed to enjoy very much. At 2:00 p. m. the crowd assembled at the speakers stand by singing by the Powder Mill choir from near Plumtree'. Music for the occasion was ren dered by this! choir, and was real good. At 2:30 p. m., Rev. Mr. Christenberry, pastor of the M. E. Church at Spruce Pine, de livered a splendid sermon. His text was from 11th verse of the 8rd chapter of Corrinthians. He also explained the principles of the order, which was very inter esting, After several songs were Bung Mr. I. N. Carr, of Wilkes- boro. made a short talk on what the MasonicOrphanage was doing at O.xford, N. C , for the orphans, also the hospital for cripples at Gastonia, N. C., and many other good things. The closing address ■Was delivered by Mr. L. R. Pole- chero, of Plumtree, announcing that the next annual picnic will be held at the John Phillips chest nut grove the 6th Sunday in Au gust, 1927. A number of Masons Were present from Spruce Pine, a few from Burnsville, quite a few from Bald Creek, and a large crowd from Plumtree, and seyer- , al visiting brothers from. TenneS' .see, Virginia and South Carolina. Sv Shakiskag. Editor Eagle. The revival services conducted byrilev, David E. Anderson, of B ock . n, N. Y., closed Sunday. Mr. Anderson’s sermons were well delivered and he was biess- e ' with an unusually large au dience the entire time. Miss. Lillie Autrey has returned to her-home at Marion,-after a short visit at this place. Mr. E. J. Angel and Verdie PoH! er, who are teaching here,, spent the week end at their hom.es at Swiss. .VIr. Austin Silver, of New Dale, N. C., was a visitor at Celo Sun day. The school at this place is get ting along nicely. There.-is a very large attendance depite the edpidemics. The Sunday school and B. Y. P. U. at Brown’s Creek are prog ressing nicely. Miss Joanna Penland, teacher iMotice, State of North Carolina, -) Yancey Con.nty. ) By-virtue of authority vested in the, undercit'ned , Tax Collector of Yancev County, I will on jMonday, October 4th, during the legal hours of sale, soli the following real estate at the court house door in the town of B^irnsviile to satisfy the tax for the years 192S, 1934, and 1935: Pensacola lovvnship. value $1,200, acres, E. A. Allen, 65 acres, tax and cost $30 84. Nancy Alien, 15 acres, value $1,000, tax Hird coat $33.46. Hugh Johnson Heirs, 1600 value $3,000, tax and cost $87.10, J. H. McMahan, 7 8-4 acres, value $300, tax and cost $lo.t;o. Carl ?>lcMaU>in 19 acres, vain© tax and cost $10.59. J. G. McMahan tax ana cost 18 49, McKinley McM-?nan 40 acres, value 3,0.;0, tax and co^t 41,-iT, $o00, acres, value 900, ’ t tax :-.n 1 Mrs. j. },r, Ray 18 acres, tax and cost 18.94. Arthur Robinson 18 acres, value Bee and cost 18.08. , T X Mrs, Jjou I Robinson 30 acres, value 400, tax and’cost 8,23. W. S. Roljdnd 39 acres, value 2.000, tax and oo8tl88 18. O. L. Sht'lpherd 20 acres, value 400, tax and costrl3 03! Ger.rge W-. Style-i 70 :tcres, value 3.200. tax ami cost 31.13. Clyde Wilfloii 53 acres, value 4,500, t'lx and cost 78.19. - Mrs. J. A. Ray, —acres, value 1,974, • tax and cost in.75. Brushl Creek Township. Mary Deytojj 54 acres, value $4,500, tax and cost; fl04 60, Robert McMahap 20 acres, value 900, fax and cost 31 44. . V TT n? 1 ( I ' W. ‘L. McMahan 18 acres, value ot the Hail s Chapel school, spent tax and cost 1.5.84. 600, the v,-eek end with relatives here. : joe MePeters ts acres, value 3eo, tax Mr. 0. M. '^•^inson and lami- \ 1-3 acres, value 375, tax ly’motored to Burnsville Sunday,.^ Misses Minnie and Mollie HI-! W. L Ogle id cost 14 5. !