J One of the Best Fam-J T ily Papers m Eastern W Carolina. (Subscription: *1.06 a VOLUME 1. Trenton Locate. Our formers have settled down to bard work. Sheriff D. H. Harrison waa in Tran ton Monday. J. W. Wootan was a Trenton visitor last Monday. Mr. F. F. Graan was in Trenton Mon- j day on business. Tl«a rain has csassl, or we hope it lias for a while. EaeTSBN Cabomna Newb only 1100 per year. Mr. C. D. Bradbaro, one of New Berne's most prominent Druggist, was in Trenton last Monday on business. y isses Nettie Brogdsn and Pus May Kinsey, have returned from Cypress Creek, where they have been visiting tor the past two wesks. Miss Kate Holland and Dr. 8. E. Koonce, of Pollooksviile, epent Mon day night in Trau ion with (Hands and reiativsa. They returned homo Tues day. Ths N*wn staff returns lla thank* to Mis* Ida Hargett, stir Ur kind invita tion to ba prsesnt at closing of ths school naar Maysvills, ovar which tbs •o worthily and falthfolly presides. Nothing add* in ora to church wor ship than good muaic: and wa congrat ulate our Mathodlat triend* on tha im provement made along this tint. Tba muslct last Sunday waa vary good Hon. H. F. Brown, of Tuckahoa, representative from Jones county> the last legislature, waa in Trenton iaet Monday. Mr. Brown gave in hi* sub scription to tha Xnwß. mod expressed much gratification of bayiog a paper published w tba county. Mr. John P. Hall, of Naw Beroe, came to Tredton Monday, and look hie niece, Mies Sadia Hall, who has been visiting relative in Trenton, back with him. Mis* Sudic ia a charming young lady, and will be imaead by har many iriende. Wa bops it will not ba loug before aba comes again. We inadvertantly omitted to noUoe a moat pleasant party given the child eru of Trenton by Mrs. Bal»ie Brown, at ber residence a few days ago. It was an enjoyable occrsioo, and the ■ hostess will always occupy a warm place in the hearts of the children for giving them an aptsruiumeui that afforded them so much pleasure. The Mutual Aid Society oi Jones County, will hold a regular monthly meatlug next Saturday. April 3d, in the Court house In Trenton. It U im portant that every member be present as mailers of vita) inUrwt t 6 the So ciety will be brought before It. Also let every member respond tothe death aaeeeamaat called, at tbumeeting. Tha dwelling bouse of Hr. J., F, Nobles, about four miles from Trenton, was destroyed by fire '.a&t Friday. It is thought that the fir* originated from & spark from a chimney. M-wt of the furniture and household goods were saved, but were badly broken and dam aged Mr. Nobles had no insurance on tha property, so wa learn, and the loss U a heavy one. Spring ha* come, and two hearts are made glad. Mr. Simon Durwiis, of Treutou, mat hie wife, who has been in Baltimore for quite awhile, In New Berne last week. They lutn not seen each other before iu twelve months, and'it was a joyful meeting. Simon looks like the'•sweet easeuca of spring'* as he walks the streets with a child by inch bund. Bev. J. M. Benson, pastor of Tren ton circuit, filled his legnlar appoint ment last Sunday In Trenton. His text: "Bear ye one another’s burdens and ao fkalflll the law of Chriat.” Galls tloot, vi ch., 2.i v„was bandied with markod ability, and listened to by a larga and appreclativa audience. He gave tome good advice on burden bear ing that every one present might apply •to bun or hatsell for good. S ' Ml GUMfltt MS. A Railroad Through Jones Co. | As wa stated la our lest issue a j railroad running from Pollocksvllle To { Kinston would pass through one of the j moot prosperous sections lu Eastern I North Carolina. Almost every foot! of laud being In a high slate of cultiva tion. A large portion of these lands are adanted to the growth ot tobacco, j and trucking might tie earned on with profit. As present only cotton Is be ing raised by the farmeress their piir.