6 - The Morrisville and Preston Progress, Wednesday, July 31,1996 She’s an ‘eggspert’ Preston resident whipping up enthusiasm, undoing misinformation about eggs By Bon Page The kitchen was always a h^y place for Jan Dorsey when she was growing up in Warrenton. It was a family atmosphere with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Gardner, her taoiher, Walter, and her grandmother and great grandmother who lived next door. According to Dorsey, the women were wonderful cooks and always wanted her to help them. They loved having her in the kitchen no matter what types of food they were preparing. "It was fun and I loved to be there with diem, I learned a lot," she says. It’s a long way from her family’s kitchen to where the Preston resi dent spends her time these days as executive director of the North Carolina Egg Association. At the same time, those days as a young ster helped set the table for her professional career. "Maybe it was that atmosphere, but I’ve always had an interest in dealing with foods," she explains from her low-country-styled home in Preston Trails. "That’s why I took home economics, concentrat ing on foods, as well as business administration at Meredith Col lege.” Her training landed her a job after college as conmissary manager at Raleigh-Durham International Air port, where she oversaw and pro vided all of the catering inside the airport. "I had my own little kitchen and staff of three, made all of the food selections, and then transported them to the various terminals, which meant driving across the air port runways," she explains, adding with a laugh: "That used to bring lots of comment from my hus- band..jne driving on airport run ways." >^ile she really loved the work which included helping to prepare the dishes, she frowned about the lengthy days. "The hours were hor rible, and it meant working full weekends." She and the staff used to prepare trays of varied sandwiches and ar ranged them in layers on shelves in a metal box, which would then be carted to the terminals- "The worst mishap of my career came when someone called in to tell me my sandwiches - all of them - were scattered and laying on one of the runways," she said. "One of the guys didn’t close the doors secure ly. Now that was a real mess!" Among the better memories, though, was being in charge of the catering for the grand opening of Terminal A, an event which was at tended by the governor. "You can be sure we doubled- checked the doors on that one," she says. But with time she became less enthralled with the Job. She sought a change, but after trying several other endeavors, incluthng working for a dentist, came to realize she really missed the food business. When she heard the home economist for the Department of Agriculture was leaving, she ap plied. But the economist had a change of mind and at the last minute decided to stay. "But they told me they knew what I was qualified for, and I got my present job," she says. Today, Mrs. Dorsey concentrates on educating the public about eggs, giving what she anphasizes is cor rect information to counteract misinformation that has been put forth over the years. "I don’t do any lobbying. We are no longer part of the Department of Agriculture, and are funded strictly by the egg pro ducers in the state," she explains. Her office and offices of the North Carolina Egg Association are at 1150 SE Maynard Road in Cary. She says she just returned from Charlotte where she spent two hours on a radio station talking with a talk show host about re search into eggs. They discussed a study published by tee American Heart Association concerning a test of 20 men who were fed four dif ferent diets each for eight weeks. All the diets followed National Cholesterol Education Step 1 guidelines with 30 percent or less calories coming from fat The diets contained one, two, four or zero eggs per day. The result of tee study, she points out, is that there was no significant difference in blood cholesterol levels when eating between zero, one and two eg^ a day. She says it is therefore possible for many healthy people with normal blood cholesterol levels to include one egg per day in a low fat diet without significantly changing their cholesterol level. "The American Egg Board has started to accelerate its program on radio," she says. But her work also means lots of travel, all within the state, and covers talks and displays, including exhibiting csnelets at tee State Fair, speaking to food editors, offering information at the Multiple Sclerosis Bike-A-Thon in Green ville, and at vocational education workshops and seminars such as one in Raleigh for 400 home eco nomic teachers. "We planned an Easter egg hunt and expected about 300 children. We were ovCTwhelmed when more than 5,000 showed up," she says. "It means weeks