• .. J,. nff II ^ a. i L. Poniand 108 aerec, ilotc, irom McDowell County,! tax and ciist386 05. visited Mr and Mrs. Wood Sim-1 p_ x-^(:,ni:ujd 133 acres, mons Monday. | tax and cosL 133 54. Mr. Ed Westall-, of Erwin, ISI C. K. Fresueii 13 acres, visitirm her parents at Celo Miss Lela Danner paid a visit to her Srand parents at Bolens Creek Saturday. JlIA. value 5,000 value 5,800, value 700, ta.x and cost 14 61. Q. L. Ray 53 acres, value 3,500, tax Jacks Creek Township. Mrs. J. K. Baiiay 190 acres, value ost $5 80. ‘Briggs 23 acres, value Oot $13.04. Mrs, Jeff Colics 35 acres, value $753, tax and cost $18.35. Mrs. .Mary Evans 53 acres, value 3,000, tax andt^t 45 40. Mrs. Julia 30 acres, value 300, $300, tax and '4 Mrs. Dorcui $800, tax au'i 8 1-2 acres, value '/.BO. V-'acres, value 3,950, NOTICE OF SERVICE PUBLICATION. BY North Carolina., / In the Yancey County. ) Superior^Court. Marian Hughes vs. Joel Hughes. The defendant above named will take notice that an action, .entitled as I above, has been commenced in the feu-1 and cost 64.7.L JePBO R. Ray 100 acres, 1.000, t.ax vtuiie tax and cost 37.10. T. 3. Roland 40 acres, value 500. and cost 30.61, H. C. Ray 1 2 acre value 400, tax and 14.00. W. B. Hay 100 acres, value 1,800, tax and cost 34.78. Sallle Lou Ray 10 acres, value 3,000, tax and 38,10. . J. L Robinson 55 acres, value 2,400, tux and c-jst 53.47. i-} C. .rtiddie 35 acres, value 800, tax ana cost-3i.38 W. A. feiiver’s Heirs 35 acres, va.hre 1,900, tax and cost 35.37. Emory Ogle one acre, value 300, tux perior Court of Yancey County, by the Dlaintiff to obtain an absolute divorce from the defentant; and the said de- and cost 5.96. fendant will further take notice that | Hermon Presaell 8 acres, vahao S06, he is required, to appear and answer or • tax and cost 8.95, demur -to the said complaint on or be- tax and cost Oi' W. M. Johi 200 ‘ tax and coS/ Mai MoConnl tax and cost 20 M, G. PetersoiT tax hod cost 18.35, Eube F6t6rsonj9Q''acres, tax and cost 57 68’. S. C- Roland 61 acres, tax g.nd.co:-,t.4i 5!L "Mrs. Axie S.ilv«‘.r3 1 1-3 67, tax and cost 4,11. Mrs. Pansy Young 43 acres, 3,900, Lax and cost 18 97. This Sept. 1st, 1928. Editor Eagle. Prof. E. H. Gannady arrived here last Wednesday and is mak ing preparations to begin school September Ist. Mr. Rabe Peterson and Miss Katie Adkins v/ere married Sat urday at the homo of tbe bride, Mr. Will Wheeler ofii-Jating. The Sunday at this place i.s moving along cicely. Mrs. John Wilson and son Charlie, of Erwin, Tenri., are visiting -relatives at this place. A Kkadkk. !lfc Waras Farmers Agairi.st Fake Seeds. 0 acres, value 2,500, value 5,500, value 3,500, acres, value value H. A. WHITTINGTON, Adm. of J. T. Young, De ceased Oolloctcr. NOTICE BY -COM- MIBSIONEK. fore the 37th day of September, 1926, at the office of Superior Court of Yan- cy count}', copy of said complaint having been filed with the Gibrk of tho Supe rior Court. Said defendant will take notice if he fails to appear and answer or demur to said complaint the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demande-i in the complaint. This 37th day of August, 1936; MOLT HENSLEYj , Clerk .Superior Court. . NOTICE 01-’ SUMMONS AND WARRANT OF A/TTACH- MEET. I • North Carolina, [ In the Yancey County. / Sups'rior Court, W. F. Harris vs. J. M. Harris’ The defendant in the above intiCed action will take notice that on the 30th day of August, 1920, a summons in the said action was issued against the. de fendant by Molt Hensley, Clerk of the Superior Court of Yancey -.County, North Carolina, the plaintiff claiming the aum of |1,500,00 due him for amounts paid or to be paid as sursty by him for tho defendant, and other liabili ties against the plaintif and his p - operty by reason of matters set out in the com plaint, which summons is returnable before the Clerk of tho Superior Court of Yancey County on the 3nth day of September; The defendant will take notice that a warrant of attachment was klso issued by the said Clerk of the Superior Court of Yancey County bn the SOth day of August, 1036, .against; the property of said defendant, which warrnt is returnable before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Yancey at the time and place named for the return of the summons, when and where the de fendant is required to appear and “an swer or demur- to the complaint, or the rolief demanded will be granted. This the BOth day of Augu.st. 1930' MOLT HENSLEY, Clerk ct the Superior Court. River Township. George W. Byrd 66 acres, value 1.300, tax and cost 31.08. Mr. Vv'. Burton Heirs, Mrs. W. E. Wilson. 