'jp Ooe of the Beat FaaJ 1 T ily Papers m Eastern I t Carolina. * * Subscription: *t.ooAyßAi\ VOLUME 1. TRENTON MAILS. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE. FROM OOV*: Lmtm Trenton at 7:45 a. m. Arrives at Trenton st 12:00 m. Leaves Trenton at 2:30 p. tr. Arrives at Trenton »t 6:45 p. ra. FROM rOLLOKIVILLR: Leaves Trenton Tuesdays. Thursday* and Saturday* at 6:00 a. no. Arrives at Trenton (tome days) 3 p. m. FROM KICMLAKDA. Leaves Tieuuju Monday*, Wednesdays and F< id • ys at 6;o‘> a, m. Arrives at Trenton (name day*) 7 p. m. FROM MOSUB: Leaves Mondays. Weduesdaya sod Fri days at 7.-00 a. in. Arrives at Trenton (sameday*) 4 p. no. D. 11, llrrritaoe, P M. "cooiff OFFICIALS. COMMISSIONERS: J. Harper, 8. H. Moors. W. B. Islar, Lsiris Byourn. Clerk Superior Court. 8. K. Koouee, Register of Deads. W. H. Cox, Sheriff. D. H. Harrison, Treasurer. Lewis King C,»rouer, L. H. Mallard, Surveyor, A. F Bscron. Standard Keeper, Beni. Huggm*. Public School Ex’r, Thos. J. w hltaker. Trenton Locate. fihad are becoming plentiful on the Trenton market. Dr. V. A. Whitaker, of Bonus, was in Trenton yesterday. Mr. Amos Heath, of Mayeville, is attending court, and called to see the Nkws. Miss Julia Hammond, of Cypreae Cre-k, is visiting friends sod relatives in Trenton. We are glad to report that Miss Fen ny Whitaker, who has been so seriously ill, is improving. Misses Nettie Broaden and Sue May Kni*ey, have been visiting relatives and fjlands in Beaver Creek. Ex Sheriff J. H. Bell, and brother T. A. Bell, both of PollnkeviUe, were in Trenton lest Monday on business. Mr. *?. M. Hardy, of Institute, whom we knew many ysaessgo, has been vis itlng his sou E. L. Hardy in Trenton. Rev. Mr. Benson, pseior of Jones circuit, made a most interesting talk In the prayer meeting at. the Methodist church in Trenton last Wednesday night. Ws Havel been in Formed .that coun terfeit nickles are in circulation in this community. Keep a sharp look out both tor the spurious coin the party or pAitlee who are toying to twindle the people. The local editor of the Nbwb has built him a small river boat and at the suggestion of our friend. Mr. J. P. Brog.! dsn. named it the 'EaptbrwCarou jca Nrws.” It floats nicely and will never sink. Dr. Allan, tha celebrated medicine vender, attended court tbie week. We have known the Doctor for many years and have always found him to b» an honorable gentleman. We trust he may have much success daring his so* Journ in this lift. The gold brick ewindltr is on the road again. We learn from the Fayette ville Observer that a gentleman in Jnn< s*>oro, N. C., wee swindled out ol about 33,500. Whsn the aforesaid gen • t'emen app*« hi fur midst we would suggest that they be. escorted to the most convenient limb tied to the end of a rope. A special meeting of the town Com missioners was hold laet Thursday night. Among the boslutes transacted was that looking to placing of lamps on the streets of Trenton. A commit tee wae appointed to correspond with persons who deal in lamp goods and ascertain their cost. We feel proud of thia action of the comttJaokware, and we know the oltliena of Trent-on will vote them a debt of everlasting gratl tods for keeping them out of the mud and ditches of dark uighto. 1 ASTERN CAROLINA NEWS. Mies Addlo C. Cox. of Catherine Lake. Onslow county, is visiting friends end relatives in Trenton. Capt. Bobt. Hancock, conductor on the A. aud N. C. Railroad, was In Trenton Tuesday, witness in the Gray case. Onr friend Jim Smith, of the A. aud N. C. Railroad, was in Trenton Tnes day attending curt. Jim*, called to see n*. and subscribed to the News. We had the pleasure of a visit from Mr. M. C. Hiuli >rdaon. Solicitor of thia district. He told um that he was a subscriber to nil the newspapers in his district and by no moan* could make the News an exception. The Ladles Missionary Society, of Trenton, held its regular monthly meet ing in the Methodist church laet Thurs day af'trooon. There was a rair atten ds nee. and the services interesting.