Ooe of tbe But f ly Papain m Eastern # T Carolina. 3f Subscription: si.oo a VOLUME 1* TRENTON MAILS. arrival anu departure, from cov*: IiMVM Trentou at 7:*5 m. m. Arrive* at Trentou at 12:00 m. leaves Trenton at 2:30 p. m. Arrives at Trenton at o:4s p. m. FROM POLLUnVILLW : Leave* Trenton Tuesdays, Thursday* and Saturday* at 6:00 a. m. Arrives at Trentou (same day*) 3 p. m. PROM RTCHI.ANDB. Leave* Trentou Monday*, Wednesdays and Ft Id iys at 6:00 a, no. Arrives at Trentou (same day*) 7 p. m. from bonus: leaven Mondays, Weduesdayaand Fri days at 7:00 a. tn. Arrives at Trenton (samedays) 4 p. no. D. H. llKnurr ao*, p M. COUNTY OFFICIALS. COMMISSION 1 BRS: J. Harper, id. H. Moore. W. B. Isler, Lewis Bynum. Clerk Superior Court. 8. E. Koonce, Register of Deeds, W. H, Cox, Sheriff. D. H. Harris in, Treasurer. Lewie King Coroner, L. H. Mal’ard, Surveyor, A. F Barton. Standard Keeper, Benj. Huggins, Public School Ex’r, Thna, J. VV bitaker. List of Appointments. Ist Sunday, Lee’s Chapeli lli.n, Ist Sunday, Oak Grove. 3 p. m. 2d “ Shady Grove. 11 a. m. 31 “ Cvprese Creek, 11 a. m. 3d “ Trenton, 7 p.m. •4th “ Trenton, 11a.m. 4th “ Maple Grove, 3p. m. J. M. Bknbok, P. O. A WEEK ffl_TKEf TOM. People Coming ud Stag, ud WUt Tic «• Dus e xm IBOCT TUX TOWS IS AHUIL, ETC. Stanley Whitaker, son of Dr. F. A. blteker, of Bonne, was in Trentou Monday. Mieses Olivia and Mary and Mr. Joe McDaniel, of near Trenton, attended church and visited friends bare last Sunday. ‘•His hair Is soft and wavy. His ayes are like the dew, His iipe are like ruby. On his cheek is a roey bne.” But a few days more and Mr. W. M. Coble will leave for Beaufort to spend must ol the summer. Don’t neglect to come at once and have your picture taken. Jossie — 1 Oh, did yon know 1 bad two fathers.” Catherine—“ Pshaw, that's nothing, I had fore-fathers.*’ A granu display of Sommer appar els was exhibited in Trenton last Surodny. A)i hearts that were not affected before, 1 am sure, need atten r tion now. Mrs. L. W. Fescue sod daughter Miss Mjrile, of near Trenton, were the guests of Mrs. J. P. Brogden last Sunday. They also attended services at the Episcopal church. Mr. John Parker the largest and moat successful farmer in Jones, lost one of hit nest tenant houses last Thursday by fire. Hi informed us that this it tbe second honsa horned on his plantation this year. Our old friend Cad Koonce from, Ons low, was in Trenton Friday evening on hit way home from New Berne. It was a great pleasure to meet him as it carried a* beck to out boyhood days, and brought to memory pleasant recol lections. The picnic season is now on. A Baptist Sunday school piculc was held at Piney Grove church last Sunday. A forge crowd attended, end ftm aud en joyment was the order ot tbe day. to gether with an abundance of some thing good to oat. Those who went from 'fronton say it was again day. mm fABOLiM mm. Farmers are complaining of the effect the cold weather so having on crone. Cotton that ia up is looking yellow and cannot grow. John W. Mills Esq., and Bon. F. D.- Koonce, of Uichlaude, pasted through Trenton Monday enrome for New Berne. * Bov. J. y. Alderman, who had an appuintment to preach in Trenton last Friday, was prevented from doing so by attondiog tbe Southern Baptist con vention, now in session at Wilmington. I bea to inform the young gentleman who thought that a piece in the local oollumn last week was intended for a slur at him, that it was not so mtand sd, and that I was sorry to learn that tbe cap fitted him so well. It will bo well for him not to be so hasty in hfo conclusions In tho future. There will be aebange in the columns of the News next week, it will be to your interest to be on the look out. Mr. J. P. Brogden has just received a lot ofsuihraer goods, handsome in ap pearance, and the best quality that can be had in the United States, watch for hie new ad. next issue. When the Legislature