y.Ono of the But FaraJ? Vity; Paper* m Eastern f Cnrnlins. * * X* {Subscription: *i.ooaYbai\ VOLUME 1. Trenton Locals. Large crowd In tnwu Saturday. « l*st Saturday was coil sod windy. Y csierday was remarkably cold and windy. Mr. George R. Jon**, of Comfort, was in Tret, ton last Frl.lay, Zion Lodge. A. F. & A. M., lield Its regular monthly meeting last Saturday. Mrs. P. If Hardy, of Institute, is vi»iuog h* r ,on * Mr- H*rdy» of tula place Mrs. Dr. R. A. Whltrker is on the rick list. We hope she will soon be well again. P. M- Pearsall, Esq., of Now Berne, wae luTreutou last Tbursday and Fri day on business. The Ladies Aid Society held their regular monthly meeting in the Metho dist Church iaet Thursday. Some of the youug ladies and gentle men of Trenton spent the time very plasently fishing last Monday. Sam Lipman has just received a nice line of Straw Hats that be is selling et v„ry low prices. Cell at once. Services In the Episcopal chnrch last Friday ware conducted by Rev. Mr. 'Wooten. They were lntereetlng end instructive. Our readers cannot more advanta geously help the w«w* than by patrorf ismg the business men who advertiae in iu columne Mra. M. sis. Brown, of Tucks hoe, who . spent last week in Treutoo visiting her sister, Mrs. Sarah Whitaker, returned borne last Sunday., We would suggest that a meeting of the cUissns of Treutoo he held, ends candidate for mayor and three com inbVtonera be selected. Mr. Louis Haywood Informed us that ha, together with some friend*, went down the river last Tbursday fishing, and caught ovar sixty white parch. Mr. Geo. T. Coble, who Lae been, eouflued to hie house so long by an at tack of rheumatism, I* out again. „aud able to attend to bts business affairs. Tsoants on Mr. J. W. Woolens farm, four nates from Trenton, caught out night laet week, seven hundred bar rings. A few are being caught in the • rivt r near Trentun. We return many thanks to Mr. A. W. Hankins, an old Jonas county cui sto. but non of Oriental. X-C. .for the nice things be said shoot the News in e private letter tn the editor. Mr.E- M. Jarman, of Tucks hoe. vis ited Trenton last Thursday un business. He reports the health of hie section of the conoty good, and farmers well ad vauced with their form work. J. S. C Carpenter, of Raleigh, Stale Agent of the Farmers Mutual Fire in surance Association, was lu Trenton last Saturday attending a meeting of the Jones and Onslow branch of this Society. Mr» Hattie P. Cherny aof dnugh ter Loots*, ol Boston, Mam., arrived In Trenton last Monday evening to vis* 11 bar father and family, and the home of her child hood. All were g'ad U) welcome her beck, Mr. L. H. Pollock, a prominent fcr ruer ol thie cminty, la building a new residence in Trenton, on Jane* street, near the Academy building. Mr. N. j. Leary? onr popular and efficient cod tractor, tajolng lb# work. Mr. D. n. n#misg* ano Cad. jv r . rv, went to Ue* Bern* last Thnrsday ..n bu*lu**». Mr. Perry in formed m that Herring* were cheep on the Mew Berne market, being offered at 20 eta. per hundred. He brought home tweu ty Ooa ones for which ha paid fi cu. Mrv Geo. H. Simmon*. President, and Col. 8. B. Taylor, Secretary and Treaeury of the Jon*e * Cnslow branch of the F&nnsrs Mutual Fire In surance Association, were InTrenlon last Saturday in attendance epoo a reg ular meeting of tbit association. mnm i timmi mm. Farmers of Jane* are about through planting c«rn, and are now bu*y ga ting iheis cotion seed In the ground. The seresga planted will he large. When In Kin*to-i Monday we visited the heautifnl new residence of Dr. F. A. Whitaker, which, when completed, will be on j