» r Yn JIL Jjfc f y One of the Ba«t FamJf ly Pupsr* id Eastern T C»rolioa. ' f ji.oo a Ysa^ VOLUME 1. TRENTON MAILS* ARRIVAL AS!) UEI'AB'JURR. FROM COVK: Leaves Trenton at 7:45 ». w. Arrive* at Trenton *t 12:00 m. Leave* Trenton at 2:80 t). Arrives at Tteuton at 0:45 p. m. FROM rOLL >K-*VIDI.B : Leave* Trenton Tuesdays. Thursdays ami Kiturdays at 8:00 a. m. Arrives at Trenton («ra# days) 3 p. m. FROM RICHtAKPa. Leave* Trenum Monday*, Wednesday* and -Frill • vs at 6:01 a,' m. Arrives at Trenton (same day*) 7 p. m. FROM HONOR: Leave* Monday*, Wednesdays ao«l Frl day* at 7ioo a. nt. Arrive* at Trenton (same day*) 4 p. no. D. IT. HItBRITAOK. P M. Inin •.* - Pwpls CfluiiT ini (torn* and Wlat They are fiaiig. mi IWIT THS TOWS IS GESEMI, ETC. Sheriff Harrison era* in Trenton lart Monday on airiness. Regular meeting of Zion Thrive, A. F. and A. M. was held iaat Saturday. Read the Nkwb and buy yoor good* of the onee that advertise in its col* anon*. Xormsn Evan* has bored several well* in Trenton and vicinity, in the last week or two: Mr. P. M. Hardy, of Institute. spent never*! daye last we«k in Trenton with hie son E. L. Hardy. Mis* D ta Taylor left Sunday tor Dover where *ba will epeud a few week* visiting friends. Mr*. Harvey, mother of Mr*. Jult* McDaniel. b«s been in Trenton mine time visiting her daughter. Mr*. R. L.K»y aod three children went to Kinston last Friday to vieii friend* and relative*, and returned Monday. Mr. and Mr*. C. H. Foy, of May** villa, spent eeveral day* in Trentou last week a* the guests of Mr, S. E. Koimce. Mr*. Capt. S. E. EweU. oFLawrenct, ha* been visiting the family of Mr. Lon Taylor and friend* lu Trenton lor the piat week. W. H’, Cox, Register of Deeds of this county, and tba local editor of the Vkws, took a trip to Xsw Berne last Thursday, re turning Friday. Mr. Lon Taylur made a trip to Do ver last waak. Ha informs us tlm< crops are looking flue in that section, sad he al*o tell* us that Mr. L. H. Whitehead i* in a critical condition. One of the severest wind storm* passed through Trenton last Friday jhft has been known for many year*, accompanied by rain. Considerable damage was done to fences and shad* tree*. Mr. and Mr*.’ W. H. Rhodes and Mis* Maggie Barring, home last Friday evening on the steamer Howard, f.ora Monhead City, where they have been attending the Teacher's Assembly. They report a most pleas* ant time. We cal) the attention of our reader* to tha schedule of the Southern railroad ar.d would advise those who, intend t* visit the Nashville Exposition to take the Southern route byway of Ashvitla. thus taking in the Monota’n scenery, the raostr beautiful ever witnessed on any railway. This alone i* worth th* expense of the trip. Miss Myrtle Whitaker who ha* been visiting friends and- relative* in Tren ton for some time returned borne, lest Saturday, accompanied by Misses Sue May Kinsey, Fannie and Lottie Whit aker, Halil* Benson and, Erma Will iams. These young ladies will no d< übt spend a delightful time at the hospitable home of Dr. F. A. Whiur her. win carom im W. 0. Mo A Ulster, Paul Koonce, N. j R. Bond, F. L Hardy. Msj-w Dawsoni ami Sam Lippnmn, went io Morehssd | City la*t Sunday. They all report a | most plvssant ums. end an immense j crowd enjoying the healthful sea lne< **. j Mr. Je*sa Garrett, an old typo, who | is now sojourning at Cora. apeot Sat- i nrdsy sod Sunday In Trenton with friends. Although Mr. Gnrrett is al most an invalid ha ha* loet none of th* genial, wholeeoul disposition of spirit that characterized him in former days. He was an old Mexican soldier, and is paid a very liberal reueion which makes life's declining daye easy so-tar a* money is concerned. We omitted to DOtice In our last is sue a most pleasant excursion down ths Trent river on Lbs steamer Howard Thursday evening *be 10th. About one hundred