7 One of the Best FotaJ * $ ily Papers m Eastern ' Carolina. Subscription: oi.ooaJTeai^ VOLUME 1. COUNTY OFFICIALS OOXArrSftTONRKS : J. Harper, 6. H. Moore. W. B. Islsr, T.awi* Bynum. Clerk Superior Court. 8. E. Koonce, Register of Deed*. W. H. Cox, Sheriff. D. H. Harrison, Treasurer. Lewis Kina Coroner, L. H. Mallard, Surveyor, A. F Beetoo. StH'idaid Keeper. Ben|. Huggtna, Public School Kx’r, Thoe. J. Whitaker. Ustof Appoiniments. Ist Rnnday, Lea's ChapeU 11 a. m. lit Sunday, Oik Grove. 8 p. m. ai •“ miady Grove. 11 a. m. •> Cvpress Creek, 11 a. m. jj.| *• Trenton, 7p. m. 4th “ Trenton, 11 a. m. 4 t l, «• Maple Grove. 3 p. iu. J. M. Benson, P. C. "" ■ - A Trenton Locals, S. O Hall, of Pollocks ville, wee in toivu Saturday. Quite a lot of cotton was sold on the Trenton market last Friday. Mr. J. £. Hoirtsou was in Trenton Moudiiy aud called on the News. Hon. W. D. Pailock. of Kinston, was in the city iaet Friday on official business. , We noticed on our streets last Mon* day Mr. Wm. McDaniel, a prominent tanner ot this county. Eat, drink mid be merry and go to '-Whitakers’ tor dried apples and trash California raisins. Mrs. Humphrey and daughter, of Goldsboro, ara visiting Mrs. BenJ. Broca on Cypress Creek. Miss Bath Fordbam, who bee been visiting the Muses Kinsey, has returned to her notne In Tuckahoe. Miss Lissie Soith went to Xi* Herne a few daye ago to visit an aunt and attend the fair this week. Tom Berber, one of Jones* colored citisso, who is teaching ecbqol at James city, was iu Trenton a few days ago. One of our young men was the sub ject of a severe attact ot blues Bunday. He was so lonely—ebe want home last week. juo. W. Mills, ofßlcbiauds, was in the city Saturday, and gava us his name to enroll as a subscriber to the NEW*. Mr. D. H. Harrison, Jones county’s genial and clever sheriff, was iu Tren ton last Saturday aud called on the News. Miss Lillian Bonder, of New River, accompanied by Dr. ft. E. Koonce, of P.illocksvirie, was iu Trenton a lew days ago. The Bright Jewel Society held lie regular monthly meeting Sunday after noou. Eight new members were ad. dad m ils list. Misses Rena Haywood and Betti* Stanley went to New Berne yesterday morning on the Steamer Howard to at tend the Fair. Mrs. 8. E. Koonce, left for Pollocks* ville Tuesday to visit her eon Dr. Koonce, aud from there will atlCud the New Berne Fair. Mise Corriune Woolen, daughter of J. W. Wooten, returned home Satur day after a short visit to the family of Mr, 8. E. Koonce, Mr. A- C. Fos cue, of Pollocksville, the clever tax col actor for Jones conn ty, called Frklay and handed us a new subscriber Thanks. Correspondents for the News will! please note the fact that we cennot publish a communication without the signature of the writer attached tberat* Mr, J. K. Dixon bas resigned the po* altlon of dark to the °f Deeds. All regret to lose Jack Irom our midet, a* no will returu to his home. Mr. W, M. Hawkins called to see os Monday and showed us a patent hook' tV* hick-bauds, ad invantloo of bis.—| In our oniolou this ie a practical atjd valuablg invention, and should, by; propei management, be • source of considerable profit to the owner. wm niiiiuvi Hiws. Mr. W. 8. McGregor, agent for the Junes and Onslow branch of Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Association, wae in Trertou Monday and celled on the News. We learn with much regret that Jones county will toon loose one of its foremost citizens in the pyraou of Dr. F. A. Whitaker, who will, as soon as his resident ie completed, move to Kinston. We would specially call the attention of our reader* to the importance of ex aming the advertisement* in the Njws. We are enre you will find reading that will interest yon, besides it may be to your advantage to do so. Last Saturday was cold and rainy, yet it did not keep away the crowd that usually visits Trsuton on that day. We had the pleasure of enrolling the names of tou nsw subscribero, for which ure re turn our sincerast thank*. Gen. J. B. Banks, one of the largest and moat prosperous farmers of Joues county called to tee ns last Monday.