¥ On# of the Best Fam-> * ¥ ly Papers m Eastern ' f v Carolina. # X~X~ X- X- *H*3s Subscription; si.ooaYear, VOLUME 1. TRENTON MAILS. ARRIVAL ANl> DKPARTURK. FROM OOVE : Leaves Trentou at 7:45 a. m. Arrives stTreuluii at 12:00 m. Leaves Trentou at 2:30 p. n». Arrives at Tree ton at 6:43 p. m. FROM POLL iK-VILLS ! leaves Trootou Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 6:00 a. m. Arrives at Trenton (samedays) 3 p. m. PROMT RTC HLANOB. Leaves Trsiuou Mondays, Wednesdays aod Frid > ya at 0:0“ a, n». Arrives at Trenton (same day*) 7 p. m. ' from noNUa: Leaves Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl* days at 7:00 a. m. Arrives at Trootou (tamedays) 4 p, no. D. 11, Heiuutaoe, P. M. COUHTY OFFICIALS. COMMISSIONERS: J. Harper, 8. 0. Mnora, W. B. Isler, Lewis Bynum. Clerk Superior Court, 8. E. Koonca, Res is ter of Deeds. W. H. Cox, Sheriff. D. H. Hnrrinou, Treasurer, Lewis King Coroner. L. H. Mallard, Surveyor, A. F Bscton. Standard Keeper. Beni. Huggins. Public School Ex’r. Thoe. J. w hi taker. list of Appointments. Ist SutuHy, Lee's Chspeli II a. m. Ist Sunday, Oak Grove. 3 p. m. > 24 *• Snady Grove. 11a.m. 31 ** (Jvptess Creek, 11 a. m. 34 ** Trenton, 7 p. m. 4th “ r j ronton, 11 a. m. 4th •* Maple Grove, 3p. tu. ,T. M. Bex son. P. C. i IHUBTOB. People Going and Going, and What They are Doing. Km iBOTT TUS row 15 fIEK2R.IL, ETC. Miss Lyda R-mch, of Ltnoir coun ty. is Clsitinv at Mrs. Julls McDaniel. Mr.J. A. Smith was sick last week we regret to learn, but is about well again. Misses Myrtle Whitaker and Lula Gilbert, or Bonus, are visiting lriendt in Trenton. Misses Louise and MRggie Lane, of New Berne, are visiting the family of Mr. J. P. Broaden. Mr. A. F. Bscton. of Beavei Creek, who has been seriously ill, is improv ing we are glad to learn. M”. Arch Mo Allisier, of Bennetts - villa, 8.0.. is lu Tiouton visiting his brother, Mr. W. C. McAllister. •Mrs. Ssrsh Whitaker, relict of the late Thus. J. W hitaker, Is visiting her ■on, Dr. F. A. Whitaker, of Bonus. Miss Theo Kinsey, who has beon at tending school at LaGrange, r«turned to bar horns in Trenton last Friday. The steamer Howard will arrive in Trenton this week, and thereafter, on Thursday afternoon instead of Friday. Miss Susie May Kinsey returned home Sunday trout Tuckwhoe, where she baa been visiting friends sad rela tives. Mr. Tom Ipock sod uncle Jesse Gar rett, an old retired typo, ot Core Creek, were la Trentou last Friday an busi ness. Quits a large crowd was iu Trenton Monday attending the meeting oi coun ty Commissioner. The proceedings will appear in unr next issue. Dr. F. A. Whitaker, Gas Bnrt and * Mr. Nathan Gilbert, of Bonos, atten ded the Quarterly Conference at Uak Grove last Saturday. Miss Lottie Whitaker, daughter of D. W. Whitaker, returned home on the Ist, from Oak Ridge Institute where she baa been attending school. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Whitaker and little son, William, and Mlsa Conola Carroll, daughter of Martball U. J. Carroll, are visiting the family of D. W. Whitaker, uin mmm mm . Bov. Mr. Rone, presiding elder tor Newberne diatrict, "preached In the Methodist church in Trentou last Sun day night. Mr. Rone is a forcible speaker, and his congregation was highly entertained by bis instructive sermon. Those of our subscribers, who possi bly can, will confer a favor on tbs News by calling et our offline when in Trenton and pay a pert of their sub scription. It it Is not convenient to come please seud it by mell or some one passing, MaJ. H. F. Brown, of Tuukaboe, called on the News lust Mouday. Tbs Major has recently returned from the Nashville Exposition, to which place he accompanied Gov. Russell as one of his staff offiesrs. He Informed us that the trip was pleasant and enjoyable, and the