Eastern Carolina News, Tka News Pibfciiag Company, D. V . WHIT AUK Eunoa. mmK .. /.» wa WEDNESDAY, FJSB*Y 3, 1807. We send forth t»*-dav the Easteru Cauomna Nbws, a weekly n»w>- paper. i>ubli*h*d to the town of Tren ton. Jiwius Co..N. C., ae a candidate for public patronage. In the public*. ii» of the N*ws w« have two obi*ct» in view. The first to awlet in the elevation. lutalectually and financially the people among whom wa hava coma to live. Tha other, to ao win tha esteem and coofMence of our rat* tea, that tha enterprise will prwve a financial aoccaoa to us. Tha New a will be strictly a fomi!\ newspaper, uon- parti»au u©n-*ectariaii free troui mmaathm, yet u will not hesitate to condemn wrong and upbo’d tha right as wa aae It, at ail thnaa and on all oueanMHia, Correspondents Solicited Wa hag our Irlauds who bava any thing 10 fay thaUha poblie is interested in bearlos. to n*a tha News as a vc Lkla to cowmuuteata thair visas.— lha nsm» ot tha author should accom peny tha artlcla, yet it will ba optional with bint wbather it shall be pnbiishad. THEXIiW YFAB. When, dear readers, we were children and with childieli anx iety were looking forward to Christmas, or the Fourth of July, «>r the annual gatherings of families and friends, hows slowly time seemed to travel I It seemed to be an almost end lees period from one Christinas to another. Rut it is not so now.* As we grow older and the yearn be hind ns are more than those that are before os, time seems i to go pass with the speed of < lightning. i It was only bnt yesterday,, i seemingly, that 1896 was usher ed in; now it is gone, and a new i year lias begun, and before we are conscious of Its going the i new year will become the old i year, and another new year will be upon ns. What shall we do in 1897? Shall we live on as we have been living; or shall we live, or try to live, to better purpose than during any past year of our lives? If we wonld make the present the beat yuir of our lives,it can only be done by Improving up on the condnct of «aoh day. The present imyuent.ia the one in which to begin any amend ment. and the present moment ia the one we should carefully improve. If we live well to day and improve to-morrow, watching and improving each moment as it passes, wo may moke this year the most suc cessful one we have ever lived. The editor knot?* how dlffl enlt It Is for one to do as he here suggests, and be feels the need of the counsel which he is giving toothers. Therefore In cluding. himself among h's readers, he would say In con clusion: Let us all try to so improve each passing moment ae that, at the end of the year, we may have the consciousness of knowing we have done the best that we could. «m Governor Piogree, of .Michigan having found by experience that a number <>f Htale laws are obsolete or inoperative through some da feet iu floestrootion, has offered a priia of |2o to the student of the University'of Michigan who will discover this great-st ©molar of these Jew*. A similar offer iu this State would diseSooe u Urg* quantity us shelf-woro statutes. 18 THE WOULD GROWING METTKH7 In some respects, yes. In otbert, no. There never was a time when the Christian re ligion was more popular than at this time. Nor was there ever a time when the poor and the halt, and the latne and ti e blind were better cared for, which Is presumptive evidence that mankind ia loving his neighbor. Nor was there ever a time when so much money was raised to send the gospel to the heathen, and so much effort was being made to reach all nations with the gospel, as now. Nor was there ever a time in the history of our country, when such efforts were made to educate and gospelixe the mass es—when schools, and colleges, and churches, and preachers, were better equipped than they are now. In short, there never was a time when philanthropy and patriotism, and truth, and righteousness made a more on slaught upon ignorance and er ror and wickedness than they are making at this time, aud to that extent the world Is, or seems to be, growing better. tint, when we turn from tills side to the oilier, we are cc#n frontod with the fact that, at no period of the world's history has satan had inure or better equipped agencies, more wealth and respectability, on his side, than he has to-day. While the schools, and the churches, and the missionaries are spending their millions of dollars, in the furtherance of their operations, satan has the use of hundreds of millions, yea, billions of dollars with which to oombat and counteract those operations. And, in adition to the money at liis command, he has so managed as to secure to hit aid men of high position In church and state, who use their influence to weaken the efforts of those who are battling for the cause of right and truth. If you wonld warn young men again:! the evils of the bar-room, men in high position open the club room and so gild and gloss It as to make it at tractive, and thereby, (because of its respectability) make it tonfold more dangerous than even the lowest dawn doggery. If yon would warn mei. against gambling, you are con fronted with the fact that the business of the world is don trolled by men who gamble in stocks and products and almost everything that ia bought and sold. If you would warn Christian men against worldly-minded ness, you are confronted with the fact that leading citizen' —some of them pillars in the