— Ha iuformtd us that he would leave for New Berue Tuesday and remain till Fri day to take iu lha Fair this week. Good singing adds modi to church worship We hava tome excellent vo cal talent iu Treutou, ami a little prac -1 tice would give our churches aort e fine ! music. Wo would suggest that meet ings be held once a week for practice. We call special attention to tha ad vertisement of the New York Bargain House, Kinston. Iu order to make room for tlia Spring stock, is aelliug goods as and below cost. Don't-fail to call aud secure some of th« bargains offerad when in Kinston. We call the attention of onr readers to tbe advertisement of the CUixvn's Bank, New Berne, and most heartily recommend this bank as worthy of the confidence and patronage ot tbe people. Mr. Tha*. A. Green is its President, a enre guarantee of it« safety. We had the nleasu'e of meeting Mr. Jd. H. Phillips, one of Jones count!*'* prominent farmers at hie home a few nights ago. He owns on* oi the most valuable farms ifi the County. Mr., Phillips is an earnest friend ot the News and will do all he can to pro mote iu success. We again call the attention of onr town Com mission era to the importance of putting lamp* on our streets. This Is a much needed reform, and the cost, as compared to tbe benefits to be de rived. will be small. We are sure our Commissioners will not be long tn making np their mind* what to do. By all moans “turn on the light.** Thera is one remarkable family la Jonas county. Tha husband and wife are each for tv years old. They have be*n married twenty-one years, are the parents of seven children, th* oldest Os of which is twenty. They have never had any serious sickness and have never lost a member of their family. A strik log testimonial, at )sa*t, of the health fullness of this section of th« State. While in lvtntfcn a few days ago we had the p 1 ensure of meeting our old friend J. L. Ball, who is representing the large and well known house of E. B. Barbee & 00.. of Raleigh, exporteis of cotton. Mr. llaH will buy cotton on the Trenton market next fall. While he U not unknown to the people of Trenton, yet we heart ily commend him as entire worthy of their confi dence and the hotixa. ha represents is ou# of tha first iu tbe South. Quite a number us tbs ladies of Trenton, mat at the Methodist church las . Thursday afternoon for the pur. pose of reorgsnixing the Missionary Society. Tbe following compose the officers elect for the ensuing year; Pres ident Mrs. J. 11. Bsnsoo, Vice-Pres ident Mrs. D. W. Whitaker. Secretary Mrs. W. H. Rhodes, Treasurer Mr*. 8. H. Gilliam. Tha regular meeting of the 8-iclety will be held monthly. AH the ladies of Trenton are invited to loin. f APER FOR OF THE J^EWS. TRENTON, N. C., FEBRUARY* 24. 1897. Rev. Mr. Benson, paster of the fonet circnit, filled hia appointment in Trenton Sunday night. His text was takeu from Luka, 23 chapter nod 28 verse; * Daughters of Jsrusalum, weep not for ms, but weep for your selves, and for ycur children.” He preached (iu excellent sermon, which wns well received by an attentive and appreciative audience. At its close be asked the church for its pro rate share of the Conference collection, to which a very liberal response was made; nearly the entlro amount woe raised. Mr. W. if. Hammond's bird dog cre ated quite a sensation iu Cypress Greek a short time ago. It was discovered there was something the matter with the dog and he had been kept tied, but tu some way he. made his escape and took charge of tbe community. It was soon apparent that the dog was mad; hut it was not mill he had bitten some hogs and geese and come in contact with several other dogs tbrtthoy killed hint. Fortunately no one was hurt, though several had vary narrow escape* One of Mr. Isaac Brock’s boys was caught by tbe sleeve bnt managed to tear himself away without Injury.