y One of the Beat Fani-y *ly pJipst-H in Eastern y 4* Carolina. T # 3K- {»UU3CRIPTION: SI.OO A yEAf^ VOLUME i. A WEI I TRENTON. Paopla Ccmisr ani Bring, and What They are Doing. KCWS BOOT THE TOWS II miUl, ITC. Rev. J. M. Benson preached at Shady Grove last Sunday. S. H. Windley went to Holloks ville Saturday on business. Herman Knight, of Rocky Mt., is visiting relatives in Trenton. Mr. Harry Bryan, of PoUocksvillc was a Trenton visitor Saturday. Rev. J. M. Benson and son Clar ence w r ent to Newberne last week. Miss Flora James, of Virginia, was the guest of Mrs. Lewis King Sat urday. P. M. Pearsall Esq., of Newberne, was in Trenton last Friday and Sat urday on business. Albert Rountree, of New York, passed through Trenton last Friday enroute to Maysville. Messrs. Lon Taylor, Major Daw son and Geo. Coble, went to New beme last week on business. Miss Carrie Wooten spent Sunday night with the family of Rev. J. M. Benson. She went home Monday morning. Miss Birdie Koonce, who has been visiting on Cypress Creek, re turned Sunday, accompanied by Fumie Brock. Ed. R. Stanley returned from a hunt below Polloksvillc last Friday. A dccr. fox, and some smaller game was the result of the fun. Miss Meta Outlaw, who has been visiting Mias Dora Taylor, returned to her home in Dover last week ac companied by Miss Dora. Mrs. Sarah Whitaker and Mrs. D. W. Whitaker spent last Friday night visiting the family of |no. W. Wooten a few miles in the country. J. A. Thomas happened to the painful accident of sticking a pair of scissors between the thumb and first fieger of his left hand Monday. We hope it will not prove serious. If you want your boy or girl thoroughly furnished with a practi cal education send them to the Tren ton High School which stands equal to any preparatory school in the State. Mias Fannie Bell, of Pollocksville, who has been visiting Miss Eula McDaniel, of near Trenton, and ac companied by Miss Eula, was in Trenton* Saturday visiting the family of S. E. Koonce. The News will remove its .office from the present building to new quarters in a few days, where it will put forth greater efforts to give the people of Jones a better paper. We most heartily thank the people for their liberal patronage during the past year. Wc unintentionally omitted to notice the return of Miss Julia Ham-1 rnond Ijom Beach Ga., where she spent sometime visiting her sister, Mrs. Snllic Lewis. Mrs. Lewis ac companied her home, and will re main sometime in Jones with ' her mother and friends. We call the attention of our read ers to the advertisement of T. C.' Whitaker, agent for the American Fertiliser Co's High Grade Fertili zers. These goods are all Standard, and you will make no mistake iu using them.* They were sold to a limned extent last season, to some of our farmers and. gave entire sat isfaction. Eastern Carolina News Sheriff Harrison way in Trenton Saturday, and he says quite a num ! ber of persons have failed to pay their taxes, and while he regrets very much to resort to extreme measures to collect, yet the law is plain. He urges you to attend to the payment of your taxes at once. An unusually large congregation [attended the prayer meeting last Sunday night, conducted by Prof. |W. H. Rhodes. Ilis talk on love and our duty to each other was in j stmetive and greatly enjoyed. We ; are glad to note the increasing sptr- I ituality in the churches in Trenton, and the great interest some of the members manifest in its upbuilding. ■ The second year of the existence of the News will begin Feb. ist, when we shall erase from our books all subscribers who have not paid their subscription. We dislike to do this, but necessity forces us to take this step. Wc hope you will send thq small amount you owe us at once, and save us the unpleasant task. As before stated wc shall send thd News only to those in fu ture who pay in advance. We inadvertently failed to an nounce in last week’s News the pleasure of having our esteemed iriend, W. C. McAllister, Esq., of Monroe, with us two days during the holidays. He spoke of the marked change Trenton had under gone during his absence, and was very mnch pleased to see such. We wish him much success in his under takings, and there will ever be a tender spot in our hearts for his welfare. NOTICE^ The Supervisor desires all teach ers, who may need certificates be fore the next regular examination days, to meet him at his office in Trenton Friday, Jan. 14. 