of 40-60 hours working, like getting up at 4 am. to be somewhere by 6 a.m. There are enough things to be done that could fill 24 hours a day, but it’s chal lenging, satisfying work." She and her husband, Mickey, who owns a business in Sanford Afternoon of golf, dinner a highlight for locals By Bon Page Among the more convenient items at Bob and Ellie Stevenson’s home on tee pond at Preston Cross ings is tee golf cart parked in their garage. Within five minutes they can be on tee course at Preston- wood Country Club, especially on late Friday afternoons when Friday Couples Golf gets into play. That same lure of golf exists for Larry and Dot Boulia, even though the proximity of Raleigh-Durham International Airport was one of tee reasons tee move from Maryland brought teem to Preston. Flying the airplane they oym.is great recrea tion and an easy way to get to tee beach, but Prestonwood takes precedent at 3:30 p.m. every other Sunday when Sunday Couples Golf draws their attention. Sundays or Fridays, Couples Golf has becOTie a way of life for a number of families in Preston. It means a time when they can gel to gether with friends or meet new people, play a leisurely nine holes and teen relax together over dinner at the clubhouse. Native Bostonians Chet and Jo Malinowski were among tee first couples to start the Sundays pair event at Prestonwood. "The men are avid golfers and the wives just put up with us at first,” Chet Malinowski recalls, "but teat changed as we got into the actual play. In tee early days, we’d make an arrangement wite tee kitchen and ate whatever they prepared. The price was good because tee meal consisted of whatever extra they had on hand at that time.” Dave Cree and his wife Jo hail from Indiana by way of Rochester, N.Y., where he was director of Kodak’s world-wide information system. Now retired, he has as sisted Malinowski for tee past several years setting up schedules wite tee pro shop. "The program is low pressure, comfortable,” he says, "and great as a mixer to meet new folks. The game varies frmn week to week, things like Superball, Best Ball, men using irons and wom^ using woods off tee tee. Nothing gets dull or routine from the 3:30 a.m. start to the last shot at about 6:10 pun. or so." Cree said he and his wife spent several years seeking an area wite a moderate climate and some change of seasons, accessibility to an air port, a center of cultural activity and adequate medical facilities. "What we weren’t looking for was a place for retirees...like Florida," he points out. Dot Boulia, who only recently broke 100 after playing for 25 years, fashions the overall program for the Sunday golfers. The group plays twice a monte from late March to early October. "The meals are the chefs choice, with «miads at one time, desserts at an other," she says, "and they’re wonderful wite very reasonable rates." The couples chip in $1 or $2 be fore starting to play tee nine holes with tee money going to the win ners. "It just adds a little more in terest,” Boulia says. Sometimes the weather provides the excitement. "Ten couples played through nine holes of steady rain a short while ago, and we all were soaked by tee time we got to the club for dinner," Boulia recalls. The Friday Couples Golf, accord ing to Jim and Liz Taylor, got un der way just after Prestonwood opened. She and her husband are originally from Toronto, but were hving in San Antonio, Texas, when he was transferred. Each week’s event is chaired by a volunteer who sets up the type of: play to be used and makes arrange ments with tee club. "Some 15 or 16 couples usually take part, and we make it more fun by each couple putting in $5 for an incen tive prize," Liz Taylor says. "One of tee games we play is alternate shot, where one shot is made by the man, tee next by tee women, teen alternately so over the nine holes," she points out. "We call it divorce golf!" One of tee best sessions, Taylor feels, "was tee time we played and had dinner on Bob and Ellie Stevenson’s 50te wedding anniver sary. "It was tee largest Uunout we’ve had." "Oh, teat was way back in 1993," says Ellie Stevenson. "How did we do playing that day? I’ve had better games." The Stevensons came here from Ohio in 1983, explaining there Hindus proceed with pians for smalier sanctuary behind tempie The Norte Carolina Hindu Society has been given tee go- ahead by Morrisville’s Board of Commissioners for changes in a site plan teat will now provide a free-standing, two-story building behind tee Hindu Bhavan Temple at 309 Aviation Parkway. The request had been tabled at tee July 8 meeting of the board when the site plan showed a parking lot proposed for what is now a large area of natural vegetation. Board action had been planned for tee Au gust 12 session, but was moved ahead to a special, brief afternoon