Bitter Recollecton. Asad looking man vent Into a chem ist's. ‘*C»n job gl** s*e," ke ukid, “something that will drive fro m my Mai the thought of sorrow and bitter recollection f” And the druggist nodded end pat him up a little doee et quinine and wormwood, nod rbeubarb nod ep > aom salts, and a dash of castor oil and gave It to him, and for six months the nan could not think of an jthug In the world except new schemee forgetting the taste out of her mouth. A Loudon dispatch from Vienna sajs that it Is reported the powers have addressed a collective note to Greece demanding the wlthdiawal oflier naval and military forces from the Island ot Crete withiu forty-eight hours, lalhng which, tha port of PUraeus will be blockaded and general hostilities com menced. k toothless Family. A queer temllT was found near Lapse, lud.. the other day. It consists of a fomtlT without a tooth. James Leonard i* the Gather. He is paet fifty years of ago* and has passed this much cf hie life sound and healthy, without the as sistance of a molar or aven a baby tooth. Nona ever grew. Twenty years aco ha married a woman who had as fine a set of teeth as could he found.— She attll possesses them. They hed soar children, all oTwhom are foil grown and perfect in regard to health, but who, ilka their lather, never had a tooth in their bead. Their gums, however, come down much further than hi ordi* nerily the case, and are is bard and firm as a bone. No member of this finally ever lays awake at night with .tha toothache. The Small Boy, An exchange says that n teacher in a school in ona of tha Was tern cities was trying to impress upon the mind* of tha smallest class in arithmetic the table of United States money. She first asked the children how many dimsa made a dollar, and they readily answered ‘ ten.” To her question of how m ny cents made a dims she re ceived tha earns reply, trim then Mid: •‘Now, children, I am going to ask jam e more difficult question. Can any one tell me how many mills makes cant?” At first there was silanes, and than a •mall boy near the foot hah) op hie band, and on being told to give the an swer. Mid; ‘‘Mt papa says bow that McKinley i* sleeted not a damn min will make a cent.” A Contested Htoolton Cate Decided. A contested election case of long standing—Quinn vs. Lattuaora—was finally decided fry the Sopreme Court lest week, Judge Fumhe* writing the ileriefon. The action was brought hr quo war -*• to for tha purpose ot trying the title ’« the office of clerk of the Superior court ot Cleveland county, revolting from the election of 1894 Quioo is a populist and Lsttimore a democrat. Tha Judgment of the conn Is that Qolan was duly elected to the office of clerk of the Superior court of Cleveland coaaty. sad ie entitled to the same, aad the fern and emoluments thereof from tha first Monday in December, 18ty4. aad for the next lour years than next ensuing. Fcroe cfHafclt. - A laughable story is told of an old miser, who, being stthe point of death, resolved to give all Me money to hie nephew at whose bands he had expet 1 euced tome Uttle kindness. “Seas,” Mid he, for that was bis nephews name, ‘•Bam. f am shoot to leave the world, and to leave you all sty money. Ton will then bays fifty thousand dollars. Uuly think! Yes. I fool weaker and weaker. 1 think 1 shall die in two hoars. Oh, yea, Sam, I*m going! Give aw two per cent, and you may take the now,” Hr. SI John Dead. A private telegram Informs us that Mr. Va. P. St, John, the patriotic Now York bank president who resign 'd bis highly salaried position rather than yield hie convictions on the sub ject of free coinage, and afterward* be came treasurer of the national silver party lu the lata campaign, died sud denly Monday morning—Fayetteville Dr, Eng an formed wiper iu tendon t of the North Carolina Insane Asylum, bkiow assistant physician of Colorado Asylum. His hMtth la rs* • torsd—News and Observer. I • Things Worth Knowing. - Congress baa appropriated $850,000 for the free disuibutiou of seeds. Tha debt of the world amounts to tha enormous sum of $22,000,000,000. The United States last year produced 80,000,000 barrels of terroentsd liquors. Last year 14,094,918 head of cattle were delivered at the Chicago etcck yards. Philadelphia consumed 1.990.734 bar rels of beer In 1896, an increase of 176,- 630 over 1895. Thirty years ago Berlin was smaller than Philadelphia, and now it la hror by a half a million. Tha citizen* of New Hampshire have raised $8,700 with which they will erect a statue of Preeideut Pierce in toms appropriate place. Surgical instruments art now mads of wood, which is afterwards complete ly covered with a layer of nickl*. elec trically deDoeittd, Sir John Lubbock who has been con sidering the ant and its ways for many years, has ascertained that these active insects may