— An Aid Bociety wae organized at this meeting. We have many women in Trenton who take much interest In Christian work. A most pies ant entertainment was given at the Court House Mommy night for the boneflt of the Methodst parsonage. It consisted of singing and instrumental music, lutarspersad with innocent fan. The eiuging of Miss Wlnd.ej was specially good. All did well. The gross receipts were 39.71. Dr. C. J. Mattocks, of n«*r Pollocks* ville, attended court Tuesday, and called on the Nxwa. He informed us that be atUnded the tuneral. laet Sun day In Onslow, of Andrew Hurst, which was largely attended. About eeventy-five Masons were in the pro cession, and more than five hundred people present. The American Fertilizer Company's managers are a nong the very largest users of fertilizers, and know what it takes io salt each crop, and manufact ure these goods to do this. They also make the highest grade of goods. See N. C. Experiment Station Analysis. Call on their agent, T. C. Whitaker. Trenton N. C., and leave your order for what you want in Fertil.Or, ha can supply you. See his ad. JONES SUPEROR COURT. The Superior Court of Tone# County convened leet Monday about 12 m., Judge Mclver presiding. The Judge's cberge to the Grand Jury was full and comprehensive, ex plaining the lav in a wav easily under stood. The following cases were disposed of up to going to press. Sta*e vs, Arthur Koouee and Benj. Haskins, affray and disturbing divine worship, Dctcndsuts submit, judge ment suspended upon payment of coat. BUtte vs. Frank Kinsey F- and A. Continued. Stale vs. 8.8. House, for murder. Alias Judgement v«. Carteret county tor cost in nine insurance casee. State vs, Tice and Suit Meadows, as sault with a deadly weapon. Not guilty. State vs. Johann* Jnuee. for assault and battery. Defendeut called and failed. State vs. J. F. Ballard. Defendant personally recognized to appear at the next term or court. State vs. Nancy Holt, assault with a deadly weapon. Defendant called end failed. State vs. Lsnra Hill, assault and battery. Defendants dwcliaiged as an insolvent. ritatays. Harvey Andrews. Slaodsr, Defondant guilty. Fined 3200 to be paid by next term of court. State vs. Jo* n Thigpen. Seduction Defendant plead guilty. Judgment sus pended on payment of eost. State vs. Joho Thigpen, bastardy, plead guilty. Judgemaut suspended on pay meat of eost. Singer Manufacturing Co. vs. Jas, 0. Gray., Vardict in favor ot defended Gray. Jae. O. Gray vs. Atlantic and N. C. Railroad. Com promised by awarding tha plaintiff 3300. A f AFER FOR OF f> BOPLE yANT THE NEWS, TRENTON, N. C„ MARCH 24. 1897. \ THE A. C. LINE AVe have heard It rumored Ibat the Atlautiu.Cosst Line will likely buy the Wilmington. New Berne aud Norfolk Railroad. If such a sale should bs con sums ted we trust the Coast Line people will consider the feasibility of extend ing the road from Pollack* vllle to Klas | too byway of Treuton. The rood would pass through one of tbe most i prosperous aud wealthy sections in Eastern Carolina. Those who are ac quainted with tbe farming Interests be. tween Pnlloksviile aud Trenton know something of the many large and val uable forms through which the roed would run. aud from Treuiou to Kin ston, it would Dues through what is known as the Beaver Creek section, whose lends are rich and i reductive, and where can be found many thou sand acres of land in a high stats of cultivation. At Kinston therxteuelon would connect wiih the Greenville brauchofthe Coast Line, thus givtug this road a doable track between Wii mingtonaud Norfolk. We believe this would be oue of tbe host paying roods io tbe state »f construe led along the route proposed by tbe Nkws. If we understand the mission of railroads it is to do business, sod the larger the traffic tbe greeter the profit. A road through a barren waste or a impene trable swamp inhabited ouly by wild animals- cannot bs expected to add much to its wealth. If the authorities of tbe Atlantic Cost Lins will taka the trouble to In form themselves in regard to the route we propose, we believe they will give the matter weighty consideration; and, should they become the owners of the Wilmington, New Berue and Norfolk road, will dud this ibe shortest and mj*t profitable connection they could possibly make. We notice the following lawyers in attendance at the prerant perm of Court: Hon. F. M. Simmons of Raleigh. 