SHTTHFIELD HIGH TIMES ART WINNERS Recently in the Younger Pupil's Art Talent Contest sponsored by the 13th District of the North Carolina Federation of Woman's Clubs^ the members of our Art Club walked off with an array of honors and ribbons. Blue Pibbon winners included: Marilyji Moye, a picture in tempera; Charles Mssey, a picture in water color, and Billy Gene Johnson, a portrait in oil. Those receiving red ribbons were Kay Jones, picture in water color; Gail Tyner, picture in water color; and Donald Bailey, picture also in water color. Buddy Hooks, with a painting of his impression of the fair, also won a red ribbon. Receiving other honors in the contest were Leonard Stallings and Wanda Harri s. Students from many towns throughout the district also competed in the con test, Billy Gene Johnson RESULTS OF THE JUNIOR PLAY The junior class presented a two- act comedy. The Egg and I , on November 30, Not only were the main characters portrayed superbly, but the so-called "less important" parts were also played well, making the play a ■wonderful success. Every member of the cast fitted his part like a bathing suit fits Brigit Bardot, Our school is very proud of this talented dass. However, good the cast, no p^ay can be a success without a good director, which we were lucky to have had in Mrs. Wilkins. The juniors are happy to report that their performance brought in more dividends than any other play Smithfield High School has ever pres^ted. Brende^ Stephenson CHRISTMAS CAROLS Miss Flora Canaday's high school and 8th grade students enjoyed an hour of Carol singing and a musical program at the First Baptist Church Chapel Mon day night, Decenber 4. Those accompanying the Christmas Carols were Becky Norton, Pam Jordan, Terry Knott, and Ginger Daughtry. Christmas choral numbers were played by Mary Lillie Talton, Kaye Coates, and Carol Ann Wickham, 0 Holy Night was played in piano duet arrangement by Bonnie Sue Creech and Miss Canaday. The concluding nunjiber for the Christmas portion of program was Tschaikowsky's Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy from The Nutcracker Suite, played by Pam Batten,, Other musical numbers enjoyed were: Louise Wright’s Gavette Rustique, duet played by Janet Montgomery and Frances Aycock; the Czardas from Brahms’ Hungar ian Dance 5^ played by Billy Oliver and Miss Canaday; Rachmaninoff’s Prelude in C Sharp Minor.played ty David Upton; two saxophone solos Verdi’s Grand March from the opera Aida, and Funiculi, Funicula by Dinza were played by Carolyn Lewis with Miss Canaday accompanying at the piano, Carol Ann, who will serve as assist ing program chairman with Miss Canaday, gave current musical evaits of interest. She included excerpts from a feature story carried in a recent issue of the Mrsic Educators Journal concerning the concert given by the Transylvania Music Camp Orchestra at the ^tiite House last August, Dewey Lawson, one of the member- performers, -was pictured with the Orche stra, Carol Ann gave quotes from President Kennedy’s remarks at the event. She pointed out that Pierre Salinger, Press Secretary at the White House, is a gifted pianist. Quotes from Governor Sanford’s address on Music Day during Culture Week held recently at Raleigh, were also given. Guests were Mrs. Richard Edmonson, Mrs. William Oliver, and Thad Hardee. At the close of the program all present sang Joy to the World with Mrs. Edmonson at the piano.