and fifty person* tool: ad vantage of the pleasant outing. The boat left her wharf shout half past eiiles in th* country on ths farm of L. A. Haywood bud taken hi* own Ufa. On Saturday before Mr. Martin ahowed some signs of a de ranged mind* by acting a little strange ly. yet nothing serious was contempla ted by hi* friends until Wednesday evening, when he became ho violent that some friends were tailed in by his wife. He arose early Thursday morn ing, about 4 O’clock slier a sleepless night, and weal into a. room, and in a f*w moments a gun shot was heaid, and bis wife rau screaming from the house, and the two gentlemen that were in the house ran out supposing that she had been phot. In a very short tltue anutbsr shot was heard, and hla brother on going in the room where Mr. Martiu was, ho was found lying on the floor shot through the stomach, yet •till conscious. His clothing was on Ora from the explosion of tba gun which was extinguished, when he sat up, and a*k*d hi* brother what he wau ted. and told him "he bad better get out" at the same time begsu feeling tu a trunk, as If trvieg to gel something. His brother thinkiug he might be look iog for a pistol, left the room, and did uot return for sqme time, and whoa he did Mr, Martin Was found dead, with his throat cut. It is believed that he was trying to get his rsxor from tho trunk, when be spoke to his brother, as oire whs found by his side, aud also an open pocket knife. The coroner, Mr, Mallard, f und nothing from the evidence that would warrant any conclusion except, that hts death was caused by bis own hands, hla mind being in a deranged condition at the time. Mr, Hartin was a hard working in dustrious man, commanding the con fldence and respect of his neighbors. He leave* an invelld wife and seven children to tuourn Ids untimely end. Richlands Item*. We are having fine weather and crop* are looking’well. Our School come to a close lest week. Mr. B. H. Strange and Mis* Heme etta Barker bays been with u* a fe.w days. Mr. H. Moore, of Wilmington, has been visiting tho femtiy of F. D. Shaw Vlas Brasilia Dawson, of Tar Lan dtag,'has been visiting ths family of U. W.Padrick. ~ Mr. A. W. Cooper has beewylsltlarg his brother, B. F. Cooper. Mr. D. W. (Jox went np the road Monday night. Thla wounds the heart of yonr serlbn. Children's day ssrirlc* on the third Sunday was a grand success. fi Paper for of People ant the fAgwe. TRENTON’, N. C., WEDNESDAY JUNE 23. 1897. . U;over Items. We ha-1 a nice Hi He- rain Friday evening which was very n ueh needed. Mr Lon Taylor of Trentou came last week to see h'j* brat girl. Mr*. Geo. Gardusr. of Griffon, came Saturday to viaiL her brother Mr.F. H. Dawson. The Sanctification meeting com menced yesterday, everybody I* invited to-come. One of on r young men as ye that brother Kendal wht- Is cm,iluctlug this meeting, shot him vestci day with a tiesvy losd of buck shot and thinks if he i* shot with many more such loads he will soon be nnsbl* to attend tbs meetings. ' , Mr*. A. L. Dixon received the se cond bleseiug lest uigbt and we hope many more will before the. meeting closes next Sunday night. . „ Metals. Richard Swindell and B. H. Parrott, of Uttielieid, came Saturday to attend church. Mr. Z. V. Murpbrey, or Kinston, can e yesterday to spend lb* day with Mr. W. M Tyudal. Mtocs Zaun and Ads West, of Cloes, •pel ymeixlay at Mr. T. L. West*. , Messrs. Dan Richardson and Fred Alphin went to Morehead verierday. Last Tneetiay night at 10:40, o'clock, God took Alex, th* little angel of Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Dnguid to heaven. The bereaved parents have the deepest sympathy of our entire community. Don't forget to come io the meeting this week. Set vices at 8 o'clock In the cvvnii g aud 8 o'clock at night. Wo expect a good time aud want you to share It with us. Fields