*ir . : f \ T On* of the Best Fam-¥ aper* m Eastern ¥ Carolina. t {Subscription: ai.ooAyKAi\ VOLUME 1. TRENTON MAILS. arrival and uwartubk. FROM COVR f LeAves Trenton »t 7:45 *. nn. Arrive* at Trenton at 12:00 m. Leave* Treutnu at 2:30 p. u*. Arrive# at Trenton hi 6:45 p. m. FROM F<>LVUt«VII>Ue I Leaves Trenton Tnesdnys, Thursday* end Saturday* at 6:00 a. m. Arrive* at Trenton (wmsday*) 3 p. m. FROM RIOHbAltlJa. Leave* Tieutuu jMondajre, Wednesdays end F.id.veelOK)U,in. Arrive* at Trent™ (mm« day*) 7 p. m. from bonus: Leave* Monday*, WedmwJays and Fri day* at 7:00 a. m. Arrive* at Trenton (tameday*) 4 p. m. D. n. Hehkitaob, P M. COUHtT OFFICIALS COXUISSJOXBHS: J, Harper, S. H. Moore. W. B. laltr, Lewi* Bynum. Clsrk Superior Court. 8. B. Koonce, Register of Deed*, W. H. Cox, Sheriff. D. H. HurrNon, Treasurer. Lewi* King Coroner, L. H. Mallard, Surveyor, A. F B«c»on. Muiidard Keeper. Beni. Htjffltn*, PubiicSchool Ex'ir, Tboe.J. Whitaker. Trenton Locals. The News only 61.00 a year. We are having lowly Spring weath «. er. The boye ere getting their fishing tackle In good trim. liev. Mr. Summerlll ('pent last Ban dar night In Trenton. Mrs. Julia McDaniel and Mrs. J. A. Smith visited New Berne last Tuesday. The Mutural Aid Society of Jon** County meet* in Trenton next Saturn day. Masonic ceremonies last Sunday were conducted by Dr. C. J. Mattock*. Master of Trent Lodge. The usual large crowds that visit Trenton on Saturday are becoming smaller, as the farmsrs are generally bnsy with their crops. Rev. Dr. Tt. H. Whltaksr, of Raleigh, arrived In Trenton last haturilay even ing to attend the bedside of our broth er, Mr. Thoe. J. Whitaker. Mrs. M. H. Brown, Mr*. Jennie Koonce, and Mre. Lina Wooten, are visiting their sister, Mrs. Sarah Whit nfcir, wife of tha late Thoe. J. Whita ker. Mies Novella Brngden returned home Monday afternoon from a visit to friend* in Pollookavilla. Dr- »• K- Kndoce ac companied her and returned Tuesday morning. At a meeting of the Board of Com mUsionere of the Town of Trenton D. W. Whitaker was elected Mayor to fill the vacancy caused by tbs death ol Mr. Thus. J. Whitaker. Remember the Farmer* Mutual Fire Insurance Association rosata next Sat urday the 17ib. J. 8. C. Carpenter, tbs Bute Agent will be present. It is important that awry member of this branch should be present. For the information of some of the old widowers of the county, we will •ay, that while we fsel proud of the wonderful effect the News is having for good, “even on the water we drink,” there la one thing we cannot do, restore eight to the Mind; but we believe ir » certain gallant widower, we know will reed the News for twelve months be will be able to tell the difference between a lady of sixty five and one of thirty. The American Fertiliser Company's manager* *re among the very largest u'*r« of fertilisers, and know what It takas to suit each crop, and manofcct •ire Iheee goods to do this. They also make the highest grade of good*. Bee N. C. Experiment Btatioo Analysts. Call on their agent, T. 0. Whitaker, Trenton, N. C., tnd leave your order fox what von want In Fertiliser* be can ( supply yon. See his ad in the Nkw». umm CAROLM MS. DEATH OF THOS.J, WHITAKER. ’ Our community, during all of Inst week, wet greatly concerned and alarmed over the illness of Thus. J. Whitaker, the Mayor of Trenton, and the constant Inquiry we*: "is there any change for the betters” from his first attack, on Sunday a week ago, until Saturday morning, last, he grew worse end worts until death come aud closed hts mortal career. He died about 7 o’clock Siturday morning the 10th Inst, of Pneumonia, in tha 7 lib year ol bis age. Thoe. Jefferson Whitaker waa born In Wake county, near Raleig. Oct. 6ih 1823, and was the eldest child of Thomas G. Whitaker, who lor many year* occupied a prominent position in the affairs of Weks county, being for many years Chairman of tbs County Court. Thoe. Jefferson Whitaker, tba sub* jvctoftbls