41 acres, value 3,800, tax and cost 68 ..34. Ernest IBoone 50 acres, value 1,100, tax Slid cost 31.63. ' L. R, Carter 149 acres, value 8,000, 1934 and 192-5, tax and oost-376.33. J, E. Edwards 60 acres, yaluo 4,000, tax and cost 14.2G Miss Lizsie Holcombe 8 acres, value 500, tax and 11.15. Mrs. Ihr.eUne Holcbmbe 40 1-3 yalue'2,000, tax and coot 47.05. Frank W. HiJl 18 acres, value 370. tax mad cost 7 35. Mrs. Eaisa- ITiggin.s 60 acfes, value 1.000 tax and cost 16 80. Hugh Johnson Keir.s 115 acres, value 150, 1924 and 1925. tax and cost 6.55. Rex H. McIntosh 3 acres, value 52, tax and cost 10,59. .}ohn H. P.irker 116-3-4 acres, value 1,845, tax and cO8f40 94. lOOi acres, Mrs Elien Rose -4 acres, value tax and cost 3.93. Clyde Robinson 36 acres, value 1;650, tax and cost 38 85. J. Ted V7ilson 13 acres, yalne 800, tax and cost 16 94. Prices Creek Township. D. H. Allen 48 acres, value $1,500, tax and ccst $33 30. B. H. Allen 47 acres, \'aluG $1/500, tax and cost $35.95. D. ’YJ. Angfti 100 acres, value $1,000, ta.x and cost $38 80. North Carolina, 1 Yancey County. I Under and by virtue of a Judgment of the Superior Court in the matter of CENTRAL BANH & TRUST CO. et al vs. MRS. N. M. WYATT, et al, the undersigned wid on thw 6th day of September, 1030. at 1:00 o’clock P. M,, at the Court IIoiiso Door in Burnsville, N. C,, sell to t^e highest bidder for cash in hand the mineral interest in the following described tract or parcel of land, situate in Crabtree Township, Yancoy County, North Carolina: BEGINNING at the mouth of the Jess Y'oung Creek, on the west bank of South Toe I'liver and runs west and up the mear.fiers of said creek 62 poles to the forlJof said creek; thence nlnuing'up the Mt hand fork of said creek south BC/-^’est 76 poles ' to the jr-vlTiih going in from [ace south 23 up 46 poles to a chest- ■e; thence 15 east up e 43 polos to a Span 'the fence; thehce i-4 poles to a stake; then south 27 east with tho fence 35 pole.s to a stake at -tho corer of the fence near a large .orchard; thence north 75 east with the fencO and ridge 30 poles to a stake; thente south 30 ea.st with the fence fs poles to the feouth Toe River; thence down and with the meanders of saidl river north 50 east 50 poles to a latge tock near the mouth of the branch; thendO south 6S east^down and with said riVer 100 polos to d large- rock at the bend of said rivet; thence north 7 east down and with said river mouth of a‘ 'na tho south side; i tho poiht of : nut On top of a il and with said lij sh oak at or east with the ferl Comn5i3.?io!ier of Agriculture William A. Graham has addressed an onen communication to the farmers of North Carolina warn ing them against spurious and inferior seeds that “are not true to name.” He urges the far mers to exercise caution and not to.be “ilim-flammed. ” “The season has now arrived,'"’ says Commissioner Graham, “for the purchaee of oats and rye for fall see'diog and, as usual, we may expect the markets to be hooded with see-J that are not true to name-, and -we want to call , the attention of the farmers to the fact that unless the.v are very careful and unless they strive to know the kind of seed they are buying, their credulity will, in ail probability be imposed upon, and next spring they will wake up to the fact that what they bought for Abruzzi rye for instance, was the ordairiary native rye and y/hat they purchased for Ful- ghum oats proved to be an infer ior variety of something else. “It has come to be'a norma! practice