SiyO;THFI£LD HIGH TMS SFiaOR EFFORTS wany seniors around Srnithfield have been trying for scholarships and various recognition, Pat Stephenson, Louise Stevens, Joe Durward Creech, and Sue vfood tried r>ut for a National Scholarship. Bill Holland is competing for the More- head Scholarship. Marvin Taylor, Pat Stephenson, Louise Stevens, and Virgil Early, tried hand at writing essays, the • finals of which will be published in the National High School Anthology, Joe Dur ward Creech is trying for a scholarship to 'Wake Forest. Virgil Early is planning to take a test in January to enter Duke, On December 6, Jane Twisdale, Pat Stephen son, Elizabeth Ann Turner, Beverly Bras well, Louise Stevens, Mary Louise Mohr, Ann Rackley, Margaret Sanders and Sharon Daughtry took a Betty Crocker test for a National Scholarship. The entire Senior Class is writing 100 word essays on "Why I Need A Good Breakfast." The best of these will be sent in to compete for large cash prizes. Good luck to all the seniors in their various endeavors. Elizabeth Ann Turner Faye Ann Hardy HUNTER JOHNSON MUSIC CLUB The Hunter Johnson Music Club met Tuesday night, Novembex- 29, at Nancy Lassiter's home. The voice and piano students who form the membership of the club heard Miss Flora Parker give a short synopsis of the life of Grieg, outstanding composer of Norway, followed by a few remarks on Sibelius, Finland's greatest composer. Vocalists appearing on the program Were Priscilla Lassiter, Tony Lee, Clyda Lynn ^oyette, C, L, Gurganus, Virginia Britt, and Joe Durward Creech, Those playing piano solos were Nancy Dance, Katherine Lee, Dorothy Capps, Jo Ann Edwards, and Barbara McGee, Refresliraents consisting of cookies, candies, nuts, and punch were served. GLEE CLUB CHRISTMS CONCEriT One hundred and thirty glee club members under the direction of Miss Flora Parker will present their annual Christmas concert Sunday, December 11, at 4:30 p. m, "0 Come All le Faithful" is the processional. The mixed chorus will sing— "Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming", "Carol of the Bells", "A Star Was His Candle", "Go Tell It On The Mountain", "Thirty-Two Feet ^nd Eight Little Tails',' "Gloria" (from Mozart's Twelfth Mass), "The Hallelujah Chorus" (from Handel's Messiah), The Boys' Glee Club is singing "Good King Wencelas", and "A Rockin' All Night", The Girls' Glee Club will do ."Lullaby for the Infant Jesus", "0 Little Town of Bethlehem", and "Jingle Bells", Joe Durward Creech will sing "0 Holy Night", The other soloists are Fred Toole, Donald Johnson, Harold Lee, Miriam Stephenson, Sandra Crumpler, and Pat Lewis, The accompanists for the concert and entire year are Elizabeth Ann Turner, Beth Boyette, Ann Rackley, Pat Lewis, Jane Twisdale, Gail Ogburn, Clyda Lynn Boyette, Nancy Lassiter, and Mrs, John Townsend, Sandra Crumpler NOT YET He slithered out of bed. Tripped across the floor, /hoopsl Almost left his slippers. Then clattered out the door. He tiptoed down the stairs To see the things he'd get. Peeped in, glanced about, "Aw, heckl He's not been yet'" Barbara Parrish !|1 n;| j 1 n