akeich, embraced religion when quite yonpg end Joined tha M. E. Church South, and throughout a long Ilia he exemplified, most besullfuliy the Christian character, leaving behind him as a legacy to hie children aud Trieuds the best of all good gift*—e godly example. When a man he married Miss Annie Rollins, daughter of Harwell Rollins Esq., of Wake county. On* son was born ol this marriage, Dr. T. A. Whitaker, of this county, whose mother died at fcn birth. In 1851, he to* k a position as assistant in tbs Richland High School, and daring that year he was married to Sarah Koonce. daughter of Mr. Chlvin Koosce, de ceased, of tius county. Os that mar riaga three eons were born, two of whom are still living, to wit: Thomas O. Whitaker, and Dr. it»m ulns A. Whitaker. Ail of these three sons were with the father in hie last slckoase lovingly and tenderly minia turing to every want. In addition to the bereaved wife and three sons and their children, who mourn hie departure, the deceased leaves two brothers, Rev. R. H. Whitaker, of Rtleigb, and David W. Wbitaka, the editor of this paper, and two sisters: Mrs 8. S. Turner and Mrs. Richard Koonce, ol Baleigh, who re vere the memory of a dear brother who was ever to them. au example of upright living. F«r upward of forty years the de ceased was a citizen of Jones county, and during that time he held many-im portant offices In the county, such as Sheriff, Clerk, Register of deeds. Sup.. troUndent of Public Instruction Ac., and wee at the time of hie death,Conn ty Examiner and Mayor of the (own; all of which offices he Ailed with credit to himself end fidelity to the good peo ple who honored a r d trusted him.— Judges who held the courts of Jones county were wont to speak of him as the "model Clerk.” That ho wee a popular man was at tested last Bob bath when the funeral occurred. Not leas than six or seven hundred people from ell sections of the county, while and colored, were hero to attend the Tuners!. Tha Methodist church had been draped in mourning around the chancel, pulpit and altar, and loving hands had made a beautiful crown of rarest flowers and placed It on the seat which, for many year*, the departed had been a regular occupant, and right over that crown, wrought in tiny whi<e and purple flowers were tha words, "Sweet Rest.” Tlw church was crowded tooverflow log, awl not half the people could gat in. The service* were conducted by the R*v. James M. Benson, pastor of the church, who, at the {conclusion of tbe toner*! service made a most appropri ate and feeling talk which brought tears to every eye In the house. Tbe Mason ic fraternity then lock charge of the body, and followed to tbe cemetery by the largest assembly of mourners that was ever seen In Trenton they lovingly laid to reek under the elms and hanging mosa and dinging vines the mortal re main* of one who had fklthfallj served fi. Paper for of People Who Want the |-atest News. TRENTON, N. C., APRIL 14. 1897. ! hi* day and generation, arid had gone up to receive hi* crown. Thoe. J. Whitaker will no more be •ren among mortals, but the good life that he lived will be a blessing to hu manity for all time to com*. "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, from henceforth, yea. saith the Spirit, for they rrst from their labors and thair works do follow them. “^scofr Died near Pollorksvllle, (n Jones Co. N. C.. Sunday Morning. April 4th Bro. Brice F. Scott, age 68 year*. Bro. Scott professed faith in Christ and connected himself with the M. E. Church South under the ministry of Rev W. H. Puckett aud remained faithful unto death. A good men has gone—to him death waa gain. It waa the privilege of tbe writer to visit him a short time before he died. He talked freely of his death, ■and expressed no fear, said that be wo* prepared for the change. He wee * kind husband, an affectionate father and a good citizen. His was an active useful life. He leave* a wife, four sons, on* daughter and