I HiVE NOW OX HAND A BIU IA)T OF Farm Wagons, Cart Wheels, Axles Buggies, Road Carts, Harness, Whips and Robes. "•wljin .piI*iJa 1 *iJaT■>* (i 11 i. irCCa Ou Thursday night, March 25t.1i, I received u OAR LOAD ot Well Broks Horses and Mules. As 1 desire not to carry any of the above over. I will sell any of )t Very Low for Cash, or One & Two Years Time , J. W. Stawart, Newborn, N. C. Tetter, Salt-Rheum and Eoums. The intense itching end smarting, isci* dent to these diseases, is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain’s Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently cared by it. It is equally efficient for Itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped bands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 25 eta. jer box. Dr. (Indy’s Condition Powders, are jost what a horse needs when In bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but medicine and the beet in use to put a horse in prime condition. Price 23 ooutss piidm^o* kB “Sfiami* m 4 Srwy Wy" 2j| Are invited to visit the stores of jjjM | J. P. BROGDEN | ® ,; when in Trenton. 8 ffl Where they trill find a beautiful line of j® ® DRESS GOODS, DUCKS, LINENS Sk 1 Ladies’ UMBRELLAS. “OXFORD TIES ’ J Sj| (the handsomest shoe on the market,) and many yp W other things ladies need for the Slimmer. «» yj* The Gentlemen will also find an elegant line of KECK jig jg WEAR, WHITE * COLORED SHIRTS. SHOES, ETC. » In faot anything they need will be found there. 4* »P Money la scarce and lam selling goods at prices to suit the jSu Qr times. Cash goes a long ways in my *iore. and before you j«P| go to another town to huy goods call to see me. J. J. Easier, tt "WHEN IN NEED OP Clothing, Shoes, Notions, Trunks, Dry Goods, Men’s Furnishings, &c., Ac. Don’t fail to see me bef»re buying. I will SAVE you money on any thiug yon buy. We are Agents for W. L. Douglass’ Fins Shoes, AMD. a. F. Heeds’Ladies Fan© Shoes. Every Pair Warranted. SflMfi‘l orders promptly attanded ta. J. J. BAXTER. CARL WILSON, Salearaan, fasaltess • fatalist* mwi l«BR8«flS, iMSSStSUAiAM Mm NEWBEEH, H, Cm Carries a large and beautiful astortrasnt of the beet and newest end latest style* of Furniture. Special a.*entloa Is uellsd to the. new Dining Extension Tab)*, as shown in cut above. I invite you to cell and exam ins my stock before pur* chasing elsewhere, U will pay yun to do so. DR.G.K.BAGBY, SUpIJXOTi DENTIST. Office 95 Middle Street, Secood Floor, NEW BERNE. N. C IMces to suit these Hmd Times. W, C. MCALISTER, ATTORNEY AT JL4 W, , TRENTON, N. C. 'Will practice in Jones and surround Ing counties. Things Worth Knowing. Wilev Refers, of Raleigh, has been indicted for driving a borse to death. The coal miners strike out west is assuming enormous proportion, and is beconrfug serious. The hot weather through the north and west is almost unbearable. Mauy deaiht have resulted. The town Lowry, Mmu., was almost completely destroyed by a cyclone last week. Many persons were killed. Stewart Bros., of Wiaston, N. C., late State Printers, have been sued to recover a large sum of money, which It Is claimed (hey overcharged for work done. The convicts lu the an old fashion celebration on the 4th. They gave a minstrel show, had a base ball game, and an elaborate din ner was served. The new directors of the North Car olina Railroad, appointed by Gov. Rue sal), hare assumed tha duties of their office, sod elected l>r. W. V. Normeot, president. Gov. Russell pardoned. la-t week, Fernando Bullock, convicted of assault with a deadly weapon in Pitt Bor preme court, April. 