passes a bill 'axing old bachelor! It should at once turn its attention to the ladies, and impose a tax on them for jilting a poor follow, sufficient to pay for the wear and tear of the poor fellows heart and to a ctrtaiu extent, recuperate his empty pocket-book caused by a too lavish investment in bon bone, ice ci earn at ceteraa. Mr. C. A. McAllister, of Marlboro county, 8. C., was tn Trenton last week visiting bis son. Mr. W. C. McAllister, our very clever young attorney. Mr. McAllister is s former, sod was well pleased with tbe lands in Jones countv. We trust that he was so favor bly impressed that be will conclude to make hie home with us. Mr. McAllis ter would be a valuable accession to the forming interest of our county. Interesting lay reading services were held m Grace Episcopal church last Sunday, conducted by Mr. George H. Roberts. of Newborn. There werei large and attentive audiences both morning and eveuiog. Mrs. Roberta and little son George, accompanied Mr. Kofaarts. aud wr re tbe guests of Mrs. J. V. Brogden. The Nkws. together with all the people of Trenton, hope to have Mr. and Mrs. Robert* with ns often. It is always a pleasure to note the success and high positions the young men of our State, and especially our county attain, when abroad at tbe va rious schools of foaming. It It with special pride that w« refer to Dr. Hen ry Parker, son of Mr, John Parker, of this couuty. who stands at tbe bead of j a class of more than forty young men in the dental department of the South ern Medical and Dental College, At lanta, Ga. We extend hearty congrat ulations to tbe young doctor, and hope be may have plentv of gold to fill all the cavities through life, and never make a false step but an abundauce Os false teeth. Town Commissioners- The new town officers held their first meeting last Friday even lug. The Mayor. D. W. Whitaker, and J. A. Smith, Lewis King and Lon Taylor, Commissioners, were present and sub scribed to the required oath. Mr. W. J. Koruegy was elected Clerk for the year. Mr. K L. May was elected town Treasurer. MY. Newton G. Bond, constable elect, did not have his bond ready, and waa allowed until Monday eveciug to file (he aame. Tbe new Board of commissioners are all capable genileti en, and will do whatever is' neceeeary to forther the very beet interest of our beautiful little town during their administration. At ihe meeting Monday night Mr. Bond filed bis bond, which waa accep. ted. A Paper for of Latest News. TRENTON, N. C., WEDNESDAY MAY 12. 1897. Sunday School Picnic- The committee of arrangements for the Methodist Luuday School plc-tic met Monday evening at the residence of Mr. D. W. Whiteket. After various places wore discussed it was decided to have the picnic at Mr. L. II Hay woods next Friday the 14tb. Arrangements were made to have a table and seats fixed, nnd games of various kinds will be had so as to give everybody a good tine. The Episcojml Sunday School will also join in the pleasures, which will add much to the enjoyment of the occasion. ft was requested that ml tbe schol ars ot both schools meet at the Methodist church at the ringing of the bell Friday morning and go out in a body. Also to bring your baskets to the church where they will be loaded in a cart and carried out to Ibe grounds. It will be ex| acted of all to bring a basket of eatables either forgo or small so as to give all a plenty for dinner, and tor the little ones to have something between timet. Cypress Creek School This school, under the management of Mies Ora Koonce, an accomplished young lady of Jones county, closed a meet prosperous term last Friday, the 7th. Wctake great pleasure in pub lishing tbe following report, which shows the grade and deportment of the pupils. AVERAGE GRADS: OF SCHOLARSHIP * Marvin Aldridge. 