meeting of the board July 22. The Hindu Society received site approval for an extension to tee ex isting building last year, but mem bers told tee board teat due to financial concerns they would be unable to construct their original plan and sought approval of a scaled-down versitm teat would be free standing. The society’s temple was built on a 6-acre site in 1986 and tee mem bership has been growing ever since. When the society began in 1976, its 40 members met in each other's homes or rented facilities for their various services, study groups and festival. In 1980 the society bought a house on Ashe Street in Raleigh and eventually ccmstructed tee present temple on Aviation Parkway. It was pointed out teat the Tri angle has tee largest Hindu popula tion in tee state. There is also a temple located in Charlotte. Shankar R. Mistry, co-chairman of tee church’s construction com mittee, said tee new 18,018-square- foot sanctuary would be used for assembUes and cultural aspects as sociated with the church. He ex plained teat the present temple is too small to accommodate an in creasing membership and the vari ous activities that keep the building occupied nearly every day of tee week. He and ccanmittee member Ram Bashyam and Truman New berry of R^eigh, architect for the new building, were on hand when tee board gave its approval at the abbreviated special meeting. Newberry said tee sanctuary will have seating for 837 on the first level and another 154 in tee bal cony. Commissioners C.T. Moore and Billy Sauls, who made the mo tion and second for approval, were assured tee natural wooded area and vegetation would remain intact and tee proposed parking area would be moved to the rear of tee sanctuary which itself will be to tee rear of tee existing temple struc ture. Mistry said he expects construc tion to begin either in August or September. Specializing In: CUSTOM FITTING MEN’S • WOMEN’S NARROW • WIDE SIZES 6-16 STEEL TOE - PLAIN AT HOME-Jan Dorsey of Preston can whip up an omelet in minutes. As director of the North Carolina Egg Association, she often uses her cooking skills to promote eggs. understand about challenging yet satisfying work and getting things done within a time deadline. "Three years ago when we finally decided to locate in Preston (she admits she loves 16 play goU), we signed to build a house, but when we went to the site tee next day tee footings were in for another house," Dorsey explains. "The agent said he forgot that a spec house was to be built there. "Later, we happened to drive into this cul-de-sac and saw a low coun try at tee state of decorating. The builder told us if we got to tee store the same day we could still pick out the wallpaper. When we got to tee store tee'woman said she could get it to tee builder in time if we chose anything other than flowers. "We picked out wallpaper for tee entire house in an hour, so here we are! And we didn’t even have to, you should pardon tee expression, ‘eggsert’ ourselves." were only three nine-hole courses laid out. "We moved to Oxford Hunt at Old Apex Road and I can still see tee narrow two lanes that made up High House Road. "We were new members at a new club. It made us feel at home, rate- CT than being new members with long-time residents. It was wonder ful. And that anniversary, wite all those people, teat large turnout. That was wonderful, too." Toronto was home to Robot and Stacey Mahoney until he was trans ferred by Northern Telecom in 1994 to the Triangle. Bote are avid golfers and belonged to a private tennis club in Canada, so when it came to selecting a home, its proximity to a good golf course in fluenced their choice. They settled in Cary and became members at Prestonwood, joining tee Friday Couples play after seeing a sign-up sheet in tee lobby. The man who brought Friday Couples Play to Prestonwood, RogCT Hamre, recalls playing Fri day Couples at tee Rochester Country Club when he and his wife lived in Minnesota. His move to Raleigh was brought about when he started his own business. He moved to Preston Point in 1988. "You might say I enjoy the dinner as much as tee golf," he said, ex plaining teat whoever is running tee program provides the chef wite tee number to be served. "We started in tee casual grille, but now use a private room when one is available. Anywhere from a dozen to 30 persons will be at tee dinner." Enjoy wildlife at your window Backyard Beauty: Goldfinch • Favorite Food: Thistle/Niger • Favorite Feeder: Thistle Feeder Mention this ad and receive 15% off any feeder. Wild Bird Center Your Backyard birding specialists'^^ ABC Center • Preston Comers 4248 NW Cary Pkwy. (next to Jaspers) Mon.-Sat. 10-6, Sun. 12-5 462-3577 Just Say No to Cheap Shoes... Sav'^®® to TIRED OF YOUR DRINKING WATER? 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