SMllHI^IELD HIGH TIMES Weli^ here we are with our last column and we really have enjoyed collecting the trash in the halls of Smith field High School. There seems to be a new fan club in Smith field. Sara Nell, Patsy, Barrett, Marilyn, and other freshmen girls have formed the ESSFC - (Evaider Samuel Simpson Fan Club),Oh S-A-Mi ¥e wonder what you have to do to join] Have you seen the latest in fashions? - Glass Coats The cradle robbers ride again, but this time it is in reverse - eh. The robbers are Gloria and Fran - t|i© poor innocent victims, Joey and Billy, Sue Hooks* interests seem to be centered around Pine Level these days. We see some new junior couples as we prowl in the halls v S. B. and Vivian - Marc and Kay, Although the majority of the .r-tgh school has been on their P’s and Q’s and haven’t let us hear any gossip, our seniors have not let us down, Donna Ann and Bud have been seen quite a bit lately as have Mac W, and Betty D, Pattie and Margaret, in an effort to widen their interests, have ventured to North Carolina State for entertainment. As have a few other senior girls ~ but not necessarily State] Wesley and Jackie don’t have to go quite as far. Four Oaks holds their interest. Now with Thel, it’s a different story. He jumps from Raleigh to Greenville, but he always ceems to come back honB. Poor Betty T. Will she never get off her Caro lina kick? Hark] ’Ahat is this we hear about C-L~Y-D-E, our favorite carrot top? Could it be that he has cl crush on Bonnie (N.)? Of course, we mustn’t forget our teachers. We are sure they WDn’t forget us. Here is vhat we will always remember them by: Mr. Temple - peaches and cream com plexion. Mr. Benton - Cute dimples and freckles, Mr. Brown - Baby blue eyes, Mr. Creech - Mice smile, Mr. Massey - Crewcut] Mr. Woodard • Sound advice, Mr. Ro’gers ’’Who’s smoking on this “ bus?” Mr, Glenn -ni”Let’s not let that happen again, .]" Mrs. Glenn - ’’Now, seniors”, Mrs, Julian - Mr, Julian Mrs. Barbour - Frogs Mrs, Phillips - ’’You owe a library fine.” Mrs, Peele - Clothes, Miss Davis - Height? Mrs. Avery - Sleepless ni^ts. Mrs, Mlkins — Yankee biBgue, Mrs, Boyette - Sweet disposition. Miss Parker - ”If you don’t sing, you’ll stay till 1:00.” Miss Edinger - ’’Good morning Cl-a-a-ss (Sniff - wink) Miss Dobson - World History, Grade II