T One of Uie Best Fam j I T ! J Paper* in Eftstarn 3 * Carolina. J f Subscription: si.oo a ]f®A^ VOLUME i. TRENTON MAILS. ARRIVAL arl drtartorb. FROM COVE J Leaves Trentou at 7:46 ft. m. Arrive# atTruntau at 12:00 m. Leave# Trenton at 2:30 p. m>. Arrives at Traotoa at 0:45 p. m. FROM POLLOKHVILL* ! Leave* Trenton Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays at 6:00 a. in. Arrives at Trenton (same days) 3 p. m. FROM JUCKLAXDS. Leaves Ti en uni Mondays, Weduendnys aud Pi id t ys at 6:00 ft. m. Arrives at Trenton (same days) 7 p. m. FROM BONUS : Leaves Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days at 7:00 a. m. Arrives at Trenton (same days) 4 p. oi. D. H, Hsrritaob, F M. COUMTY OFFICIALS. COMMISSIONERS t J. Harper, 8. IT. Moore, W. B. Isler, Lewie Byuura. • Clerk Superior Court, 8. E. Koonce, Register of Deeds. W. H Cox, Sheriff. D. H. Harrison, Treasurer. Lewis King Ourm gr, L. H. Mai laid. Surveyor, A. F Becton. Standard Keeper, Ben). Huggins, Public School Ex’r, Thoe, J. Whitaker. TwiiFirilii People Coning uA Being, and Vhai Tbay are Doing. mi IDOL'T THU TOM 15 OEVEXAL, ETC. Mrs. S. E. Koouce went to Now Berne last week. / Tlie crowd iu Trenton last Monday was unusually small. R. B. Dunn, of near Kinston, was in Trenton last Monday. Dr. S. E. Koonce, es Pollocksville, was w tlie city last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Broaden went to New Berne one day last w*#k. Mr- Lon Taylor spent several days last week on his form near Dover. Mr, W. H. Hammond, of Cypress Creek, was a Trenton visitor Monday. The rain last week did the farms and gardens of this section much good. We ore glad to see the Improve., meats now being made on onr streets. Mr. Alex. Field#, of Kinston, was iu Trenton two days lost week on busi ness. Ex-sheriff Bull, ol Pollocksville. was in Trenton last Monday on busi ness. Mr. L. O. PuHock. of Bonus, was visiting at Mra. H«i*ie Pollock's last Friday. Owing to the rain last Saturday, there were but few people on the streets. There hay been tsrriblft llres in the forest of Jones county in the last two weeks. We are glad to note that Mrs. J. M. Benson, who has been sick is improv ing. Miss Bessie Harvey, spent Saturday night visiting MUs Julia Hammond, on Cypres* Creek, Misses Rena Haywood, Fannie Whitaker, and Mr. Arch Barnes spent * Sunday In Cypress Creek. The much needed work on the coun ty jail is being done, by Mr. Stanley. He le scraping and paiuting the ceile. Every mao’s heart ts not broken by the whims of a tickle lover, but their pocket books art oltluiea smashed after they are married, . Mr. Geo. H. Roberts, of New Berne, will conduct services at the Episcopal Church in Trenton on the morning and evooine of Sunday May oth. We are glad to announce 4hat Mrs. SArah Whitaker, who waa very badly hurt by foiling out of her front door, la foot recovering. MM MROUM WM. Mr. W. H. And ews. of the Beaver Creek section, called to see us las’. Monday and enrolled hie name as a subscriber to the News. Mrs. J. C. B’-yan, of Pollocksville. and her daughter, Mr*. Johu Jones, of New Berne wsre iu Trtutor Monday, the guests of Mrs. J. P. Brogdeu. Mr. John C. Koonce, of Cvpreae Creek, called to see us Mouthy, and subscribed to the News, also Hr. A. F. Cox tsurulled bis name. Many thanks. G-illett. —(as a fowls ball waa knock ed and the cows In ajolnh.g field be gan to bellow)—“Just listen at those cows bcllowiuK for that ball.” Koonco.—“Yes, It is because you all play with it so green.’* Mrs. P. if. Hardy, who has been visiting her son E. L. Hardy, returned home, at li.sliiute, lest Wednesday, accompanied by little Paul Hardy, her grandsop. In the beginning there was light, and as all people are awake to the lact that tharo must be light, the town commissioners have ordered lamps for our streets, no we shall have light. Trent Circuit A M. E. Zion Church. -l-tßuoday St. Ma beew. 2 )6 Sunday Morris Chapel. 