\ EAGLE. BURNSVILLE, N. C. HOW MANY WOMEN GET UP SINGING Two Women Find Health Essential to Happiness MRS. BELLE THOMPSON ROUTE 2. ROSSVILUE. OEOROIa Springtime streamed in, through the open windows. The green fields of Georgia were basking in the sun shine. Somewhere a bird was trill- tag. It was a day to be happy. But the pale woman at the table sighed and pushed away her plate. Nothing tasted right. She couldn’t eat much. She couldn’t sleep well, either. She was so weak, it was hard to do her work. When the baby cried, she wanted to cry, too. She had not been well for four years. Her husband watched her >^th a man’s helpless expression. But his mother knew a remedy. TVIy mother-in-law,” says Mrs. Belle Thompson, Route 2, Rossville, Ga., “told me of Lydia E. Pinkham’a Vegetable Compound and Lydia E. Pinkham’s Sanative Wash. I took six bottles of the Vegetable Com pound. I could sleep and would get up in the morning singing and feel ing fine. I am the mother of three children, and always after the babies came I had to take treatments, but I can truly say that this last time I have only used the Sanative Wash. It does more good than the treat ments. It keeps mo on my feet to care for my children and I do most of my work. I feel It my duty to let you know Eow both of the medicines have helped me.” Another Happy Woman Decatur, Illinois.—“I took your medicine for weakness. I would sometimes have to hold myself up with my hands. I was this way for five years, off and on. I read In the newspapers where Lydia B. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound has helped^lot of women, and I thought I would take It. I am now getting better so fast that every month I can feel a difference. My work now is cooking. If you like, you may use these facts.as a testimonial. I am willing to help you boost your medi cine.”—^Mrs. Irene Reed, 635 Green wood Ave., Decatur, Ill. This dependable medicine has been in use for over fifty yeare. THE KITCnCN CABINET (©, 1926, "WesterQ Newspaper Union.) How can anyone start the day properly If he wakes in a room where the paint and wallpaper are constantly making faces at the furniture? HELPFUL HINTS Sliced cold roast beef makes a most tasty dish when combined with pota toes, onions and Put a tomato, layer of thinly sliced ■ uncooked potato into the bottom of a bak ing dish, cover with a thin layer of thinly sliced onion, then add a layer of thinly sliced beef, cover with tomato and bake un til the potatoes are well done. If gravy is at hand it adds to the flavor, covering the meat with the gravy. ?MEN? You have no reasons for being BALD, when Forst^s Original BARE-TO-HAIR grows hair and saves what you have. Drug Stores and Barber Shops. Correspondence given personal attention. W. H. FORST, Manufacturer SCOTTDALE, PA Leads in Maple New York state produced more maple sugar and sirup this year than Vermont. Of the large producing counties in the state, Wyoming coun ty stands at the head with a produc tion of 96,000 pounds. All Right, Then “Another new hat! When will you cease these useless purchases you make under the pretext that they are cheap?” “But this one wasn’t cheap!”—Ruy Bias, Paris. Serve with a,spoouful or two of cooked peas over the top of the dish. It is hard to teach the average housewife to buy the coarser cuts of meat. They have more flavor and as much nourishment as the steaks and tender portions. Meat that has been used for so^p has lost its flavor, but the food value is still there and by adding various seasonings a most pal atable dish will result. The meat which has the most flavor is found in the parts of body most active, like the legs and neck. These are the MOTHER:- Fletcher’s Castoria is a pleasant, harm- iess Substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, espe cially prepared for Infants in arms and Children all ages. "L- ‘f To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it A Handicap Mae—I can’t dance with you be cause of a couple of big stringed in struments. Herb—What big stringed instru ments ? Mae—Your shoes—they’re always in my way. As a rule, sharp business men are rather blunt. How About the Woman? “There is one good thing about mar- j'iage.” “What is it?” “It makes a man think more and talk less.”