1 W. H. HAMMOND. LET EVERYBODY ATTEND. There will he a meeting at the court house in Trenton, Saturday, Jan. 22nd, of the farmers of Jones, at which time Cant. E. M. Pace, of Newberne, will deliver an address on the cultivation of Tobacco, and at the same time distribute seed and literature on the subject. One and all are invited. MAYSVILLESUPPLY CO. We call the attention of our read ers to the new advertisement of the above company. This firm does perhaps the largest mercantile busi ness in. Jones county, having com modious quarters in which to sell goods. They carry a general stock, and can supply your every want. The managerof this company, Chas. Fey, is accommodating and treats I his customers with great respect, and : his clerks are gentlemen of high or der. The success of this company is almost unparallel and it deserves ; even mert:. IJlplL). It is said that "the good die young.” This has been verified in the death of Miss Minnie R. Dowdce, which took place in Newberne about noon, Monday, Jan. 3rd. ai the age of 24. She had been a sufferer for many months, from that slow, torturing di sease, dyspepsia, and death, which to many brings such tertrors, came to her as a happy relief. She was, and has been for many years, a Christian and member of the Centenary Methodist church. She expressed her willingness to die, showing that she had no fear of the hereafter. What a blessed comfort that must be to her sorrowing sisters and friends. While they monrn the loss of a loved one, they can but know that their loss is her gain, and it would be cruel to wish for her back. We join them jn their sorrow, and we also rejoice with them in the be lief that after many days and nights of continual suffering, she is now , Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep, From which none ever wake to weep. • A Fill END. A P- * PER FOR PLASS33 OF People yant the Latest JVews, TRENTON, X. C., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1898. Pollokßvi.ll© Item-* We are all getting down to busi ness again since the holidays. A great rush is going on at the time stores, giving and renewing mortgages for 1898. There will be some tobacco plant ed near this place. One man from Green county has rented kind of Mr. J. H. Bell and will plant 12 acres in the weed, Christmas passed off very quietly in this town and vicinity. No kill ing, fighting or disorderly conduct of any sort, as was the case in a great many other places we have heard and seen accounts of. Aliss Nettie Kilpatrick, of Pitt county is visiting her sister Mrs. T. S. Bender, of this place. John T. White, of Fortress Mon roe, Va., was visiting relatives in the neighborhood during the holidays. Mess. Hampton White and Major Henderson, two young men of this neighborhood, left for Fortress Mon roc last Wednesday to join the ar my. Dent. Sheriff, Koonce was among us last week looking up the delin quent tax payers. Says the taxes must come or he will have to enforce the law. < Macon Harriett and Miss Ella Robison were married last Wednes day, Jan. sth, by Rev. Mr. Alderman in the Baptist church of this place. Miss Ada Watson played the wed ding march, which was rendered in the very sweetest, strains. The at tendants were C. P. 1 larrictt with Miss Lucy Robison, J. A. Robison, with Miss Mattie Hargett, After the ceremony they left fur their home, where they had a very hap py reception of friends. The church was full of people, who extend to this hs»]>py young couple their best wishes for a long, happy and useful life. Mny the sun ever shine on their pathway through life is our wishes. The wise profit by experience. Listen, our watchword is "cash.” Prosperity cannot thrive on credit. Our work of enlightening goes bravely on by telling the public of the great bargains that can be had by calling on Bender Bros., when in need of shoes, pants, coats, or any thing generally kept in a first class store. Prices will surprise you they are so low. Just think, a No. 7 leather shoe for 65 cents and so on. A good imported beaver double