Laughter, The old stand-by, "The Night Before Christmas" was beautifully done by Helen Braswell, The other recitations given by Marie Stewart, Carol Padgett, and Evelyn Overby were fabulous in anybody’s book. The Pantomime, "The Choirs of God", given by Sandra Ward, Howard Mallard, C, L. Gurganus, Fred Toole, and Bob Johnson really gives us the true spirit •f Christmas, Nice going. Dramatics Club’, Keep up the good work’. Your efforts are appreciated by the entire student bodyl LETTERS TO SANTA Dear Santa, Please bring Ruthie and Julie a bottle of sand from V/rightsville Beach I (Just for old time’s sakeI) A friend.,. Who Knows Dear Santa, Please bring me fo’or BE"WARE stickers, I want one for each side of my car. Your friend, Sally Wood Dear Santa, Please bring me a bottle of brovm hair dye. (It’s urgent.) Edv/in "Red" Hargrove Dear Santa, Please bring us a juge supply of red toboggans. Thanks, The boys who don't have one. Dear Santa, Please bring me a size four (4) shoe, (I can dream, can’t I?) Ann Booker Dear Santa, Please bring Cf>ach Bain an aii-- conditinuod ’oat, so v/o can cl^se the wJudows, The students Dear Santa, Instead of visions of sugar plums, bring us visions of ideas for speech class. Thanks, Students in Speech class "Santa Baby" Ple-e-ease bring me a great big, juicy, hunk of man. Your dahling, Beth Dear Santa, Please bring Joe Glenn Lee one humble and sincere rabbit. Signed, A friend Dear Santa, Please bring us a bottle of Dr. Carter ’ s "Grownina" Quick, git it quick. Winnie Underwood Charlie Lee Ann Booker Ruth Wellons TOP SECRET In hushed and excited tones the sophomore heme economics girls tiptoe over the department. Everything is very secretive. If one happened by, a low murmur and mumble may be audible, a peek in at the door will reveal the secret. Needles flash and sewing machines h\im. Bright scraps of wood are scattered among the table legs and even more of it is on the tables. "All of this is very interesting," one may say, "but what are they making?" Ask them. They are making beautiful winter fash ions of soft hues and prints. Soon the top secret will emerge in all its glory. Mary Joe Brown