of the handsomest aad most convenient in Kinston. The contract or, for. J. F. Raker, is master of hie trade, and when he complete* a job of wur* it is well done. . We are glad to note the Improve ment made on (he 81 ore occupied by Mr. E. G. Pridgen. It has been en larged by taking out a petition thus giving double the »pece he formerly bed. This show* that Mr. Pridgens business 1* increasing, which necessi tated more room. ,Ws with him all possible success. Wo call attention of tobacco reisers of Jones, to the advertisement of C. W. Crabtree, of Kinston, who can supply them with the best and most improved fiuvs for curing tobacco. The price you get lor yonr tobacco depends} large ly upon the curing, and 10 core It prop erly vour flues must be the best. Mr. Crabtree can famish yon with whet yon need. Albert James, a colored man, living in Tuckahue Township, was drowned on the 12ib in Trent river. We hear that be went to the river to look for a boat, and not finding it where he ex pected, swam across to look in a place he could not reach from the *ide he was on. He did not find the boat, and started to swim back, a«d wbeu in h tew feet ol reaching the bunk he sunk, fie came up but once before he went down to rise no more. The drowning was witnessed by a boy about twelve years old. The body was recovered the next day in a sow feet frtm wher* it went down. In Memory of Thomas J. Whitaker- Resolutions adopted by the M. E. church Bouth, and Sunday school, at Trentun, N. C. It is insxprsseibly sad for us to be compelled to say, that Bro. T. J. Whitaker i* dead. On tba 10th day of Auril. 1807, it pleased Almighty God to remove from our midvt Bro. T. J. Whitaker, one of our moat effi cient and useful mem here. Therefore be it resolvedt Ist. That although we feel that we have sustained an irreparable lose, we do not mourn as those who do uot look beyond the grave. 2nd. That we bow m humble sub mission to the will of him, who doeth all thing* «pll. Brd. That we lender t« the grief stricken family our deepest sympathy. 4tb. That a copy of these resolution* be spread upou the minutes of the Sun- 1 day School, aud sent to the 3f. C. Chris tian Advocate, and also to the Eab tkra Caholika Xkws. Committee: Mr. W. M. Coble, Mrs. W. H. Rhodes, Mr*. R. B. Gilliam. Mr*. S. E. Brown, aud Miss Emma Thornton. Q,ulnerly Items, Apbii. 17th 1897. Mr. J. B. Harvey whs In town to day. Panel Ideation and Mor monism U the general topic now. Mrs. T. 8. Bendet is visiting her fit I her, Mr. ,T. W. Kilpatrick. We ere glad to knew that little Harry Flemming, who has been very sick, i* improving. Mra. Thud Hodges and little Jessie, Os Washington, Is visiting at Mr. L. B Con’s. Miss Locv l.ane, who has born visit ing Hits Ethel Woolen, returned borne to-day accompanied by .Mias Ktliel Wooten and Mr. O. W. May. All Expect a fine lima at tha flab fry M Plunk Lauding today* Mr. F. C. Harding, of Graeorille. w s down this week attending to soma legal business. Miss Lydia Boacb spent last Salnr-• day and Su-d*y at Mr. J. £. Mays. A P APEH FOR pL ASSES OF WhoVaMT THE J-ATEST NEWS, TREXTON, N. 0., APRIL 21. 