f v Oneofths Beat ily Pa par* m Eastern v Carolina. T $ Xr-Sfr-fr ■*<- XrZt-Xrf (Subscription: bi.oo aYsa^ VOLUME 1. COUHTY OFFICIALS. . COMMISSIONBIiB : J. Harper, 8. H. Moore. W. B. Taler, Lewi* Bynum. Clerk Superior Court. 8. E. Koonce, Register of Deed*. W. II Cox, Sheriff. I>. H. Harrtaou, Treasurer. Lewis Kiug Coroner, L. H. Mallard, Surveyor, A., F BectOD. Standard Keeper. Beni. ffutfflPne, Public School ExV, Tb«».J. Whitaker. TRENTON MAILS. ARRIVAL AMD DEPARTURE. FROM cove: Leaves Trentou at 7:4.1 a. m. Arrive* at Treatou at 12MJtl m. Leave* Trenton at 2:30 p. tar. Arriyee at Trenton at f1:45 p. m. FROM POLLUKiVILLE : Leaves Trenton Tnc«days, Thursday* ami Saturdays at 6:00 a. m. Arrive* at Treuton (SMmodaye) S p. m. FROM KICULAICDS. Leave* Treuton Monday*. Wednesday* and F' id i y* at 0:0 ' a. n». Arrive* at Trentou (same day-) 7 p. «n. FROM BONUS: Leaves Monday*. Wodoeedays and Fri day* at 7.-00 a. m. Arrives at Treuton (samedays) 4 p. ra. D. H. llekkitaoe, P M. Look Out. We received an article, too late tor this issue, on Pertilfsera, giving practi cal sugue-itiooß that Jones’ farmers would do well to adopt; and we aek even farmer in the county to watch the column* of the News, and reed the article carelnlly next week. Trenton Locals, Genl. J. B. Banks was in Trenton Friday. Mr. W. H. Hammond, of Cypress C evk, was in Trenton last Friday on busiuees. We call attention of onr reader* to the new advertisement of ti. E. Pridgqp in this week's News. J. P. Gray and daughter Miss Sal lie, of Beavor Creek Township, were iu the city a few days ago. The young men went out serenading again last week. W* have heard the music verv highly sjioken of. Mr. Jno. W. Wooten one of Jonos couuty’s most promlo*ut citizens, called on the News last Thnreday. Miss Novella Brogden, returned to Trenton last week from e visit to the family of Mr Honace West iu Durham Mr. W. C. Me Alia ter returned from New Berne last Saturday, where be has beeu for the past week on business. The Supeiior Court convenes the 4lli Monday of this month, instead of the 3d as W* published it last week iu the News. E. L. Hardy ba« removed hi* bar to the brick store; where, be says, he if. prepared to furnish the public with the beet. i Mr.. Lewis Haywood and wife, went to Ooelow county last week on a visit to frieuds and relatives. We boo* their trip was pleasant. Mr. S. H. Wind ley has a few hand* some buggies, which be will sell cheap tor caeh. Ha invites you all to coma gud see them whether you buy or not. Mr. Jack Dixon, of Tuckalioe, paid the iSikW’B * pleasant visit Tuesday, lie handed us the lni*re«uiig item* from Ms sectiou, W* hope Jack will com* aiftlu* J. L. Buruny*» worthy colored man of Trentou, has opened a stock #i gro ceries next door to Bsm Llpmau. He would.be pheaeJ to have, a share of your patronage. Mr T A Bell, a prominent mer chaut of'poilocksvill*, was in Trenton .a Short time laet Wednesday. Ho says the people of Joues ought to liberally patronize the News. ‘ W* again call the attention of correa ; pendents to tha fact that wo cannot j print their communication* without - their signature. The Editor must know who does the writing. imm cam m mm. An in t«« eat lug communication from Mayeville crowded out this weak. Will appear next. Tha Summer Howard made three trip* to Trenton last week, each trip, heavily loaded with fertilizers. If fer tilizer* will make a crop, our farmer* will get lbora this year. W* received a letter from a gentle* man a few d y* ago who wants a situa tion to manege a tobacco farm. He has had considerable experience a* a tobacco rawer, and will give satisfac tion. Any ona wishing such a person, call at the News office for Information. Misses* Lillian Bender and Nellie Kilpatrick, two of Tollocksville’s char ming young ladies, paid a flying visit to friend* in Trentou one day last week. Ilelleo. daughter ot Mr. and Mr*. J. i*. Brogden, who ha* been quite sick, we are glad to annouucd ie able to be out again. We call special attention of our readers to the advertisement of T. A. Bell & Bro. of FoSlockavilt*. Tbi* firm ie one of the largest in towu, and carries an iunmenc# stock ot