- j clpai money crop. but. if we bed fast transportation thry would diversify their crone, and Jones couutv would undoubtedly be the ’'garden spot” of Eastern Carolina. Let every man in Tones county who feel# an interest io the future prosperity of his county, lend hi* aid in getting a road. The lttie we propose is practical, and we believe will profiiible to its owners. Rtw Adds from Kew Berne J. W. Stewart. Perhaps no man in New Berne has had a more successful business career I than J. W. Stewart. He went to lh»t asity in 1883 from near Fort Barnwell, Craven county, a comparitivsly poor young man, and began the livery boat uese, and within a period of fourteen years, ba* amassed a fortune that auy one might feel proud of. His place of business is on Brovd Street, and occu pies a frontage of lIR feet bv 214 deep and almost tbs entire space is occupied by buildings for the transaction'of bis immense busmens. His stables are built of brick arid conveniently arrang ed, and no .uen in North Carolina car ries a larger and finer lot of horses and male*. In connection with his stables be carries a lain* stock of buggies sod wagons; also haruees, whlpa, and a great assortment of furnishings or ex ire parta for harness, buggies, and sic., such aa dashes, wheel, buckles., in fact, everything needful. To give some idea of his immense stock, Mr. Stewart in formed ns that one order tor whips alone amounted to 220 dozen, and that of harne*a as high as 107 set*; and be lute had iu bis houv# and on tba road at one lime as muob as 300 sets. Tlia Nkws takes great pleasure in ooliug the success or Mr. Htewart, and we give it as an object lesson to yonng men who may be starling out in life, that tbty may emulate the example set by him. Square dealings and close attention to business Las made him what he la. D. F. Jarvis, - Another one of New Berne's most successful merchants carries a large and well selector! stock of dry goods, notions, dec., also carpet* and matting* He buys his goods from the largest and most reliable Northern houses, and makes his purchases early in the season, before the goods are picked over. See his ad In this issue of the Nkws and invest port of your money witb'him when in New Berne, J. H. Hackburn. Whose advertisement appears in this issue of the Nbws ia au op-to-date merchaut. He occupies a large double store, in one are dry goods, notlo >*. &c„ in the other are groceries. Hi* stocks are first class lu every respect. In reply to a question asked a gentle . mao, he said: -You can get just what you want from Hackburn, aud I tell yon s>r, be carries nothing but the very beat.’* Don't fcH w <*U wheD 1® No* Berne and examine the goods of Mr, Hackburn. Charles B. hill Joea the latest grain and feed business hi the city of New Berne. He ia a liberal advertiser which is the key to his succsss. Bead bis ad. in ths Nbws. *, A Correclion. footnr report of the court process ing last week, it waa atatsd that Harvey Andrews waa convicted of slandor, and fined 4200. This was a mistake; Mr. Audrwwe waa not on trial for elaoder, nor was ba fined any thing. We make this statement in Justice to Mr. Andrews. ft Paper for of Who Want the |_athst News. TRENTON, N. C., MARCH 81. 1897. | Ed Pace > White In New Berne this week we [ met our old friend Col Ed Pace. We j were glad to learn from him that be I had boon employed to look after the ! leaf tobacco interest of this section. It was Mr. Pace who began end built up largely, the tobasco business in Wilson, ami we unhesliatlnglp affirm tbstifoor New Berne friends had looked the state over they could not (have found a man better qualified to fill the position-be holds. If you will take bis advice about the culture and handling of .tobacco you will not go wrong. Qtiinerly Items. Mr. E. E. House, of Jasper, spent lsst week ia our tr’wn. Mr. Fred Johns<u, returned home last week from Beustoc, where he bee been teaching. Misses* Rosa, Annie. and Lucy Lane, of Fort Barnwell, sp*ut last Saturday and Sunday with Miss Ethel Wooten. We are sorry to know that our friend Mr. 8. G. Barrington had the misfor tune to lose a nice horse last week. Miss Estelle Wooten of Coahoma, who has been visiting at Mr. J. B. Mays, returned home last Saturday. Missus Sudfe Pittman and L xsie Blunt ars visiting M;as Maggie Laugh