reception given was moat cor dial. I Richard Powell, colored, of near Majevilte, whs committed to jail last Wednesday, by C. D. F..y, Esq ~ for failing to give a peace bond, sworn oat by his wife. Powell gave his wife a terrible beating, and Mr. C. H. Mat' tocks, township constable, who brought him to j Ail, informed us that he would have killed her bat for the interfere ence of friends. Hs is a desperate character and had to be overpowered before arrest was made. New Berne Academy Closed. On last Tussday and Wednesday evening* the New Berne Academy closed what wee probably the most suc cessful school year in the history of that institution. A large crowd of people assembled to witness the exer cises which w ere of e most interesting nature and which showed that the highest grade of work had been done by the teachers. The exorcises con* sisted of the reading of essays, declama tions, debates and etc., rod were got ten up with the object of showing some thing of the work done in the school, No one was disappointed, for if skill in rendering the parts assigned the stu dents on such occasions is a criterion, the wisdom of the Board of Regents, j In selecting this efficient corpe of in ■ tractors was folly demonstrated. There are no better teachere in the State then Profs. Foust and Warren. The New Berne people realise this and have reelected them to conduct the school another year as joint' prin cipals. They ere to be congratu lated npnn the success in obtaining the services of such able young men. Redmond Farm- One of the finest and most produc tive forma m Jones county is that ol Mr. James Redmond, situated about three-quarters of a mile from Trentou on the FollokevlUe road. This form was once .the property of Mr- James McDaniel, one of our wealthy men of former years. It contains 1.334 acres, 533 of which is cleared, and the balance 696 acres in timber land. The form is now occupied by Mr. L. A. Haywood, and through energy and {perseverance this has btcorns one of the most pro ductive in the county. The. laud will grow cotton, corn, wheat, oats; aweal and Irish potatoes, also flue tobacco. It* contiguity to Trenton make* the plaec doubly desirable as a quiat coun try home. it being with easy access to the churches and schools In the town. This farm c<>uld be divided into a nano bci of small ones or ran as a whole. Much of the timber on this land is ot. great value. It is composed ot pine, oak. cypress and gum. and being near Trent river. It could be easily floated to New Berne where a ready market it found. We do not know that Mr, Redmond .desires to tell the farm, but if it could he purchased of him, and any one de slriug> farm, located in a first-clar neighborhood convenient to chur - and ecbools, and healthy, thev do well to correspond with him ■ • Btrut N. C. fl FOR fthL OF |hoWaKT THE J-ATEST NEWS. TRENTON, N. C., WEDNESDAY JUNE 9. 1897. Quinerly Items. Glad to see our friend Mr. D. M. Johnson home again. He hat been at tending school at Wake Forest. Mieses Mol lie Hardee, Myrtle Ducker and Pode Jones are visiting at Mr. L. B. Cox’*. The ice cream supper given by Mrs. Lizzie Bland last Wed ns* dp y night was something nice. All enjoyed the eata bles as well as the cream. Mr. E. A. Johnson was greatly sur prised last Wednesday morning when he went oat to toed bit horses aud found one of them deal io his stables. MU* Enla Cox. of Coxvllle. is visit ing Mrs. Walter Mewborn. Dr. William Cobb Whitfield ia at tending' the medical convention at Morehead City this wsek. Miss Win uie Burney 1b visiting Mrs. W. B. Quiuiterly. Miss Nela May is visiting at Mr. L. J. Cha 'man. The Disciple Bunday school will have a children's day entertainment the 3d Sunday evening at the church for the pleasure of the little ones. I>over