in the seed laboratory of th’s department to receive sam ples of oats that some seed man —either inside or outside the State-is selling for Fulglnim oats v/hich are composed of the Burt, the Virginia Grsv, the Ap pier, and perhaps, o-ne or tv;o other varities—the general mix ture sold under the name of “Fu! ghum. ’ Every year complaints come to this department v/anting redress against some seed man for selling varities ot oats and rye not true to name. It is al ways too late in the spring to cor rect an error made in purchasing tile wrong variety the fall before a)3d I want to warn formers to send samples of their seed direct to the laboratory for identification and germination before they are sowed in order that we may pro tect them against losses in their crops the folio;ving year,” Il ^ ilfJkW Ms 11 WiM mAlp« dren, bif rnd SiWHNG money will not only ed-Ucate your chil- ^i*»*rttfetion ITSELF. PART of what you The soonbr you begin saving regularly earn, the sooner ,vou -.vill get ahead. Not only get a PASS BOOK from us and START a bank income kndNEfESQUn’'’ ® /our MONEY is your sure friend. We invite YOUR Bankin.g business. Start Saving Regularly NOW. The Peoples Bank Burnsville, N. C. C* fj. laillo Company ’ RADIC3 SUPP,LIES abes., Batteriess Aerial Wire/ Etc. Authorized Agents A.twater-Kent and ^ Stromberg-Carlson Radio Receivers. ^ illard Radio Battery Service. Sets sold on easy payments. Let us supply ^ your Radio parts. ^ Call us-Telepone No. 72, ^ Burnsville, N. C. NOTICE. 140 poles to fi lar^a rooll on the west bank of said rWep at anoiher "bend of J. B Aiif-Un 60 aerbs, value 1780, ta.t and cost.?14,60. C. B. Ari-owood S acres, value 1(200, tax and coat 0,23 Battle R. Arrowood B1 acres, Value $1500, tax and cost $1,8 do NQLICE. ! ' A negro preacher walked into the office of newspaper in Rocky Mount, North Carolina, and said: “Misto Edito’, they is forty-three of my congregation which sub scribe fo‘ yo’ paper. Do that en title me to have a church notice in yo’ Sadday issue.” “Sitdown and write,” said the editor. “I thank you,” And this is the notice the minister wrote:' “Mount Memorial Baptist Church, the Rev John Walker, pastor. Preaching morning arid evening. In the prorhugation of the gospel, three books is nec essary: The Bible, the hymn book, and the pocketbook. Gome tomorrow' and bring all three,”--The Christian Register. Having qualifieJ as Executor hiider the las-t will a-id -testament .-if - A. Farmers of Wake County who used magnesium limestone on their tobacco find that it has greatly irriproved the.- quality of leaf reports County agent John C. .Anderson. Burton, decoased, late of the couaiiee of Yancey and Buncombe,. Btate of North Carolina, this is to notify ali'por- sons having claims agaiastthe estate"of ■said deceased to exxib® them to tho undersigned at Aahevillf,, N. G., on or --'“St 84-0-1 before the 1st day of AWust W37 or ‘‘“'es, this notice will be pl^ded in bar ot j m their recovery. f !. jY-,’ Aii ijersoQs indebtec] to .^nid estate Francis Arrowood 30 acTes. value 366, tax and cost 11.73. J, G. Arrowoed 5 acres, yaluo 250, tax and coat 11.89. B. S. Baker 55 acres, value 3,000, tax and cost 45.90. W. M. G. Bali IS acreS; tax and.co.st 13 73. E. W. Bla,nkic.sijip-‘, Heirs 30 acres, value 1,000, tax.-and cost 16.