1). L. Ward, A. D. Ward, Kerk Stephen,C. H. Thomas, P. M. Pearsall W. W. Clark, of New Berne; J. Q Jackson, W. D. Pollock, N. J.Bouse, ol Kinston; F. D. Koouee, of Richland*; A. H. White, of Follockaville; aud T. A. Gilman, of Jacksonville, W. G. McAllister, Treuton. - ! irnm-Ttr — Cove I tempi, Since the fair weather set in onr farmers are all busy trying to make up tha time lost during the rainy season. Messrs L. F. Taylor, and f, W. White, had the misfortune to loss*a fine horse apiece recently, both aiml laniv effected. Mr. Jaws Garrett, of Dover, will spend he spring months here, he ex pects to spend the Summer among the mountains, he is quite jolly, aud we are glad have him among us. Several of our citizens wars called 10 attend New Reroe Court this week, and let me tell you. Cove it sxeemely dull ou account of their absence. Mips H’Ule Taylor, is visiting friends in New Berne. Miss Faille Richardson, who has betD confined to her room for severe) mouths, died Sunday morning. A large number *»f friouds witnessed her burial at. tbe old fornily graveyard Monday after noon. Bha leaves a number ~f relatives and friends to mourn their loss, which we hope to her, was gain. Gjqinerly Items*. Mia« Nettle Kilpatrick, of Pollock*- villa, is visiting friends aud ralatlvss. gome of our farmers are plan t ng corn wbll# snipe of them haven't broken their land vet on account tbe extreme ly wet weather. Live in hope, farmers. It will stop raining some time. Mr. J. W. Quinerly and hrother. who wae burned out some time ago will go to Aydftn to open again. Mr. J.W.Qolnerly has gone to the Nor thern Markets to purchase their goods. We are sorry to tee this firm leave our community. There wka not any sevricee In tha Episeonal church lest Sunday owl-ig to the inclement weather. Onr farmers don't seem to "take side*" much with our bro. liemlaar of Tuckahoe concerning the fertiliser quee. turn, ns they are using U very freely in ibis section of tbe county. Hiohlands Item#. Tbe people of this suction have pretty generally settled dowh to work. The death of Mr. John Brock has coet a gloom of sadness over this com munity. Mr. F, D. Shaw has been visiting friends and relatives in Dupilu county. Hope his visit was pleassnt. Tbe Richland* high school conducted by Mr. G. V. Tilley is meeting with much success. The meetings ol the Adams Literary Society are quite interesting. Mr. William Berber has about com pletsd his bouse. The prayer meetings nt Adame School House conducted by A. F. Scott, are well attended end instructive. Miss Ella Chadwick, has been visit ing the family of Mr. J. A. Marsh burn. Hope ebe e» Joyed her visit. We have been having an abundance ot raio, and Mr. EU Cox predict* a wet year. Joseph Green, one of our Hominy swamp merchants, Is doing a good bus iness Maysville Items. And yet it rains and tbe formers are gloomy. Prof. J. B. Collins, of near Polloks vills, paid ns a flying visit last week. W. F. Mattoks, an up to-date mer chant of Miry Branch la preparing to move his stock to this p'aoa. He should advsrtise in tbs News. Mr. B. W. Gillet end Bro. Elver, make almost weekly visits to Biella. Which onc.u the nearest? Mr. W. H. Rogers, oue of Maysvslle’s most handsome young mao baa both ayes on one of Onslow's foireat Give us e slice ofcaks Will? Hog colers baa bstu among our hogs for two years, will some of the contrib utor* to the Xnws give nt a remedy. Our Sunday School,-we are glad to learn, wii] be reorganised the let Sun day in April. It will only be a abort lima, unless some air in gam laws are passed for tbeir i protection, that tbe partridge and quail will be birds ouly of tbe past. Mr. W. T. Cabo, accompanied by onr old friend F. B. Lane of New Berne spent several days at this place laet week lu which lime Tote exhibited some of his sporting '’stock.” Tobo is a good -hot. Mr. J, F. Maldee of Fowls, wae in town yesterday purchasing his supply of coal tar. says hs likes to plant corn In March, that the ears grow larger but the stalk doesn’t grow as toll as it planted in April, Maysville, N. C., March 20 1897- Mr. Editor:—Blues' time Immemorial there has baen a diversity in opinion as to whether or not the moon has any effect upon the Earth. This of course we wii', leave to such Astrouo - mars as wars Hereehel, Tyndall and others of equal astronomical abilities, but the point at which we are trying to gat at le whether or not it hue any ef fect upon growiog crops or upon seeds planted at its dills relit change# Wva heard experienced formers discuss this subject and