good*, which they sell at reasonable prices. They are abo prepared to do U nder taking. Call to see them. Our office was a scene of beauty laat weak. Wo had the plea*nre nf a visit from severftl young Tadics. The local was somewhat embarrassed lor a while kt ao much loveliues* bat soou recover ed hinwelf when some of the ladies it* tempted to as*i*t him in hie work. Call again, ladies, we are always glad to see you. While m Pollockevllle last Saturday we'had the p’easuro ot erjoying a most excellent dinner with Utaan Bondar Bros. They have recently opened ho tel accommodation* for the public, and give tbeir patrons the b«*t. Dnu’ttuke «»ur word tor it, hu* when iu Pollocks villecall and convioco yourself of the the fact that an editor knows a good thing when ha sees and especially wheu he taste* it. Mr. William Simmons, tb* clever representative of the Jones and Uualow i branch ot the Farmer* Mutual Fire In sura nee Association, was in Trenton last Monday, and Informed the New* that risk* written to dale would amount to about $225,000 lo this branch since Us organlxuiou. Thi* is at) excellent showing, and proves the efficiency of its agent* and elie confidence the faro)* 1 era have in the association. We had the pleasure of visiting Pol locksville laat Siturday. a bcauLtfiil towu of this county, situated on the Wilmington & New Berne railroad And directly on the banks of the Treut This town has several merchants who are doing a most prosperous husfne»e, among whom are T. A. Bell & Bro., Barn Yaffee, Bender Bros.. H. A. Chad wick, Guo. Brinkley, Abner Hargett, J. W. Shepard aud Mr. Whitty. All are subscribers to the News with one exception. There aro two resident physicians here. Dr. 8. E. Konnuo. a young mao ot prominence, and destined to occupy the from ranks in his pro fession. a lid Dr. G. It, Hughe*, an old resident ot the place. On account of the heavy rain during our short s tfty In Polloksville wo had little opportunity to get in much work tor the News but secured five subscriber* and a now ad. Every oo# expressed themselves as we'i pleased with the paper, and i rora iactl to give it their hearty support.— We shall visit this beautiful town ou the Trent again so in, aud will then give it a more extended notice. Zion M. E. Quarterly Conference. The first Quarterly Conference of Zioa M. E* Church was held Id Trenton last Sunday as St. Mathews church. Rev. Jno. Hooper the Presiding Elder was present. W* learn the sermon was quite lutereetiug and report from different churchue very satisfactory” Hex. Juo. Hooper preached a soul stkrlng sermon Sunday at 11 a m from I xl. chap, of Italab. “Comfort y*.'Com- ’ fort j* my people, sattb your God. A Paper for of People TRENTON, X. C., MaROH 10.1807. Quarterly Conference. The first Quarterly Coofirence for Jones Circuit was held in the Methodist church at Trenton last Ssturdsy. Bev W. 8. Rone, Presiding Elder for this District, presided. Owing to the Inclement weather ma ny were kept away. The following churches were represented : Oak Grove, A. H. Scott and Stephen A. Taylor. Shady Orov*. Nathan Gilbert. Gao. B. McDaniel and James E. Harrison. Lee’s Chapel, J. N, Foscne. Trenton, John W. Wooten and T. J. Whitaker. The report of the pastor, Rev. J. M. Beneon. was most satisfactory, and showed the chutches io ho in a healthy spiritual condition. Services were well attended and much interest w*k mani fested by the congregation*. On Sunday Rev. Mr. Hone preached two excelled sermon*. Subject for the morning service wo*. “Love castelh out all fear;” for tbs evening service, “Fullness of the blessing of the goepel of Christ.” These two sermons were listened to with marked attention by an appreciative audience, and we be lieve will restilt in much good. The next Quarterly Conference for tor thi* circuit will be held at Oak Grove. Deeds and Mortgages. The following deeds and mortgage* have been in the office ot tha Register of Deed* for some time, and Mr. W. Q. Cox earnestly request* every ooe to call at the earliest possible time and get them. Plot deed, Cyru* Brown. Mortgage, J. B. Banks, Note to L. T. Bather. Mortgage, J. O. Bryao. Deed to