Items: Mr. Lon Taylor, of Trenton, spent Thursday night at Mr F. P. Outlaws. Lon is one of the boys and we hope someday, ha will make Dover his home. Mrs. J. A. Street and Miss EsttUe Wooten, attended Kinsey's Com* menctmsnt at LaGraoge last week. Dr. J. W. Duguid has moved in tbe house recently vacated by Mr. W. T. Hines. Mr. Hines ha* moved to Kint ton, and is Vice President of the Hines Bros. Lumbar Co. Messrs. Dan Richardson. Fred Al phin and W. M. Tvndal spent Sunday in Kinston and Coahoma. Messrs. G, V. and B. A. Richardson wers called to Beaufort Friday to see their brother.'G. N. Richardson, who died Thursday night. ‘ Miss Lula Elmore came Saturday to visit at Mr. T. L. West. We expect tl»e wedding bells to ring in Dover, June 28th, ar.d hope spring chickens will bo plentiful. Eggs are selling here at 8 to 10 cents and chickens 10 to 25. The Belle ot Dover will attend the Commencement at Trenton this week. John Barber, colored, was placed in jail Thursday for failure to pay a bill of coat. May evil© Items, Mr. J. N. Foscue, ot Pollockavllla, arrived this morning. Mr. Lewis Bynum ia busyly engaged digging his potatoes. We hope he will get good returns. Potatoes are very sorry in this neighborhood. Mr. F. O. Henderson conducted ser vice* here yesterday evening. Rev. Mi*. Show was called to Swansboro to [w-each Mr*. Dr. Blount's funeral. We wish more of our young man. hke Mr, Henderson, would take an active part in public worship. We had a Jolly good laugh at Mr. O. D. Haskins, mall carrier from here to Sj-ansboro, one day last week. He left without hie maxi pouih and drove to Palo about aaven miles before missing it. The first thing tbe Coys say to him now la. ‘'Dike, don’t forget you.’ mail to -day.” We are very much gratified to wel come into our midst Miss Mabelle Prates, of Scotts Hill. She has been given the agency ot the W. N. and N. B» R. Co. which office she Hilt with cre dit to herself and the Co. Miss Pearce and her filter arid# a great deal of life to onriitge town. We hope she will be w. here. Vr lading from Mre. r\ Pfpiel residence to Mrs. MeJ £ •' -Vs* flpanod, and will.eoou be F.ivi Mr. Lon Tsy. work ' * n<J h* will be done well. Tripp* Died In Stonewall, N. G. May 18th 1897, John A. Tripp only child of llev. Henry E. Tripp, age 14 years and five month!. John was a bright, promising hoy and far advanced in his studies fur one of his age, a loving son on whom all tbe holies ole fond lather were cantered. How s*d the bereavement; how deop the affliction. His remains were brought to Trenton and placed beside his mother who went to heaven less than a year sgo, when Bro. Tripp was pastor of this work. His funeral was conducted by the writer in the same church where about two years ago the deal boy knelt aud gave his young heart to God. The sympathy of the entire commu nity goes out to this bereaved father who is now separated from tbs earthly enjoyment of the feet member of his family. Christianity doss not repress weep ing, nor crush back tears. Christian grief finds vent heavenward in cheer fol submission to the Divine will and in sweet communion with the Great Sympathiser, who knows what it Is to weep, aid who has over "borne our grief and carried oar sorrow,” Brother, we can only weep with yon but we remember a loving hither has raid "what I do thou knoweih not now but thou shalt know. You devoted your son to God. If his b dy hae bseu hut in the grave, be is free from the evil of am and free from suffering, and God watches the dust. "It is well with the child. His earthly ministry was well dons, and he has helped to sauctify and lift heavenward the very heart that breake at its farewell. Like a broken flower plucked ere the winds chilled or tbe rains stained it. He ha* gone to expand and unfold in