1897. | Bright Jewel Entertainment j A large concourse of people were j highly entertained bust Sunday at the j Methodist church to Treuton by an I Easter entt rteimnent given by the j Bright Jewels, under the management iof Mi u * Essie Murray, President < f the I Society, aud Mrs. W. H. Rhodes ladv manager. Tlie »vrvic«s were opened with a most impressive prayer by M'. Win. C. Murray, and singing by the choir. The church had been ino*t benutifully and appropriately decora* ted for the occasion with, fliwny anti evergreens, and in rear of pulpit wa* stretched a wire, upon which was sus pended letters, placed there by nine small children, which formed Hie sen tence: “He is Risen.” The program consisted of reel l a lions, abort dialogues and singing. The children *ll did well, especially so, considering the short time 1 bey bad beeu practicing, aud re fleets much credit upon thuso who bad charge of the entertainment. At Un close a collection was raised for the beniflt of the Sc&rrett training be bool, in Kansas city, Mo. t This echo'd tr nndt-r the menageu ant of tbs Southern Methodist church, end has for its object the training of young ladies for foreign and domestic mission work and other use'ui occupations. The Bright Jewel's Easter entertainment was a success, so said all tlie people. Pot N ©ok I tern©. Mlea Ida Hawkins returned home Tuesday, from where she has bean for the past few days, visiting friend* aud relatives near Cades. Rev. Mr. Joe Heath, felled to fill his regular appointment here last Sunday.' Miss Fannie Koonce returned home Monday from Chinqoepln, where she .has been visiting friends and relatives. * Mr.L.J. Hawkins, living about four miles from Trentoe,bsd the misfortune to get bU gin bouse destroyed by Arc last Saturday, together with two bales cotton that belonged to his brother, W. M. Hawkins. The fire was caused by a spark fr* m the eugiue. The loss whs estimated at about 1400,00, with uoinaurauce. We regret vary much! the loes sustained by these gentlemen. —: - we w- mm Richland© Item©- E very thing Is blooming here now. B>tue of our former* planted cotton first week in April. We think they fir* April fools. Carter Foster went rabbit hunting Saturday afternoon and killed six Una ouas. Misses Bailie Hudson and Raana farman. have bean visiting friends near Prom se. It Is said that Mr. J. B. Greer i* going to open a new stock of goods m Richland* none. Mr. I, A. Scott took a flying trip to Halfrooon Sunday, On Sunday, April 11th 1807, Mr, Wrn. Pittman w*a married to Miss Julia Stepheus. F. d. Shaw, Esq. officiated. J? owl© Items. Farmers are busy preparing to plant cotten. Misses Daisy Sanders and Zos Foe cue aro visiting friends and relative* la Jacksonville. Troy, the infant eon of Mr. Rod Mrs. K. F. Fo-cue, has been quits sick but now le much better. Quite a number of our young people weut on a Ashing frolic last Saturday. They returned home about dark “ with a boat bill.** Ton ought not to have missed the »'C’' party at Maysvilli on tba night of April 9th. Everybody seemed to have had a good time, bsvlng their fortune* told by the wonderful *'Gypsey,'” etc. Mra. K. L. Cox aod little daughter, Sibyl, returned test Monday to btr boms in Jacksonville, after spending sometime with her parents, Mr. and Mra. Cyras Fo cue, j MaJ Fonvfls, of Onslow, spent last Friday olght in our midst. * Com tort Item©. We are having some fine wether now. aoJ the formers are making good use of it. Rev. J. M. Benson preached an interesting sermon here Saturday r>igla his subject was: “Remember me when thou come'tt into thy kingnom.” Mr. Aioert Koonce, of Stella, spent a lew days font week with Mr. E. 11. Hatch. Mr. Edgar Hardy and family, of Trenton, spent Suuday with relumes hare. Messrs, R. P. Hardy and Claude Al dridge, of Institute, came to Mr. Jobu Hardy’s Friday and returned Sunday, taking with them Master Marvin Al dridge who has b«*u going to school her* some lime. Coro Item.