5 i On* of tbe Beal Fum-i * f ly Paper* m Eastern * l Carolina. 3! *•*H«B-‘*&-3*'X-<3iS^ Subscription: si.ooAysAi^ VOLUME 1. TftENTON MAILS. ARRIVAL AMO DEPART'DRK. *. _ FROM COvs: Leave* Trenton at 7:45 a. m. Arrives at Trenton at 12:00 m. Leave* Trenton at 2:30 p. n*. Arrive* at Trenton at 6:45 p. m. FROM POOTjVK-'VILLS : Leave* Trenton Tuesday*. Thursday* and Saturdays at 6:00 a. m. Arrivae at Trenton (samedays) 3 p. m. FROM RICRDAKDB. Leave* Trenton Monday*, Wednesday* and F»id «v* at 6:00 a. m. Arrive# at Tranton FROM bonds: JLeave* Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri day* at 7.00 a. m. Arrive* at Trenton (lamedays) 4 p.m. D. D. Hrbritaqb, V M. comm OFFICIALS comcissioNBKf: J. Harper, 8. H. Moore. W. B. I*ler, Lewis Bynnm. Clerk Superior Court, 8. E. Koooce, Register of Deed*. W. H Cox, Sheriff. D. H. Harrison, Treasurer. Lewie King Coroner, L. H- Mallard, Surveyor, A. F Becton. Standard Kaeper, Ben}. Huggins. Public School Ex’r, Thn*. J. Whitaker. Ll«l or Appointment. Ist Sunday, Lee'* Chapeb 11 a. m. Ist Sunday, Oak Grove. 3 p. m. 2d “ Shady Grove. 11 a. a. 3-1 “ Cvpreaa Creak, 11a.m. 3d *• Trenton, 7 p.m. 4th “ Trenton, 11 a. m. 4th ** Maple Grove, 2p. m. J. M. Bin son, P. C. A WEEK H_TBEHm People Cooing ead Meg. tad Dot They m Dong. vm iwer tbe rowi r owmi.nc. “There is rest for the weary,** so read the News and get it. Rain is badly needed in tome sections of this county. Sheriff D. H. Harrison was in Tran ton Tuesday on bounce*. P. M. Pasraall, E#q.. of New Berne spent Tuesday in Trenton on business. Tell tbe merchant yon saw his ad in the News whan yon go to buy. Last Monday was very warm. Tam parature at 2 P. M. in shade 22. ' Mri Fiank Hammond, of Cypress Creek, was in Trenton Sunday. Dr. S. E. Koonce and Mr. Tobe Ben* Per, of PolloKsville, were in Tranton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wooten, ofnear Trentoo, attended the Children,* Day services In Trenton last Sunday. Rev. J. M. Benson p eached, Sun day, at Maple Grove, three miles from Tranton, at 4 p. m., ami in Trenton at Bp.M. We regreMo learu of the Hines* of Mrs. Fred White, of Govt. Tbe News together with nnmerons frienff* hope her recovery may ha speedy. Cur street* were a deserted appear* auce these days. Farmers are busy with their crop*, and cannot srare tbe tune for a days loafing in Tranton. MlMte Contra Kornegey, and CkUe Hewitt, sister of Mrs. Cad Perry, at tended services at White Oak church, near V ay*ville, Sunday. The new and beautiful residence of pr. F. A. Whitaker at Kinston, i* nearing completion. He bona* to oc cupy it by the first of July. Mias Myrtle, daughter of .Dr. F. A. Whitaker, of Bonus, retained from Graeusboro last Thursday, where she has been attending the Normal College. W. M.; Coble, the photographer, is in Bespfort taking picture*. We hope all the people of that sec Lion will avail | themselves of this opportunity to have a good likeness taken. Wo know Mr. • Coble can do thi*. nmm camuha mm The*. R. Foust Principal and Tboa. D. Warren Am octal* principal, of tba New B*rn# Utah School were in Tren ton Wednesday laat visiting Mr. W.C. McAlister. Wa call attention to tba advertise ment of Simon Hurwiut. He proposes to burnish yon with the vsry beat mot ion, and cool yoo off this hot summer with milk shakes. The second quarterly meeting for Jones circuit will be be’.d at Oak Grove church on Saturday and Sunday June sth and 6th. Rev. Mr. Rone, P. E„ will preside, T. C. Whitaker, agent for the Amer ican Fertiliser Co-, can supply you with kainii, phosphate acid, and all kinds of Fertilise** if yon will leave your order with hkn. Before our next Issue we hope to see the hew lamps up and our streets ablest with a brilliant light. Wa must have them lu plate if possible by the com mencement of tbe Trenton High School. We call special attention to tbe ad vertisement of