80}. Isaac Brock 94}. Nellie Brock 63}. John Brock 85}. Walter Hardy 8116, Robert Johnson 81}. Clay Koonce 96, Isaac Koonce 85. Willie Koonce 87, Fannie Koonce 79. Clyde Koonce 75, Frank Koonce 77}, Amos Koonce 76, Joseph Koonce 81}, Annie Rhodes 64. The deportment of each pupil throughout tbe term has been 100. J PA R N IDU FOKBALE *T. P. Brogden. For the News, Rookv Point, N. C., May 8. 1897. Mr. Editor.—After having had the pleasure ol seeing a copy of your paper I thought you might like to bear from this part of the country. I live near Rock; Point, in Fonder county, between the Wilmington and Weldon end the Wilmington, Newbern & Norfolk railroads. This is a good tracking country, and also quantities of timber is cut and carried down the North East river to the Wilmington market, which brings from 13.50 to #5.25 per thousand feet. This is also a fine stock raising section. The phos phate rock is found here in abundance, which ts extensively manufactured by G. Z. French & Bro. A large shingle feewry is located here, on oue branch of tbe Cape Fear river, which turns out several thousand first-class Juniper aud Cypress Bhingles per day. In the way ol labor this section is blessed. Fai mere have full control, and can get day hands whenever they want them, Our churches are Baptist, Methodist aud Presbyterian with Sunday schools that are well attended. 1 am not for from the Sound where lots of fish and oysters are caught The cool weather Is damaging the crops, aud tbe stand of eoru is generally bed. 1 was much pleaded when I saw the Nkws, as It is printed at Trenton, wbsrs l bsvs been so many times, and in its columa I see the names of many of ray old acquaintances. I was raised in Unslow, near the Jones county line, aud tike to look over your paper and hear from my old friends. J. 8. Near Rad Springs, one night last week, three white tenants by the names of Tolar, White and Norton, all living on the plantation of Col. Rethune, got into a dispute aliotit Tolar's wife, and in the melee Tolar was kilfod. White end Norton have been Arrested, and am in prison at Bed Springs. They claim to have killed Tola? while hu was trying to break In the lat er’s boast, but thie is discredited. Quinerly Items. Transplanting tobacco Is the order of the day with the tobacco formers. Miss Emma Brook, of Griftoo, who has been visiting Mrs. Allen Johnson returned homo yesterday. We are glad to know that Mr. J. M, Wooten has gotten so h* can u«s his band again. Waits de&uing off a ditch bank two weeke ago be had the misfortune to stick a reed stubble In it about four inches. Dr. O’Hagan, of Greenville, wee down this week to see Mrs. Mary Har ding who has been very sick fur tbe lest month. Misses Nets May and Minnie Daw son, of Maple Cyprses, were m town today. Mr. O. W. May spent last Sunday at Vsnceboro. At tbe home ol tho brllea brother, Mr. Jessie Munford. last Wednesday afternoon at three o'clock. Mrs, L. Ht\mss was married to Mr. John Gar ris, of Aynen. Tbe attendant* were Mis* Annie Bland. Mr. Shade Wilson, Mies Laura Garris, Mr. Ed Garris, Miss Bessie Garris, and Mr. E. F. Cox. Tue bride and groom accompanied by many of iheir Invited friends, re -1 a red to tlm home of (he groom In Aydeo, where a eumpiuous supper swatted them. Every one participated f e«l J, end after an evening of enjoyable entertainment the party left for tbeir respective homes, everybody joining in wishing the haspy couple much happi ness. ltov. Mr. Tingls officiated. • Richlands Item**. We are having beautiful weather. Mr. Jerome Shaw, of Rocky Point, is visiting friends in our burg. Mr. B. F. Cooper, of our village, took a trip to Newbern last week. Ur. Andrew ScoU visited Pleasant Hill last Sunday. Miss Bsttie Melts, of Tuckaboe, la visiting friends near this pises. Miss Ella Chadwick has basu visiting friends near here recently. Mr. Arthur Cox made a business trip np the rosd last Sunday. We enjoyed a Graphnphone concert at Adamsschool house Thursday night. Your scribe la heart broken became of his disappointment in not attending tbe picnic Saturday. 