inghoote. We are glad to koow that Mrs. Mary Herding, who has bean sick some time is slowly Improving. Dr. William Cobb Whitfield and Mr. A- M. M<», l* were the guest of Mis? Minnie Dawson last Sunday. Mias Nepple E. May and Ml** Ethel Woollen, epsut cart of last week at Maplo Cypress. Hielilands Item*. Everything is lively in this section. Farmers are planting corn. We learn that Tommy Koonse r-cci deotly got his foot cut very badly a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. J. N, Lanier was the guest o' F. D. Shaw Saturday and Sun day. Your correspondent has just return , ed from a big visit, and is lovesick to the fullest extent. Mr. G. W. Pedrtck, who hae been i very sick, we are glad to note Is oat strain. Mrs. Annie Pears*) and Miss Liuis Ewin are the guest of T. F. Barbee. Married on the 24Lb of March, A. D. 1898, at the residence of the brides father, Mr. Frank King to Miss Bertha Cox. F. D. Swaw, Esq., officiated. Mayeville Items, Wh-o-w! This don’t feel much like planting corn. Tne moon must be wrong Many thanks to Mr Lewis Bynum for a receipt for hog colors. If it proves infallible we'll give it witnout prioe to tke readers of the Saws. ' Mr. K. R. Hey has made considerable improvement upon hie farm. Messrs. A N. Hay and R. H. Waters have planted corn. They did not wait l for the moon. Mr. a«. Waters, one of onr most en terprising and energetic farmers, has made a notable improvement on hie lower farm. Bootby is a good oue. A trip through the oonutry from here to Stella will show to the,most careless observer that the farmer* are not asleep. Our town commissioners, with the mayor, met this week for the Ant time, and the flrei order made was lu build a a lock-up. That's right. Your scribe madia a business trip to Stella this week, hut on account of cold weather he never gleaned much new news. Corbett and Fitssimmon* are much talked of yet by the aparting "bloods.” Even the children worry tie about fixing tend bags, poles, bars. Ac. ; They all seem to be ‘’ebook’’ full of fight ’ and want to help whale Fit* We tell them that the hoe, axe. ahorel and spade helves, with a change occasionally to the plough handles, is as good exercise m is seeded to whip all the spoilt in the world- Jb o wle Items. Snow and hall fill this morning. Mr. aud Mm. J, X. Foscue spent lest Saturday anil Sunday visiting relatives of this pi re. Mr. Herbert Msides, who has beta absent several days, is at home igier. The Cedar Gleno school clusvd last Wednesday. Mr. D. Moore, of gwansbnrn. with hitgraphophone, helped us Friday to pas* away a few hours. Misses Mag and Lizzie Era«tt. ot Ce dar Folut, have beau visiting Miss May be l Foscue . Mieses Barker and Williams spent •everel boors with us last wsek. &sv. C. P. Snow filled bis appoint ment at Hopewell last Monday, preach ing from the text! "What is thy ilia." Miss Lulu Msides was visiting in Carteret lest week. At Maysville, on Friday night, Apr).. 9th, s C. Sociable is to be glveu for the benifit of Hopewell M. F. church. The public are Invited to be present.’ Managers; Mrs. A. J. Collins. An nia Truckner, K. F. Foscue. aud Miea Lulu Msides, and Zoe Foscue. Mr. end Mrs. Cyras Foscue. are spending a low days In Jacksonville. Covo Items, Messrs W. W. Porter aud J. B. Avery, of Perfection, spent Sunday afternoon hero. Miee Sadie Taylor left for Goldsboro Friday to *p*ud a few days with friends there ' Mrs. Sarah Sears left yesterday to visit relatives in New Berue. Miss Fannie Avery epent a few days at Perfection last wsek. Mr. W. C. Blanchard delivered a lecture In the Baptist Church here last Sunday night. His Subject’ was: "Cbrlsi lan Education." Quite a crowd were in attendance, and each one of them loft feeliug ranch benefited, end all pronounced the lecture a perfect success. We hope to have Mr. Blanctr aid with us again one or these days. Messrs B. M. White and O. L. Weihenng. sccomiwnied by Misses Octav.a and Norm Wstherington spent Sunday afternoon at Jasper. Os course they had a splendit time. r. ■— ■»■«» - Beaver Creek I ema, * A. „ : y Mr. W. H.