J. P. Brogden. He carries a large line of goods and tbe ladies will mi** tba chines of their lives if they frit to call and examine his beautifol stock. While In Kinston last Thnrsday we had the pleasant of meeting* Dr. H. D. Harper a prominent dentist of tnat City, also bis son who recently grad uated in the profession. Tbe Esther and son have formed a copartnership under tbe firm name of Dr. H. D. Harper A Son. Lest Friday night was a gala one for the young people of Trenton. At Mr. D. W. Whitakers, the little wee tote bed a party, Mr. Lewis Hay woods the boys and girt* bad an foe Cream shoo round, and at Mr. W. W. Francks, those who enjty the festivities of the dance, held sweet concourse. We had the pleashre of a call, last Monday from Mrs. F. 9. King. Miss Lama Green, of near Bonne, and Miss lola Philips, of Fielos. Nothing cheers tba heart of an editor so much as tbs presence of ladies, especially whan they have so menv nice things to ssy about the paper yon publish. Chiktrsns day was observed last Sunday in thp Methodist church in Trenton. The program adopted by the Southern Methodist church was fol lowed. Tbe sd-lr*»<s<*j by the boys and recitations by the girls war* interest* iog. These services occupied both the Sunduy school and preaching hours, and the large congregation seemed much pleased by the services. A col lection was raised, the amount we did not learn. * It» of common occurrence for men to com* to Trenton on Saturdays, and some of them s4sm to think that they ate at liberty to do Jo#t as they please; gvt lull of whiskey, ns* profane lan guage, and set in a disorderly manner aa it suits them. We have a coda of ordaaauces affixing penalties for thair violations, and It will be well for some people to poet themselves along this line. The peace and dignity of our town mast be preserved. Quite a number of the young people of Trenton assembled at tbe residence of Mr. W. W. Francks, last Friday evening to participate in the pleasures of the quadrille. Shortly after tbe guests had ga*hared arrangements were mad* t»r the seta. Couples took their stands and whan the musician struck up a familiar quadrille all skipped gracefully over the fimr until these! was finished. Others then took their plaeea, sod thus It went until eleven o'clock, when all took their leaye lor thair respective homes, feeling light hearted and gay, and pronouncing the (C.-asioo a perfect euccess In every re spect, and thanking Mis* Joe Francks. I the charming:young hostess, for the I many pleasures they had enjoyed du ring the evening. Send us your subscription now for the News. ' ft pAPER FOR pLASSES OF WHO THE |_ATEST NttWS. TRENTON, N. C-, WEDNESDAY MAY 20. 1897. Biorehead City- We made a hurried trip last Thurs day svemng, to this beautiful littit city beside old ocean, where the hsalthfol and invigorating breese tons dull car# away. W* found everything in readi ness for the large crowd that is expect ed i this Summer. At lb* Atlantic Hotel, wa met Dr. Blackuall with a big force getting ready tor June let. and to say the Atlantic is herself again is but saying what every one is prepared to hear. Tbe Doctor is a born hotel man anil acy attempt to imitate him subjects the imitator to ridicule, for it just can’t be done. He has a kind word for every one. yet never neglects the smallest thing pertaining to the man agement. Wunderfill, wonderful it is to see him work so easy- Mock of the pleas ures of this beautifol sea side resort are derived from the genial companion ship of this axealeot gentleman. The Atlantic Hotel can accommodate one thousand guests, end we hope It will be full through the satire season. The pleasurers of a season at this retort can uever be erased from memory. On the 6th of June the State Medical Convention meet* in Morehead, and on the IBth following, tbe Teacher* Assembly wilt hold Its annual seeaiou in