— Some one else was forced to the uoces eity of climbing a tree In order to es cape. All tbe dugs that came in con tact with vim have bean killed, atul it ia hoped there will be uo farther trouble. i - -t,. , Diversified Crops- It is. and haa been tbe custom of the farmers of Jones aud the East general ly, with few exceptions, to rai»e cotton duly a* their monoy crop. This \» all wrong, because whan cjtton fells there ie nothing to fall back on. and forth a reason the farmer should guard against Urn difficulty. Tobacco ia a valuable crop when cultivated properly, and we would recommend to the firmer* of .lones that they divide their cr. p this year by planting lee* cotton aud give tobacco a trial. In the EASt tobacco matures and is ready for the barn by the middle aud last of July, and is ready for the market by tbs first ol August. Now, you sec. you have two money crops, oue you begin to realize i on in August, lbs other in November. You can with almost, certainly count on one or the othsr »s being a success aud perhaps both. Junes county bas thousands of seres of land adapted to the growth of tobacco, and ws believe its cultivation would bs equally as pr<-fi:abi« to the former as cotton. Diversified crops la what the farmer ueeds. -+>-+■ List of Deeds and Mortgages. For many years old deads and mort gages have been accumulating in tbe office of the Register ot Deeds of Jones connty. We publish below a partial list, aud am requested by Mr. Cox, the Register, to ask you to come at once and get them. Mortgage to O. B, Cox, Catherine Lake, Onaiow county. 2 deed* to Bezel Jenkins, Mayeville, Agreement to W. M. Coble, Trenton. Deed to G. W. Green, Trenton. Deed tu Mrs. N. l\ Kinsey, Trenton Deed to Willie Kir km an. Mortgage to Mrs. V, A. Koonce, Trenton. 2 deeds to Lewis F. Koonce. Mortgage to M. G. Koonce, Seven ftprings. Deed to Thomas Collins. Mortgage to A. G. Coward. Mortgage to Anthony Davie aetata. D«<d to Anthony Davis estate. Dead to G, W. & Chnuey Jones. Dead to F. A Casper. • Deed to E. R. Page. Mortgage to Willie Haddock. Deed to Cultin Casper. Deed to Lewis Cox. Deed to Harnett Dawson. Deed to F. H. Ballard. Deed to W. DHL Mortgage to W. E. Cox, Mortgage to O. B. Cox. Post Master General Wilson has ac cepted tbe Presidency of Washington ana Lee University, Lexington Va. miOCKSVIUE ITEMS Everything bare is very quiet. The farmers have gone to work in earnest. Thoa. R, Lee, a former resident of this piece, now of Kinston, with hi* bride wa* to see tut last week spending a lew days with {Hands. On last Tuesday a small cyclone vis ited this section doing some damage. Mr. Haywood White, who has bean very sick, we are glad to bear Is better. There are several cases o< Grippe in the neighborhood, judging from the amount of conghiug I hear. Several of «nr citizen* have moved away, but others have taken their places Mr. F. U. Bowden, of New Beige, he* opened a nice stpek of goods here, with Mr. A. J. Hargett a* salesman,— Mr. 8. Yoffe bas also opened a beauti ful stock of goods. We have several fast horses ir Pot. locksville. Mr. J. H. Bell has one with a record of 2:27. Most of onr people wilt attend the New Barne fair this week. Rev. Mr. Isler filled bis pulpit here Sunday. J.A. B. amiwjttm, W e will pay you a short visit this week, and if we have a warm welcome we will come again. Rev. Alban Graven filled his regular appointment at Bt. Johns Sunday Feb. 14, at II a. tu. Ws ara aorry to tea so very much sickness in tbe neighborhood. Mr. Hugh Lane, of Fort Barnwell. Craven connty, oorne over ou the 13Ui insL, aud bought * new bncgv from L. J. Chapman A Co. Some ot the girls better look out. Min Lucy Brooks la visiting at Mr. W. J. Kilpatricks. Mr. Claude Gaskins and his mother wore guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Johnson Sunday. Miss Anna Pittman, one of Grifton’a most charming young Indies, was visit lug at Mr. E. A. Johnson's last Sunday. There was a marriage in the Epleco pal church Wednesday, the 17tb et 12 m. Miss Lola Cox, of Cox villa, to Mr. Uzzell, of Goldsboro. Mr. Thomas Edwards died at hi* bone Wednesday, Feb. 10, at 75.0. He leaves a wife and two children to mouru their loss. Mr, Edwards was a prominent former of Pitt, and was ad mired by alt that knew him. Ho whs conscious to tha but. Just before lie died he called hla fondly to his bedside and bid them good bye, and asked them to meet him iu heaven. lie wae bur ied in what will be the family burial giouud. A. W. gowusT rzw. Mr. A. wj Haskins, of Pamlico, come Saturday to visit friends and rel - ativss for a few days. Rev. J. B. Tingle failed to meet his appointment at Harkins Chapel last Sunday. W. 8. McGregor, representing the Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Asso ciation, gave ns a call last week. We ere glad to learn that Rome of onr neighbors, who hava been quite sick, are improving. Miss