—Boston Transcript. All verdure has been stripped from a seven-acre wood in England by an invasion of starlings. Millions of the birds killed all the small trees. :6S.O.Co.. (N. J.) TKe ftwt mojqirito djj'coverj' Bopp Famijy D ON’T let mosquitoes spoil your summer, them with Flit. Spray Flit spray clears your home in a few minutes of dis ease-bearing flies and mosquitoes. It is clean, safe and easy to use. Kills All Household Insects Flit spray also destroys bed bugs, roaches and ants. It searches out the cracks and crevices where they hide and breed, and destroys insects and their eggs. Spray Flit on your garments. Flit kills moths and their larvae which eat holes. Extensive tests showed that Hit spray did not stain the most delicate fabrics. Flit is the result of exhaustive research by expert entomol ogists and chemists. It is harmless to mankind. Flit has replaced the old methods because it kills all the insects—and does it quickly. Get a Flit can and sprayer today. For sale everywhere. STANDARD OIL CO. (NEW JERSEY) DESTROYS Flies Mosquitoes Moths Ants Bed Bugs Roaches \ , “The yellow can with the black band** cheaper cuts. For the second meal cut the meat Into bits. Fry onion in a little butter, remove the onion when light brown and add the meat. Add stock or wa ter and cook five minutes, season with two teaspoonfuls of curry powder, thicken the gravy with flour and add a tablespoonful of vinegar. Serve with a border of rice. Milk at fifteen cents a quart Is cheaper food than meat and eggs, while in small towns where milk is nine and ten cents a quart it is cheap food. Most housewives have a certain amount to spend for food. If the amount is small, all the more need that it be spent wisely, so that her family gets to the limit every cent in vested for the most satisfying and nourishing food. The haphazard buy ing which is common in many house holds, the last minute order, means either feast or ^famine. Marketing in person when possible is the best way; it teaches self-control, by being able to pass by the food too expensive for the purse and often one finds real bar gains in foods that the family enjoys. A thrifty housewife may have two i good meals from a three-pound knuckle of veal. Cover the meat- with cold water and cook at a low temperature uqtil the meat is tender, but not , tasteless. Remove the meat from the^ broth, add two tablespoonfuls of rlcd that is well cooked, a grating of lemow rind, or a bit of nutmeg or inace, pint of milk and serve at once. What 50 Eat. There are few people who feel that a meal is satisfying which is not fin- : ished with some kind of dessert. Junket is a most delicious dessert for a hot day; it may be varied by the use of fruit pulp and whipped cream as a garnish. Add a tablet of junket to a quart of lukewarm milk, add sugar to sweeten and stir until the tablet is well dissolved. Crush the tablet and let stand in a tablespoonful of water to dissolve before adding to the milk. Let the mixture stand in sherbet cups in a warm room until the junket is set. Mash bananas and cover each sherbet glass with the pulp and top with whipped cream when ready to serve. Peaches or other fruit may be used. Peach Sherbet.—Put a pound of sugar and a quart of water on to boil for twenty minutes. Let cool, then add one and one-half cupfuls of peach pulp, the strained juice of an orange and the juice of half a lemon. Freeze. Mint Sherbet.—Soak half a cupful of cliopi)ed mint leaves in the juice of two lemon.^ half an hour. Boil two cupfuls of sugar and a cupful of wa ter five minutes, then pour over the other ingredients. Wlien cold strain into a freezer, add the grated rind of the fruit and a well-beaten egg white, with a cupful of stiffly beaten cream. Serve with lamb roast or as a dessert. Date Crackers.