■WHERE SOLDIERS FELL THE •GOVERNMENT’S THREE GREAT MILITARY PARKS. Mmw SO* TUtUeOeia* *f CkkkuoM(a, «*l BhUoK Will to «fcO «MOtBC eighty-seven registered in the town of Blaekville and nearly half of them were used by girls and matrons. It is a beautiful town, os level as a floor sad the streets look like theyj have been fare planed and sand papered. The tight, sandy surface is | not mnch in the way of the wheels! and the pretty girls wheel to school \ and to tire postoffice and tho stores j and go visiting and take their evening excursions. They rido with grace and | modesty and nobody ohjeota or is sur prised. There is a first-class repair shop there, where every broken or damaged part is mended and even plating in silver and brass is done. From this skilled mechanic I learned that it oo«t a titan about $5 a year to keep hia wheel in order and cost a woman about $1.50. "You ace,” said ho, "the young men take more risks and ride over the cross ties on the railroad track, but the girls are more prudent and careful. Oh, no, it does not cost one-tenth as much to keep a wheel in order as it doe* to feed a horse. With careful ausgee a good wheel ought to lest ten years, but the improvements come so quick and fast that the old style soon becomes a second-hand and is sold for half price and a new one bought. Like the sewing machines, the price will soon oome down os the patents run out and then a good wheel can be bought for SBO or $40.” My next stop was at Bamberg, a live town on the Booth Carolina road, and the first thing that greotod me was a bicycle dross parade and then a tour nament. Riders and wheels were all decorated. Borne of the men wore in fantastic array; the wheels were adorned with gay colors of ribbon and fancy paper. The company was forty strong and had its officers, who gave command, "Bight wheel, forward roll, evolute, speed well, round the bend, wheels ahoy, slow up, dis mount, salute your queen,” etc. There were some young ladies in the procession and some men in fe male garb, but it took no Solomon to divine their sex. Bamberg is an old town made over, renewed and invigo rated by the wheels and spindles and looms that hum day and night in a large cotton mill near by. This mill has brought good schools and artesian wells and new hotels and churohes and many beautiful new residences. A cotton mill does as much or more for a town as a pension agency. The latter pours free money in to a commu nity, and free money goes as easy as it oomos, but a mill distributes money that is earned. I saw more mills at Orangeburg and that oifcy is on a boom. More mills are being built— built from the dividends of the first mills. The town is stretohing out and putting on oity airs. I wish it would stretch to that Coast Line depot* for it is an awful long mile for a man of my age to walk and carry a valise. I waa told that a hack would oome for me at. half past' S o’clock, but as it did nut come, I walked, for fear of being left It was a little after daybreak by that eastern time and I had hardly got rested in the depot before the street car came rolling down without a passenger. What an idiot I was, but nobody told me how to do and I wonldent have been left for $lO. But just think of it, I left at 6 o’clock and reached At lanta at 12 o’olook—2(11 miles in six hours, 43 miles an hour, including stoppages. This was the fastest trav eling 1 evar did in my life. I visited ■Bother town that ie just taking on its second growth. St George is a lovely little village that baa recently been made a oounty seat and the people are mood, very proud. They are prepar ing to build a oourthouse and expect that factories and street oars and wa terworks and gas lights will soon fol low. "But right now,” sold my friend, "we have a town foil of the prettiest girls in the state.” Yes. His wife it m Europe and every girl looks sweet to him. I learned that the town was named for a ulever old settler by. the flame of Georgs, but how he came to be canonised into a saint I did sot learn. I met a Howell there—a oousin of Evan. He is editor, postmaster and general factotum and a rebel to the core. Our own D, B. Freeman of oartersville,another editor, has proved his claim to the youngest soldier of the confederacy, but Howell pushes him very dose, for he ran away when he was fifteen years old and fought at Vicksburg and Ohiokamauga and then Sit into a hospital at Rome and -Dr. tiler took pity on the beardless sick boy and oorod for him two months at hia own home and then sent him homo to his mother. But Barnwell, old time-honored Barnwell, quiet, peaceful BaruwalL, gave me the moat royal wel come. Thcv more than the 01 nwl - An Arkansas preacher declsrsfl that be “has just discovered that tie dbvlt Is a lawyer.” If be to living In Arkan sas h« J• getting his just deserts.