Items- The Wind aud bail that fell tot Fri day did considerable damage The worms are playing havoc with the tobacco in this section. Crops are generally sorry about hero. Geo. Kilpatrick was visiting at Gus Mosleys last week. Miss Oliv* Tavlor, of New nope, cams Sunday to visit frisnds aud rtla. lives. Mr. and >fr*. Jack Dail returned to » their home in Wilson. A house on B. W. Canady’* place was burned last Friday. No insurance. R. C. Hill went to Snow Hill yesterday. There wa* a runaway couple mar ried at Rev. Grubb* Sunday. Will Horner and Mattis Andrews Lena, the wife of John King, died June 14th 1897. She leaves a husband and oue child to mourn her loss. Our sympathies go out to the bereaved ones and wy all hope to meet her in th* mansions of bliss where separation never takes place. We are glad to have J. C. Adcock of Rocksboro. back with us again. Mies Blanche Harper, ot Kinston, is visiting Miss Ella Mosclsy. Beaver Cireek Items, The wiad we had last Friday did much damage, but the rain wae a wel come visitor. Mr. and Mrs. Tboe. Griffin spent last Sunday with their mother Mrs. W. D. Deßruhl. Mr. Ed Sellers made a business trip to Ktuaion Sunday ard returned Moo* day. Ur. O. H- Foy and family made a short visit to Mrs. Beilin Bectons iaet weak. Mr*. Nannie Cockrell end denghter. Miss Aonis, of Kinston, spent last week with hsr mother, Mrs. Basden. Her vielt was welcome to friends aud relatives. Mr. W, C. Deßruhl made a business Drip to Trenton last Friday. Jtev. Mr. Daugherty will preach at Deep Spring on the 20tb and 27th ot tide month. Quarterly meeting will •be held at the earn* tim*. Miss Rule Baideo spent last week at Kinston visiting friends. She left e broken hearted boy to mourn hsr ah* sene*. QuiwerJy Items*. , W* art* g!t|d to know that Mr. Joe Pittman, who has been quits sick, is Improving, Mrs. Martha La'linm cam* home last FridHy from Washington, where sb* ha* been spending some time with friends and relatives. Mi** LorenaStilley.of MapleCypram, has bum * pending several days with Mis* Myrtle Cox while on her way home from A;den. Dr. William Cobb Whitfield came from. Seven Spring* last Thursday where he has teen visiting hie father, Col. Xaihan Whitfield. Messrs. B. F. Ox, Zeb. Bland, Mrs. Lizzie Bland and Myrtle Ox at tended the commencement at Greudool last week. Fred Johnson, cf Griffon, spent sev eral days with bti home folks daring the pest week. The infant son of Mr. ar.d Mrs. J. P. QulnerJy died last Saturd y and was burled Sunday afternoon in the feraily grave yard. He wee two years old. Mrs, John Xing died near here last Sunday of pneumonia. The weather is becoming extremely dry in this section. We heve'ut had a 4 good saeson since th* first of May. To bacco is dying, hot corn and cotton are not Buffering so bad, yet it will unless rain cornea soon. Goods rise and go around but north). We hope, though, that tho good Lord wiil remember ns aud send it in tim* to save some of our crone. .Chinch bug are killing corn.— Some of the farmer*, that have corn threa or four feat in height, are cutting it down and curing for forage. JBonuft Items. Bev. J. B. Tingle filled hie regular appointment at Haskins Chapel Sunday. Mis* Lula Smith, ol Coahoma, spent Saturday night aud Bauday with Mias Lula Giloert, Mr*. J. k. Tingle and little Willber came Saturday to vi*it her parents Mr. and Mrn. J. B. Pollock. Mis* Mytlle Whitaker relumed home from Trenton Saturday accompanied by Misses Fannie and Lottie Whitaker, Sue May Kinsey. Erma Williams and Sallie ReufrOJ, who will remain several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Council Davenport, of near Wondiogfon, spent Saturday night at Mr. F. B. Bee ton’a. who has -been sick, but wn are glad is much better. Little Julian, infant eon of Mr. J. K. Pol jock, died l**t Friday, and it* re mains were