—Put a pound of washed and pitted dates with a cup ful of sugar and one-half cupful of water into si saucepan and cook until smooth. Cool. Cream a cupful of shortening, add a cupful of brown sugar, two and one-half cupfuls of rolled oats which iiave been parched to a ligiit brovvn, and two cupfuls of flour: stir until well-blended, add a teaspoohful .,pf soda in half a cupful of hot water and stir into tlie mixture. Roll out, -cut and place a .spoonful of fruit on a cooky, cover with another, then l)ake. Larded Beef Tenderloin.—Cut the salt pork for larding from the firm fat porli(m nearest the rind. Cut the lardons into strips one-fonrlh inch wide and as. long as tlie slices will permit, riiill Die lardons in iced watfM’ before Threading and insert them itne-fmirth inch lielow tlie sur- fafM\. di-a\v ihroiigh, lying in a loose kno'. FISHER iSSIGN SETS THE PACE The pace set by Fisher—and exempli fied in the beautiful new General Motors cars now commanding public attention —is the guide for the entire motor industry. Fisher leads the way in luxurious fit ments and decorations—and all the in dustry follows. Fislier’s vast experience, Fisher inven tiveness and Fisher’s unapproached facilities devise and perfect the beauties, comforts and conveniences which attract you to the leading new cars in all price classes—Cadillac, Buick, Chevrolet, Oakland, Oldsmobile and Pontiac. Fisher creates new standards of beauty in line and finish—and diose standards are the measure of value for all of the world’s cars. It is easy to see, therefore, why the fore most of the new cars in all price classes carry the emblem—Body by Fisher. For instance, Fisher achieves a new de gree of safety—and nothing less than a Body by Fisher can approach it even after seasons of striving. And easy to understand why buyers the world over proclaim as the hallmark of quahty that same magic symbol—Body by Fisher. FISHER BODIES GENERAL MOTORS Lucky Man Gets All A tontine agreement is an arrange ment by which a group of persons share certain benefits or moneys on such terms that in the event of the death or default of one or more mem bers these shares are divided among the remaining members, until one per son has the whole amount or advan tage. In most modern insurance ton tines the whole goes to those remain ing in the group on the expiration of the tontine period. Of the collection plate it may be truly said, “And it came to pass.” Youth is Stephenson. wholly experimental.— Freshen a Heavy Skin With the antiseptic, fascinating Cutl- cura Talcum Powder, an exquisitely scented, economical face, skin, baby and dusting powder and perfume. Renders bther perfumes superfluous. One of th^ Cuticura Toilet Trio (Soap, Ointment, Talcum) .—Advertisement. Generous Offer Notice in a movie theater: “All children accompanied by parents un der twelve years of age admitted free.”—Boston Transcript. ii n PROVED SAFE 'yvia-^ vfditL Tcike without Fear as Told in “Bayer” Package I be, Does not affect the Heart Cities* Names Changed New York was formerly called New .AinsLerdani. Chicago is the original name of that city, which the Indians gave it. Los Angeles was formerly known as Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles. Greek Irrigation Tried Irrigationists In Australia are ex perimenting with a system used by the ancient Greeks in Theodosia, by which water for irrigation purposes was car ried through sandstone oioes. Jnless you see the '“Bayer Cross” ackage or on tablets you are not getfting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by'physici^ns over twenty-five years for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago , Toothache Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Each unbroken “Bayer” package con tains proven directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100. Choose your new car from the General Motors Line In the past twelve months the public has purchased 1,086,590 General Motors cars, an unprecedented record. This great volume of business has made possible still further economies and these have been put into the quality of the 1927 series now on display by Qeneral Motors dealers. Not His Habit “Why don’t you pay attention?” he shouted. “I never pay anything,” the dead beat snorted.