-80, - Joe M. Burleson 085 acres, value 14.635, tax and cost 213-.64, Edgar Oasidu U atu'es, value 500, af'ud cost 9.65. value 600, Hattie Elkins.33 acres, and cost 6.65'. value 500, tax Arthur Gibbs and cost 10 06. E, S. HeriJoy 8 8cro; and cur.L 8 75. ” A i.r Hens tax aixu" cost l acres, value 450, tas and with said i^ver 100 polos to the BogiiiniDg, containing 200 acres more or ies,-:, exceptinjc, however, 18 or 30 acres sold by J. W. Higgins to John Thomas. The mineral interest in the foUov-/ing two tracts of land, however, will be sold together, said two ti’iicts being a portion of the first tract above deacrlb*^ od tho description of the tracts beiug as fallows: • TRACT 1. BEGINNING oh a stake in the line of the John Thomas Estate, and rttns south "with thy road and fence 300 feet, more or less, to- the top of the ri5ge; thence a nevtb course to a piny tx'co to a stake the read, SLalissa tax J.Wyatt’s line near RUe tbp of the ridge; 'thence 2-70 fet-t, luLreor lese, with the road to tho Beginning, containing 1 acre, more or less. Owing to the fact that some of the users of water of the Tev.m of Eurns- ville are negligent in the payment •-■)£ thbir monthly statements, it is hereby ordered that ail water bills shall be paid on or before the lOth of the month for the preceding month, pa.yabie at the Superintendent’s olfioe in the Court House, or by check mailed to H. I-I Egan, Suptf OlSce hours 4 to r o'clock P. M. Be it further resolved that failure to pay any water bill for the preceding IBLE- month, on or before the lOth of th* said, river; thouc^ north 60 west down mouth following, makes it mandatory will please make imujediato payment to me as Executor nncq|r said will. ^he 31st day of jJuly, 1926". JOH/' BURTt:>N, ■ Executor. Tin Twenty-five tl|>u3anci more automobiles are olerating on th irig-hways of Nortl Carohiia' this year than last,_ aejording’ to rec ords of the ' stlte automobiie license bureau fhich show an increase of 25,00i|in the sale of license plates. A Kiiode isian 729, owned by th| rneii'c at the AJ Suifion noa;' Sy- eggs i'i'ovA Nov/ff October EO/' T,R-ACT :7. BEGINNING on a f'op- value 200 ./u N on top of the ■ I ridge in Berry Wyatt's line, and runs ey 30' acres, value yoo, | i^o^th'-west 300 feet to a rock on the ’ - west side of a htnlcw; tlieuce southwest II. L. Ho1cojj.,D6 70 acres, 2,000. tax | 375 fe'et to an ai>])ic tree in tho line of the John Thomau 'hastate; thence south '0 more or leas, to •ine; thence with said lino and road to a corner of Berry Wyatt’.-: land; thence 150 feet north with said line and road to the Beginmng, containing two acres, more or loss. This t.h0 9th day of August, 1986. i D. R. FOUXS, J Commis-sioner; vaiue W. M. Johnson, Jr 100, tax and cost 18.33, 1 0 Ledford 44 acres, value 600, tax vaiue^ with said iiu - the road, Biss McMahan’s and cost 14 02, Lowis-Meiroii 39 acres, value 2,000. tax and eoet 31 10. Mari.'arci L. Metcalf 4^ acres, value i,o00, tax and cost 31 OF M. M, xffetoalf Heirs 29 acres, value 2,500, tax iind cost .39-81. J. B. Moss 9'acres, value 240, tax and cost 5 93. Rabtt value i acres, yalue 126,- : acres, value 1,872. Milk producers of Buncombe County who sell their milk ihroUKh the Farmers’ Federation are getting SI per h-jiidred. . pounds for 4 percent milk while i also lay o\or 2i^i anorganized milk producers 1 The poultrvrne'’, around Charlotte are re-co;ving 1)2 80 par hundred pounds, -^^fhat’s the ansyte"!:-? B. Mclato-sh 19 acre! 900. tax and cost 17 80 Jee Mciuio«h and cost fey G, McMahan tjx and cost 39,37. N. C MM'/.iirghin 64 a'crc.A valub I, 0->.A, tax and cost, 1924 and 1925, ;»4C 13. - is acress. value' J. -.090, tax and cos. 18 09'. L .P-edan'd 8‘ acres, value 240; upon the Supefintendont to disconnect the delinquent’s water, line, in which case a recounecti(m charge of $1.00 will be made a.gai-u.st the riser. The Superintendent water works shai.; proceed at once after the 10th of each mouth to discohnebt all ueilnqueuts and after 7 o’clock P. M. on the lOth of each month all doiinqueats shall . be deemed to be disconiiected wbetlior ac tual physical disconnection shall have been tnade or not and :^i,b0 charge for re-connecting shall be ch0.rged ^igainst the user, Be it further resolved that this leso- iution shall take effect and be 'o/nding from,feG|)to'm.ber Ist. 1926. and that all persons hot paying all pre’dons water bii'i9 on -ff before the lOf-h of few-ptember Shall be 3Ub,7oct to