church—drink, and dance, and visit theatres circuses, and gambling hells.. Whether the world is grow ing bettor or not, this foot is apparent: Th»re never was s time, In the history of the world, when the forces of good and evil were more active, or more determined iu their strug gles against each other than now, and we have the faith which enconrages ns to believe, that the truth and the right will win, and that error and ein and wickedness will in the end soccamb to them. A Parisian, not a lawyer eith er, has devised a method by which a hair can be split into thirty-seven strips. I Rhode Inland has never been looked upon ae the Venus, bnt it •urely shelters a Cleopatra in the woman who baa pint married her sixth buabaod. Four oi bar for mer husbands noted as natters nl the wedding, and the fifth sent bin regrets aud an invitation to the couple to spend the honeymoon at iiia home. A new name will have to be invented to d« eoribe a wo* tuan us each ohnrrns. * Paderewski, it is ms id, ouo play from memory over 600 composi tion*. He needs to lead or play a composition new to him only twice in order to nietioiiai it, and, fre quently after retrying it over, unu ait down at the piano aud play it without referring to the notes Lidias, ladies, there are five tvauhelors in on Christmas dav, p edged to tunny before tin expiration of the twelreinootiil Truing leave every boar, and nulwa th« mm m Whether the New York courts are able to decide if a sandwich is a ineal or not it fa known to be made of celluloid in that Raines law town. A Brooklyn young woman has died from the effects of tight lacing; but this incident must not be taken to be signifi cant. Connecticut lias 80,000 bi cy clists. Only 48,000 of them are voters, but they all tide astride. Parsons who are troubled with indi gestion will be interested Id tb« exper ience of Wm. H. Penn, chief clerk in the railway mail service at Dee Moines lowa, who writes: "It gives me pleae uni to testify to the merit* of Chamber lulu's Colic, Cholera itnd Diarrhoea Remedy. For two years I have suffer ed nom indigent lon, ami aiu subject to frcqueui severe attacks of pain In the stomach aud bowels. One or two doses of this remedy never fails to give pei feet relief. Prica 25 and 50 cam*; sold by J. P. Broaden. The Southern Bail la.; an I I«*vi Association of Kuoxvhie, Tear., use of iha largest and wealthiest of the tfiod iu the United States ia now iu tiie bauds of a r*cievcr. The suit *«* iroughl m the United Stales Court at .Nashville by Mrs. Melinda Johnson, a ■MMideiit of Indiana; who has #IO,OOO worth if stock ia; the association. Mrs. Johnson, it appears became wor ried about her investment, aud decided to withdraw it. Ou making applica tion to withdraw her stock, according to the rale* of the association, Mr*, lobuson was. informed that bar appli cation would have to wait ha regular urn for consideration, as ruck applica tions were only acted upon in turn as received. Alter waiting a considerable length of time Mrs. Johuton became . formed, thinkirg that so many like applications were probably being made bat by the tiuia her application was reached all the available food* would h iva been drawn out. leaving the aaao eiation with no immediately available iseeti. She therefore at ouce had tbe p -seen t suit brought. Tha progressive lsdies oTwmtfield Cod., leaned a “Woman's Edition” „i te Westfield Nawa, bearing date of April 8. im. Tbe paper 1* filled with matter of interest to women, and we notice the following from a corres pondenl. which the editor printed, realixiug that it (rente upon a matter of vital Importance to their sex: “The beet remedy for croup, colds and bron chitis that I have been able to find » Chamberlain’s Cough’ Remedy. For frailly ae* it hie no equal. I gladly recommend if 25 and 50 cent bot tiee for sale by J. P, Br ogden. | Babara Deeen contains 1,000,000 square miles. * KtJTtJAt—tNStJRAWCE. • ;V; , I The Onslow and Jones Branch of The Farmers Mutual Firs Insurance Association. r 1 , ■ ■normorwi Tb. .]i(*c.uta -m menVmMp Id Ou 0d.1.w ul Joan Br «.h of Tin Jk™*,, ■»1 K» wb. at Sort. C olna ..1 1 lb. Goan B io. la a., “ 1 ”» Tboßtit. .gout, J. &. O. 0 . brM „ oimJius „ iM.^a.Wß.t -la. natiWt. loUii.; To. f.nam. arthoa. owning riw.oti.d [trni.it,la : f Onalow aad Jaawof. p to obligate tht-in-elvM ia • policy muiiaot To Proportionately Share Each Others Liss in the Event of the Destruction of Property by Ifire Wind or Lightning; •nd if Wwia he ntl, hlng, se them am no ..Vried ofI MN . A policy f«»-1 BO OBitt* tm #.#b *IOO 00 w«irth of vroiwrlr iosuied is nhAraed thia •mo. i W . *ll the i.f the gim* imbrnteS 2S iov without eddWooal iwt, naive* nom-. mat-la with * In*- .nil i n tut Mal , •ill onlj :»lUMnnl to M yimr pri im nhire which iu muei ewes would be iL.. you wnol.l *° •*“ uuf**nno*te rtdgbbo* 0 **" woalu D,s thsu Horn tea Ito of tto offloor, „!**« t ft,, tb« Oae ow sad Jones Bm .oh : 0. H. P~WW«. B. B. TAYL B, 3«', I*, atrpXHVrsoKS: Dr. WJ. Montfort. F. W. Hargett, John F. Cox D J a-nj*.. B. N. Soodlia, Or EW. w«d. D. B f B. K H.y, BawS. Now, the elmte named ent'emeo have the fcomnl.u _ Branch tb- As«i;ts or mwm\ do the work, ba*?w thil com posed of jronr own m«iKhb«*r, ceu boa a,.* |JL ih«m ? * *,*s V */*" k * oi * i Ba » ( d. lo remain a..insured when it *iu ou]y A « t JOU $1 ***** oily f C-n ider. o . t McQrEE r S - *«en», IUIbIkiT. «. 0 JeekesovUle, N. a Do