J. B. Banks. Deed, F. H. Ballard. Deed, Mary K. Bryan. Deed, W. H. Andrews. Deed. J. B> Bauk*. Mortgage. J. P. Brogden. Deed to Amo* Amyett. Jr. Deed, J. P, Btogden. Deed lo Lewta Bynum, Bsz Jenkins. Lien Bond, J. P. Bank*. Deed, J. M. Andrews. Deed. 6. W. laler. Mortgage, Nat. Bank of New Berne. Deed, D. H. Ban'll*. Deed. H. P. Browu. Mortgage, Benjamin Br^ck. Mortgage, Nat, Bank of New Berne. Kiohlands Items. Everything Is lively In this section, end farmers are busy with their crop*. We hear ot *nme little sickness. Mr. L. Alphin, *nd G. W. Riddick are sick. Your torro-pondeut witnessed one of the tallest weddings on the 4:b be ever saw. The groom was six feet nine inches, end the Esquire, who married them was six feet seven Inches high. It is said that Arthur Cox ie prey ing for himself a wedding. He goes np the road four Sundays in the month and six nights in the week. What dc* that signifyf Look out Kempt John Banders has gone to hunt some turkey egge, and I hope he will fiod them. ‘i; We have prrsclung in Richland* ever; Sunday, and at Adam’s school house semi-monthly. John Scott, is tha only bustler we have. He goes over in Jones couuty every 3d Sunday. What does that mean. Rheumatism Quickly Cured. Aftei having beeu coufiued to the house for eleven day* and paying out $25 in doctors bill* without benefit. Mr. Frank Dolsou of Bank Hie. Marie. Mich., was .cured by one bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm costing 25 cents and ha* not since been troubled with that complaint. For sale by J. P. Brogden. We want the X*w» in ©vary family in Jones county. Subscribe now. Tuckahoe Itome, Miss Hattie Fordham has been visit ing friend am! relatives for the past two weeks on Cypress Creek. Mr. J. N. Cox, of Catherine Lake, was the guest ot Dr. A. J. Fordham one night last week. Mr. W. P. Shiv*r, of Seven Springs, was in tha neighborhood this week selling bedstead braces. Mr. J. W. Worley, of Pink Hill, spent Saturday night with Mr. M. M. Noble*. Mr. Noble* has been suffer ing for three months with Rheumatism Hope he will eoon be better, Mis* Carrie Fordham left a few daya ago for Kinston, where ah* will spend some time visiting her sister Mr*. J. N. Wooten. Bev. Charles King, of Durham, preach#*! at Maple Grove the 4th Sun day at 11 o’clock a. m., and also at 4,80 o'clock in the afternoon. He bad a large attentive audience to hear both sermons. The Goldsboro Lumber Co., have ex tehlondud tbeir railroad across the public road that lead* from Kinston to Rich lands, aud are removiug the tlm • her rapidly through which the road runs. Miss E*te]l King, of Kinston, coma Ssiuaday to spend a few day* with her grandmother, Mr*. Susan King. Mr. G. G. Nobles, a student of Tren ton High School, cams home Friday night and spent Saturday aud Sunday with hts parents. Rev. O. W. Howard filled his regu lar appointment at Pleasant Hill Sun day, He preached an excellent *ermnu but ou accouut of the inclemency o! the weather there whs not a large congre gation out to bear him.. Mr. Ralph Fordham, who haa been home visttiu? his father and other rela tives tor quite a while, returned to Wiu * ton a few days ago, where he ex pecte to thoroughly prepair hiissclf to Miter a Medical College. Ralph i* a smart bov, full of anergv and determi nation, and we wish him oil the suc cess possible. I am sorry to learn that the Sabbath School at Pleasant Hill ha* goue dowu. The people of this community should not permit this to be so. There are enough people both young aud old in this vicinity to have a good t-ehool at this place, and it is the duty of the old er people to lake an active part in or-' gauizing and maintaining a Sabbath School here. The influence that goes out from a Sabbath Schood is always good, and the children of every cornu til should have an opportunity of going to a Sabbßth School, and taking part in a work that will do them good, and thns keep them out of some mischief that they would very likely be into. Mayaville Items, March sth, 1807. Welt. McKinley has taken his seat and we look them gooJ time*. Mr. E, H. Waters, one of' our most enterprising formers, is going to try peanuts thi* year. How will the