ALONG TliE GRAPEVINS '^ITH IMA SNOOP Greetings, old and new readers, I’m sl^d to be back and to be fringing you my |uicy morsels of gossip straight from the grapevine. The opening month of school finds several old couples going strong. Ed and Gail, Ann and i/^alton, Norma and Butch, Pat and Priscilla, Emma and Roy, Hubert and Qwen, and Phyllis and Jack are still that—a—way about each other. And ye old pop-eyes is glad to see some new couples getting under way. Roy and Barbara, Jo Ann and Harvey, Macy and Margie, and Clifford and Sashie have been holding up the walls in the hall lately. The colleges seem to have that usual fatal attraction. (Fatal to the hoys, that is•) Nancy and Joe Durward, A^ and Hal, Beth and Harold, Anri and ^irgil, Kathryn and P.E,, Virginia and hilly, Doris and Sherwood, Nancy and Billy, and Winnie and Vartan are all looking forward to those week-ends. Lots of girls are casting their eyes to towns both near and far, Ann Booker seems to travel to West End quite often. Wonder why?l{, Wilmington pulls , many Junior girls’ hearts in that direct-l ion, Mary Ogie, heard from Portsmouth lately? Ermagene must be satisfied with Glaybonj that’s all she talks about I And the girls don’t have anything over on the hmys. They’re also finding hates out of town. Bobby is still keep ing the road to Selma pretty busy. Wilson’s Mills and Four Oaks seem to have plenty to offer datewise, too. However, others are finding plenty lo hold their interest right here in town, Julia, been doodling any J, T.’s on your notebook lately? And who’s that lunior boy that’s been causing Mary Jo Warr to blush like mad? The Ronald Ennis fan Club has been revived, stronger than ever. Girls, get on the ballI Three mighty cute boys, Billy Ray, John Allen, and Charles Lee, ^re wandering around on the loose. Can’t have this IU SMITHFIELD HIGH TIMES Wonder is Monk ever thinks about Florida these days? Staton, how are you and your redheaded admirer perking? It seems Carol Padgett spent all Aaron’s money on a Ion-distance phone call from Texas, They talked for ten minutesJ Several girls have been showing off sparklers lately. Congratulations, Johnnie, Rosie, and Elsie, Npie - If anyone wants to know the time, just ask Billy Ray, He is of now the official timekeeper for the senior class. Keep the gossip rolling in and don’t forget, Ima Snoop THE CLOTHESLINE Well, folks — I’m bringing you the report from the S.H,S. B..I.F. (S,H.S, Bureau for Investigation of Fashions.) I’m sure that you will be glad to hear that the bureau is well pleased with the way you are donning the fall fashions. We are especially pleased with the men(???) about the camp. They are sporting what I think is called "Toy League" style. Those dark striped suits and trousers really have created some excitement among the fairer sex, Hubert Everett, Darby Wood, and Harvey Ennis stole the spotlight at Mary Joe Brown’s birthday in^their winter duds. Another thing that I have spotted is that cool pin striped'*sweater Mike Starling is sporting. On the foreigh front Jack Taylor holds a firm head with his beret. All he needs now is a cigarette holder. ( And I don’t know what He'd use it for thought) The ladies had a fine chance to show off the new (or slightly new) even ing wear at ifery Joe's, Yellow seemed to be the favorite color among the gals. Sue Massey, Barbara Parrish, and Beth Boyette seemed as the sunshines in more than one way, Gail Ogburn crei.ted a brignt bright spark in a beautiful red velvet creation, but don’t get excited boys, she was being escorted by a very attract-