a number of relative* and friend* to mourn their loss, "but they sorrow not. a* those who have n»» hope.” His end was peace. Hi* tone rai waa preached by his pastor on Mon day April sth at his residence and hie bony placed in family burying ground to await the resurrection morn. •*L‘fc*e duty done, a* sinks the clay. . Light from its load the spirit flies; While heaven and earth combine to •ay. How blest the righteous when be dies.” J. M. Bevson, Pastor. Qninerly Items. Oar formers- are busy preparing to nlai-t cotton. Mrs, Joe Person, the well known doctrets, was In our (own last week. Mr. Haber Flemming «ays bis tobac co plants will be large enough to set out earlier tbau be would like to pot them out. Mrs. alien Johnson is visiting at Grlftou this week. Rev. Alban Greaves will fill his reg ular appointment at St. John* Sunday. Mrs. Nannie I onsa and Miss Brax ton, who have been vising relatives in this city, returned to tbelr borne in Kinston lest Friday. Mr. W. F. Hardmg spent last Sun day In Greenville. Wonder what at traction there is there for Walter t Can some oue give us a little inform ation concerning Mr. J. K. Dixon's whereabout* now? Mre. 8.11. Wilson is quite tick. Mr. J. E. May made a basinets trip to Greenville Wednesday. Can some of our friends give us some method for destroying rats, when they will not eat poison, and are so large that they whip tbe cats. Pert of ths cats have become frighteued and de serted their homes, and tbe others ere so neared at tbe eight of a rat they will go for some remote corner and hide.— It is not strange, when you go into a barn, to sec several large ones on the ratters playing catch with ears of corn, and often will throw the cam at yon, end if yon are not a good dodger they will get yon sore. How shall we get rid of them t Mitohel Hill and Penole Bryan, col ored. of near Trenton, desiring to join themeelve* together in the holy bans of matrimony, and without ths consent of tbe old folks, thought they wiuld quietly go to the clergyman and go through the usual neeesaary ceremony, bat when they arrived in Klnatou, they were molested by Henry Bryen, the father ol the girl, and who at their meeting, took it unto himself to bo master of ceremouies, and took hie daaghtsr buck home, to await *ome future day whhen they will, In all prob ability try it again. i M ■—» » 1 Sam Llpman has jost received a nice Hue of Straw Hate that be is selling et very low prices. Call at once. Orient at 1 tomn. Shed are scarce with us. notwith standing they are cheap. Tbe Wrn. R. McCabe is laden for Snow Hill, Md., with lumber trout the Oriental Lumber Co., of this place. It 1* rumored that tbe Oriental Lum per Co., will shot down for a short tune for re* pair*. The Schooner, Mary D- owned by Capt. D. A. Meson, of this place leave* hern today for New Berne. She will return in a few day*. The good India* of this place set oat with tb* determination to build a M. E. church here, with the help of our good brother, H. E. Tripp, pastor of Famlino circuit. On* of Washington N. U’s. fairest jewels, Miss Kutia Betts, fomerly ol this piece. Is visiting friends here. There will bs an entertainment her* Friday night else 9tb, given by ths la dies, for the bemflt of lb* to E. church. Rev. K. E. Tripp will begin a Pro tracted meeting bare, Monday night the 12 b, eo It has 1* an announced. Tb* recant cold snap has done some damage to the early track, so tba far mers inform a*. W. S. Reddick and Miss Ltola Dele mar, attended the Quarterly meeting of the Free Will Beotiat at Grant*boro last Sunday, *I«o paid Miaa Selphe Koel a visit. The workmen have completed the wharf put in here by the N. 8, R. R. Co., and will leava tomorrow for Now Berne to repair the E. C. D. wharf there. Tbe steamer Nensa will stop hare now on her regular trip as soon a* a schedule is prepared, and tbe agent get* here. Ws have a nice end comodlone wharf and warehouse room here now, that will be of gnat advantage to those in tbe tracking business a* well as tb* merchants. Eggs are plentiful to this section. 