©, 1 A Strawberries are lu their prime here. We have teen some very fine ouee. All of our farmers are busy es can be planting cotton, etc. Mr. H, T. White says he expi cts to •hip peas the last of this week. A good mauy of our people attend* d chnreb at .Winter Greeu Suqdsy, and heard an ab’e sermon by the pastor Elder Rouse. All of our young men attended a social party at Mr. J. S. Arnold’s lest Tiiurshay night. Each one pronounced' the occasion e very pleasan t one. Mr*, j. W. Kenedy returned Ir m Kinston laet Monday. Her mother, we ere gtsd toeayjfo much better. Mr. T. B. Ipoek. eccompauied hie brother’ Mr. Church Ipock who had been volling him,, to hl« home near Vance boro yesterday morning. Mr. J, X. Charlton is a splendid wheelman bat we don't think there is much fun in rtdtog five miles and then having to walk five aud carry a broken wheel. How about it John? Mr. 8. D. White made a business trip to New Berne Monday, aud re turned the same day. Mr. Ed Jones is visiting friends near Pollocksviile this week. Mr. Bam. of Polioksville, has been spending several days in Tien ton. Borne attraction here for Sam., we sus pect. HO. HO. HOI! Ire §OO foiNG TO fLANT fOBACCO ? Wlf 700 are you can’t afford to be behind the times. Yon will want Tobacco Fined. HIGH PRICES denend on how your To bacco IS CURED. Be sure and get yoor Flues the right size and good Joints. lam the only manufacturer that makes the grooved Joint, and make them to flt the bam. HerCotne or send early and leave your order. J®-Prices to suit the times, or as low as the lowest. ISyTry me and be con vi need. R. W. CRABTREE, Agent, Kinston, N. C. Largest Stock, Greatest Variety, Best Quality, Lowest Brices fW EE FOVJfO SECTION* r£ *&!ss2 Fk, “ r * «• )»■«!* «"»• «m hands, saving tbs middle man T s prufii, and we sell at Manufacturer’s Prices. Out Dr? Goods Deoartmant Ig * ro,MT « I ° f compisteosw.— Out Shoo Department 11 imm,n>> * nd <*** Bboe * «• i ° id »®wi J. H. HACKBURN, (Successors to U*ckburn ft Willett ) NEWBERNE, N. CL * . f Subscription i A f 91.00 PER YEAR. J? f 30 Cto. Six Months. M P.' ft' yHITAKEii. pPITOr. May&vill© Items. Rev Mr. Aldermen filled the pulpit in the Baptist church Sunday. D. 8. Avian wee in town Saturday. Mr. A. C. Fotcus, of Pulioeksvills, passed here guilder ou hit wsy to One low. Mies Zoe Foeene sad Daisy .Bander* left getardey for Jecktonsvllle. Mr. Lewie King, of Trenton, arrived Bnoday morning returning in the after noon. Meter*. K. F. Foscua and W. M. Have*, were in town Saturday. Mr. J. B- Col line and wife, spent the dey, Sunday, with hi* Bro, A. J. Col lins, A welcomed visitor arrived at the home of Mr. J. P. Rogers lest week. Mr. Henry Parker, son of J. C. Parker, passed through to-day on In* way home from Atlanta, Ga., were he . bat been studying dealstry. Be re porta a very pleasant drive through die country. He has fo.au five weeks 011 bis journey. Mastic and S. C. Baiinad. Time Table ISTo. $ To take effect Wednesday, Nov. *7,189ft, Watte* *7 S STATIOaS. sl£*. I*if i iS i a g s« km , pn» j ” a m pm 7 20. 8 20. Goldsboro, 112 ft 800. 7 68] 340 Beil's 1108 720 *l6, 849 L*Urange ( 10 62 660 •30 iMr Falling Crack, 10 42 620 984 4 12| Kinston, 10 32 ft 00 938,4 21 Caswell, 10 2116 18 10 16 430 Dover, 1012(4 20 10 40 442 Core Creek, 1000; 400 11 (6' 4 54| Tuscarora, 9 90 1 838 1181 600 Clerk's, 942 820 180 526 New Berne, 917|10 47 212 660 Biverdals 8 68,10 10 220 55' Crnaian, 8 40:10 00 243 605 Havelock, 840 940 3126 18 Newport. 8269 06 825 624 Wildwood, 819 847 331 629 Atlantic. 816 838 301 642 Morahead City 802 815 4 01, 6 50] M. City Depot 745 760 pm | pm 1 a m • a m tDaily .except Sunday. "Monday, Wednesday, end Friday. {Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 8. L. DILL. Superintendent. NUMBER 12.

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