placed beside its mother who died leas than a year ago. The sympathy of the entire com muni tv goes out to this bereaved father, who is now separated from the earthly enjoyment of the last member of hla foamy, A Hew Improvement- Mr. E. A. Rhodes has in charge the well equipped shop of Mr. Lewis King, and is. prepared to do all kinds of bug gy, wagou, cart, and all kinds of re pair work. Ho ha* steered tho ser vice of Job* Jarman, who every one know* to be the best blacksmith in th* oounty. good work, cheap and prompt ly done, Is their motto. He maxes coffins a speciality. Largest Stock, Greatest Variety, Best Quality, Lowest Prices r& me F&trjm ri„ sEeriwr. Amnt for two of the largest Flour Mills In this country. ••"Sugar direct from the ReAoertea. ' CTOur Goods are bought from drat hands, saving the middle man h profit, and wt> ««U at Manufacturer \ Prioea. Our Dry Goods Dep&rtamt fabrics for Spring and Summer wear, with everyihiog neoeeiarr fur Comfort. f Our Shoe Dspartmeut u « Z,“»“Kr 8b0 “ *" MIJ ,0 “ T J. H. HACKBURN, (Snooeeeort to Haokbum ft Wlliefct) , v, 1 NEWBERNE, N. CX Subscription: 3b i Si.oo PER YEAH. ’ 50 Ct*. Six Mon Lbs. m p. Tjf. y.HtTAKEP, jSpiTORt Oomlort Item#. Tbs rain Friday did lots of good. Dan Murrillnrd family, nf Richland* spent Bsturday night aod Sunday with relatives around her*. Messrs, Will Johnson and John Mel ville, of White Oak, cam* Saturday to accept a pnaitlon with Fred Nelson. . Bsv. J. M. Bouson filled bis tegular appointment at Cyprass Creek Sunday. W. 0. George is dons laying by corn. J. L. Hardy lost a fine mule Ssuir duy night the cairn ia uot known. Mr. Isaac Horner, propria’or of the Burton House. Burton, W. Va.. and one of the most widely known men in tlw state was cared of rheumatism af ter three years of suffering. He says: "I have not sufficient command of lan guage to couvey any idea of what I suffered, my physicians told me that nothing could be done for me and my frieudi were folly convinced that noth ing but death would relieve me of my suffering. In Juno, 1804. Ur. Evens, then salesman for tbu Wheeling Drag C<». .recommended Chamberlain ’* Pain Balm. At this time my foot and limb were swcoleu to more than double their normal tine and it seemed to me my leg would bum, bat soon after I brgau u-iog the Pain Balm the swell ing began Io decrease, lb* pain to loava, ami now I consider that 1 am entirely cured. For sale by J. P. Broa den. Trenton XT. C. Books, Stationery, Periodicals, &c. School Books, School Supplies. Fancy Goods, Mueioal Icietiumente. Latest in Sheet Music Mail orders solicited. J. D. GASKIN. Newborn. ST. C- Mnfino 18 h#reb y * iv « u *o JLw U l/Ivo 'White Oak Township that there will be an election on the fltst Tuesday aftw th* second Mouday In A u«u»t, to ascertain the will of the qualified voters in regard to voting * tax fin- said townsuip the sum of on* hundred and forty three dollars. Pollocksville Township, |452 o*l Trenton Town*h r. ■ 270.00 Cypress Creek Township, 100 00 Tuckahoe Township, - 112.00 Bettvsr Geek Township, 121.00 Chinquapin Township, - 147.00 By order of the Board of Coinmie siouere, W. H. COX, O. B. C. JQE&S.SA2TBOJ7 Have just opened at th* store of F. Csstet a large »nd handsome stock of lIY Mm CLOTHWG* SHOES. BOTIOSB Infact anything you may need for the riumnier at price* to suit the hard times It will he to your advantage to cell to eoe them when in Trenton. WANTED. A middle-aged man, white or colored, to wait on a gentleman who is an invalid. On* ac quainted with housework preferred.— For further Information apply to the editor of this paper. jtOlm. NOTICE. AS much of my time is occupied on my farm, and other enterprises out <>t Trenton, I request ell persons | having business with me to call at my office lu Tret ton on Saturday* and the ! first Mondays. LEWIS KING. NUMBER 21.