3rd Sunday Maysvill Mission. 4th Sunday Zion Chapel, John E. Morris, Fastor. As an onino raiser, Ed Stanly stand* at tlie head of the list. He presented the News with some of the largest we have ever seen growu so early in tbs Mason, for which we return many thanks. We call special* attention of our reap ers to the advertisement of Sam I.»p mau. He offers you bargain* diet will make you smile and save you money. Go to see him whan iu Trenton, apd especially next Saturday when he wil. offer you some bargains that will as tonish you. M. Wm. Slmrons, ofOnslow, a rep resentative of the Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Association, called to sec us last Monday. He informed us tfint bis lather, Mr. Geo. O. Simmons, was i now .Special Agent or the O.ielow and Jones branch, Mr. McQueen having retirc.l. We call special attention to ilia ad vertisement of IlartafiMld, Potter & Co. and E. W. Dixon & Co., Conimianiou ! Merchants, and dealers in produce. New York. Those firms give you the very be*t reference, and will make quick salsa and prompt returns on ail consignments. W* recommend them to the consideration of auy who may have consignments to make W. M. Coble, one of flip best photo graphic artist in Ihe State, who has I been at Mays villa for the past two | we»ks, returned to his home In Trenton last Friday. He showed us some work done while at Maysvillo, photographs of the Msysvllle Supply Co. and Hotel bulldiugs. that canuot bo excelled by any one. Mr. Coble will remain in Tren ton for ten or twelve days, after which be w 1- be ant of town for some time. All persons who want work doue are requested to call at once. Base Bail Last Friday- The Treul'm and Academy teams again crossed bain last Friday. Quite a large yrowd from town was out to sea the gome, and tome good and bad play ing was dona. From the first it was notirabl* that the Academy boys were outmatched, but they never gave up but played a strong game all through. The play*' lug of Cue May, of the Academy team on second base, and the heavy batttug of Ben Brock of the Trenton team, were tbo features cl Ihe game. Mr. Can let was umpire, and all agreed that he was fair in his rulings. The Trenton boys art talking about chal lenging tha Covj Creek team. Now la the lime to send ne your sub scription to the New*. ,A Paper for of People ho the Latest Jfcws. TRENTON, N- C.,WEDNESDAY MAY 6. 1807. County Commissioners. Tho Comity Commissioners of Jones county met in regular session las Mon day. Present, J. P. Harper, Lewis Bynum. 8. G. Moore ard W. B. Isler. Ordered that Jacob McDaniel bo paid 41.60. Narcissa Jones 1.50, Ida Grifllu 3.00. Hannah Richardson 1.60, Mer** Stanley 3.00. Alex. LolUn 1.50. Leah Rhodes 2.00, Mrs. Lauey K *ouc* 3.00. Mr*. vV. W. Southerland 1.50, Zllplin Miller 2.00. Nancy Barber 2.00, Wm. Dove 1.00, Janetta Connor 4.00, Gilbert Grice, keeping Pollocksville bridge tin- month of April 03.00 March Dillahunt. Quaker bridge 2.50 W. H. Cox. to be paid out «f school tnod 1.20; out of road loud 3.15; out county food 16.95. J. A. Kinsey to he paid not of public road Jund Chinquep’n township 4.75. 8. E. Koonce month of April 1U.30. J. A. Smith 4.20. Gilbert Grice repairs on FollocksvU’e bridge 60 cents. J. G, Andrews work on road 13 40. Perry Jenkins work on rood 4.30. J. H. Jenkins for support 2.00. J. W. Bryan supplies for poor 17 95. Job Moils work on road 4.50. Lewis King for lomber 3 64. J. H. Stanley paint for jail 3.95. C. M. Heath work on road 24.72. *3. J . McDuffie work on road 6.25. N. J. Leary work on court house 6.85 ADx. Andrews half fee bill 1.20. Ordered lhat the communication ol W, H. Cox be received and recorded. J. 8. Roberson was appointed tax list taker in Polfock*vill township. E. H. Loftm half foe blit 1 15. The following amounts were ordered paid commissioner!): J. I*. Harper 2.70. Lewi* Bynum 3 50. 