4* UP- : —;ir r" i " lining " Com fort Item?. Eggs six cents per dozen. Messrs E. B. Hatch aud William Jones went to New River to a picnic Friday, they returned Monday. Mrs. Jennie Walters, of Falling Creek, is visiting relatives hers. Messrs Eddie and Lee Francks, of Ons low county, came fl-bing Saturday and returned tbs saute day, with twenty three nice fish Messrs G. R. and Charles Jones went to Kinston Saturday aud returned Sunday. Mr. James Nelson and for. Jibe Jarman left Saturday to visit relative* of Mr. Nelson near New Berne. Largest Stock, Greatest Variety, Best Quality, Lowest Prices TO BE FOVJW SBCTIQX, Uilfork Agent for two of she largest Flour Uitte in thi* country. CSTSngar direct fiom tlx- Refinance. 94TOur Goods are bought from first hands, saving the middle man * profit, and we **tl at HsuufscturarV Price*. Our fry Goods Sspsititnt U &ZS&ASSSSSS rnhrfo* for Spring and Summer wear, with everything necessary for wnitork Our Shoo Dopirtaent fc iT3Srj!ftr* to ""*“"“ lrtT J. H. HACKHURN, (•Successor* to Hsokbura A Willett) NEW BERNE, N. a $ Subscription: $ 3! #I.OO PER YEAR. & 3 S 50 Ota. Six Months. # 3 p.>>y. yHITAKEF, pDJTpH, Beaver Creek Item*, Times are booming here now. Mr. J. G. Andrews and Mr. F, T. Heath are planting thalr cotton again on account of its falling to come up. Miss Ruben a Andrews returned home Friday from Mr. Catleu Caspers where she has been visiting relatives. Miss Zed Casper accompanied her. Miss M. J. Heath made a visit to her sister last Sunday, accompanied by Mr. Frank Beaman. She returned Sunday. Mrs. Rebecca Joyner was visiUug Mr*. Z. A. Andrews last Sunday. Mr. Amos Andrews was :n MaysviUe last week on buelnese. Mr. O. T. Griffin and his sister Miss Fanuie Dcßruhi visited their graudfo ther last Tuesday. Mr, Elias Smith bae found a lovely spot over the river, where he goes ev ery Sunday to see bow the people are. Whistling Eels- We cliped tbe following from the New* and Observer's Becky Mount correspondent of May 6th. Yesterday there was takes from a •mall fish trap at the Flails of the Tar, two immense ''Whistling” eels, They differed from tbe ordinary eel in that the body for fimr or five inches from tbe head la large again as the other portion, and on each side of this en larged “neck” are seven perfectly round holes arranged precisely as in an ordinary flats, size, shape, distance apart and all. The mrutb is round, and full of villianotM looking teeth in a per fect circle. When taken from the trap each eel emitted a discordant sound not unlike that made by toe beginner learning to ploy the flute. Mr. I*. S. Hicks ha* had photogrphs mad* of tbe monster*. White Capa visited the house of Walter Friee at the foot el Paris Mountain a few nights ago and severe ly beat him and a white woman named Mary Roclmstor, with whom h* lived. Price is a negro. Tba woman ia bad ly hurt. She recognized sou* of the party as white men living in and near Greenville. The Best Remedy for Rheumatism- Prom the Fuirhate it (.V. Y) Kegieter. Mr. James Rowland of title village, states that lor twenty five years hi* wife baa been a sufferer from rheuma tism. A few nights ago she was in such pain that she was nearly crazy. She sent Mr. Rowland for the doctor, but he bad read of Chamberlai*’* Pain Balm and instead of going for physi cian he went to the stole aud seeured a buttle of it. His wife did not approve of Mr. Rowland's purchase atfiist, but nevertheless applied the Balm thoroughly and in an hour's time was able so go to sleep, ghe now applies iv whenever she feels an ache or a pain and find* that it always gives raiiet, He say* that no medic ins which she had u-«d ever did her as much good. Tim 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by J- P. Brogbeu. NUMBER 15.

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