1 think it would be Judicious fin- tbe bene to strike for higher wages, Maysville Items. Mbs Agnes Foj, of New Bern*, ar rived this morning. Mr. Cyrus Foscne, of Fowls, is in the village. Messrs. Trackoer and Mattock*, of Stella, passed today auroute to New Berne. Mr- Benson, of Philadelphia, arrived Saturday aud left ior Swans boro Sunday morning. We are pleased to see oar formers to well advanced with their work. Most of them a re a boat i eady to plan t cotton. Mrs. E. L. Cox left this morning for her home in Jacksonville. She has bean vialung bar mother, Mrs. Cyrus Foscne. Dr. Swindell and Rev. Mr. Snow ar rived this morning. Dr. Swindell preached a due sermon at Tabernacle to a large audience yesterday. Taber n da ie one of the handsomest country churches we know of. It l* situated aix miles south of tius place to a very pros perous section of the country. A large congregation gathers there every first Sunday to bear Mr. Snow preach. Largest Stock, . Greatest Variety, Best Quality, Lowest Prices r& ms mm® s. sscrim. A S? DI to* two of the largnst Flour Mills in this country. WTSugar direct from the Refineries. Depirtamt *OSLfJSSSSSSSi Comfort SpriD * Summer wear, with everything trooeessry foe Ow Shoe Jbpufawat J. H. HACK BURN, (Successors to Huckburn & Willett) NEWBERNE, N. a T Subscription: # f 51.00 PER YEAR. $ J 50 Cts. Six Month*. Vs p, y. yHiTAKER, Editor. NUMBER U. Richlande ltome>. Rev. Mr. Summed!! filled hi* regular appoinement on the 4th Saoday in March. Business 1* very dull la nor village now, Mr. B. M. Stood has Juet opened a nsw stock of good’* in Richland*. Mis* Lobbis Ilargctt who has been vsry nick, is improving we ere glad to note, Mia* Addle Scitt one of onr charm ing young ladle*, ie visiting friend* end relative* at Half Moon. We hopehir *Uy may be pleaeant. Our ••teemed young .fbend, Rotko Andrew*, died B*tntd*y, Match 27tb. Mr. J. N. Hall, formerly of Rich ie ml*. bet now of Nelson, 8. C\ 1* visiting in onr town. Mim Ada Jermen. of Jaokeonevillt, is visiting friend* near Promise. . »' m ' ■ n . On the Bth Ins*. Knoxvil.'o, Toon., waa visited by a destructive fir*. The number of lives lost is yet oncer tain, and tbe aggregated aslimate of proper ly is |l.& 0,000. ThriUiug stories are fold by some who escaped from tbe burning buildings. Town Election. At a meeting of the Town Commis sioners lest Monday night, the sth day of April. It was on’ered that an elect ion bs fold on the Drat Tuesday in May, 1897, for Mayor and Commis sioners for the town of Trenton, N. C., and that notice ot the fame he given in the Eabtekh Carol,in a News. Tb* following Registrar* end Judge* were appointed, as recommended bv •heebarmen ot the several political parlies iu Trenton township: Democrats: R. L. May, Registrar; D. H. Herrltage and William Hender son. Judge*. Republican: Thoe. Barber,registrar; Joel Burney and L. D. Merritt, Judge*. Fopuhtt: Lewi* King, registrar; Paul Koouce aud L. H. McDaniel. Judges. D. W. Whitaker. Svct'v- pro Mm. Axi&tic &&d H* G. S&Uro&cL Tim© Table ICo. 2 To tske effect Wednesday, Nov. 27.1895. Eastbiuri Wsst&ouJ | | STATIONS. | || m 1 1« am| pm ! am pm 7 20; 8 20: Goldsboro, 11 25 800 753 840 Best's 11 08 720 516 8 49' LaGrangs, 10 52 650 686 4 00 Falling Creek, 10 42 6 20 9244 12 Kinston, 10 82 600 938 4 21 Caswell, 10 20 518 10 15 430 Dover. 10 12 420 10 40 44 1 Core Creek, 10 00 400 HIS! 454 Tuscttrora, 9503 38 1181 500 Clark's, 942 820 1305 25 New Berne, 9 1710 47 2 12 550 Riverdale 8 53 10 10 2 20 5 s*l Ornatei), 8 49.10 00 2436 05 Havelock, 8409 40 312 618 Newport, 8269 06 325 624 Wildwood. 819 847 331 629 Atlantic. 815 838 3 31 642 Mureheed City 802 8 15 401 050 M. City Depot 745 750 prapw !* m am tDull) .except Suuday. ♦Moudsy, Wednesday, and Friday. Thursday end Saturday. S. L. DILL. Superintendent.

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