8. 11. Moore 2.40. W. B. Isler 3.40. ■ M Town Election. The election of manlcipnl officers for the town of Trenton was held laat Monday. There was but on* regular ticket voted for, and the following perrons were elected: D. W. Whitaker Mayor; Lewis King. J. A. Smith, and Lon Taylor Cotnnaisaiouers; Newtou G. Bund Constable. J?ot Neck Items- Mrs. I. 11. Polh ck paid her sister, Mrs. W' M. Hawkins, a vinii Sunday. y r. \V. M. Hawkins made a bo»i nens trip to Poflncksville Tuesday, aud returned Wednesday. Mr. Clem Hawkins made a flying •rip to Kiostou Saturday aud returned Sunday. Miss Lizzie Oxley returned home Thursday, from Pitt county, where she has been visiting friends and relative*. Miss Mollie Pate accompanied her. We have been informed that the young folks of our neighborhood had a fine Llniaat the Serenade Monday night. Mr. Ed Andrews paid a flying visit to his sister, Mrs. 8. W* Scott, Sunday. Mr. Jackson Hill, near Donna, made a business trtp Thursday, to Mr. J. L. Hawkins, aud returned the same day. Our young folks had a grand time Saturday, fishing, iu the afternoon. Mr. Oscar Gray went home Friday from school, and retained Sunday. Buavoi’ Creek Items, We are having fine weather. Mr. J. P Gray and daughter Miss Willie relumed home Sunday irom au extonted visit, Ws had a fine rain May Ist., and lots of tobacco was Ml out in this section. The pic metre got a good baptizing last Saturday, and many of the youug peop’e were disappointed. Mesdaues Lixxie Casper, Sue Green and Ella Oxley were visiting friends Sunday. . Are you dreaming sweetly my little pet. Os the daytime joys you onnuot for get, Or do f.iriee lead you to scene* afoi. Where the queen aud the royal houmhold are. Bouui* It* mss. j Wo were all glad to set the nice rain I Saturday. Mr. L. O. Pollock took MW Sub Pol lecktusee Miss Cl Jda Smith, of Coa homa, and returned Sunday. Mr. and Mr*. Naihen Gilbert? pent Sunday at Mr. H. Pollocks of ucur Trenton, Messrs Willi* Ferry and J. H. Hill attended church at Pleasaut Hill Sun day. Mr. Council Davenport and Miss Mat Bee ton were happily married April 28,1827. at Ihe residence of Iha bride's lather, Mr. F. P. Becton. J. E. Har ri»ou, J. P„ officiating. - -«*■ —— Oriental Item*. April 30th. 1897. Mr. A. F. Bunting returned this morning from Norfolk, where be had bean on a business trip. Every body i* busy picking pea* aiound ber*. Mr. R. D. Hodges had }ver 50 bauds in his patch one day ibis week. Irish potatoes a*e fine through Ibis •action. 1 beard a former say a few days ago ho bad some over au Inch in diameter. We extend a hearty wefoom# to W. II- Bishop, our agent. lie is out oi New' Rerue's eminent ynurg men. It Is hard to give up the presence of one to whom all have become so much attached. Miss JBeas.u Tucker will leave uext week lor New Berne, her home. The *'«»msr New Benin stopped lo day for the fiiet trip ou schedule. The formers showed their appreciation by furnishing between 3 and 4 hundred packages. How is that for Uw first boat. Mr. and Mrs. Bam Feraby, of Stone Wail, arrived here on the steamer Neuae this morning irom a Northern trip. Mr. Feraby purchased a span ol nice horses while gone. Everything In tha vegitabfo.king dom seems so much revived since the nice rain we had last night. Friday uiplit will long be remember ed by the people ot Oriental. Miss Bessie Tucker's school closed. The recitations' aud dialouge* ware very rfood, and she deserves credit by the patrons ol tbs schools. Miss Fattie Babett, of Boy boro, is visiting Mis* Jem is