* Andrews commenced pUnting.com last Monday a week ago. The people in this section are very much behind with theirgardene. Mr. Joe Killings*orth and fiimilv visited ihelr mother last Monday. Mr. Araoe Jones caaght a flue shad last week. ‘ Mr. j. G. Andrews, who has been quite sick, we are glad to note ia better. Miss Conimie Wnotsn spent a lew days last wsek at Mr. B. B. Duuns. Mr. B. Mo rear whits taking his best girl to ruts, o«me near having a runa way. No damage dona. ■« Tbs American Fertilizer Company's managers are among the very largest users of fertilisers, aud know what it takas to suit each cro , and ntsuulaci ors these goods to do this. They also msko tha highest grade of goods. See N. C. Experiment Station Analysis. Cal! on their agent, T. O. Whitaker, Trenton, N. C., and leave your order fm what you want in Fertilizers he can supply you. See his sd.iu the Nbwb. Largest Stock, Greatest Variety, » Best Quality, Lowest Prices w BE FOVJm vsss SECTION* Mdlerk Agent for two of the largest Flour Mills lu this country. lh£.Sugar direct from the Refineries. ESFOur Goods are bought from first hands, saving the middle mans profit, and we sell at Manufacturer'* Prices. \ Our Dr? Goads Danai+iwaflt I* » marvel of Complsuoee*.— , r*, It combines the most sxqalsite Oomtort f Bprln * * nd Buramef wear, with everything neoeaeary for Our Shot ,,^s:r m , S? l r 8,w "“" 0 “”’ rt ’ J. H. HACK BURN, (Successor* to Hsokburn A Willett.) NEW3ERNE, N. CL 4*4K»*fe<3***4*'i*? I Subscription: m * 81.00 PER YEAB.# ! 50 Cts. Six Months. p. y. yHITAKER, ftpiTOß. For the News, - Closing Exercises The closing exercises of the public schorls In district No. 8, st Brick Kiln will he rm ihs evening of April the 21. ami will consist • t music, declamations, recitation*, and dialogues. The publ'c are invited especially the News staff. Honor 801 l for March: Misses Jennie Ward, Lumroit Ward, Sadis Provo, Lillian Provo, Luna Provo, Ida Biggs, Della Bynum, and Master Fields Humphrey. Miss Ida Haagstt, Teacher. DIKLL ’ Ills with much sorrow that we chronicle the death of Mrs. Isittis Boone. wife of Mr. Edgar Boone, who died 00 the 2Htb lost,, of perltooltle. 8h« was Ihe daughter of Mr. Frederick B Becton, and neice of Mrs. Dr. F. A. Whitaker. She leaves an infant child one month old, a broken hearted husband, and many Artauds and rela tives to mourn their lost, Mre. Boone had a most fovabie character, was • true Christian and while this dispensa tion of G ds providence may ssem mysterious, let us remember that H« uever makes a mistake. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved ones. Tht heavy frneta of the pest week have, we fear, destroyed the. fruit crop in this seHlnn. also early vegetables have been killed. Rheumatism Quickly Cured. Aftet having bean confined to the house for eleven days and paying out |25 In doctors bill* without benefit, Mr. Frank Dnlson of Han It Bte. Marie. Mich., was cared by oue bottle of Chamberlain's Pain B*tm costing 25 cents and has not since been troubled with that complaint. For sale byj. P. Brogden. , .. ■ ■.J. 1 1 1 ■»«■■■» Wanted-An Idea aSSSS Troteot voci fOsssi |her war brineise wsSttk. a;» fegsffl* Atlantic and N. C, Baitroa’, r \ imeTable N 0.2 To take effect Wednesday, Nov- 27,1898, BisiSr” *1 X* i * STATIONS. t *g ■jJ i,» • JM *Bl* K 3 -] J g *** s« s, , & a* iml pm am pm 7 20' 820 Galdsboro, 1125 800 753 j 840 Bool's 1108 720 816 849 L»Grange, .10 52 650 «3« 400 Falling Creek, 10 42 630 9244 12 Kinston, 10 32 600 9 38j 421 Caswell, 10 20 518 10151 430 Dover. 10 12 420 10 40 441 C«rs Creek, 10 00 400 11 Id' 4 54. Tuscan**, 950 888 11 81 500 Clark’s, 942 820 ‘ 1305 25 New Berne, 91710 47 2125 50 Blvenlsls 8 53j1010 2205 53 (.‘roman, 8 49; 10 00 243 605 Havelock, 8 40; 940 [312 618 Newport, 8269 06 i 825 624 Wildwood, 819 847 j 331 629 Atlantic. 8158 38 3 *1 642 Morehead City 801 8 15 I 4 011 650 M. City Depot 7 45, 750 1 ptn 1 pm i n m a m I tDsily.sxcspt Boudnv. * Monday , Wedneaday, and Friday. i Tueesday, Thursday and Saturday. 8. L. DILL. Superintendent. NUMBER 9.

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