the Olees kd garden cf God, snrely pro’onged life endear th bath no boon like this. He died to sin, he died to care, But for a moment felt the rod, Then springing on the ooiwelees air Spread hie wings aod soared to God. J. M. Benbow. Mr. Isaac Horner, proprietor of the Burton House, Barton, W. Vm., and one of tin moot widely known men in the state was cured of rheumatism af ter three yean of suffering. He says: "I have not sufficient command of lao gusge to convey any idee of what I suffered, my physicians told me that nothing could bo done for me and my friends were fully convinced that noth ing but death would relieve me of my suffering. In June, 1894, Mr. Evans, then salesman for the Wheeling Drug Co..recom in ended Chamberlain's Pain Balm. At this time my foot and limb were swoolen to more than doable their normal size and it seemed to me my leg would burst, but soon after I began using tbe Pain Balm the eweil fog began to decrease, the pain to leave, and now I consider that 1 am entirely cured. For sale by J. P, Bree den. Trenton N. C. I Largest Stock, | Greatest Variety, I Best Quality, Lowest Prices T 9 Iff JF9Wm &, SECTION, aSaStai «“"»»■ ,ta 2®' JS** ***** HZ^&ga&s Comfort'* an< * Summer wear, with everything neoeeeery for Oar Shoe Dspartment u SSffSSS! I ‘ I «“» J. H. HACKBURN, (Successors to Heck burn ft Willett-) '' KEWBBBNK, H. 0. iaSMUM«HiiMnwannMRaNM«HM»NMMncM ft Subscription: M ft 61.00 PER YEAR. # ft 40 Cta. Six Mouths, P. W. Whitakef, Editof, Btaaver Creek Items. Crop* are very nice in this section. Mrs. Polly Casper is improving from a hurt by a horse running over her. Musas liobona Andrew* aud Eula Baeden went to Kinston last Monday and returned the same day. Miss Sarah Jon ss has gous to spend the sumn er at Mr. Thomas Wilcox'*, hope she will have a fine time during bur stay. Mr. W. J. Joyner was visiting Mr. W. 6. Dsßrubl last Sunday. Hope he enjoyed his visit. Lillian Dunn spent last Sunday with Mrs. G. W. Baeden. She is a.swost little girl. Mr. R. B. Dunn spent last Saturday and Sunday visiting his parents. Mr. Arnos Atdrews spent last Sun day at bis uncles, W. H. Andrews. Live for those that love you, For those whose hearts are true. For ths heaven that smiles above you, And the good that yon may do. Bonus Items. June 7th 1897. The rain foil Saturday was needed very much. Miss Clyde Smith, of near Kinston, is visiting Miss Cattle Gilbert this week. Mr. L. O. Pollock spent Saturday uight at Mr. Ben Hoggins. Messrs. E. H. Gooding and Charles Griffin spent Latuniay night at Mr. G. I. Taylor. Mr. E. It. Pollock aod family spent S turoay night and Sunday at Mr. Na than Gilbert. People have been hnay ever since the rain, setting out potatoes, aod crops are looking better. m m 33IKD. Mrs. Nannie Motts, wife of Mr. Jas. Matts, of near Richlaods, died Friday, Jane 4th. She was a member of the Disciples church, a consistent Christian, an affectionate wife and mother a< d much beloved by neighbors and friends. She leaves four children who will mies tbe tender caresses and loving smiles of a food mother. Her foneral was preached by Elder Howard, aud the remains laid to rest at Pleasant Hill. ANTm A middle-aged man, whits or colored, to wait ou a gentleman who Is an invalid. Quo ao Juaintkd with housework preferred.— 'or further information apply to th* editor of this paper. jkOlm. SIMON HITEWITZ - - "mirn in - MUTTON, HYDES, ETC. Highest prices paid for Hydes. He aleo sells Milk Shakes to cool you this hot weather. TXXXT9# JT, G. NOTICE. AS much of my time Is occopied on my form, and other enterprises out of Trenton. 1 request all persons having business with me to call at my office in Tree ton on Saturdays and the first Mondays. LEWIS KING, NUMBER 19.

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