Aldridge,. Fish art plentiful here, etiling at 10 cents per dozen. Mr. Nick Smith, of New Berne, was iu otfV midst yesterday. Kgg* nre selling bare at C cents, not enough tt* supply the demand. I think the hens have come on strike. * "■ ws IfichlandH Item*. Everything in very dry. Farmers are busy with their crops. Mr. Wm. Barbee is conducting sing ing school at Adams school house. Sanctification seems to t>e the k«v noie of conversation in our comm.. ,||y. We aro all afraid to walk after night i the mad dog* are so numerous. Largest Stock, Greatest Variety, Best Quality, Lowest Prices T& A6’ F9Wm rS™ SECTION Miller's A gnu for two of the largwet Flour Mills in this country. direct fi om the Uefineriee. 1 o*H»d» are bought from first hand*, saving the middie | P,KJI * profit, anti we sell at Manufacturer** Prices. j Our Dry Goods Dopirtamt *ASRtSfiBSSSC - > Comfort and Summer wear, with everything neoeaeary for Our Sue J. IL HACK BURN, (Sueoeswra to Usckbnrn A Willett} NKWBKRXE, N. C & Subscription: $ * 41.00 HER TEAR. % f 50 Ct*. Six Months. $ P‘ y. yHITAKBP, Love Items, Last Saturday aud Sunday the quar terly meeting was held at the Freewill Baptiet church. Elder Cunningham preached thiee very Interesting and in structive sermons to a large aud atten tive Audience. Services by the pastor Rev. Mr. Gad. die, in lh« Methodist church here last Sunday night. Mr. Gaddi* uan ea-u --»*t worker and hi* sermons are both dean and eloquent. Mr. and Mr*. J<*hn Register, Ft. Barn welt wer* here Sunday, as the gueet of Mr, and Mrs. Tom Wetherington. Mias Alice Taylor Is visiting friends at New Berne. Miss Sue May Cohb. of Kinston, came yesterday to visit her Unde, Mr. Albert Ward#worth. Quite a number ot people from Ft. Hurt)well attended the quarterly mcel- Al tlie Freewill Baptist church Sunday. Mr, J. C. Daushety. of Jasper, was visit log relatives here Sunday. We a:« sorry to announce the death of Mrs. Along* French, which tad event occurred at her home Saturday, A. M. Funeral services were held by Rev. Mr. Geddis Sunday evening. Quita a number of relatives and friends accompanied the remain# to the family burying vround. We extend much sympathy to the bereaved family The Quetu Regent, of Spalu, has signed a decree allowing Cub t to have a Parliament, a majority of whose member* may be Cubans. This wilt practically give them home rule. There was a cloud hurst with rain sod bail near Lumber ton last Saturday. The amount ol water that fell was the greatest ever known at that place. Great damage was doue to .lb* crops. Train No. 74 was wreck: <1 three mile* er.st of Old Fort Inst week, carnal by the pulling out of a draw-heart. Fire cars were wreckeJ. The train crew was uninjured. A colored mau named Gilmore, from Baltimore, wae killed aud two other colored men hurt, but not seriously. Robert Lamb, whit*, ol Raleigh. N. C. was badly bruised but will recover.—News and Observer. File Best Remedy for Rheumatism- From the FoirftacoilX. J',) tt<sginter. Mr. Jams* Rowland of this village, Atata6 that lor tweuty five years hi* wife has been a sufferer from rheuma tism. A few nights ago she w&* in -uch pain tbaL »he was nearly crazy. Bbe sent Mr. Rowland for the doctor, hut be lied read of Chamberlaie’s Pain Balm and Instead of going for physi cian ha went to the store aud seenred a b.itlit of it. Hi# wife did not approve ut Mi . Rowland’* purchase at fit *t, but nevertheless applied the Balru thoroughly and in au hour's tint* was able m> go to #!-ep. She now applies It whenerer she feels an ache or a pain aud (tud* lhat it always give# relief. Hs says tlmt no medicine which she had u-ctl ever did her as much good. The 25 uud 50 cent sizes for sale by J. F. Brogben. NUMBER 14

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