i SMTHFIELD HIGH Tli'^iES SOCIAL COLUM Nell Rose and Mike Wallace opened ^ the Christmas season with a party on December 21, for the college and high school students at their home. On the following night Jerry High- smith invited a gang ovjr to his house to celebrate and from all reports, they really celebratedl A couple of days after Christmas, a lot of the younger set were found out at the Country Club being entertained by Jack and Sarah Broadhurst. Ann Rackley held open house for the high school and college students on December 28, The Boy Scouts kept the parties rolling with their Order of the Arrow Dance on the 29th at the Country Club, Bill Joe Austin’s orchestra furnished the beautiful music. Jean Parker and Glenda Hamilton were determined not to let the New Year come in without celebrating, so they invited "everybody" to the Legion Hut to ring out the old and ring in the new. They served delicious refreshments, and everyone danced from '55 til '56, After the New Year’s dance. Darby Wood invited the gang over to eat l)reak- fast and continue celebrating with him7 Gail Ogburn and a few other girls, with the aid of a real cook served eggs, coffee, toast and bacon to the sleep hunters. After eating breakfast we danced and looked at T. V. Seme of the gang at Darby's were. Jack and Marvin Taylor, Ed Patterson and Gail Ogburn, Julie Hooks and Chip anderson, Sarah and Jack Broadhurst, Betty Jo and Harold. Bhyllis Lee, Shelton and Faye Smith, and a few others. Phyllis Lee invited a few girls to £inisTl spending the nightwi^ her after ,ha^^g left Darbys.~Among those~were, SiilTOgburn, Katherine Lee, Winnie Underwood. and Ann Mallard. ^ The next Saturday night, Sashie Skinner celebrated her fifteenth birth day with a dance at the Legion Hut, Everyone, dressed in his best semiformal attire, danced and dined on delicious refreshments till 12. The following Saturday, Judy Coats entertained a group of young people with a party at her home, just outside of Smithfield, She served pepsi-colas, potato chips, and cookies. The weary crowd departed after singing around the piano, listening to records and dancing. FASHIONS S. It seems that Mickey Mouse has quite a few fans around dear old S. H Just take a look around and I think you’ll agree with me. Practically every where you see Mousekateers with their funny little hats on. By the way, if you think you’re seeing things when you spot somebody with eyes in the back of his head just look again and you’ll realize that its only Mickey Mouse looking out at you, C_ashmere sweaters will never go out of style, I'm convinced, I've never seen so many in my life as there are among the tj students in Smithfield High, Winnie Underwood has a pretty new light blue and Becky Stephenson’s green one is just beautiful. It seems that almost all of the senior girls go in for them— take ^ Ann Rackley and Faye Hardee for instance, Pat Lewis and Rut hie Wei Ions both have mighty slick looking shrimp colored out fits. Liz Turner’s French blue suede jacket is really good looking. In fact everyone around our high school wears mighty smart looking clothes, but I just can’t mention them all, as much as I'd like to. So IMl see you around next High Times, Keep looking prettyU Miriam Humphrey BE'rTLtt SCH(X)LS MAKE BETTER COMvIUNITIES