breast sack coat for $2, pants 50 to $*.25. all wool and fast color. When yon go for .your mail ask to be shown these goods. Pot Neck Item ß. Mo vim; miena* io be lli« o tiler of the day in our litile neighborhood, -quite a number of our friends are leaving ui*. Chun Hawkins relumed from La- Grnnjje la&i Sunday. He report* a good time. It. ft. Fny. of Tarhoronarh, spent a f«w days last week with hi* talker Jo nah Foy, lfts* Mi Hawkins left Saturday for OrmandNvilla. Green comity, to visit friend* and relatives. Mr. ami Mr*. B. Oliver, of Pol lokrvllle stieot (net Monday bight with relative*. Mrs. Martha Humphrey, of K'u*ton, spent lent week with her sister Mn. 8. W. Sunil. ' Jams* Huggins spent last waek in our Utile neighborhood. Mt«e Maud Wilson wm tha guest of the Mimes Nobles last weak. • W. M. Hawkins mads a dying trip to Kiuston last Saturday. I am sorry to sav ona of our scribes got left Sunday looking at hit bait girl. WHY CQMPLMH? When that dollar oi yours will buy more at my store than ever before. I know you are geitiug low price* for your notion, lint I regulate my prices accordingly, cousequentlv L am selling my trend* at SACRIFICE PRICES. Worst ode, from 10c to 50c per yard. Online. sc. Check Homespun. 4c. Rid F'auusl. 15c. Can He Flannel. Bc. Table Ollelo-h, 20c yard. Velvet low. Shoes, 25c pair. Knitting Cotton. 15u package. UtnTe-rthirU, 20c piece. Blanket*. GOc to SI.OO pair. Ready Made Shirts, 25c pair Men’s Hats. 250 to SI.OO. Cap*. 25c to*soc. Afr w other good* that are uoing tow. Starch. 5c lb. Black Penpor. 10c. Shot, ic lb. Coff 10. i !h. Good Mola-ses. 2te irallon. Choirs. 40c tosoc. 3as AO’S: MACS QZ^OVERffirai IS GOING AT COST. DRUGS of ail kind will be found at my store. Boat load of FLOUR just received from the mill. Delay Ofttime Proves Fatal, So cult at once end be supplied. J. P. BROGDEN. Trenton, N. C. _____ jU «f .© = t ►«*& " j,:ic ' tiro * = . Iff ft co **£ el* 1* » ft ir ** c—» k ft 6r-e JehSr e?» K M 5 «SJ j2|. c■-£ o 5 JS jo 1 » ft! M cO g 8 • S-552 | 5 g Z%* : l til I § |?S § |!g £ 5 cS M W § *5 C 58 S-s 8 I *35 ga *£ ** • __ % I" ?!ls* sM § ft _* no - s£l *5 M- 5 2**2 2*a-Eeg at co f ft cd 'Z BSS« 2* «■; e p►, e© W M *-1 "fe S SA4 .% A-*?*-? * ga H H «a g SH aaS r *s Z a &S g a To Stan Holiday Trade=s^ss^ 0 0 With a EusL We will r.p«, up and pm on sal» ihi« week, a great bag collection of Bolls, fojH, Rook*. Guinea, &c., at just ONE HALF tlse price that iber xnerdiautS will want for Lhem Every ape from the tender tot to the aged grand parent will find the right Holiday articles here at pri« s that mean * great saving. IVe are (fever under* *oid umi never upproanhed iu price*,—if we kuow it. Line of Ladies’Stylish Jackets Wo have Just received onr third ship ment of Lattice tine eoai*. made of Aairmshan, Bouole. B®iv»r, &c. at from 88.75, SD.Oo. $7.50, uud SIO.OO Special this week, a Black CiH« trimmed with fur uud braid, worth 81 50 at (Ho, Gloves Make Excellent Gifts Men's all worrl driving gloves, this week at 250, 4be and 750. Men’s dretrod or undressed kid gloveß ai 73c, 33c, and Si.Bs, Ludies kid gloves, all odlorsand black value 81, our price bOc. Newham’s BigDryGxis Bargain House QJ?S*Q@XTS POST OSFSGS ♦ G. A. BARFOOT, Manager. I Largest Stock! 1» 1 Greatest Variety, Best Quality, 1 Lowest Prices to be mvjm ms SMCHFJ’&JYm I M.Her’B Agent for two of the largest Flour Mills iu this country. OTAug&r direct from the Refineries. «TOur Goods am bought from first hand*, saving the middle man *• profit., and w« sell at Maoutaoiui-erS Prices. I Out ft? fab Departaiat "ASSajSSSSSSBS nthrios for Spring aud Summer wear, with everything neoaeaary for Comfort » # Our Shoe Uspartauat J. H. HACK BURN, (Successors to Htukburn 4k Willett.) ' newberne, n. c. 0 x-x- X--X --sl-00 PER f 50 Cts. Six Month* P< y. pDITOR . Dress Patterns For The Holidays Will bo in great demand and we start tlie season’a ball rolling by offering l.r &Q 0 yards of dress patterns at SIOB, £340, 84, 88.75, SB, £l3 and up Special Sale—lso yards imported novelty g ods. been selling at 37 l-3c, * we offer this week at S 3 c a,yard. Handkerchiefs, Neckwear And Sus ponders All these make gifts that are appre ciated and our prices make it possible to buy. NUMBER 4P.