live to the a«»t ot 15 years. A Vermont man, who has carried the mail twelve miles twics a dsy sod received the munificent sum of 1 cent for the four years, is to bays s96for the next four years. There is at preterit but one living ex- Prarfdent of the United States, and but on* living ex-Vic# President of the United States, and both were recently at the capltol on the same day. The Boston library bar 628,000 v«l --nmes, with 13.000 separata editions of Sbakespeare's works. It stands second to the congressional library at Wash ington in the number of its volumes. In a recent editorial the New York World springe a lively aensatiou by charging that the sugar trust on a cap ital of only 624.000.000 clears annuallv something in the neighborhood of $38,- 000,000. Bom* years ago tbs Rev. Dr. Crano, the lather of Stephen Crane, the noTel Ist, wrote a tract on popular amuse ments lu which ha condemned novel reading as one of the vices ol tbs age. Queen Victoria’s apartments in the new hotel at Cimki comprise mure than 140 rooms. Most of them have been euratuouely decorated for royal occupancy, o uch of the furnltnre bay ing been purchased in Londou. The queen’s bed, easy chair an! footstool were brought from Windsor castle. The Rhode Island Agricultural Sta tion, has published a bnllstin giving the result* oi experiments made by plant ing potatoes in pots in a greenhouse, then transplanting them oot of doors. Another method was to expose small potatoes as large aa Hsus’ eggs to beat and light for six week*, to develop s strong bnd and roots before planting them. Both plants gave a better yield especially the last, which melted in s gain of thirty-two bushels to the acre. Straight whiskeys make crooked roads. When anger arises good judgment takes a hack seat. An explosion in n Mu«age factory i* what produces a meaieoric shower. A feint heart never woo fair lady, bet a fault whisper often catches her. You very often run against man who are uot so anxtou* about the dollar «>i thsir fathers as they are about the dol lar of their father-in law. It 1* said tb t George Washington offered himself to five women before he wae accepted. Ju-*t think how *.hfa coootry had to go around tagging for a mother,—Orange iVa] Observer. Stoieury of Herbert wit nessed the uul manoeuvres of the North Atlantic squadrou atCharlesiou. 8. u, Inst week. Joseph lastge. Turkish Consol Geo eral at Boston, Mass., fa locked mi in ll—Tovb. priw., Y..tkV«L£ of embossing over 8290,000. in emote tioii with she trueueshipoftwoeetMtee In Msssechueette. One reason why the people never pay atleotkm to the eigne sad advsr ttssmenia daubed on old fences, cubit* sod bridges, U because they do not krow bether they are reading advsr (laments of some firm that is stilt m business, or one that has been dead for jeers. Wbeo people read the ad vertisements of b newspaper that is up to date they know the advertiser is a. live and doing bast .ess--Morristown (Mio.J Press. We Intend to Make tb “EASTS!! GAEOLIIA HfWS” a FiisUlass Family Paper. SUBSCRIPTION, SI.OO A YEAB, ADVERTISING RATES LOW. AMssss All fisuxsaaisstism t« B» W« WhiteUr* lessees* H, fi, iukswiw t So You Want Something Good to Eat ? . /Than Go To Whitaker’s Fiver em she And Get It. 8* SSwops t&o Vory —OK - EVEBYTHINGI For the LOWEST Cash Pries*. FLOUR, RICE, PREPARED BUCKWHEAT Canned Fruits, Vegetables , Sardines, Salmon, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Lard But ter, Apples, Cocoa nuts, Cabbage, Tobacco,• Cigar*, Cheroots, Cigarette, Bnuff, &c., &c. He want* yonr Chickens, Egg*, Corn, and < ther Produce, and will give you the very Highest Prices. Never sell until you see him. % 4 WiJMMt. DEALER IN groceries, gaady, APPLES, SUGAR, And many other article*. I respect lolly solicit a liberal share of patronage. TRENTON Hale and Female, e .* W. H. RHODES, Tzlxelyal. Term of Trenton High School " January 27,1897 This School prepares for Collage, or rives Busins** Education. Hoard irons $4.00 to $7.00 per month. English Tuition from $1.50 to $2.00 per month. Classic* SI.OO exlra. For further particulars apply to W. H. HHUDJt'B. S. H, WHSTDLEY, y.".' \ ,-,S MANUFACTURER ’i • WAGOHSt CARRIAGES, PH/ETONS, 4 BUGGIES, I ROAD OAKT&! I * 1 make Itfifiistf A SPECIALTY, 1 I take pleasure In informing the «!t<- mus of Trenton and the public general ly, that I am prepared to do all kinds of work In my line, and solicit a liberal “hare of gslronage, l make • specialty of SIMM On TIRES. My pnoe* are rrasonable, and I guarantee satisfaction. \ G. T. COBLE, -DEALER IS— Drop & Msdieiass r —Also— WINES AND LIQUOR?. If yon are in need nf anything kept in my line I would be glad to have you call and EXAMINE MY STOCK end —BUY WHAT VDU NEED— Aaturlns ,«««* T»» * m «“ b "‘ tnd purest goods.

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