SMITHFIEID HIGH TIMES SCHOLARSHIPS | This school year is flying by and soon it will end with the strains of "Pomp and Circijmstance", To the senior, graduation means a step into the future and therefore all eyes are turned toward college, Many of our seniors are putting forth their best efforts and are trying for scholarships and they should be congratulated for their work toward this goal, Me are especiall.y prorid of Mike Starling and Melzer Moi'gan, not only for their outstanding school work, but their work toward the Morehead Scholarship, They may not have won, but they advanced through the county after taking many tests and interviews. Another who has been outstanding is Avis Hamilton, After scoring very high on a test for an HROTC Scholarship Avis went to Raleigh for a, pl^S^sical examination, more tests and interviews. We don*t know the outcome of all this yet, but we xcLsh him luck and feel sure he will come through all right, Barbara j^ird and Ann Lee are pre paring themselves for interviews for the N. C, Federation of V/cmen*s Clubs. Scholarship and Kitty Woodard Scholarship. We are positive that they will be very impressive, Ann Booker, who plans to attend Salem next year, has already been to Haleigh to take various tests for the Salem Competitive Scholarship, We are proud of these people and their achievements and as they work tovra.rd these Scholarships we wish them all Sood Luck, Julie Hooks DISTRICT CONTEST "Jingle bells, shot gun shells, tullets all the way, oh, what fun it is ride in a great big Trailway," Thus sang the manbers of the Glee Club on the two chartered buses as they Journeyed to Durham for the District Contest, But little did they know of the honors awaiting them there. When the destination was reached the Fresli- men girls anxiously hurried to their warm-up room to prepare for their Jigging, They had their first taste of singing before a group of judges and proved themselves to be very capable of doing so v/ithout a flutter. Although Kjss Parker was unable to direct them, they, under the direction of Mrs. Wallace, brought home a two, which is an Excellent rating.:' Next, the girls* chorus, which is composed of sophomores, juniors, and senjors prepared for their appearance before the judges. They seemed to have had no trouble at all in making a one, which is a Superior rating, as they calmly sang. For the past thirteen years, twelve of those years a Superior rating'has been earned by the girls * chorus, which is the highest rating given to any Glee Club, Last, but certainly not least, the Mixed Chorus confidently walked on the stage and sang their two songs. Everyone sang with all his heart and the jtxiges honored them by'presenting the Excellent rating of a two, which represents many hours of hard work. For the seniors, this marked the end of all the fun and excitement of these annual contests. After the many horn's of work and times we thought it to^be in vain, we realized it was fun after all,and we were proud of the honors. May the Glee Clubs in the years to come continue to bring hcrnie the'honors received in previous years. Miss Parker should be commended for her faithful service to the Glee Clubs of S^thfield High. Mary Ogie Faugham A conscience is that still, small voice that tells you you*d better start figuring out an alibi, Hal Chadwick