SMITHFIELD HIGH TIMES ROVING REPORTER Well, the month of mingled smiles and tears has rolled around with its usual jolt. The seniors are looking back on their last four years with many lingering glances. As I strolled down the hall and queried the "high and mighty" on the thing they will miss most in S, H, S, I received many varied answers. Sally Ann - Everybody* s smiling face 1 Wayne H. - Standing in the hall, * watching all the girls go byi Norman U. - Sleeping in 5th period History | Harry W. - Fighting my way through the hall I Pessie Belle - Monday morning blues i Ann Smith - Chemistry and Benton I Nancy Pitchi - Mrs. Glenn*s "good mornings I" Kyrna B. - Miss Mullers discussion tests I Betsy R^ - Third period library I Boris - Cheerleading I Jimmy L. - Killing flies in Miss ■ Muller*s class. Barbara P, - Trying to beat the Glee *" Club girls to lunch, Shelton - Girls | Hope H, - Trying to get in and out of the locker I Yes, these were some of the answers. I*m sure that all our Seniors have something that only they will miss. They all jokingly remark that they will miss nothing, biib down deep vre all know this is only a "front Mary Ann Stallings Roving Reporter JOHN BORBEN TAYLOR *S FARErtTEXJb ADDRESS 0, Goshl Will that bell'never I’ing? "What time is it? Gosh, I know it*s later than that. Your '^atch must be wrong." Only six more days *til graduation i When I think of it— 1 smile. Soon 1*11 be out. Twelve long years of S:30 tardy bells. Day after day, week after week, winter after winter—I come, sit, and leave—And for what? A roll of "cheap" skin with my full name on it—"This is to certify that Jack Taylor has attended school for twelve years , " I laugh—bitter and sarcastic. If she says one more word, 1 think 1*11 go nuts I Won*t we ever get out of here? There*s Edward, biting his finger nails again. Nancy’Poole "sneak"^ studying History, I*m glad our test isn*t today, Jimmy Lee*s whispering the details of last night to Rey and Harry, Ronaldo's asleep, He*s got the right idea. Well, at least Norma*s paying attention. Wonder what the rest are doing? Danny and Margie will be reading the newspaper together in library- humph | Danny said'he was going to find a job for Margie,' Billy Ray is telling jokes to somebody, probably Beth. I like the way she tosses her head back when she laughs. Sue and Barbara will be debating something - anything. Wonder which will be valedictorian? Probably tie and Bobby will get it, Charlie will be drawing a cartoon- or j\ist laughing. So will Emma, I bet Frank has his glasses on—and Shelton doesn*t. Six more days and we*11 all be through, **Each to go his separate way," Doubt if 1*11 ever see half of of them again. Another couple of years and 1*11 never see a^jr of them except maybe once or twice. Makes me regret graduation. And all the open houses, school dances, classes and sitting up at Jack*s when I don*t have a date, shooting the bull with the other ’•Saturday night bachelors," Six more days and I can never be a part of them again—never be accepted as one of the Wcrowd" again—from then on 3L*11 be an outsider—in my own town. That scares me. In a way I wish graduation would never come. Jack Tavlor