1896, end sen tenced to twelve months in jail. Tsx*a will raise this year over 3 WO 000 bales of cotton, the corn crop will be the largest In the history of the Stats, while the wheat crop, alreffdy harvested, is large aud being sold at a profitable price. Revenue officers this afternoon brought in 28 barrels aid 19 kegs ol whiskey and six stills, 'tha property et Robert Cooke, who has been operating a government distillery in Davie ccuu* ty for several years. Tha seizure was made because the manufacturer bad the whiskey hidden on his place when it should have been in the warehouse s'amped. In Ireland, the other day, when the charitable societies of Limerick began to distribute a hundred carcasses ol mutton, part of the Australian jubilee iiift to the poor of the united kingdom, a n ob of women jeered the recipients, snatched the meat from them and trampled it in the mud. The oilier ap plicants were afraid to receive the mut ton, apd as a result if was returned to the stores. The action of the mob was due to their determination not fco par ticipate in any form iu the queen's juf ilee. England has been n.ade happy by the jubilee, but Ireland is not yet ready to come to mutton. There has been a bad feeling in Charleston. 8. C. for several weeks over the superseding of the white labor in the cotton mill of that city by col ored labor, the excuse for the change being that the white lebor was noi edual to the demand and not up to the standard in efficiency. Now, the News and Courier states that auother force South Carolina mill is negotiating for the services of these discharged white employes and la ready to take forty families as soon as arrangement* can be perfected for housing them. This will be a decided loee for Chartes-on. President McKinley has sent a mes sage to congress recommending a leg islation providing for a commission to adjust the currency question of the country. The message quotes (rom the President’s Inaugural address, in which he said: "Our financial system needs some revision; our money is all good now, but its value most not be further threat ened. It should all be put oh an en during basis, not subject to easy nor its stability to doubt or dispute. There fore I believe it necessary to devise a system which, without diminishing the circulating medium or offering a pre mlnm for its contraction, will put a remedy for these arrangements, wb'eh temporary In their nature, might well In the years of our proeparlty, have been displaced by wiser provisions. With adequate revenue secured, but not until then, we can enter upon’ each changes in our fiscal laws, which, will while insuring safety and volume to our money, no longer impose upon the government the necessity of main taining so forgo a gold rosorvo, with its attendant and iasvltabie tempta tions to speculation.*’ * You may hunt tba world over and you will not find another medicine equal to Chamberlain 4 ! Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for bowel com plaints. It is pleasant safe and relia ble. For sale by J. P. Brogdsn Tien ton N U. ipRIWITY COLLEGE. ♦ • Kelt Samian Opsni Sspvsabsr 9. Three full courses of study. Large number of elective#- Two full ebaira in English. Women admitted to all classes. One Hund-ed sad one Thousand fi Uars added to the endowment during the I unseal sear. Only mule literary ooi ege in North Candida that is located In a city. The best businegs course offered iu the state. Send for album sad catalogue Address JNO. C. KILGO, Durham, N. C. JOE&S. SAITBGIT Have just opened «t the store of F. Castet a forge aud handsome stock of Dry Hoods, Clothing, Shoes, Notions, Infect anything you may need for the Bummer at price* to suit the hard times It will be to y«ur advantage to call to see them when in Trim ion. American Fretilizing Co’s High Grade Fertilizers. For Sale By T. ft Whitata, AGENT, Trenton JSi. C- j gentian ggixture, lor Cotton, Corn, Ground Pens, &c. High Grade Tobacco Guano, Acid Phosphate, (14 per ceut.) BOTE AND POTASH. gare t§erman iKainit At prices to salt the times, either for Cash or good meunty, payable next fall. Hartsfield l Potter & Co, Successors to li. R. Hartsfield, WHOLESALES Commission Merchants, AND DEALERS IN Berries, Fruits and Southern Produce. 419 West Street, NEW YURK. Refffbences ; Gamma port Bank, New York; Mecklem Bros., Bankers, New York. L, W. Warrock, Agent, Burgaw. JSBTABISHED 1869. | |ON, WHOLESALE FRUIT & Produce Commission Merchants. , Fancy Specialties Top Prices and Quick Returns. 