the term's or this res olution. if i'ur-fher rosoIVed that t.bia no'tice be p’ab’ished in the Eagle loi' four con secutive -weeks and li copy hereof bo sent to each user of v.L'ite'r. •All TTierr of water take noti-ce hereof and govern themselves accordingly. R. W. WILSON, J. P. LYON, Mayor. Secretary. Ninety per cent of al5 the cars Dodge Brothers buiSt in the last 11 yeard Ere stili :n service. That is because they are built to last! And that 13 why there is no rnofe sensible in- -i-eBti-neiii in the v.'orM than a Dodge, Brothers Used Car. Y,AiMC£Y MOTOR CO.l^ BTjRNSViLLii;, N. C, )'OSe-D CAKi is ONLY AS nepeNDABtd- AS ilh'e DErAL&R WHO SErLLS IT '1 MARS HILL COLLECbE 4 An accredited Junior College offering two years of standard *2^. College work and tho last two years of high p.chool. Mars Hill is making rapid progress. The enrebment of 576, representing l4 dtnU:.-}. three fov-ngn countries,, and 73 counties in North CaroiinA, ology.". t^ant including endwmont worth over ^300,000, s"Daienis'cama from outside Madisou. 96' from beyond the bordt^i of the fetate, surely the fichool possesses merit which should comiiend it to our own p-.iotjie. r-J term opens September 8, 1028. liL',crated catalogue on request. A/iress Oorrespondenco invited. NOTICE. Let’s be different! Pick out the good points in the church talk about them whenever ulus 940, ’ Pi yo !;'.r.at'o Ciil'i'C llti i ami that all th Red hen. No. P-O'jltry depart-- j ,(o- ' *”•' .’7,7 i 'A''' 23 aorea, value .300, tar iggs this yoai'. ! and coat Iti.as. In charge of the ■i-ey secured a f from) ho; thicks live ana . , ..Vyou get a cnanee; and like Napolean, if .you do not see an opportunity, make one. The best adyertising for a firm in business is tlie talk of its satisfied customers. Talk your church up’ Yvhen you are inclined to find fault, jUst be dif- ■fereut. Change North Carolina, Yaucoy County. Luther Bailey va. John D. Jr-ete'r^on and 'G. D. Bdiley. R-. L. MOORE, President, Mars liilL N. C. face about. It is perfec'dy all rigllt your tactics All persom cfijneernod wiU ]ujr..-.bv tnke nocice zhat the pluiutiff in the above enrit-lod ca-uiic h'-it’- brought si'dr, before Jameij A. CaFidd-, J. P . for the recovery of the sum of §141.00' and for the attachment of any and all property I belonging to John D’. Petefeon in rke j State of North' Garoltnu-, and for the I srainiehment of any funds in the hands'' of G. D'. Bahcy, and that fiummons has | been duly issued, had io returnable 'on [ that date, and let the deC ndant cake I notice that if l-t fa'i'l to apinjar a.^.d . Fw si ai yo«r 0Mi«,r , Mada in fiva j .&SK FOK THE TOILLOW PENC'!!. WITH THE RED BAND EAGL$ MIKADO’ iEAGLE PEHaiJ COMPANY, NE-W YORK j "V'/oid.-.n Penland 10 acres, value ; tax and coi-t- 5 93. >-.g ' Plea^jjut 8 acres, value i X'lvd. Liudle B 340, 400. lo po::nt out errors, to offer sug- to mako corrections, to criticize eo'esiroei-i'/ely/ but all i-r^ r-y l-(i acre, tvaiue 17-5,. this is very di.fferent from fault final ;ig-. Crn.i-asc to help, not to' h-nder. That’s ' ibe way to be dill’erc-u-t.—i5(iieoted. swor said cause on Uiat date that the plaintiff will apply for iudguieht as set out and f-'jv th-3 uppropliation of :i.ny fa-ndy o'r property attcichf-'.d to i.U' Utiy- meiit' of t-aki judgmeiit. This feepteiil'jor 2ud, 1936. J. A. CASIDA. J. r. Tom Ta' eel says his wife has made aboif^s much money as he has thi’ 4urb m lo.mer by selling at the A yis; on fou'f aci yield Calnv F01E¥' AILrAL PIUS; r'»06S1V5-7'.'v,',* .-'lAf;-ysjj ' on clO'Ver huriholri of 'vheat of iruid is the best our.ty h:-'.? to offer Higher prices for beef cattlet, ai-e in prospect within the nextf IH- months according to rbeeh^f market reports. Smisof the best poultry far- mn'-d in North Carolina will culf I flocks in early September 1 their le wheat was grown | and iieli the non-layers at tbfe"' I j poultry car’.