their Assembly halt. Both of these bodies will he accommodated at tbe Atlantic. We bad the pleasure pf meeting CaptC. K. Hancock, superintendent of the construction department of the A. A N. C. Railroad at Morehead City lest Thursday evening. Cnpt. Hancock i* a moat excellent gentle men and will Alt the position be oocu pies most acceptably. The road bed under his management will soon be as good as any In tbe elate. The Captain informed ns that it wee the Intention of the President to arrango for cheap transportation so that North Caro linians could enjoy the pleasures of their own eenelde summer resort in stead of being hauled off to another State. F-r the Nrws. Mr. Editor All of tbe beet au thorities agree that tbe best and cheap set waT to Improve your lands Is to plant cow peas in the summer manure them with Kainit end acid phosphate, and this will leave your laud la the very beet fix to put iu cotton or other crop* next spring. The increased pea orop will about pay for the fortll **r, and there will be enough left of the phosphate and kainit to furnish the spring cro>R, and jour land will be In much better fix than if the Barns forti lutra were applied direct to the spring crop, And you have yottr pea .crop ex tra. Trenton High School. Tranton High School dose this year on tbe 10tb of June. There will be ex ercises on Tuesday and Wadnesday night* preceeding. and al«o a abort ex ercise by the advanced students on Thursday tbe lOih beginning at ten o’clock, after which the literary ad dress wilt be delivered by Rev. R. B. John, of Goldsboro. The public urn cordially invited to attend. Riohlands items. Crnpt are looking fine. Trad* is very doll in our burg. Mtfs Tabltha Cox, who has been verv sick, !e Improving. Bev. Mr.SummerSH filled his regular appointment here the 4th Sunday. Sanctiflcotion i* the main . topic .of conversation among our people. Will { some Bible readers please give us their■ viewe on this subject through tbe Niiwa. ‘ - t JEA barrels of CORN lull FOR SALE* J. P. Broodkn. Beau the edvertlsemrat* carstully. Beaver Creek Items. Mat 21st, 1897. We had very cool weather last week. Mr. G. Griffin cut a fine bee tree the other day. Mr. W. H. Andrew* and wile spent last Sunday with their eon, J. G. An drews. Mrs. F. T. Heath and daughters. Miss** Rub>e and May, were the guests of Mrs. 6. W. Randan ISuodiy. Miss Sarah Jonas returned home last Saturday from Miss Mollie Gooding.- Mr. F. C. Gooding accompanied her. Mr. K. B. Heath, of Crprnes Creek, vlsitad hie father, Edmond Heath, last Sunday. Mr*. W. B. Deßruhl and daughter. Mis# L. G. Deßruhl, visited Mrs, T, G. Griffin Sunday. Mr. Jackson Garvey made a business trip to G: W. Andrews lastSenday and relumed we don't know whan. A Healthy Old Set Tbe following items from a North Carolina exchange, are iateresting: “Mr, Rust Gadkins, who la 106 year* old, caught cold yesterday while pfow. mg hi* field. ’Uncle* Rose hopes to he out in a few days.’* “Mrs. Maocy Spartite, who is nine ly-sevtn, white driving home the cows yesterday happened to tbe misfortune of spraining bar ankle. Nothing seri ous. however. “Mr, and Mr*. William Jenkins cel ebrated the sixtieth anniversary of thair wedding on Wednesday last. Mr. Jenkins is ninety, and Mrs. Jenkins is eighty-two. Amoug the prefects was a bicycle for Mr. Jenkins, who la a. grant lover of the wheel." Great old State—that North Carolina. People there have to emigrate when they want to die*—Atlanta Constitution Just a Litlle .of The Gravy. An sx-Confederate soldier of South Carolina telle title story: . “I had a friend who waa a chaplain in our army—a good man aa such man should ha. Several of bis own ebnrch members were In the tame regiment. He kept a sharp aye on ns and triad to train us the way we should go. And when we were rather abort of rations some of the boys brought In a fins young porker. “Now, boy*, that’s wrong,* said he. “It is simply steal ing. You ought not to do It.’