190,190) Duane Street, NEW YORK. Runuoutculrving National Bank, New York; Bredstreet aud Ban's com mercial agencies * ' SOUTHERN RAILWAY, PIEDMONT AIR UNE- Schedule Effective May 1,1897. Thin condensed Rnhedufo is published as information only, sod is subject to change without notice to the public. GREENS 8080, RALEIGH, OOUM&KftO AND NORFOLK. ...... mi•—• .—4fpnMMma . 4* BASTBOUND. Win™ &£ ftjj. w»d Greensboro !2 10 pm BSO am 180 am Glbsouvillc, 12 40 pm 9 22am 2 20am KlouCAll'gel2 46pm 9 27am 9 32am Burlington 115 pm 9a# am 310 am Graham. ISO p.n 940 am 818 am Hew River 1 27 pm 947 am 828 am Me bane 1 88 pm 10 00 »u 860 am Hillsboro 167 put 10 2am 4 80am University 206pm10 84 am 4 60am Durham 225 pm 10 52 am 5 80am Morrievilie 3 opm It 20am 6 23aiu (Jury 810 pm 11 28 am 630 am Bait igh 8 40 pm 11 45am 710 Ar No. 42 ex. Bun 'Weigh 900 Lv Auburn 8 58 pm 9 40 am Clayton 4 29 pm 10 80 am Selma 4 88 pm 12 45 pm li 58 am Norfolk ••••• .»«<» 525 pm Princeton 4*6 pm 110 pm 13 8 *p<« Goldsboro 525 pm 140 pm 110 pm WJSbTBUUN D-LE AVEB S« SS Mo.l# Me. 11 telly. Dally. Ms* Dly Goldiboro 71" am 180 pm 445 pm Princeton 788 am 300 pm 580 pm Norfolk 9 25 am Selma 749 am 220 pm 605 pm Clay 10a 815 am 8 <’3 pm 751 pm Auburn 827 am 314 pm 820 pm Raleigh - ——— 9 00pm No. 41 ex. Bun Raleigh, 858 am 8 40pm 2 00am Cary, 9 09am 8 58pm 220 am Morrievilie 018 am 407 pm 289 am Durham. 950 am 4 Bpm 880 am University, 10 07 am 436 pm B*6 am HilUb.ro, 10 23 am 507 pm 480 am Mebane. 10 48am 5 27pm 5 05am Haw River, 10 56 am 588 pm 623 am Graham, 1103 am 5 45pm 540 am Burlington, 11 10 am 530 pm 555 am Eton Colt*ge 11 20 am 5 59pm 60Bum Gibscnville, 11 24 am 6 ‘Bpm 615 am Greensboro 11 36 am 6 83pm 6 55am Nos. 11 and 18 carry Pullman can be tween Greensboro and Raleigh. NORFOLK AND CHATTANOOGA. Through Knoxville, Morristown. Hot Springs, Asheville, Salisbury, Greens boro. Durham. Raleigh, Wilson. Rocky Mount and Tar boro. Central * Eastern No. SS Nos. IS Ho. 13 lints. Sally. AIS Daily tUilj. Nashville 12 25pm II 20pm Chattanooga 6 20pm 4 |sam Knoxville . 9 55pm 8 25am Morristown lO 55pm 9 50am Hot Spring*. 12 23am II 46am Asheville 141 am 125 pm Marion 3 15am 3 82pm Morganton 8 49am 411 pm Cunusly Sp’g* 4 06am 4 30pm Hickory, 4 23am 4 50pm Newton, 4 39am 5 08pm Statesville 5 16am 548 pm Salisbury, 6 00am 640 pm (Central Time.) Salisbury. 10 47am 710 am 8 15pm (Easteru Time.) Greensboro 12 10pm 8 50am 9 52pm Durham, 2 26pm 10 52am 5 30am Ra'eigb, 8 40pm 11 45am 7 lf'am Selina. 4 38pm 12 50pm —— Goldsboro. 5 25pm 140 pm —— So Rocky Mt- 215 pm Pinners Pt., —■— 5 05pm Norfolk, Arrive, 5 25pm Ceulril t tetuii Mo. II Xe.as Mm, ISA Hiuo. telly. teUy. S telly! Norfolk, Leave 9 25nm Pinners Pu, ——— ——.— 9 45sm So Rocky Alt 112 pm Goldsboro 710 am I 80pm Selma, 749 * 235 * Raleigh, 2 00am 853 * 340 * Durham, 330 4 950 * 438 * Greensboro 732 ‘ 11 55 ‘ 635 ‘ (Eastern Time.) Salisbury. 937 ‘ 815 am (Central Tima.) Salisbury, 855 ‘ 7 55jm Statesville, 946 1 840 * Newton, 10 26 ‘ 9 15 * Hickory, 10 47 * ——- 930 » ConelySp'gsll 06 ‘ 0 46 » Morganton 11 28 • 10 02 * Marion. 1212 pm 10 35 * Asheville, 225 ‘ 1212 am Hot Springs, 3 52- 4 1 29 * Morristown, 555 * 300 ‘ Knoxville, 720 4 400 ‘ Chattanooga 11 35 4 —— 740 4 Nashville, ar. 5 46am —l5O pm Noe 15 and 16, Norfolk aud Chatta nooga limited. Between Norfolk and Chattanooga, through Selma, buteigh, Greensboro, SMisoury, Hot Springs and Knoxville Pullman Drawing-room Sleeping can between Norfolk end Nash yllle. Through tickets on sate at principal stations to all point* For ratu* or infor mation apply to any agent of Company. W.B.OKBSM, J.MCOLP, W.A.tVHK. OmlSapt. Trifle «n't, Gra'lteMAgt 13 9a. Ave* WaSbiogtus. D.O. SIMON HURWITZ ——dkajjr Cl MUTTON. HYDES, ETC. Highest prices paid (for Hydts. Hs also sells Milk Shakes to 000 l you this hot weather. T*W#W*» - ♦ - - 4T. c. Wanted-An Idea SKgji ss