while one would say there was a great difference ,another would say that he had perceived none, and so it goes, but this leaves tha rising gen eration to follow along the same oH rough hewn paths of thsir ancestors with not a glesm of light upon the sub ject . We think that onr exp«rimantal officers should experiment thoroughly upon this subject end if there be any thing mlt ffivH it to the public. As for ns we mtend to keep in tbe old rut. plant in the moon, if it quite ralniug time enough, (hey may call us what they may, Lunatic or anil-Lunatic or what not ws Inland to follow tha rules as taught by onr fathers until some ex periment! station sands us a bulletin folio!moon*Jthsir changes and effects. | Fir 'The sun he do move.” 1 IT. M. Collins. ***"K"***Hl n f Subscription: IP f 31.00 PER YEAR. M | 50 Cte. Six Months. | p. y. yHITAKEW, pDITOK. Death of W. G. Burk head. After au Illness of several weeks Mr. - W. G. Burkhsad, of Whitevllle, Co lumbus county, died March 18th In Raleigh at 12:1ft o’clock, at the rest denes oLMr. J. Hs) Bobbitt. Mr. Bulkhead died of Bright’s disease, Hs went to Raleigh for treatment, but the disease began to make such rapid progress that his physicians saw that he could not live.—News & Observer. It Is with modi regret that we chron icle the death of Mr. Burkhsad. We knew him well, and hie dlspLiiilon was always genial and pleasant. We traot bis spirit has gone to the home of the blest where disease never enters. The President sent to tbe Bennie last Thursday tbe following Dominations; - Powell Clayton, of Arkansas, to he envoy extraordinary and minister ple nipotentiary of the United States to Mexico; Win. M. Osborns, ol Massa chusetts, Consul General of United Stages at London; John K. Qowdy, of ludlsna, Consol General of the United States at Pans; Jos. H. Brigham, of Ohio, to ho Assistant Secretary of Ag riculture; Perry 8. Heath of Indiana, to be First Assistant Postmaster Gen eral. The Mississippi river at Memphis, Thursday oigbt, registered 34.2 foot. The danger lino is 33 feet, and it is thought that the water above will run the river to 36 or 36 1-2 feet, which will, so experionosd river men say, overflow Arkansas as for as Crowley’s Ridgs, forty miles Iron Memphis, The most serious feature of tbe present size of the river Is tbs possibility ot It cut ting out a new had tor itself through Crittenden county. Ark., and leaving Memphis high and dry, or at least leaving her on a shallow inks. Should this happen tbe 33,000,000 bridge which steeds ecro** the Miwssippi will end at the new Eastott hank of tba river. . Hews Items. .Emperor William, of Germany, fa •aid to be insane. Repairs are being made on tha Meth odist parsonage in Trenton.. A. E. Holton says' he » confident of getting tbe Western distiict attorney ship. Tbs Norfolk Virginian reports tha crop of peanuts in tight to be tbit smallest since 1890. The report from Bradstreet and Dan do cot show any improvement in hue ineas throughout tbe country. The murderers of Pearl Bryan, Wal ing and Jackson, wore hanged at Frankfort. Ky, lest Saturday. It is reported that Col. A. B. An drews favors ibs appointmend of Chat. Price, of Salisbury, to fill the vacancy Caused by the death of Judge Seymour. The Washington correspondent of the Atlanta Constitution save that “Tndge Russel has been given assuran ces that if be desires the vacant United States Judgeship io that Slate ha ran have it.” The general opinion in Ral eigh le that Govenor Bussell prefers to he Governor, or rather that he will not accept the fudgethip end fight it out on the hue of being Govenor for the whole four years.—Tbe News And Observer. .M For the News. Brooks School. The Instructors of tin Brooks School / James City dietmt, rsquewta the pres ence of lovers of school work, at tha annual Rhetorical Exhibition, U. the Bchoo] Building. Wednesday evening March 319 i. at 7:80o'clock. J. T Barber. j . Mbs. M. A. Avkrette, { Id " l ** Miss Gubsie V. Moore, Organist. Rheumatism Quickly Cured. Altai having been confined to tha house fur eleven days and paving out 325 In doctors bill* without benefit, Mr. Frank Dolsoo or Sanlt Bte. Marl*-. Mich., waa cored by one bottle of Chamberlain'# Bain B,lra costing 2ft cents and ha* not alnea b*eo troabl-d with that complaint. For sale by J. P. Brogd*u. * NUMBER 6.