Willie Gray, from near Trenton, is visiting Mbs Lnla Gilbert. • em •» <i " » I * Mr. Ward L. Smith, Frednlckstown Mo., was troubled with chronic diar rhoea for over thirty years. Ha had become fully satisfied that it was only a question of a short time until he would have to give up. He had boen treated by some of tbe belt physicians in Europe and America but got no permanent raliaf. One day he picked up a newspaper and chanced to read i an advertisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Cliolery aud Diarrb«M Remedy.' He if it a bottle of it, the first dose helped him and ite continued use cured him. For salt by J. P. Brogueo. Prof. C. W. Toma, superintendent of the Durham Grated Schools, bas lieett “footed protestor of Pedagogics of the University of North Carolina. 9 Subscription: 9 f 81.00 PER YEAR. 9 J fiOCt*. ftlx Months. $ D, W. Wkitakbr, Editor. COVS ITStf 6. Bev. J. W. Rose, of LaGrange, spent a night, In our town last week. Mr. Roea is a mau of sterling qualities, and is very much beloved by tbe people here Mr*. Sarah Whits, of this place, died the I6th Inst.. of Pneumonia. Funeral services wore held at the Free Will Baptist church, after which tier remains were taken to the old family burjing ground for interment. Miss Daisy Watkup, Miss Maggie Koroegay and Mr. B. O. Korntgay, of Dover, were ham Wednesday attending the ma-ringe of Mies Julia Charltoo. Mrs. George Charlton, of New Berne, ia spending some time wish Ur rela tives bore. Mis* Dora Taylor, of Trenton, epei t Sunday in Cove. Mi-* Ada Douebety, of Perfection, gladdened tbe hearts of bar many frlande here by spending several day* in our midst. At tbe Baptist church, in this place, op the 17th inst.. Capt. 8. E. Ewell, of Tarboro, N. C , and Miss Julia Charl ton were married, Eev. J. VV\ Rosa officiating. Miss Daisy Waklup grace fully presided at tha orgau. Tha at tendants were. Miss Lizxie Ewell with J. M Charlton, Miss Hattie White with Cote White, Miss Ada Daugbaty with Paul Koonce. The church was taatfully decorated and tbe ceremony v*ry impressive. The bridal party left oo the evening train for Beaufort, where the reception wae given them by the brother of tbe groom. Mr. Thoe. Ewell, We wish them much happi ness. Mise Amy Morris, of Vauceburo. is visiting her sister. Lire. B, D. Eu banks of tbu place. Some one is all emiies » h»n Mias Amy is In Cove. Mrs J. F. I pock spent Sunday and Monday with liar mother, Mrs. Ste phen Arnold of Perfection. Mrs. Mattie Sanders, of Ocean. Car teret county, came yestrrday to spend a few day* with bar fotliqr, Mr. ftaatnel White. ♦ A tew months ago, Mr. Byron Every nf Woodstock, Mich., was badly afljict w} with rheumatism. Ilia right leg wits swollen the foil length, causing him great suffering. He was advised to try Chamberlain’* Pain Balm. The first bottle of It helped hi n coasid ernb y anil th* sec-mil battle effected a cure. The 25 and 50 cent size are lor axis by J. P. Brogden. We are gradually perfecting arrange ment with parties to give us news items fount different parte "f the county. Wa call attention to tbe item a from Pol lockaville. Bonus, Cove aud Quinnely. We hope MaysvlUe, Cypress Creek and other points will be heard from next week. DEATHS Cn ike I9th of Feb. 1397, of Pluro- Pneimouia. Mr. Franklin Moore, in the 44tb year of his age. Mr. Moore was tbe head of a family nt six brothers and sisters ; a man of sterling integrity and ghod judgment, a good citizen and a faithful friend end brother. He will bu missed by nil who knew him, but mostly by the broken family circle, of which he was the favorite, Lai us sub mit to tbs will us Him who death all tuings well, A Friend. Near Fuilocksville,N. C., on the 18th nt February 1897. us LMuro Pueumooia, Sarah Huffman, in the 15th year of her age. Tre a ton Market. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY 8. BARKER, DEALER IN General Merchandlea Corn, . » • per bushel, .40 Pea*. Field. . . “ .50 Potaina*, bweet. Yams, » .40 Potaii >«a, “ Bahamas,” .30 Chickens, grown, ... .20 Etggt, ... par dozen, .10 Beeswax, ... per lb*, .18 Hides, gratn, ; per lb„ MO3 • Hides, dry. . . *• 6.@7 Butter, country, . •* M Fodder, . per cwt. 70®fo> Bacon,country, . per lb. .08 NUMBER 4.

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