—Good Hardware. Sound Basis “What makes them such friends?” “What they don’t about each other.” good know The new General Motors line is first of all a quality line. It embodies every ad vantage of research. It has been proved at the General,j.:^^ptors Proving Ground. Every caHj^Sn^ilghed in Duco; the closed cars havfe Fisher Bodies. It is a complete Uni. It includes 59 nd M- models of open and .Hosed types, rang ing in price-at-the-f|actory from $510 to $4,350. Within :: you will find the car you want at the price you want to pay. We invite you to visit the show rooms of our dealers and select your new car from the General Motors line. No man with only one wife to ad vise him could ever hope to be as wise as Solomon. WHAT CAUSES BOILS. Boils and carbxincles are the result of im proper diet or infection of the skin. It’s some times hard to determine the exact cause bat CABBOIL will give quick relief. No expensive operation is necessary as one application of CARBOIL promptly stops the pain and contin ued use draws out the core. Get a 60c box from your druggist. Your money back if you are not satisfied. 'SPURUOCK-NEAL CO., NASHVILUS. TENN. AGENTS WANTED Veripure Vegetable Soap Guaranteed Strictly Vegetable Contains No Animal Fat $1.00 BRINGS you twocartons (eight bars) of the'wonderful new soap for toilet, baby, bath, etc. Removes dirt and grime in a jiffy and lathers like light ning, in hard, soft, hot or cold water. (Sreat for shampooing the hair. Prepaid anywhere in the United States on receipt of price. VERIPURE LABORATORIES Bor 999 Chicago of all kinds vanish when Dr. C. H. Berry’s Freckle Ointment is used. Your friends will marvel at the change In your complexion. The use of this cream will keep your skin clear and soft too. We guarantee it. Atarugand dept, storesor bymail. PriM$1.25 and 65c, Send for FREE BEAUTY BOOKLET. Dr.C. H. Befvy Oo., 297S Michigan Ave., Chicago WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITIES in South Texas black land farms. For free informa tion write Genado Land Co., Genado, Texas. GENERAL MOTORS CHEVROLET - PONTIAC ' OLDSMOBILE OAKLAND ' BUICK - CADILLAC GMC TRUCKS YELLOW CABS, BUSES AND TRUCKS car for every purse and purpose** INFLAMED LIDS It increases the irritation. uso mitche:ll eye SALVE, a simple, de pendable, safe remedy; 25o at all druggists. Hall & Bockel, KewTorl^^ BIG 10 COMBINATION Wheel. Mall. Sales Co., 41 W. 26 St., Indpls, I W. N. U., ATLANTA, NO. 36-1926. J 73 ACRKS, LKVEL, 6 MILES WEST OF Sali.sbury, N. C., on new county road, 35 acres in one field: 6-room house, new barn; other buildings; water, pasture, timber. Convenient 'terms. _ D. C. LINN. LANDIS. N. C. A. wonderful asso-rtment. -All good useful and novel items, worth up to 25c each. Send one dollar for all ton, postpaid. Resurrection Plant, placed in water will open and grow. Silk Flag, mounted on spear. Household Ther mometer. Jap Water Floures dropped on wat- er, will flower. Artgum, large piece. CutwelJ Pencil Sharpener; none better. Cortex Pen holder, 7 in., large cork. tip. Diamond Plaf "Whetstone, mending tissue for cloth, larg«i piece. Glass CuttA-, tempered ste^l cutting' Ladles—“Pee-We«B” Will Hold Linger^ Straps on shoulders. Every woman need them. Agents wanted-. Sample ten cento. J. C, Wilson Co., 1646 B. 66th Place, Chicago, III. CASH PAID FOB FALSE TEETH. GOLD bridges, orowns,oldplates,dlamonds, discarded jew elry, magneto points. Cash by return mall. ITlorida Gold Refining Co.. 21 Adans, Jacksonvillo, Fla. COTTON AND TURKEY FAK.M, 169 acres, one mil© Woodleaf, N. C., on good sand clay road; 120 acres wired for poultry or stock; attractive 7-room house; two other houses, substantial barn and outbuildings. D. C. LINN, LANDIS, N, C. Dealers: Agents; Salesmen: earn $200 week ly selling radios on installment plan. Free demonstrator. Livingstone Radio, North. S. C. FATHER AND MOTHER GUARD YOUR CHILDREN’S health with Vital-Breast. Try It once for health’s sake; $1.00. ZBITLER, 128 E. 28rd St.. New York, N. Y. on Feminine Health "and Hygiene will bo sent absolutely free Valuable necessity for your home. TRI-BAR WORKS. Bstb. 20 yrs. 2123-GA Metropolitan Ave., Maspeth, N. Y.

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