SMTHFIEID HIGH TIMES Shocking everybody with his electrifying party tricks, vfeyne "The Brain" Hildebrand turned the reunion into a real b'*ast, Roy Hartley was seen dropping cyanide tablets into the punch bowl. "Anything to perk up a dying business," explained Roy, the friendly undertaker. Nancy Moore, now wed to "The Rock", was telling everybody about the patter of tiny pebbles around the house. She even Uses the eyelash psychology on the children. It seems to work as well as it did on her husband. Also excited about the patter of tiny feet was Norma Kistler, who has proved they are "cheaper by the dozen". Explained Norma, "I was trying for a new kind of baby—A Sta-Dri," General Billy Lynch, most decorated soldier of the Fort Bragg summer camp, was trying to recruit some of his old classmates for the marines. Among those he talked to were theatre magnet and expert popcorn popper, Donald Johnson; inter national playboy, Norman "Sexaro" Underwood; and dare-devil Bobby Bryant, famous for his death defying feats in a pick-up truck, Ann Stallings known far and wide for her crowning glories was recently selected to reign over the Azalea Festival in VJilmington, Thus ends the prophecy of the Class of ^57* FROM THE BUSINESS MEN Dear Seniors: May we be among the first to congratulate you for a task well done. You have worked hard for your diplomas and you rightly deserve them. IJith the same continued effort you can achieve far greater goals. We have confidence in your ability to succeed. Best w-ishes for a happy and prosperous future. COMPLIMENTS OF - Leder Bros. Jordan*s Jewelers Hood Bros. Drug Company Grantham^s Boys & Young Menu's Shop Hooks and Xayne Oil Company Hooks Studio Starling^s Upchurches Pharmacy Cecil^s Esso Service City Food Market Howell Theater Fleming*s Pharmacy J, E, Gregory Company Medlin Printing Co. Jordan & Holt Hardware The Jewel Box Talton, Inc. Creech’s Pharmacy Jack’s Drive In Farmers* Tobacco Warehouse Nelson’s Smithfield Auto Dealers