* “Well, our coo science don't trouble ue, and yoore won’t trouble yon when we get this meat cooked. Yon will want soma of it, too." “No, 2 won’t aat It. rdaeaaon ant stolen meat." “But wa divided ft up among the boys and proceeded to cook a ham in the beet possible style. The smell of It Jhirly made oar months water, and when it wa* cooked we were more tL»n ready for It. “There’s« fine piece. Cut that off for the chaplain,” said on*. “No, 1 thank yon, "said he, “I said 1 wouldn’t eat It, and I won’t, but— pasting up his plate—"l*ll take a little ot the gravy."— Detroit Journal. Largest Stock, Greatest Variety,' Best Quality, Lowest Prices T 9 MM FOVJm fin SMCTtOJf* Hjlter’* Agant for two of tbe largest Flour Mills in thi* coenttr. ' Iwfiugar direct f»om the Refineries. ffirOor Goode are bought from first hands, saving tbe middle man h profit, and we sell a* MauufaotnrerS Priest. Owl[toOorfifoputmwt Ci!fitfort! ,f prlD * * D< * B ura m*r wear, with everything necessary for Ota Shot Cjp&rtmwit h ££J r **„£«.°" J. H. HACK BURN, (•nooemore to HMkbnrn A,Willett.) .;, NEWBBRNfe, N. G I Subscription: j|( * *l-00 PER YEAR. * f *0 CIS, Six Month*, m WHW—■l——sawmaw—p. p. y. yHITAKEP, ftpiTOF. , Quinerly Items. Mrs, Fields, ot LaUnoge, has been visiting at Mr*. J. P, Quinerty. All seemed to euioy tbe picnic last Wednesday very well, alio the address delivered to the pupil* and patroasof Centrevilte Academy, by Prof. Joseph Klusey, of Kinsey's Seminary, of La- Grange. Dr. William Cobb Whitfield introduced Prof. Kinsey, and Mr. W. F. Harding presented a handsome bo qoet of tower* to Mr. Kinaey prepared by the pupils of tbe Academy. Mies Annto Lens, of Ft Barowett, la visiting Mies Ethel Wooten. Mia* Ida FlaUfe, who has been teach ing at the Academy, returned home Friday. Mite Ida gave perfect satis faction a# a teacher and bar many friends regret to see her leave the neighborhood. The tobacco worms end grasshoppers are ploying havoc with the tobacco. Bev. Mr. Waters, of Aydsit, wa* in town Wednesday- Two of our young gentlemen want up to Grifton to bear the Sanctified preacher preach last Tuesday night. After church they cams oat to go boms sod found their hone had left them. After walking six miles through the very deep sand they got to their homes end decided that they were neither Sanctified nobsatisfled. A New Yok drummer wsa recently scared into fits by the barking of Bob Fitsslmmoo's big dog, hod ho claim* that hie nervous system was damaged to tbe extent of 125,000 worth. Shot mow price for the hark of a cantos. The Bat Remedy for Rheumttiim- From Ate Fairhacen (If. T) &*guUt. Mr. James Rowland of this village, stales that for twenty-five yean his will has been a sufferer from rheuma tism. A few nights ago she was to such pain that she waa marly ensy. Sha sent Mr. Rowland for the doctor, hut he bed read of Cbauberlata’e Plain Balm and instead of going for physi cian he want to the store and sesnred a bottle of It. His wifo did not approve of Mr. Rowland’s purchase at fiiat, bo* nevertheless applied the Balm thoroughly and loan boar's time wa* abla ao go to sleep. Bbe now applies It whenever she teals an ache or a pain. and finds that it always give* relief. Ho say* that no medicine which afar had ored ever did bar as much good. The 25 and 50 cent eisee for sale hr J. P. Brogbeo. l’gSgSgSaggßßgßffßßßgSgaaagJ omamstetefemsa aimamm sntoggtmwm MUTTON, HYDES, ETC. Highest prices paid for Hydes. He also telle Mfik Shake* to cool you this hot weather. rmmfmsr jr. g- NOTICE. AS much of my time la occupied on my term, and other enterprises out of Trenton, I request all persona having business With me to call at nr rfflue Tu Tret ton on Saturday* and the I first Mondays. LEWIS KING. NUMBER 17.

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