juror* get to Trenton f ia what we bear every one ask. We are sure they won’t eo on bike*. It seems that some one is trying to corner all the Kaiuit. What’s the matter ? Didn’t we all oppose com bine* P Ha I Mr. Tho*. W. Maides, who ha* been confined to his room for sometime, we ore glad to note is ont again. Serenades every night with banjo* and jew* harps becomes monotonous, and we sigh for © reat. Mr. L. T. GUlett, formerly of Mays vill* but now of Trenton High Si hool, visited friend* aid relative* at hi* old home last week. Look out for your hearts, girls. , We think every family in the county should subscribe for the Eastern Car olina News, and as many as can, ex change ideas through lbs columns* JWWW'W WWifY J Subscription: I J SI.OO PER YEAR. * | 60 CU. Six Months. J au * ,JJU 1 Ji'iJJLSL.'m-wB I , -mmBBSBf P‘ If' y I HITAKER, j Cove Items, Rev. M. Geddle filled his regular ap j point merit here Sunday at half p»et three o’clock. , Mrs. T. B. Ipock and little Janie Charlton, accompanied by Mr. J. L. Ipock went to Yaueebcro Friday and returned Sunday. Mrs. Mary Oliver and Mrs. William Pennell, of New Berne, come up Tfahrs day to visit Mu. Sarah White. Mr*. Jaimtte Whit* went lo Whita kers N. C- Friday, to visit frienda and relative*. • Mr. J. N. Charlton killed five rab bit Friday even log, w* believe Jehu nieit a right good marksman* The Hope Hills Sensation. About one mile from Hope Mills is a large bay called Blaeks Bay. Near the edge of this bay lives Mr. John H. Johnson. Some time ago Ills boy we* awakened at night by a stranger who told him to go to the corner of his father * fence aud step off by the aide of the fence ten steps and he would come to a bunch of evergreen*, under which was buried a bushel pot of yellow money. The next day Johnnie procured a shovel and commenced digging. The hole was dug about five feet aud com menced caving. The yellow money bßd not been found. Lumber woe procured and naed to prevailt the c*v iug, and the digging continued. John, nie came to a root with three chops in It. He took the root up and examined it to see if the chop* were old and what kind ot tree it grew on. While examining the root the stran ger again appeared and told him that ha wa« digging in the right place but had not gone deep enough. Tbisstrau ger said that ooe hundred aud thirty year* ago lie buried tha money there and thirty seven men were after him at the time. That the root found was a poplar root, and the chops in it were made while digging the hole to bury the money. Pointing to the bay the stranger •aid that at that time it was foil of laig* poplars, and pointing to a pine he raid that that was oua of hie hue tree*,. He then disappeared la the hole. Johnnie continued to dig until the hole commenced filling up with water. A pump was obtained aud the digging continued, untdl it is now eight feet deep. Hope Milt* i* greatly excited. Tie old women say they are not superst - lieu*, but are afraid to put their beads out of the windows after dark. Tha young men joke about tha yellow mon ey, but wear silver dimes in Ibeir shoes when they go out at night. Johnnie is still digging.—Fayette ville Observer, , It is with pleasure that we not* the Improvement* io tha Morning Herald, a paper published in Durham, N. C. It is now one of the uealert and newsi est daiie* in th* State. Its owners are ineu thoroughly equipped for the busi ness. Mr. Uarfdry, the editor, has bad several years experience and ia a good news gatherer; Mr, Rollins is business manager and i* wall fitted for the posi tion he occupies; Mr. King, who haa charge of the mechanical department, ia a practical printer, aud to him may be attributed Lts neat appearance. We wish tbs Herald all possible success. Trenton Market. CORRECTED weekly by 8. BARKER, •7 —DEALER IK—-. General Merchandise. Corn, . . per bushel, .40 Pea*. Field, . . ” .fill Potatoes, Sweat, Yams, 11 .45 Potatoes, “ Bahama*, “ .30 Chicken*, grown, . . . .20 Eggs, ... per dozen, ,10 Beeswax, . . . per lb., .19 Hides, green, ; per lb., 2{03 Hides, dry. . . “ «.&7 Better, country, . ** .25 Fodder, » . per cwt. 70@“0 Baoon, country, . per lb. * .07 NUMBER «.